Submissions from 2020
"Sontag no hubiera podido sobrevivir en la cultura actual. No se permite decir nada que pueda ser ofensivo", Sebastiaan Faber
Spain Just Formed Its First Left Coalition Government in More Than 80 Years, Sebastiaan Faber
The Transition Revisited: From Compression to Cuidado, Sebastiaan Faber
Effects of Communication Modality and Speaker Identity on Metaphor Framing, Stephen J. Flusberg, Mark Lauria, Samuel Balko, and Paul Thibodeau
"New Right" Leaders Are Co-opting Progressive Languaget to Mislead Voters, David M. Forrest
A Role for Representations in Inflexible Behavior, Todd Ganson
A survey of trace metal burdens in increment cores from eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) across a childhood cancer cluster, Sandusky County, OH, USA, Mary C. Garvin, Johan Schijf, Sonya R. Kaufman, Courtney Konow, Dong Liang, Anne E. Nigra, Norberth H. Stracker, Rebecca J. Whelan, and Gregory C. Wiles
Deep History in Western China Reveals How Humans Can Enhance Biodiversity, Jade D'Alpoim Guedes, Stevan Harrell, Keala Hagmann, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, and Thomas Hinckley
Libertad para los feos: Luces artificiales (2002) de Daniel Sada, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón
Satire and the Lie of Politics: El Mono (México, 1833), Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón
The Family Context as a Foundation for Romantic Relationships: A Person-Centered Multi-Informant Longitudinal Study, Hana Hadiwijaya, Theo A. Klimstra, Nancy Darling, Jeroen K. Vermunt, Susan Branje, and Wim H.J. Meeus
The Association of Impulsivity and Family History of Alcohol Use Disorder on Alcohol Use and Consequences, Angela M. Haeny, Ralitza Gueorguieva, Meghan E. Morean, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Kelly DeMartini, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Alan Anticevic, John H. Krystal, and Stephanie S. O'Malley
Ligand Geometry Directs the Packing and Symmetry of One-Dimensional Helical Motifs in Lead Oxide Naphthoates and Biphenylcarboxylates, Arden C. Hammer, Xiwen Jia, Matthias Zeller, Ezra J. Coughlin, Weiguo Zhang, and Catherine M. Oertel
The complex phylogenetic relationships of a 4mC/6mA DNA methyltransferase in prokaryotes, AJ Harris and Aaron D. Goldman
Uto-Aztecan Lexicostatistics 2.0(1), Jason D. Haugen, Michael Everdell, and Benjamin A. Kuperman
Barring Fulbright scholars in Hong Kong and China will only hurt U.S. interests, Amanda Henck Schmidt
Multiple measures of monsoon-controlled water storage in Asia, Amanda Henck Schmidt, Stefan Lüdtke, and Christoff Andermann
Dependence of the Density of States on the Probability Distribution for Discrete Random Schrödinger Operators, Peter D. Hislop and Chris Marx
Dependence of the Density of States on the Probability Distribution. Part II: Schrodinger Operators on R-d and Non-compactly Supported Probability Measures, Peter D. Hislop and Chris Marx
Figure (of Personhood) Drawing: Scaffolding Signing and Signers in Nepal, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway
Massive Fluid Influx beneath the Colorado Plateau (USA) Related to Slab Removal and Diatreme Emplacement: Evidence from Oxygen Isotope Zoning in Eclogite Xenoliths, William F. Hoover, F. Zeb Page, Daniel J. Schulze, Kouki Kitajima, and John W. Valley
Privacy Norms and Preferences for Photos Posted Online, Roberto Hoyle, Luke Stark, Qatrunnada Ismail, David Crandall, Apu Kapadia, and Denise Anthony
E-cigarette devices used on school grounds, Asti Jackson, Grace Kong, Ran Wu, Meghan E. Morean, Danielle R. Davis, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Krysten W. Bold, Patricia Simon, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Association between preference for using alcohol beverage-named e-liquids and alcohol use among high school youth, Asti Jackson, Ran Wu, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Meghan E. Morean, Patricia Simon, Krysten W. Bold, Angela M. Haeny, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
I cannot be the only one: creating a community of practice for outreach librarians, Eboni A. Johnson
What Do Signatures Signify?: The Curious Case of Seventeenth-Century English Key, Megan Kaes Long
New and Old Sources on Select Korean War Topics and Issues, Jiyul Kim and Sheila Miyoshi Jager.
Dripping and Vape Tricks: Alternative E-cigarette Use Behaviors among Adolescents, Grace Kong, Meghan E. Morean, Krysten W. Bold, Ran Wu, Harmanpreet Bhatti, Patricia Simon, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
As Militarism Runs Rampant, Even the Virus Falls Victim, Wendy Kozol
Can Machine Learning on Economic Data Better Forecast the Unemployment Rate?, Aaron Kreiner and John V. Duca
The Buck Stops Where? Federalism, Uncertainty, and Investment in the Brazilian Water and Sanitation Sector, Evan Plous Kresch
Political determinants of investment in water and sanitation: Evidence from Brazilian elections, Evan Plous Kresch and Rodrigo Schneider
Privacy and Activism in the Transgender Community, Ada Lerner, Helen Yuxun He, Anna Kawakami, Silvia Catherine Zeamer, and Roberto Hoyle
Reactivity of Metabolic Intermediates and Cofactor Stability under Model Early Earth Conditions, Thora R. Maltais, David VanderVelde, Douglas E. LaRowe, Aaron D. Goldman, and Laura M. Barge
Are Latin America’s Militaries Taking on Too Much Power?, Kristina Mani
Mit dem Militär gegen das Virus, Kristina Mani
‘The Soldier Is Here to Defend You.’ Latin America’s Militarized Response to COVID-19, Kristina Mani
Using the Military to Quash Protests Can Erode Democracy – As Latin America Well Knows, Kristina Mani
Revitalizing a "Dangling" Ethnographic Collection: Materiality, Arctic Traditional Knowledge, and the Liberal Arts, Kristina Mani and Rosemary Ahtuangaruak
Lowering luteinizing hormone (LH) reverses spatial memory deficits associated with neurotoxin infusion into the hippocampus of ovx rats, Monica A. Mariani, Kirsten Mojziszek, Emily Curley, and Janice E. Thornton
Analysis method for detecting topological defect dark matter with a global magnetometer network, Hector Masia-Roig, Jospeh A. Smiga, Dmitry Budker, Vincent Dumont, Zoran Grujic, Dongok Kim, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Victor Lebedev, Madeline Monroy, Szymon Pustelny, Theo Scholtes, Perrin C. Segura, Yannis K. Semertzidis, Yu Chang Shin, Jason E. Stalnaker, Ibrahim Sulai, Antoine Weis, and Arne Wickenbrock
Shuttered by the Coronavirus, Many Gay Bars – Already Struggling – Are Now on Life Support, Greggor Mattson
Small-City Gay Bars, Big-City Urbanism, Greggor Mattson
Weaponization: Ubiquity and Metaphorical Meaningfulness, Greggor Mattson
Molecular and Morphological Evidence Reveals a New Species of Antiphytum (Echiochiloideae, Boraginaceae) from Guerrero, Mexico, Nidia Mendoza-Díaz, Helga Ochoterena, Michael J. Moore, and Hilda Flores-Olvera
Dispatches: Mythologies, Stiliana Milkova
Elena Ferrante’s The Lying Life of Adults (special issue), Stiliana Milkova
Mediterranean Crossings: Nadia Terranova’s "Farewell, Ghosts", Stiliana Milkova
Translators and Their Ghosts: Iginio Ugo Tarchetti’s "Fantastic Tales", Stiliana Milkova
Editors’ Introduction: Special issue on Elena Ferrante, Stiliana Milkova and Barbara Halla
Open Question: The Lasting Legacies of Korean War Special Operations, Sheila Miyoshi Jager and Jiyul Kim
High school students’ use of flavored e-cigarette e-liquids for appetite control and weight loss, Meghan E. Morean, Krysten W. Bold, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Patricia Simon, Asti Jackson, Dana A. Cavallo, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Querying About the Use of Specific E-Cigarette Devices May Enhance Accurate Measurement of E-Cigarette Prevalence Rates Among High School Students, Meghan E. Morean, Deepa R. Camenga, Krysten W. Bold, Grace Kong, Asti Jackson, Patricia Simon, Dana A. Cavallo, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
Psychometric Evaluation of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Nicotine Dependence Item Bank for Use With Electronic Cigarettes, Meghan E. Morean, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Steve Sussman, Jonathan Foulds, Howard Fishbein, Rachel Grana, and Stephanie S. O'Malley
Lesion of striatal patches disrupts habitual behaviors and increases behavioral variability, Jacob A. Nadel, Sean S. Pawelko, Della Copes-Finke, Maya Neidhart, and Christopher Howard
Ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity interacts with soil nutrients to predict plant growth despite weak plant-soil feedbacks, Jake Nash, Roger H. Laushman, and Christopher Schadt
Diversity, distribution, development, and evolution of medullary bundles in Nyctaginaceae, Israel L. da Cunha Neto, Marcelo R. Pace, Norman A. Douglas, Michael H. Nee, Cyl Farney C. de Sá, Michael J. Moore, and Veronica Angyalossy
Tropical Moscow. Narratives of Deep Time in Nineteenth-Century Russia, Thomas Newlin
Subsidy from Nature: Green Sea Turtles in the Colonial Caribbean, Karl Offen
Contribution of GABAA receptor subunits to attention and social behavior, Tracie A. Paine, Sara Chang, and Rachel Poyle
Building Global Institutional Synergies to Accelerate the Ambition Mechanism of the Paris Agreement, Swapna Pathak and Siddarth Pathak
Storytelling Philosophy and Self Writing—Preliminary Notes on Elena Ferrante: An Interview with Adriana Cavarero, Isabella Pinto, Stiliana Milkova, and Adriana Cavarero
Externalities and Spillovers from Sanitation and Waste Management in Urban and Rural Neighborhoods, Evan Plous Kresch, Molly Lipscomb, and Laura Schechter
"And the Jet Would Be Invaluable": Blackness, Bondage and The Beloved, Matthew Rarey
Never at Rest: African Art at the University of Wisconsin, Matthew Rarey and Henry John Drewal
“The Place of Solemne Prayer”: Intrasettlement Post-and-Trench Mortuary-Ritual Structures in the Precontact Era of Northern Ohio, Brian G. Redmond and Alyssa Davis Traster
Finally, a movement is disrupting white innocence, Renee C. Romano
Birth weight and infant health for multiple births, Martin Saavedra
A machine learning approach to improving occupational income scores, Martin Saavedra and Tate Twinam
Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Humanistic Explorations of Cultural Resilience, Chie Sakakibara, Elise Horensky, and Sloane Garelick
High phylogeographic and genetic diversity of Tidestromia lanuginosa supports full-glacial refugia for arid-adapted plants in southern and central Coahuila, Mexico, Ivonne Sanchez-del Pino, Alejandra Alfaro, Ruben H. Andueza-Noh, Arturo Mora-Olivo, Mariana Chavez-Pesqueira, Ariadna Ibarra-Morales, Michael J. Moore, and Hilda Flores-Olvera
State-Level Determinants of Hate Crime Reporting: Examining the Impact of Structural and Social Movement Influences, Heather L. Scheuerman, Christie L. Parris, Alison H. Faupel, and Regina Werum
Evolution of l-DOPA 4,5-dioxygenase activity allows for recurrent specialisation to betalain pigmentation in Caryophyllales, Hester Sheehan, Tao Feng, Nathanael Walker-Hale, Samuel Lopez-Nieves, Boas Pucker, Rui Guo, Won C. Yim, Roshani Badgami, Alfonso Timoneda, Lijun Zhao, Helene Tiley, Dario Copetti, Michael J. Sanderson, John C. Cushman, Michael J. Moore, Stephen A. Smith, and Samuel F. Brockington
Transitions across tobacco use profiles among adolescents: results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) study waves 1 and 2, Patricia Simon, Eugenia Buta, Ralitza Gueorguieva, Grace Kong, Meghan E. Morean, Deepa R. Camenga, Krysten W. Bold, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin
On the separation of identical particles in quantum mechanics, Daniel Styer
Midterm Evaluations, Swing State Aesthetics, Harrod Suarez
Genome Sequencing of the Endangered Kingdonia uniflora (Circaeasteraceae, Ranunculales) Reveals Potential Mechanisms of Evolutionary Specialization, Yanxia Sun, Tao Deng, Aidi Zhang, Michael J. Moore, Jacob B. Landis, Nan Lin, Huajie Zhang, Xu Zhang, Jinling Huang, Xiujun Zhang, Hang Sun, and Hengchang Wang
The Coevolution of Cellularity and Metabolism Following the Origin of Life, Yuta A. Takagi, Diep H. Nguyen, Tom B. Wexler, and Aaron D. Goldman
The Practical Details of Building a CS Concept Inventory, Cynthia Taylor, Michael Clancy, Kevin C. Webb, Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Lee, and Leo Porter
A connectionist account of the relational shift and context sensitivity in the development of generalisation, Paul Thibodeau, Aviva Blonder, and Stephen J. Flusberg
Answering the Natural Questions: Pliny's Ep. 4.30 and Ep. 8.20, Christopher Trinacty
Memmius, Cicero and Lucretius: A Note on Cic. Fam. 13.1, Christopher Trinacty
Familiarization increases face individuation measured with fast periodic visual stimulation, Sara C. Verosky, Katja A. Zoner, Corinne W. Marble, Margaret M. Sammon, and Charlotte O. Babarinsa
Implicit responses to face trustworthiness measured with fast periodic visual stimulation, Sara Verosky, Katja A. Zoner, Corinne W. Marble, Margaret M. Sammon, and Charlotte Q. Babarinsa
A Window into the World of KAM Theory, James Walsh
A Discontinuous ODE Model of the Glacial Cycles with Diffusive Heat Transport, James Walsh and Esther Widiasih
Plastid phylogenomic insights into the evolution of the Caprifoliaceae s.l. (Dipsacales), Hong-Xin Wang, Huan Liu, Michael J. Moore, Sven Landrein, Bing Liu, Zhi-Xin Zhu, and Hua-Feng Wang
Plastome phylogenomic insights into the Sino-Japanese biogeography of Diabelia (Caprifoliaceae), Hong-Xin Wang, Michael J. Moore, Russell L. Barrett, Sven Landrein, Shota Sakaguchi, Masayuki Maki, Jun Wen, and Hua-Feng Wang
"What to do when you're raped": Indigenous women critiquing and coping through a rhetoric of survivance, Valerie N. Wieskamp and Cortney Smith
Efficient Z-Selective Olefin-Acrylamide Cross-Metathesis Enabled by Sterically Demanding Cyclometalated Ruthenium Catalysts, Yan Xu, Jonathan J. Wong, Adrian E. Samkian, Jeong Hoon Ko, Shuming Chen, K.N. Houk, and Robert H. Grubbs
Phytoplankton Phenology in the North Atlantic: Insights From Profiling Float Measurements, Bo Yang, Emmanuel S. Boss, Nils Haëntjens, Matthew C. Long, Michael J. Behrenfeld, Rachel Eveleth, and Scott C. Doney
Exploration of Plastid Phylogenomic Conflict Yields New Insights into the Deep Relationships of Leguminosae, Rong Zhang, Yin-Huan Wang, Jian-Jun Jin, Gregory W. Stull, Anne Bruneau, Domingos Cardoso, Luciano Paganucci de Queiroz, Michael J. Moore, Shu-Dong Zhang, Si-Yun Chen, Jian Wang, De-Zhu Li, and Ting-Shuang Yi
Submissions from 2019
New monetary services (Divisia) indexes for the post-war U.S, Richard A. Anderson, John V. Duca, Adrian R. Fleissig, and Barry E. Jones
Isotopic variation of parity violation in atomic ytterbium, Dionysis Antypas, A. Fabricant, Jason Stalnaker, Konstantin Tsigutkin, V.V. Flambaum, and D. Budker
Isotopic variation of parity violation in atomic ytterbium: Description of the measurement method and analysis of systematic effects, Dionysis Antypas, A. Fabricant, Jason Stalnaker, Konstantin Tsigutkin, V.V. Flambaum, and D. Budker
"Short Stories": Reflections on Tom Short's Impact on Statistics Education, Charlie Ashley, Thomas Bradstreet, Ruth Carver, Patrick Chen, Jaki Fesq, Christine Franklin, Rob Gould, Jeff Haberstroh, Brad Hartlaub, John Holcomb, Daniel Joyce, Lawrence M. Lesser, Jack Miller, Tom Moore, Jerry Morenod, Roxy Peck, Allan Rossman, Josh Tabor, Doug Tyson, and Jeff Witmer
Venture capital restrained after Sarbanes–Oxley, Tyler Atkinson and John V. Duca
Saints and Hagiography in Hinduism, Emilia Bachrach