
Submissions from 2021

The resilience and realignment of house prices in the era of Covid-19*, John V. Duca, Martin Hoesli, and Joaquim Montezuma

What Drives House Price Cycles? International Experience and Policy Issues, John V. Duca, John Muellbauer, and Anthony Murphy

The ALMaQUEST Survey – V. The non-universality of kpc-scale star formation relations and the factors that drive them, Sara L. Ellison, Lihwai Lin, Mallory D. Thorp, His-An Pan, Jillian Scudder, Sebastian F. Sánchez, Asa F.L. Buck, and Roberto Maiolino

Accurate Computational Model for the Hydration Extent of Atmospherically Relevant Carbonyls on Aqueous Atmospheric Particles, Matthew J. Elrod, Jane A. Sedlak, and He Ren

Assessing the Skill of a High-Resolution Marine Biophysical Model Using Geostatistical Analysis of Mesoscale Ocean Chlorophyll Variability From Field Observations and Remote Sensing, Rachel Eveleth, David M. Glover, Matthew C. Long, Ivan D. Lima, Alison P. Chase, and Scott C. Doney

Scholars, Spies, and Other Agents: US Hispanism and the State, Sebastiaan Faber

Story of the hurricane: Government, NGOs, and the difference in disaster relief targeting, Benjamin Fitch-Fleischmann and Evan Plous Kresch

Steven Lubet's American Dilemma, David M. Forrest

"Natural" Disasters, Cultural Framings, and Resilience in Indonesia: Transdisciplinary Engagements in an Immersion Program, Jennifer Fraser and Karla Hubbard

An Alternative to the Causal Theory of Perception, Todd Ganson

Mechanism and Selectivities in Ru-Catalyzed Anti-Markovnikov Formal Hydroalkylation of 1,3-Dienes and Enynes: A Computational Study, Anthony Z. Gao and Shuming Chen

Cofactors are Remnants of Life's Origin and Early Evolution, Aaron D. Goldman and Betul Kacar

The Journal of Molecular Evolution Turns 50, Aaron D. Goldman and David A. Liberles

Landslides, hurricanes, and sediment sourcing impact basin-scale erosion estimates in Luquillo, Puerto Rico, Alexandra Grande, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Paul R. Bierman, Lee B. Corbett, Carla Lopez-Lloreda, Jane Willenbring, William H. McDowell, and Marc W. Caffee

Instituent Fictions: The Exceptional Present, The Junta Nacional Instituyente and Mexico's First Post-Independence Fiscal Plan (1822), Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

The very early evolution of protein translocation across membranes, AJ Harris and Aaron D. Goldman

Dependence of the density of states outer measure on the potential for deterministic Schrodinger operators on graphs with applications to ergodic and random models, Peter D. Hislop and Chris A. Marx

Shadows and Mirrors: Spatial and Ideological Perspectives on Sign Language Competency, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Nigrostriatal dopamine signals sequence-specific action-outcome prediction errors, Nick G. Hollon, Elora W. Williams, Christopher Howard, Hao Li, Tavish I. Traut, and Xin Jin

Rethinking the Role of the State in Employment Relations for a Neoliberal Era, Chris Howell

The influence of hidden researcher decisions in applied microeconomics, Nick Huntington-Klein, Andreu Arenas, Emily Beam, Marco Bertoni, Jeffrey R. Bloem, Pralhad Burli, Naibin Chen, Paul Grieco, Godwin Ekpe, Todd Pugatch, Martin Saavedra, and Yaniv Stopnitzky

Inventing Apostolic Impression Relics in Medieval Rome, Erik Inglis

Musical Techniques in Balanchine's Jazzy Bach Ballet, Kara Yoo Leaman

Areas of totally geodesic surfaces of hyperbolic 3-orbifolds, Benjamin Linowitz, D.B. McReynolds, and Nicholas Miller

Activity-Based Hydrazine Probes for Protein Profiling of Electrophilic Functionality in Therapeutic Targets, Zongtao Lin, Xie Wang, Katelyn A. Bustin, Kyosuke Shishikura, Nate R. McKnight, Lin He, Radu M. Suciu, Kai Hu, Xian Han, Mina Ahmadi, Erika J. Olson, William Parsons, and Megan L. Matthews

Water savings of LEED-certified buildings, Kaifang Luo, John Scofield, and Yueming (Lucy) Qiu

Peace in the Universe of Sa'di's Thoughts (Persian), Mohammad Jafar Mahallati

Responding to Wobbly Classrooms through Scaffolded, Peer-Led, Small-Group Presentations of Personal Learning Goals: The Beyond the Book Tool, Greggor Mattson

Synthetic Control of Mitochondrial Dynamics: Developing Three-Coordinate Au(I) Probes for Perturbation of Mitochondria Structure and Function, Tyler R. Mertens, William C. Jennings, Samuel Ofori, Jong Hyun Kim, Sean Parkin, Gunnar F. Kwakye, and Samuel G. Awuah

Beyond Postmoderism: Mirrors, Mise en Abîmes, and Labyrinths in Elena Ferrante's Works, Stiliana Milkova

Mapping Turin's Urban Topography in Elena Ferrante's The Days of Abandonment, Stiliana Milkova

Side by Side: Female Collaboration in Ferrante’s Fiction and Ferrante Studies, Stiliana Milkova

Disentangling Sources of Gene Tree Discordance in Phylogenomic Data Sets: Testing Ancient Hybridizations in Amaranthaceae s.l, Diego F. Morales-Briones, Gudrun Kadereit, Delphine T. Tegarikis, Michael J. Moore, Stephen A. Smith, Samuel F. Brockington, Alfonso Timoneda, Won C. Yim, John C. Cushman, and Ya Yang

Synchronous Glacial Cycles in a Nonsmooth Conceptual Climate Model with Asymmetric Hemispheres, Alice Nadeau, James Walsh, and Esther Widaish

Thrice Condemned: Enslaved Women, Violence, and the Practice of Leniency in Atebellum Virginia Courts, Tamika Nunley

Juvenile stress increases cocaine-induced impulsivity in female rats, Tracie A. Paine, Sarah Brainard, Emma Keppler, Rachel Poyle, Elise Sai-Hardebeck, Vaughan Schwob, and Cecelia Tannous-Taylor

Assessments of Environmental Injustice among Black Americans, Christie L. Parris, Karen A. Hegtvedt, and Cathryn Johnson

Development of succinimide-based inhibitors for the mitochondrial rhomboid protease PARL, William Parsons, Nicholas T. Rutland, Jennifer A. Crainic, Joaquin M. Cardozo, Alyssa S. Chow, Charlotte L. Andrews, and Brendan K. Sheehan

Overcoming hopelessness in the classroom: A Policy-Entrepreneur approach to teaching American environmental politics in the age of climate crisis, Swapna Pathak

Surface water quality in the upstream-most megacity of the Yangtze River Basin (Chengdu): 2000-2019 trends, the COVID-19 lockdown effects, and water governance implications, Xue Qiao, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Yue Xu, Hongming Zhang, Xiaolan Chen, Rongting Xiang, Ya Tang, and Wei Wang

Antisemitism, American Jewish Historians, and their Publics, Shari Rabin

Jews and sexuality in the Americas, 1519-1880, Shari Rabin and Laura Leibman

General Mechanism for Sulfate Radical Addition to Olefinic Volatile Organic Compounds in Secondary Organic Aerosol, He Ren, Jane A. Sedlak, and Matthew J. Elrod

Kenji or Kenneth? Pearl Harbor and Japanese-American assimilation, Martin Saavedra

Energy and Greenhouse Gas Savings for LEED-Certified US Office Buildings, John Scofield, Susannah Brodnitz, Jakob Cornell, Tian Liang, and Thomas Scofield

Combinatorics in the exterior algebra and the Bollobas Two Families Theorem, Alex Scott and Elizabeth Wilmer

Conversions between gas-phase metallicities in MaNGA, Jillian Scudder, Sara L. Ellison, Loubna El Meddah El Idrissi, and Henry Poetrodjojo

Sorry, Baby: Infant Faces Reach Awareness More Slowly Than Adult Faces, Timo Stein, Lillian Tyack, and Sara Verosky

No Effect of Value Learning on Awareness and Attention for Faces: Evidence From Continuous Flash Suppression and the Attentional Blink, Timo Stein and Sara Verosky

Anatomical diversity and evolution of the anthocarp in Nyctaginaceae, Alexander P. Sukhorukov, Maya V. Nilova, Michael J. Moore, Riva Bruenn, Noah Last, Elson Felipe Sandoli Rossetto, and Norman A. Douglas

Kollector: Detecting fraudulent activities on mobile devices using deep learning, Lichao Sun, Bokai Cao, Ji Wang, Witawas Srisa-an, Philip S. Yu, Alex D. Leow, and Stephen Checkoway

Yehuda Amichai, the Unlikely National Poet, Sheera Talpaz

A reassessment of strong line metallicity conversions in the machine learning era, Hossen Teimoorinia, Mansoureh Jalilkhany, Jillian Scudder, Jaclyn Jensen, and Sara L. Ellison

The Inconvenience of Chocolate: Disciplining the Society of Jesus in Seventeenth-Century Mexico, Danielle Terrazas Williams

The group extremity effect: Group ratings of negatively and positively evaluated groups of faces are more extreme than the average ratings of their members, Sara Verosky, Lillian Tyack, and Joel E. Martinez

The Anticipated Effects of Cannabis Scale (AECS): Initial Development and Validation of an Affect- and Valence-Based Expectancy Measure, Jack T. Waddell, William R. Corbin, Madeline H. Meier, Meghan E. Morean, and Jane Metrik

A phylogenomic perspective on gene tree conflict and character evolution in Caprifoliaceae using target enrichment data, with Zabelioideae recognized as a new subfamily, Hong-Xin Wang, Diego F. Morales-Briones, Michael J. Moore, Jun Wen, and Hua-Feng Wang

Plastome evolution and phylogenetic relationships among Malvaceae subfamilies, Jian-Hua Wang, Michael J. Moore, Hongxin Wang, Zhi-Xin Zhu, and Hua-Feng Wang

Coolness and Admiration Diverge in Early Adolescence Among African American Students in Low-Income Urban Schools, Travis Wilson and Jun Zhao

Simpson's Paradox, Visual Displays, and Casual Diagrams, Jeffrey Witmer

Review: Urban History Writing in Northwest Europe (15th-16th Centuries), Ellen Wurtzel

Catalytic alpha-Deracemization of Ketones Enabled by Photoredox Deprotonation and Enantioselective Protonation, Chenhao Zhang, Anthony Gao, Xin Nie, Chen-Xi Ye, Sergei I. Ivlev, Shuming Chen, and Eric Meggers

Phylogenetic patterns suggest frequent multiple origins of secondary metabolites across the seed-plant 'tree of life', Yongzeng Zhang, Tao Deng, Lu Sun, Jacob B. Landis, Michael J. Moore, Hengchang Wang, Yuehua Wang, Xiaojiang Hao, Jijun Chen, Shenghong Li, and Hang Sun

Submissions from 2020

Egypt’s Defense Industry: Dependency, Civilian Production, and Attempts at Autonomy, Zeinab Abul-Magd

Determining the Relative Reactivity of Sulfate, Bisulfate and Organosulfates with Epoxides on Secondary Organic Aerosol, Erika Aoki, Jon N. Sarrimanolis, Sophie A. Lyon, and Matthew J. Elrod

The Uncertain Self in Ethnographic Research and Writing, Emilia Bachrach

Migration and the Remains of US Empire, Richard Baldoz

Cuba’s clean rivers show the benefits of reducing nutrient pollution, Paul Bierman and Amanda Henck Schmidt

Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Helenium scaposum (Asteraceae, Helenieae, Gaillardiinae), Mark W. Bierner, Bruce G. Baldwin, Helene Tiley, Flora Samis, Spencer Wright, and Michael J. Moore

A Parametric Version of LLL and Some Consequences: Parametric Shortest and Closest Vector Problems, Tristram Bogart, John Goodrick, and Kevin Woods

Reducing luteinizing hormone levels after ovariectomy improves spatial memory: Possible role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, Nathaniel Bohm-Levine, Alexander R. Goldberg, Monica Mariani, Maya Frankfurt, and Janice E. Thornton

Using Latent Class Analysis to Examine Susceptibility to Various Tobacco Products Among Adolescents, Krysten W. Bold, Eugenia Buta, Patricia Simon, Grace Kong, Meghan E. Morean, Deepa Camenga, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin

Conversation with a Prominent Propagator: Leo Porter, Heather Bort, David P. Bunde, Zack J. Butler, Christopher L. Hovey, Jaime Spacco, and Cynthia Taylor

Korean War: Open Questions, Gregg Brazinsky, Chen Jian, Sheila Miyoshi Jager, Jiyul Kim, and Michael Devine

"Following Echo": Speech and Common Profit in Chaucer’s Clerk’s Tale, Jennifer E. Bryan

Conversation with a Prominent Propagator: Michael Kolling, David P. Bunde, Zack Butler, Christopher L. Hovey, and Cynthia Taylor

Conversation with a Prominent Propagator: Sushil Prasad, David P. Bunde, Zack Butler, Christopher L. Hovey, and Cynthia Taylor

Chasing Charley, Finding Reed: Reaching Toward the Ghosts of the Archive, KJ Cerankowski

The Substance of Kinship: How Ruth the Moabite Became a Daughter in Judah, Cynthia Chapman

Using Validated Assessments to Learn About Your Students, Michael Clancy, Cynthia Lee, Soohyun Nam Liao, Leo Porter, Cynthia Taylor, and Kevin C. Webb

Enormous ‘Fatherbodies’: Kafka’s Brief an den Vater and Peter Stephan Jungk’s Die Reise über den Hudson, Gabriel Cooper

Facing East: Orientalism and Antisemitism in Heine's Hebräische Melodien, Gabriel S. Cooper

What Good is the Canon for a Diversified and Decolonized Curriculum?, Gabriel S. Cooper

Global Cities versus Rustbelt Realities: The Dilemmas of Urban Development in Russia, Stephen Crowley

The Factory Joins the Square: Putin’s Nightmare Unfolds in Belarus, Stephen Crowley

Resistance of South American opossums to vWF-binding venom C-type lectins, Danielle H. Drabeck, Alexandra Rucavado, Erika Hingst-Zaher, Yolanda P. Cruz, Antony M. Dean, and Sharon A. Jansa

Campaign Rhetoric and the Incumbency Advantage, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin

Making Sense of Increased Synchronization in Global House Prices, John V. Duca

The Other (Commercial) Real Estate Boom and Bust: The Effects of Risk Premia and Regulatory Capital Arbitrage, John V. Duca and David C. Ling

Scalable Decision-Theoretic Planning in Open and Typed Multiagent Systems, Adam Eck, Maulik Shah, Prashant Doshi, and Leen-Kiat Soh

The ALMaQUEST survey – III. Scatter in the resolved star-forming main sequence is primarily due to variations in star formation efficiency, Sara L. Ellison, Mallory D. Thorp, Lihwai Lin, His-An Pan, Asa F.L. Bluck, Jillian Scudder, Hossen Teimoorinia, Sebastian F. Sánchez, and Mark Sargent

The ALMaQUEST Survey – II. What drives central starbursts at z ∼ 0?, Sara L. Ellison, Mallory D. Thorp, His-An Pan, Lihwai Lin, Jillian Scudder, Asa F.L. Bluck, Sebastian F. Sanchez, and Mark Sargent

AIG1 and ADTRP are endogenous hydrolases of fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs) in mice, Meric Erikci Ertunc, Bernard P. Kok, William Parsons, Justin G. Wang, Dan Tan, Cynthia J. Donaldson, Antonio F.M. Pinto, Joan M. Vaughan, Nhi Ngo, Kenneth M. Lum, Cassandra L. Henry, Aundrea R. Coppola, Micah J. Niphakis, Benjamin F. Cravatt, Enrique Saez, and Alan Saghatelian

"En Europa, Ocasio-Cortez y Biden estarían en partidos distintos", Sebastiaan Faber

"España tardará muchos años en resolver su relato nacional", Sebastiaan Faber

Hispanófilo, bibliófilo, antifascista. Las peleas y pasiones de Herbert Southworth (I), Sebastiaan Faber

How the Fight Over Spain’s Antifascist Legacy Involves a Former ‘Nation’ Editor, Sebastiaan Faber

"Javier Pradera daba miedo, mucho miedo", Sebastiaan Faber

"La CIA ha sido el chivo expiatorio de todos los presidentes de EE.UU.", Sebastiaan Faber

¿Resistencia o adaptación? Holanda reconsidera su lucha contra el agua, Sebastiaan Faber