Submissions from 2015
Analysis of phylogenomic datasets reveals conflict, concordance, and gene duplications with examples from animals and plants, Stephen A. Smith, Michael J. Moore, Joseph W. Brown, and Ya Yang
How the Baby Got Its Philtrum, Abraham Socher
High Fives, Abraham Socher, Allan Arkush, and Amy Newman Smith
In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time: Roberto Arlt’s El fabricante de fantasmas as Minoritarian Cultural Production in 1930s America, Claire Solomon
Toward a Unified View of the Speed-accuracy Trade-off, Dominic Standage, Da-Hui Wang, Richard P. Heitz, and Patrick Simen
Assessing the Potential for the Reactions of Epoxides with Amines on Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles, Santino J. Stropoli and Matthew J. Elrod
Equilibrium Versus Homogeneity, Daniel Styer
My Favorite Exam Question, Daniel Styer
The Geometrical Significance of the Laplacian, Daniel Styer
Maternal Diasporas and Posthuman Subjectivity in Hagedorn's Dream Jungle and Roley's American Son, Harrod Suarez
Measuring Effects of Metaphor in a Dynamic Opinion Landscape, Paul Thibodeau and Lera Boroditsky
The Depression Schema: How Labels, Features, and Causal Explanations Affect Lay Conceptions of Depression, Paul Thibodeau, Mira J. Fein, Elizabeth S. Goodbody, and Stephen J. Flusberg
The Wished-For Always Wins Until the Winner Was Inevitable All Along: Motivated Reasoning and Belief Bias Regulate Emotion During Elections, Paul Thibodeau, Matthew M. Peebles, Daniel J. Grodner, and Frank H. Durgin
The relationship between narrative classification of obesity and support for public policy interventions, Paul Thibodeau, Victoria L. Perko, and Stephen J. Flusberg
The Historiography of Feminicide in Ciudad Juárez: Critical and Revisionist Approaches, Steven S. Volk
On the Budyko-Sellers energy balance climate model with ice line coupling, James Walsh and Christopher Rackauckas
Living Green: Examining Sustainable Dorms and Identities, Lesley Watson, Cathryn Johnson, Karen A. Hegtvedt, and Christie L. Parris
210Pb dating of outlet sediments in Mengtong watershed of Yunnan, Ren-juan Wei, Chuan Liang, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, and Chun-min Zhang
Inscribed Ostrich Eggs at Berenike and Materiality in Ritual Performance, Andrew T. Wilburn
Crystal structure of 2,3-dimethylmaleic anhydride: continuous chains of electrostatic attraction, Ren A. Wiscons, Matthias Zeller, and Jesse L.C. Rowsell
Dissecting Molecular Evolution in the Highly Diverse Plant Clade Caryophyllales Using Transcriptome Sequencing, Ya Yang, Michael J. Moore, Samuel F. Brockington, Douglas E. Soltis, Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Eric J. Carpenter, Yong Zhang, Li Chen, Zhixiang Yan, and Yinlong Xie
High surface area and Z′ in a thermally stable 8-fold polycatenated hydrogen-bonded framework, Cassandra A. Zentner, Holden W.H. Lai, Joshua T. Greenfield, Ren A. Wiscons, Matthias Zeller, Charles F. Campana, Orhan Talu, Stephen FitzGerald, and Jesse L. Rowsell
Submissions from 2014
Discordant Affects: Ambivalence, Banality, and the Ethics of Spectatorship, Rebecca A. Adelman and Wendy Kozol
Recent findings on the gypsum flora of the rim of the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico: A new species of Nerisyrenia, a new state record, and an updated checklist, Patrick J. Alexander, Norman A. Douglas, Helga Ochoterena, Hilda Flores-Olvera, and Michael J. Moore
Acts of Faith, Kazim Ali
On the Poetry of Lal Ded, Kazim Ali
September 14, Kazim Ali
Yoga and the Cessation of the Self, Kazim Ali
Effects of Structural Differences on the NMR Chemical Shifts in Isostructural Dipeptides, Benjamin D. Altheimer and Manish A. Mehta
Millisecond Pulsar Scintillation Studies with LOFAR: Initial Results, Anne M. Archibald, Vladislav I. Kondratiev, Jason W.T. Hessels, and Daniel R. Stinebring
Gravitational Waves From Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Circular Orbits: Limits from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Sydney J. Chamberlin, Shami Chatterjee, James M. Cordes, Paul B. Demorest, X. Deng, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Nathan Garver-Daniels, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, Victoria M. Kaspi, Michael Koop, Michael T. Lam, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Jing Luo, Ryan S. Lynch, Dustin Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Sean T. McWilliams, David J. Nice, Nipuni Palliyaguru, Timothy T. Pennucci, Scott M. Ransom, A. Sesana, Xavier Siemens, Ingrid H. Stairs, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, Joseph K. Swiggum, Michele Vallisneri, Rutger van Haasteren, Yan Wang, and Weiwei Zhu
The 5-choice serial reaction time task: a task of attention and impulse control for rodents, Samuel K. Asinof and Tracie A. Paine
People of the Dawn, People of the Door: Indian Pirates and the Violent Theft of an Atlantic World, Matthew Bahar
Decision processes in temporal discrimination, Fuat Balci and Patrick Simen
’Comrade Carlos Bulosan’: State Surveillance and the Cold War Suppression of Filipino Radicals, Richard Baldoz
Natural Final Causality and Providence in Aquinas, Corey Barnes
Ordered to the Good: Final Causality and Analogical Predication in Thomas Aquinas, Corey Barnes
Thomas Aquinas's Chalcedonian Christology and Its Influence on Later Scholastics, Corey Barnes
Colorimetric metal ion binding of catechol-based coatings inspired by melanin and molecular imprinting, Jason M. Belitsky, Diane S. Lye, Haley R. Gittleman, Thomas A. Gorlin, Arthur N. Gorham, Christine A. Moore, Matthew B. Chaves, and Micah Z. Ellowitz
Mechanistic study of secondary organic aerosol components formed from nucleophilic addition reactions of methacrylic acid epoxide, Adam W. Birdsall, C. R. Miner, Liora E. Mael, and Matthew J. Elrod
Aid for Gays: The Moral and the Material in 'African Homophobia’, Crystal Biruk
Ebola and emergency anthropology: The view from the ‘global health slot’, Crystal Biruk
Equal in Inequality? How Does Piketty’s ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ Apply to China?, Marc J. Blecher
Computing Severi degrees with long-edge graphs, Florian Block, Susan Jane Colley, and Gary Kennedy
Designing Game of Life mosaics with integer programming, Robert Bosch and Julia Olivieri
Toward a conceptualization of retrohippocampal contributions to learning and memory, David J. Bucci and Siobhan Robinson
Connected sum at infinity and 4-manifolds, Jack S. Calcut and Patrick V. Haggerty
Borromean rays and hyperplanes, Jack S. Calcut, Jules R. Metcalf-Burton, Taylor J. Richard, and Liam T. Solus
Do Homeowners Associations Mitigate or Aggravate Negative Spillovers from Neighboring Homeowner Distress?, Ron Cheung, Chris Cunningham, and Rachel Meltzer
Why and Where Do Homeowners Associations Form?, Ron Cheung and Rachel Meltzer
Burnouts, Julia Christensen
Measuring the Transition to Sustainability: From Simple Diagnosis to Data-driven Interventions, Thomas B. Cook, Md Rumi Shammin, Cynthia M. Frantz, and John E. Petersen
Analysis of the rotational structure in the high-resolution infrared spectra of trans-hexatriene-2-d1 and -3-d1, Norman C. Craig, Yihui Chen, Herman van Besien, and Thomas A. Blake
Weak Acidity of Vinyl CH Bonds Enhanced by Halogen Substitution, Norman C. Craig and Albert Matlin
Análisis Psicométrico de la Escala Parental Breve (EPB): Invarianza Demográfica y Longitudinal en Adolescentes Chilenos (Psychometric Analysis of the Escala Parental Breve (EPB): Demographic Invariance in Chilean Adolescents), Patricio Cumsille, Maria Loreto Martínez, Viviana Rodríguez, and Nancy Darling
Abelian surfaces with prescribed groups, Chantal David, Derek Garton, Zachary Scherr, Arul Shankar, Ethan Smith, and Lola Thompson
Reading Docufiction: Jia Zhangke’s 24 City, Hsiu-Chuang Deppman
Another look at the root of the angiosperms reveals a familiar tale, Bryan T. Drew, Brad R. Ruhfel, Stephen A. Smith, Michael J. Moore, Barbara G. Briggs, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis
Helical ∞ 1[Pb2O] Chains in Polymorphs of Pb2O(C6H5COO)2, Clay C. Easterday, Liv R. Dedon, Matthias Zeller, and Catherine M. Oertel
Actos afiliativos y postmemoria: Asuntos pendientes, Sebastiaan Faber
Carta desde Crimea. Respuesta a Andrés Trapiello, Sebastiaan Faber
Fighting the New Fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s New Political Force, Sebastiaan Faber
La rebelión de los pesimistas. ¿Cómo defender las humanidades?, Sebastiaan Faber
Mind-Boggling Lies: Paul Preston on Santiago Carrillo, Sebastiaan Faber
The Spaniards who Helped Liberate Paris, Sebastiaan Faber
The Spanish Civil War in AP European History: Teaching the ALBA Curriculum, Sebastiaan Faber
MUC16 (CA125): tumor biomarker to cancer therapy, a work in progress, Mildred Felder, Arvinder Kapur, Jesus Gonzalez-Bosquet, Sachi Horibata, Joseph Heintz, Ralph M. Albrecht, Lucas Fass, Justanjot Kaur, Kevin Hu, Hadi Shojaei, Rebecca J. Whelan, and Manish S. Patankar
Indian Ghat Sarangs as Maritime Labour Recruiting Intermediaries During the Age of Sail, Michael H. Fisher
Infrared overtone spectroscopy of adsorbed hydrogen in MOF-5, Stephen FitzGerald, Jocienne N. Nelson, Elizabeth Gilmour, and Jesse L.C. Rowsell
Tapping into Core Social Motives to Drive Sustainability Transformation, Cynthia M. Frantz
The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer
The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer
Burge's Defense of Perceptual Content, Todd Ganson, Ben Bronner, and Alex Kerr
A comparative study of drift diffusion and linear ballistic accumulator models in a reward maximization perceptual choice task, Stephanie Goldfarb, Naomi E. Leonard, Patrick Simen, Carlos H. Caicedo-Nunez, and Philip Holmes
Ancient Life in the Information Age, Aaron D. Goldman
Picturing Autonomy: David Smith’s Photography and the Sculptural Group, Sarah Hamill
Horizon Keep, DeSales Harrison
The Corporation as Concept, John Harwood
The Other End of the Trajectory: Danger Zones, John Harwood
Particle Moment Canting in CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles, K. Hasz, Yumi Ijiri, Kathryn L. Krycka, Julie A. Borchers, R.A. Booth, S. Oberdick, and S.A. Majetich
Hiaki (Yaqui) reduplication redux: Evidence for morphological and prosodic targets in syllabic reduplication, Jason D. Haugen
Island Outlook: Warm and Swampy, Dennis K. Hubbard, Eberhard Gischler, Peter Davies, Lucien Montaggioni, Gilbert Camoin, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Curt Storlazzi, Michael Field, Charles Fletcher, and Eric Grossman
Kinetics of the reactions of isoprene-derived hydroxynitrates: gas phase epoxide formation and solution phase hydrolysis, Michael I. Jacobs, W. J. Burke, and Matthew J. Elrod
Variations on a theorem of Davenport concerning abundant numbers, Emily Jennings, Paul Pollack, and Lola Thompson
Zora Neale Hurston and Then Ishmael Reed: Syncretizing Moses with 'Sympathetic' Comic Rhetoric, Gillian Johns
Evidence for multiple paternity in two species of Orconectes crayfish, A. F. Kahrl, Roger H. Laushman, and Angela J. Roles
Sangro Valley Project Report on the 2013 Excavations at San Giovanni Di Tornareccio (Comune Di Tornareccio, Provincia Di Chieti, Regione Abruzzo), Susan Kane and Alexis Christensen
M2(m-dobdc) (M = Mg, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) Metal-Organic Frameworks Exhibiting Increased Charge Density and Enhanced H2 Binding at the Open Metal Sites, Matthew T. Kapelewski, Stephen J. Geier, Matthew R. Hudson, David Stück, Jarad A. Mason, Jocienne N. Nelson, Dianne J. Xiao, Zeric Hulvey, Elizabeth Gilmour, and Stephen FitzGerald
Speed-accuracy tradeoff under response deadlines, Hakan Karsilar, Patrick Simen, Samantha Papadakis, and Fuat Balci
Origin of Surface Canting within Fe3O4 Nanoparticles, Kathryn L. Krycka, Julie A. Borchers, R.A. Booth, Yumi Ijiri, K. Hasz, James J. Rhyne, and S.A. Majetich
Blood parasite infection differentially relates to carotenoid-based plumage and bill color in the American goldfinch, David C. Lumpkin, Troy G. Murphy, and Keith A. Tarvin
Monitoring Co-Crystal Formation via In Situ Solid-State NMR, Venkata S. Mandala, Sarel J. Loewus, and Manish A. Mehta
Reconsidering Raw Material Selection: Skeletal Technologies and Design for Durability in Subarctic Alaska, Amy V. Margaris
Dominated Splittings and the Spectrum for Almost Periodic Jacobi Operators, Chris Marx
Urban Agriculture in Rust Belt Cities, Brad Masi, Janet Fiskio, and Md Rumi Shammin
Nation-State Science: Lappology and Sweden's Ethnoracial Purity, Greggor Mattson
At the Mercy of Nature, Carl McDaniel
Durable Communities Emerge from Homes and Landscapes Powered by Sunshine, Carl McDaniel