
Submissions from 2018

Neural Networks for Survey Researchers, Adam Eck

Building "Community" and Markets in Contemporary Cairo, Sarah El-Kazaz

Is Dutch Bad Boy Thierry Baudet the New Face of the European Alt-Right, Sebastiaan Faber

The Consolidation of a 2.0 Essay (Ideas Prose and Opinion Press in 2017), Sebastiaan Faber

Temperature-Programmed Desorption for Isotope Separation in Nanoporous Materials, Stephen FitzGerald, Kai Shinbrough, Katharine H. Rigdon, Jesse L.C. Rowsell, Matthew T. Kapelewski, Simon H. Pang, Keith V. Lawler, and Paul M. Forster

War metaphors in public discourse, Stephen J. Flusberg, Teenie Matlock, and Paul Thibodeau

Sensory Malfunctions, Limitations, and Trade-offs, Todd Ganson

The Senses as Signalling Systems, Todd Ganson

(Not so) Gently Down the Stream: River Pollution and Health in Indonesia, Teevrat Garg, Stuart E. Hamilton, Jacob P. Hochard, Evan Plous Kresch, and John Talbot

Attraction of Culex pipiens to House Sparrows Is Influenced by Host Age but Not Uropygial Gland Secretions, Mary C. Garvin, Amy Austin, Kevin Boyer, Madeleine Gefke, Celestina Wright, Yemko Pryor, Anah Soble, and Rebecca J. Whelan

Attraction of Culex pipiens to uropygial gland secretions does not explain feeding preference for American robins, Mary C. Garvin, Amy L. Austin, Norberth H. Stracker, Samuel P. Slowinski, Jordan E. Rutter, Maxwell Butler, Megan Michel, and Rebecca J. Whelan

Gaydar and the Fallacy of Decontextualized Measurement, Andrew Gelman, Greggor Mattson, and Daniel Simpson

People Who Go to the Beach Alone, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

Un juego de distancias, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

Large Coupling Asymptotics for the Lyapunov Exponent of Quasi-Periodic Schrodinger Operators with Analytic Potentials, Rui Han and Chris Marx

Phylogenetic Reconstruction Shows Independent Evolutionary Origins of Mitochondrial Transcription Factors from an Ancient Family of RNA Methyltransferase Proteins, AJ Harris and Aaron D. Goldman

The Inexhaustible Weirdness of Psychoanalysis, DeSales Harrison

Agricultural Land Use Doubled Sediment Loads in Western China's Rivers, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Veronica Sosa Gonzalez, Paul R. Beirman, Thomas B. Neilson, and Dylan H. Rood

Feeling Your Own (or someone else's) Face: Writing Signs From the Expressive Viewpoint, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Linguistic Anthropology in 2017: It Could Be Otherwise, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Compound Words Reflect Cross‐Culturally Shared Bodily Metaphors, Kevin J. Holmes, Stephen J. Flusberg, and Paul H. Thibodeau

The French road to neoliberalism, Chris Howell

Técnicas perdidas y halladas: la concepción medieval de la historia de las técnicas artísticas (Media lost and found: the medieval understanding of the history of artistic techniques), Erik Inglis

Assessing the Potential for Oligomer Formation from the Reactions of Lactones in Secondary Organic Aerosols, Kallie Jiang, Daniel R. Hill, and Matthew J. Elrod

The Electoral College, battleground states, and rule-utilitarian voting, Andrew Jorgenson and Martin Saavedra

Unwanted Pregnancy, Abortion, and Maternal Authority: A Prochoice Theological Argument, Margaret D. Kamitsuka

Spin waves across three-dimensional, close-packed nanoparticles, Kathryn L. Krycka, James J. Rhyne, Samuel D. Oberdick, Ahmed M. Abdelgawad, Julie A. Borchers, Yumi Ijiri, Sara A. Majetich, and Jeffrey W. Lynn

Atropa belladonna neurotoxicity: Implications to neurological disorders, Gunnar F. Kwakye, Jennifer Jimenez, Jessica A. Jimenez, and Michael Aschner

Phylogeography of Parasyncalathium souliei (Asteraceae) and Its Potential Application in Delimiting Phylogeoregions in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP)-Hengduan Mountains (HDM) Hotspot, Nan Lin, Tao Deng, Michael J. Moore, Yanxia Sun, Xianhan Huang, Wenguang Sun, Dong Luo, Hengchang Wang, Jianwen Zhang, and Hang Sun

Complete plastome sequencing from Toona (Meliaceae) and phylogenomic analyses within Sapindales, Nan Lin, Michael J. Moore, Tao Deng, Hang Sun, Lin-sen Yang, Yan-xia Sun, and Hengchang Wang

Bounds for Arithmetic Hyperbolic Reflection Groups in Dimension 2, Benjamin Linowitz

Counting Problems for Geodesics on Arithmetic Hyperbolic Surfaces, Benjamin Linowitz

Counting and Effective Rigidity in Algebra and Geometry, Benjamin Linowitz, D.B. Reynolds, Paul Pollack, and Lola Thompson

Subcritical behavior for quasi-periodic Schrodinger cocycles with trigonometric potentials, Chris Marx, Laura H. Shou, and Jake L. Wellens

Experimental and mathematical evidence that thrombin-binding aptamers form a 1 aptamer:2 protein complex, Kepler S. Mears, Daniel L. Markus, Oluwadamilare Ogunjimi, and Rebecca J. Whelan

A new and unusual endemic species from the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico: Antiphytum geoffreyi (Boraginaceae, Echiochiloideae), Nidia Mendoza-Diaz, Hilda Flores-Olvera, Michael G. Simpson, and Michael J. Moore

Low-frequency pulse profile variation in PSR B2217+47: evidence for echoes from the interstellar medium, D. Michilli; Jason W.T. Hessels; J. Y. Donner; J.-M. Grießmeier; M. Serylak; B. Shaw; B. W, Stappers; J.P.W. Verbiest; A. T. Deller; Laura Nicole Driessen; Daniel R. Stinebring; L. Bondonneau; M. Geyer; M. Hoeft; A. Karastergiou; M. Kramer; S. Ostowski; M. Pilia; S. Sanidas; and P. Weltevrede

An Ordinary Evening, Stiliana Milkova

Spazio liminale, labirinto urbano e citta femminile ne L'amica geniale, Stiliana Milkova

The Strange, Dark History of North Korea and the Olympics, Sheila Miyoshi Jager

Preferring more e-cigarette flavors is associated with e-cigarette use frequency among adolescents but not adults, Meghan E. Morean, Ellyn R. Butler, Krysten W. Bold, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Patricia Simon, Stephanie S. O'Malley, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin

Preventing and Responding to Sexual Misconduct: Preliminary Efficacy of a Peer-Led Bystander Training Program for Preventing Sexual Misconduct and Reducing Heavy Drinking Among Collegiate Athletes, Meghan E. Morean, Nancy Darling, Jessie Smith, Jolie DeFeis, Maya Wergeles, Dana Kurzer-Yashin, and Kaitlyn Custer

The Self-Report Habit Index: Assessing habitual marijuana, alcohol, e-cigarette, and cigarette use, Meghan E. Morean, Kelly S. DeMartini, Dawn Foster, Julie Patock-Peckham, Kathleen A. Garrison, Philip R. Corlett, John H. Krystal, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, and Stephanie S. O'Malley

Assessing nicotine dependence in adolescent E-cigarette users: The 4-item Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Nicotine Dependence Item Bank for electronic cigarettes, Meghan E. Morean, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, and Stephanie S. O'Malley

Comparing cigarette and e-cigarette dependence and predicting frequency of smoking and e-cigarette use in dual-users of cigarettes and e-cigarettes, Meghan E. Morean, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, and Stephanie S. O'Malley

Electronic cigarette use among individuals with a self-reported eating disorder diagnosis, Meghan E. Morean and Alexa L'Insalata

Age at drinking onset, age at first intoxication, and delay to first intoxication: Assessing the concurrent validity of measures of drinking initiation with alcohol use and related problems, Meghan E. Morean, Alexa L'Insalata, Ellyn R. Butler, Avalon McKee, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin

Notes Towards Sighting/Citing/Siting Women in Hindu Cinema of the 1950s and 60s, Anuradha Needham

Spin canting across core/shell Fe3O4/MnxFe3-xO4 nanoparticles, Samuel D. Oberdick, Ahmed Abdelgawad, Carlos Moya, Samaneh Mesbahi-Vasey, Demie Kepaptsoglou, Vlado K. Lazarov, Richard F.L. Evans, Daniel Meilak, Elizabeth Skoropata, Johan van Lierop, Ian Hunt-Isaak, Hillary Pan, Yumi Ijiri, Kathryn L. Krycka, Julie A. Borchers, and Sara A. Majetich

Aurangzeb as Iconoclast? Vaishnava Accounts of the Krishna images' Exodus from Braj, Heidi Pauwels and Emilia Bachrach

An Animated Visual Representation of Real‐Time Resource Flows Through a Community Enhances Systems Thinking, John E. Petersen, Cynthia M. Frantz, Evan Tincknell, and Christopher Canning

“First Hispanic Pope, First Hispanic Saint”: Whiteness, founding fathers and the canonization of Friar Junípero Serra, Baron Pineda

Music and the Armed Services Edition, Steven Plank

Divisor-sum Fibers, Paul Pollack, Carl Pomerance, and Lola Thompson

Legionella pneumophila Is Directly Sensitive to 2-Deoxyglucose-Phosphate via Its UhpC Transporter but Is Indifferent to Shifts in Host Cell Glycolytic Metabolism, Jordan V. Price, Kallie Jiang, Abigail Galantowicz, Alana Freifeld, and Russell E. Vance

Assemblage, Occlusion, and the Art of Survival in the Black Atlantic, Matthew Rarey

Estradiol and luteinizing hormone regulate recognition memory following subchronic phencyclidine: Evidence for hippocampal GABA action, Alexander Riordan, Ari W. Schaler, Jenny Fried, Tracie A. Paine, and Janice E. Thornton

Something Old, Something New: Black Women, Interracial Dating, and the Black Marriage, Crisis,, Renee C. Romano

Quantifying natural seasonal variation in mutation parameters with mutation accumulation lines, Matthew T. Rutter, Angela J. Roles, and Charles Fenster

Biological Impact and Ethical Implications of Pesticide Use: A Short Module for Upper-Division-Undergraduate Biochemistry Courses, Lisa M. Ryno and Cheryl Cottine

The Whale Brings Us Together: Humanistic Approaches to Cultural Resilience to Climate Change on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, Chie Sakakibara

After the Rent Strike: Neoliberalism and Co-op City, Annemarie Sammartino

The New Socialist Man in the Plattenbau: The East German Housing Program and the Development of the Socialist Way of Life, Annemarie Sammartino

Welcoming Refugees: Mindful Citizenship and the Political Responsibility of Hospitality, Jade Schiff

Validation and application of a new microwave-digestion/ICP-MS method for the analysis of trace metals in tree increment cores, Johan Schijf and Mary C. Garvin

A Generalization of the Practical Numbers, Nicholas Schwab and Lola Thompson

Energy performance of LEED-certified buildings from 2015 Chicago benchmarking data, John Scofield and Jillian Doane

How to Answer Cosmic Queries, Jillian Scudder

Cosmic happenstance: 24-µm selected, multicomponent Herschel sources are line-of-sight projections, Jillian Scudder, Seb Oliver, Peter D. Hurley, Julie L. Wardlow, Lingyu Wang, and Duncan Farrah

Socioeconomic status and adolescent e-cigarette use: The mediating role of e-cigarette advertisement exposure, Patricia Simon, Deepa R. Camenga, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Krysten W. Bold, Dana A. Cavallo, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin

Archive, Danielle C. Skeehan

Disparity, diversity, and duplications in the Caryophyllales, Stephen A. Smith, Joseph W. Brown, Ya Yang, Riva Bruenn, Chloe P. Drummond, Samuel F. Brockington, Joseph F. Walker, Noah Last, Norman A. Douglas, and Michael J. Moore

Machine Translations and Translation Machines in Roberto Arlt's Los siete locos (1929) and Los lanzallamas (1931), Claire Solomon

Using and navigating the plant tree of life, Douglas E. Soltis, Michael J. Moore, Emily B. Sessa, Stephen A. Smith, and Pamela S. Soltis

Plastome phylogenomics of the early-diverging eudicot family Berberidaceae, Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Jacob B. Landis, Nan Lin, Li Chen, Tao Deng, Jianwen Zhang, Aiping Meng, Shoujun Zhang, Komiljon Sh. Tojibaev, Hang Sun, and Hengchang Wang

“My Conscience is Free and Clear”: African-Descended Women, Status, and Slave Owning in Mid-Colonial Mexico, Danielle Terrazas Williams

Are subjective ratings of metaphors a red herring? The big two dimensions of metaphoric sentences, Paul Thibodeau, Les Sikos, and Frank H. Durgin

Robust Effects of Affective Person Learning on Evaluation of Faces, Sara C. Verosky, Jenny Porter, Joel E. Martinez, and Alexander Todorov

Galaxy pairs in the SDSS – XIII. The connection between enhanced star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers, Giulio Violino, Sara L. Ellison, Mark Sargent, Kristen E.K. Coppin, Jillian M. Scudder, Trevor J. Mendel, and Amelie Saintonge

From cacti to carnivores: Improved phylotranscriptomic sampling and hierarchical homology inference provide further insight into the evolution of Caryophyllales, Joseph F. Walker, Ya Yang, Tao Feng, Alfonso Timoneda, Jessica Mikenas, Vera Hutchison, Caroline Edwards, Ning Wang, Sonia Ahluwalia, Julia Olivieri, Nathanael Walker-Hale, Lucas C. Majure, Raúl Puente, Gudrun Kadereit, Maximilian Lauterbach, Urs Eggli, Hilda Flores-Olvera, Helga Ochoterena, Samuel F. Brockington, Michael J. Moore, and Stephen A. Smith

Neoproterozoic glacial ages in a nonsmooth conceptual model, James Walsh

Assessing the Potential Mechanisms of Isomerization Reactions of Isoprene Epoxydiols on Secondary Organic Aerosol, Alex C. Watanabe, Santino J. Stropoli, and Matthew J. Elrod

AdaM and GrahaM Play the Stock Market, Kevin Woods

Improved transcriptome sampling pinpoints 26 ancient and more recent polyploidy events in Caryophyllales, including two allopolyploidy events, Ya Yang, Michael J. Moore, Samuel F. Brockington, Jessica Mikenas, Julia Olivieri, Joseph F. Walker, and Stephen A. Smith

Plastid phylogenomics resolves infrafamilial relationships of the Styracaceae and sheds light on the backbone relationships of the Ericales, Minghui Yan, Peter W. Fritsch, Michael J. Moore, Tao Feng, Aiping Meng, Jing Yang, Tao Deng, Congxiao Zhao, Xiaohong Yao, Hang Sun, and Hengchang Wang

Plastome Characteristics of Cannabaceae, Huanlei Zhang, Jianjun Jin, Michael J. Moore, Ting-Shuang Yi, and Dezhu Li

Complete plastome sequence of Erythropalum scandens (Erythropalaceae), an edible and medicinally important liana in China, Zhi-Xin Zhu, Jian-Hua Wang, Ya-Cheng Cai, Kun-Kun Zhao, Michael J. Moore, and Hua-Feng Wang

Submissions from 2017

Egypt’s Coming Revolt Against the Poor, Zeinab Abul-Magd

Understanding the Physical Safety, Security, and Privacy Concerns of People with Visual Impairments, Tousif Ahmed, Roberto Hoyle, Patrick Shaffer, Kay Connelly, David Crandall, and Apu Kapadia

Spectral theory of extended Harper’s model and a question by Erdős and Szekeres, A. Avila, S. Jitomirskaya, and Chris Marx

In the Seat of Authority: Debating Temple Spaces and Community Identity in a Vaiṣṇava Sampradāy of Contemporary Gujarat, Emilia Bachrach

Joseph Addison’s Lucretian Imagination, Laura Baudot

Targeting the Treatment: The Strategy behind Lyndon Johnson's Lobbying, Matthew N. Beckmann, Neilan S. Chaturvedi, and Jennifer Rosa Garcia

Counting isospectral manifolds, Mikhail Belolipetsky and Benjamin Linowitz

Reduced bioavailable manganese causes striatal urea cycle pathology in Huntington's disease mouse model, Terry Jo Bichell, Michal Wegrzynowicz, K. Grace Tipps, Emma M. Bradley, Michael A. Uhouse, Miles Bryan, Kyle Horning, Nicole Fisher, Karrie Dudek, Timothy Halbesma, Preethi Umashanker, Andrew D. Stubbs, Hunter K. Holt, Gunnar F. Kwakye, Andrew M. Tidball, Roger J. Colbran, Michael Aschner, M. Diana Neely, and Aaron B. Bowman

Ethical gifts?: An analysis of soap-for-information transactions in Malawian survey research worlds, Crystal Biruk

Gay for Pay in an Economy of Harms: Reflections from an LGBTI-Rights NGO in Malawi, Crystal Biruk and Gift Trapence

Parametric Presburger arithmetic: logic, combinatorics, and quasi-polynomial behavior, Tristram Bogart, John Goodrick, and Kevin Woods

Early age of e-cigarette use onset mediates the association between impulsivity and e-cigarette use frequency in youth, Krysten W. Bold, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Patricia Simon, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, and Suchitra Krisnan-Sarin

Alcohol stimulation and sedation: A critical review of the Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale, Stephen J. Boyd, William R. Corbin, Meghan E. Morean, and Christopher S. Martin