Submissions from 2016
Microwave spectra for the three C-13(1) isotopologues of propene and new rotational constants for propene and its C-13(1) isotopologues, Norman C. Craig, Peter Groner, Andrew R. Conrad, Ranil Gurusinghe, and Michael J. Tubergen
Monotowns and the political economy of industrial restructuring in Russia, Stephen Crowley
What Will Putin Do Without America As His Enemy, Stephen Crowley
Is Putin About to Face a 'Colored Revolution'?, Stephen Crowley and Irina Olimpieva
Russian Labor Protest in Challenging Economic Times, Stephen Crowley and Irina Olimpieva
"Hacerse digno de buena muerte": devoción y arrepentimiento femeninos en la Historia de la Villa Imperial de Potosí 1700-1720, Ana María Díaz Burgos
Single-Source Gravitational Wave Limits From the J1713+0747 24-hr Global Campaign, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Shami Chatterjee, James M. Cordes, Michael T. Lam, C.G. Bassa, B. Bhattacharyya, D.J. Champion, I. Cognard, Kathryn Crowter, Paul B. Demorest, Jason W.T. Hessels, G. Janssen, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, C. Jordan, R. Karuppusamy, M. Keith, V.I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, P. Lazarus, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Duncan R. Lorimer, Dustin Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Nipuni Palliyaguru, D. Perrodin, Scott M. Ransom, J. Roy, R.M. Shannon, R. Smits, Ingrid H. Stairs, B.W. Stappers, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, J.P.W. Verbiest, and Weiwei Zhu
Image Politics: U.S. Aid to the Spanish Republic and its Refugees, Sebastiaan Faber
Expression analysis of Cdx2 and Pou5f1 in a marsupial, the stripe-faced dunnart, during early development, Mary Familari, Phil Chi Khang Au, Robb U. de longh, Yolanda P. Cruz, and Lynne Selwood
Parenting Transgender Children in PFLAG, Taylor L. Field and Greggor Mattson
Collaborators and Empire, Michael H. Fisher
Cultivating Community: Black Agrarianism in Cleveland, Ohio, Janet Fiskio, Md Rumi Shammin, and Vel Scott
The TIM Barrel Architecture Facilitated the Early Evolution of Protein-Mediated Metabolism, Aaron D. Goldman, Joshua T. Beatty, and Laura F. Landweber
What is a Genome?, Aaron D. Goldman and Laura F. Landweber
Configurationality in Classical Nahuatl, Jason D. Haugen
Towards a Restricted Realization Theory: Multimorphemic Monolistemicity, Portmanteaux, and Post-linearization Spanning, Jason D. Haugen and Daniel Siddiqi
Returns on Indian Art during 2000-2013, Jenny R. Hawkins and Viplav Saini
Influence of topography and human activity on apparent in situ Be-10-derived erosion rates in Yunnan, SW China, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Thomas B. Neilson, Paul R. Bierman, Dylan H. Rood, William B. Ouimet, and Veronica Sosa Gonzalez
A Collision of Values: Text, Music, and Nascent Enlightenment JC Gottsched's and JS Bach's Trauerode, Steven R. Huff and Daniel Zager
Expertise, Artifacts, and Time in the 1534 Inventory of the St-Denis Treasury, Erik Inglis
Age-related differences in memory for time, temporal reconstruction, and the availability and use of temporal landmarks, Fiona Jack, William J. Friedman, Elaine Reese, and Rachel Zajac
Spherule layers, crater scaling laws, and the population of ancient terrestrial impactors, Brandon C. Johnson, Gareth S. Collins, David A. Minton, Timothy J. Bowling, Bruce M. Simonson, and Maria T. Zuber
Parenting practices and styles associated with adolescent sexual health in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Lusajo J. Kajula, Nancy Darling, Sylvia F. Kaaya, and Hein De Vries
Modulation of oxidative stress and subsequent induction of apoptosis and endoplasmic reticulum stress allows citral to decrease cancer cell proliferation, Arvinder Kapur, Mildred Felder, Lucas Fass, Justanjot Kaur, Austin Czarnecki, Kavya Rathi, San Zeng, Kathryn Kalady Osowski, Colin Howell, May P. Xiong, Rebecca J. Whelan, and Manish S. Patankar
Moving While Black: Intergroup Attitudes Influence Judgments of Speed, Andreana C. Kenrick, Stacey Sinclair, Jennifer Richeson, Sara C. Verosky, and Janetta Lun
Preference for gain- or loss-framed electronic cigarette prevention messages, Grace Kong, Dana A. Cavallo, Deepa R. Camenga, Meghan E. Morean, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Listening to the Victorian Telephone: Class, Periodicals, and the Social Construction of Technology, Jessica Kuskey
Disease-Toxicant Interactions in Parkinson’s Disease Neuropathology, Gunnar F. Kwakye, Rachael A. McMinimy, and Michael Aschner
Supramolecular Assembly of Tris(4-carboxyphenyl)arenes: Relationship between Molecular Structure and Solid-State Catenation Motifs, Holden W.H. Lai, Ren A. Wiscons, Cassandra A. Zentner, Matthias Zeller, and Jesse L.C. Rowsell
Without Historical Perspective, We Are Dangerously Adrift, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
Olsalazine-Based Metal–Organic Frameworks as Biocompatible Platforms for H2 Adsorption and Drug Delivery, Dana J. Levine, Tomče Runčevski, Matthew T. Kapelewski, Benjamin K. Keitz, Julia Oktawiec, Douglas A. Reed, Jarad A. Mason, Henry Z.H. Jiang, Kristen A. Colwell, Christina M. Legendre, Stephen FitzGerald, and Jeffrey R. Long
The NANOGrav Nine-Year Data Set: Monitoring Interstellar Scattering Delays, Lina Levin, Maura A. McLaughlin, Glenn Jones, James M. Cordes, Daniel R. Stinebring, Shami Chatterjee, Timothy Dolch, Michael T. Lam, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Nipuni Palliyaguru, Zaven Arzoumanian, Kathryn Crowter, Paul B. Demorest, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Emmanuel Fonseca, Marjorie E. Gonzalez, Megan L. Jones, David J. Nice, Timothy T. Pennucci, Scott M. Ransom, Ingrid H. Stairs, Kevin Stovall, Joseph K. Swiggum, and Weiwei Zhu
Microsatellites for Oenothera gayleana and O.hartwegii subsp. filifolia (Onagraceae), and Their Utility in Section Calylophus, Emily M. Lewis, Jeremie B. Fant, Michael J. Moore, Amy P. Hastings, Erica L. Larson, Anurag A. Agrawal, and Kriss A. Skogen
Comparing Apples to Oranges: An Exploration of the Use of Libguides in ARL Libraries, Rosalinda H. Linares and Anna Marie Johnson
Parametrizing Shimura subvarieties of A1A1 Shimura varieties and related geometric problems, Benjamin Linowitz and Matthew Stover
On the Generality of Experience: A Reply to French and Gomes, Neil Mehta and Todd Ganson
Artistic Tradition and Feminine Legacy in Elena Ferrante’s L’amore molesto, Stiliana Milkova
Ekphrasis and the frame: on paintings in Gogol, Tolstoy, and Dostoevsky, Stiliana Milkova
The Translator’s Visibility or the Ferrante-Goldstein Phenomenon, Stiliana Milkova
Decoding North Korea’s Bluster, Sheila Miyoshi Jager
Latent class analysis of current e-cigarette and other substance use in high school students, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Patricia Simon, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Nicotine concentration of e-cigarettes used by adolescents, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Dana A. Cavallo, Deepa R. Camenga, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Psychometric validation of measures of alcohol expectancies, retrospective subjective response, and positive drinking consequences for use with adolescents, Meghan E. Morean, Stephanie Zellers, M. Tamler, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Demonstrating Ingenuity: The Display and Concealment of Knowledge in Renaissance Artists' Workshops, Christina Neilson
Connecting with the Courts: Online Access to State Judicial Systems, Michael Parkin and Justin Wedeking
On integers n for which X-n-1 has a divisor of every degree, Carl Pomerance, Lola Thompson, and Andreas Weingartner
Accurate determination of ferric iron in garnets, Ryan J. Quinn, John W. Valley, F. Zeb Page, and John Fournelle
Reducing Therapist Contact in Parenting Programs: Evaluation of Internet-Based Treatments for Child Conduct Problems, Sarah M. Rabbitt, Erin Carrubba, Bernadette Lecza, Emily McWhinney, Jennifer Pope, and Alan E. Kazdin
Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2015, Latisha Reynolds, Samantha McClellan, Susan Finley, George Martinez, and Rosalinda H. Linares
Field measurements of genotype by environment interaction for fitness caused by spontaneous mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana, Angela J. Roles, Matthew T. Rutter, Ian Dworkin, Charles B. Fenster, and Jeffrey K. Conner
Mass Housing, Late Modernism, and the Forging of Community in New York City and East Berlin, 1965–1989, Annemarie Sammartino
Review: Purging the Empire: Mass Expulsions in Germany, 1871-1914, Annemarie Sammartino
Root patterning: it takes two to tangle, Ben Scheres and Marta Laskowski
Can the International Criminal Court Contribute to the Responsibility to Protect?, Benjamin Schiff
Gentlemen and Revolutionaries: Politics and Pedagogy in Strauss and Rancière, Jade Schiff
Why does time seem to fly when we're having fun?, Patrick Simen and Matthew Matell
Scale (In)Variance in a Unified Diffusion Model of Decision Making and Timing, Patrick Simen, Ksenia Vlasov, and Samantha Papadakis
Texts and Textiles: Commercial Poetics and Material Economies in the Early Atlantic, Danielle C. Skeehan
Shock-metamorphosed rutile grains containing the high-pressure polymorph TiO2-II in four Neoarchean spherule layers, Frank C. Smith, Billy P. Glass, Bruce M. Simonson, Joseph P. Smith, Alexandra E. Krull-Davatzes, and Karl S. Booksh
Recent Efforts Toward Collaborative Preservation of Recorded Sound, Jeremy Smith
Drawing Borders in the Middle East after the Great War: Political Geography and ‘Subject Peoples’, Leonard V. Smith
France, the Great War, and the "Return to Experience", Leonard V. Smith
It's Spring Again, Abraham Socher
Marmorshers!, Abraham Socher
The Saint in the Drawing Room, Abraham Socher
Explicit moments of decision times for single- and double-threshold drift-diffusion processes, V. Srivastava, Philip Holmes, and Patrick Simen
Phylogenomic and structural analyses of 18 complete plastomes across nearly all families of early-diverging eudicots, including an angiosperm-wide analysis of IR gene content evolution, Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Shoujun Zhang, Pamela S. Soltis, Douglas E. Soltis, Tingting Zhao, Aiping Meng, Xiaodong Li, Jianqiang Li, and Hengchang Wang
Dynamic Status Signal Reflects Outcome of Social Interactions, but Not Energetic Stress, Keith A. Tarvin, L. Jin Wong, David C. Lumpkin, Gabrielle M. Schroeder, Dominic D'Andrea, Sophie Meade, Pearl Rivers, and Troy G. Murphy
A Moist Crevice for Word Aversion: In Semantics Not Sounds, Paul Thibodeau
Extended Metaphors are the Home Runs of Persuasion: Don’t Fumble the Phrase, Paul Thibodeau
The "Moist" Conundrum, Paul Thibodeau
Situating a Measure of Systems Thinking in a Landscape of Psychological Constructs, Paul Thibodeau, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Mirella L. Stroink
The Mind is an Ecosystem: Systematic Metaphors Promote Systems Thinking, Paul Thibodeau, Anna Winneg, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Stephen J. Flusberg
Forensic Chemistry and Its Flip Side, Robert Q. Thompson
How to Teach Philosophy of Film, Katherine Thomson-Jones
Catastrophe in Dialogue: Aeneid 2 and Seneca’s Agamemnon, Christopher Trinacty
Intertextual translation in Ovid, Seneca, and Ted Hughes, Christopher Trinacty
The Death of Hippolytus: Reception and Representation in Seneca, Racine, and Kane, Christopher Trinacty
The International Pulsar Timing Array: First data release, J.P. Verbiest, L. Lentati, G. Hobbs, Rutger van Haasteren, Paul B. Demorest, G.H. Janssen, J.-B. Wang, G. Desvignes, R.N. Caballero, M.J. Keith, D.J. Champion, Zaven Arzoumanian, S. Babak, C.G. Bassa, and Daniel R. Stinebring
Understanding Functional Turnout, Deborah Vogel
Periodic orbits for a discontinuous vector field arising from a conceptual model of glacial cycles, James Walsh, Esther Widiasih, Jonathan Hahn, and Richard McGehee
Achievement Goals During Middle Childhood: Individual Differences in Motivation and Social Adjustment, Travis Wilson, Chanjin Zheng, Katherine A. Lemoine, Caroline P. Martin, and Yue Tang
Concept maps in introductory statistics, Jeffrey Witmer
Submissions from 2015
The Killer Will Remain Free: On Pat Parker and the Poetics of Madness, Kazim Ali
The NANOGrav Nine-Year Data Set: Observations, Arrival Time Measurements, and Analysis of 37 Millisecond Pulsars, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Sydney J. Chamberlin, Shami Chatterjee, Brian Christy, James M. Cordes, Neil J. Cornish, Kathryn Crowter, Paul B. Demorest, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Emmanuel Fonseca, Nathan Garver-Daniels, Marjorie E. Gonzalez, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, Megan L. Jones, Victoria M. Kaspi, Michael Koop, Michael T. Lam, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Lina Levin, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Jing Luo, Ryan S. Lynch, Dustin Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Sean T. McWilliams, David J. Nice, Nipuni Palliyaguru, Timothy T. Pennucci, Scott M. Ransom, Xavier Siemens, Ingrid H. Stairs, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, Joseph K. Swiggum, Michele Vallisneri, Rutger van Haasteren, Yan Wang, and Weiwei Zhu
NANOGrav Constraints on Gravitational Wave Bursts With Memory, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Sydney J. Chamberlin, Shami Chatterjee, Brian Christy, James M. Cordes, Neil J. Cornish, Paul B. Demorest, X. Deng, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Emmanuel Fonseca, Nathan Garver-Daniels, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, Victoria M. Kaspi, Michael Koop, Michael T. Lam, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Lina Levin, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Jing Luo, Ryan S. Lynch, Dustin Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Sean T. McWilliams, David J. Nice, Nipuni Palliyaguru, Timothy T. Pennucci, Scott M. Ransom, Xavier Siemens, Ingrid H. Stairs, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, Joseph K. Swiggum, Michele Vallisneri, Rutger van Haasteren, Yan Wang, and Weiwei Zhu
Decades of Xenophobia Shape US Response to Syrian Refugees, Richard Baldoz and Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
“Spare Thou My Rosebud”: Interiority and Baroque Death in Richardson’s Clarissa, Laura Baudot
Migrants and Mobilization: Sectoral Patterns in China, 2010-2013, Marc J. Blecher and Daniel Zipp
Relationships between Spatial Metrics and Plant Diversity in Constructed Freshwater Wetlands, Erika C. Brandt, John E. Petersen, Jake J. Grossman, George A. Allen, and David H. Benzing
Lineage-specific gene radiations underlie the evolution of novel betalain pigmentation in Caryophyllales, Samuel F. Brockington, Ya Yang, Fernando Gandia-Herrero, Sarah Covshoff, Julian M. Hibberd, Rowan F. Sage, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Michael J. Moore, and Stephen A. Smith
Luteinizing hormone as a key player in the cognitive decline of Alzheimer's disease, Veronica L. Burnham and Janice E. Thornton
The explicit algebraic autonomy of Artin presentation theory and the Fox Calculus. I, Jack S. Calcut and Horst E. Winkelnkemper
Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Perceptions of Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation: A Focus Group Study, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Grace Kong, Meghan E. Morean, Christian M. Connell, Patricia Simon, Sandra M. Bulmer, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Vote Suppression and Insecure Property Rights, Paul Castañeda Dower and Tobias Pfutze
Bounded Gaps Between Primes in Number Fields and Function Fields, Abel Castillo, Chris Hall, Robert J. Lemke Oliver, Paul Pollack, and Lola Thompson
The architecture of a scrambled genome reveals massive levels of genomic rearrangement during development, Xiao Chen, John R. Bracht, Aaron D. Goldman, Egor Dolzhenko, Derek M. Clay, Estienne C. Swart, David H. Perlman, Thomas G. Doak, Andrew Stuart, Chris T. Amemiya, Robert P. Sebra, and Laura F. Landweber
Demographic Factors and Price Distortions in Insurance, Ron Cheung, Cassandra R. Cole, David A. Macpherson, Kathleen A. McCullough, and Charles Nyce
Russia: The Reemergence of Class in the Wake of the First "Classless" Society, Stephen Crowley