
Submissions from 2010


Response: Theorizing The 'First Wave' Globally, Anuradha Needham


Role of kappa-opioid receptors in the effects of salvinorin A and ketamine on attention behavior in rats, Christina L. Nemeth, Tracie A. Paine, Joseph E. Rittiner, Cécile Béguin, F. Ivy Carroll, Bryan L. Roth, Bruce M. Cohen, and William A. Carlezon Jr.

Ascending Dragon: Contemporary Vietnamese American Arts, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Backyard, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Deep Space, Pipo Nguyen-duy

East of Eden: Vietnam, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Review: Enabling Fidelity To God: Perseverance In Hebrews In Light Of The Reciprocity Systems Of The Ancient Mediterranean World, Brent Nongbri

Review: Enabling Fidelity To God: Perseverance In Hebrews In Light Of The Reciprocity Systems Of The Ancient Mediterranean World, Brent Nongbri


From a ‘Success’ Story to a Highly Indebted Poor Country: Ghana and Neoliberal Reforms, Darko Kwabena Opoku


From Quasi-revolutionaries to Capitalist Entrepreneurs: How the PNDC Changed the Face of Ghanaian Entrepreneurship, Darko Kwabena Opoku


The Politics of Government-Business Relations in Ghana, 1982-2008, Darko Kwabena Opoku


Testing Virginity in Achilles Tatius and Heliodorus, Kirk Ormand


Hope is an Imperative: the Essential David Orr, David Orr

Introduction to The Third Teacher, David Orr


Review: Merchants Of Doubt: How A Handful Of Scientists Obscured The Truth On Issues From Tobacco Smoke To Global Warming, David Orr


Review: "Two Views of Our Planet's Future": Whole Earth Discipline: An Ecopragmatist Manifesto and Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet, David Orr

What is Higher Education For Now, David Orr

Emerging Issues: Epizootiology of West Nile Virus in Birds, Jennifer C. Owen and Mary C. Garvin


Test Of Recrudescence Hypothesis For Overwintering Of West Nile Virus In Gray Catbirds, Jennifer C. Owen, Frank R. Moore, Amanda J. Williams, M.P. Ward, T.A. Beveroth, Elizabeth A. Miller, L.C. Wilson, V.J. Morley, R.N. Abbey-Lee, B.A. Veeneman, B.M. DeRussy, M.S. McWhorter, and Mary C. Garvin


Cryptic Metasomatism During Exhumation Of Franciscan Eclogite And Hornblendite Revealed By In Situ Delta O-18 Analysis Of Garnets, F. Zeb Page, Eric J. Essene, Noriko T. Kita, and John W. Valley


Ion microprobe analysis of oxygen isotopes in garnets of complex chemistry, F. Zeb Page, Noriko T. Kita, and John W. Valley

Political Advertising; Political Debates; Framing and Public Opinion, Michael Parkin


Taking Late Night Comedy Seriously: How Candidate Appearances On Late Night Television Can Engage Viewers, Michael Parkin


Review: Cervantes In Modernity, Vicente Perez de Leon

Hispanic Values, Military Values: Gender, Culture and the Militarization of Latina/o Youth, Gina M. Perez

Introduction to Beyond El Barrio: Everyday Life in Latina/o America, Gina M. Perez


Beyond El Barrio: Everyday Life in Latina/o America, Gina M. Perez, Frank Guridy, and Adrian Burgos Jr.

Enclosed experimental ecosystems in ocean science, John E. Petersen and W. Michael Kemp

The Importance of Aid Fragmentation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Tobias Pfutze


The Political Consequences of International Migration on Sending Countries, Tobias Pfutze


Garzon On Trial, Geoffrey Pingree and Sebastiaan Faber


Working with Student Writers: Essays on Tutoring and Teaching, Leonard Podis and JoAnne M. Podis


Review: The Amalgamation Waltz: Race, Performance, And The Ruses Of Memory, Meredith Raimondo


The queer intimacy of global vision: Documentary practice and the AIDS pandemic, Meredith Raimondo

Potentiation Of The Anxiogenic Effects Of Serotonin2c Receptor Agonism In An Animal Model Of Anxiety, A. T. Richards and K. D. Caldwell

Against the Current: Sita and Her Foils in Modern Tamil and Telugu Short Stories, Paula Richman

Sita's Dilemma's Through the Mail: Kumudini's Mattering Map of the Ramayana, Paula Richman


"We Don't Change It, We Make It Applicable": Ramlila In Trinidad, Paula Richman


Review: Civil Rights Memorials and the Geography of Memory, Renee C. Romano


Review: Remembering Scottsboro: The Legacy Of An Infamous Trial, Renee C. Romano


A Few Steps Forward in the Process of Looking Back: Setting Parameters for a Self-Study of Administrative and Program Development Work Over 18 Years, Deborah Roose

2010 Signatures, Elesa Rosasco


Husbandry Of Monodelphis Domestica In The Study Of Mammalian Embryogenesis, Holly Rousmaniere, Rachel Silverman, Rachel A. White, Mark M. Sasaki, Siobhan D. Wilson, Jeremy T. Morrison, and Yolanda P. Cruz


Review: Film Music: A History, Colin Roust


Reserve Prices In A Dynamic Auction When Bidders Are Capacity-constrained, Viplav Saini

Defining the Nation in Crisis: Citizenship Policy in the Early Weimar Republic, Annemarie Sammartino


Review: Power And Society In The GDR 1961-1979: The 'Normalisation Of Rule'?, Annemarie Sammartino


The Impossible Border: Germany, Migration and the East, 1914-1922, Annemarie Sammartino

Immigration: Myth vs. Struggles (“Einwanderung,” in Wettlauf um die Moderne. Die USA und Deutschland, 1890 bis Heute)", Annemarie Sammartino and Tobias Brinkmann


A Finite Calculus Approach To Ehrhart Polynomials, Steven V. Sam and Kevin Woods

Without loyalty to any theoretical gods, Benjamin Schiff, Paul Katzenstein, and Rudra Sil


The Number Field Sieve For Integers Of Low Weight, Oliver Schirokauer

Conversations About Russian Ballet: Commentaries On The Recent Past, Tim Scholl

Marius Petipa, Tim Scholl


Review: Electric Salome, Loie Fuller's performance of modernism, Tim Scholl

Review: Mythmaking In The New Russia: Politics And Memory During The Yeltsin Era, Tim Scholl

Skiftande tider för rysk danskonst, Tim Scholl

Tales of Two Cities, Tim Scholl

Trois chorégraphes, Tim Scholl

Cannibalism and Carnivorism: Human and Animal Devouring in la Fontaine, Perrault, and d'Aulnoy, Matthew J. Senior


A Multivariate Analysis of the Energy Intensity of Sprawl versus Compact Living in the US for 2003, Md Rumi Shammin, Robert A. Herendeen, Michelle J. Hanson, and Eric J.H. Wilson

Art as Activism: Tomiyama Taeko and the Marukis, Ann Sherif

Translation of “Koku”, Ann Sherif


Review: Megaflooding on Earth and Mars, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: Planetary Tectonics, Bruce M. Simonson


Authigenic minerals in macropores and veins in Late Triassic mudstones of the Newark Basin: implications for fluid migration through mudstonen, Bruce M. Simonson, Joseph Smoot, and Jennifer L. Hughes


Discovery Of A Shock-induced Polymorph Of Rutile With Alpha-pbo2 Structure (tio2ii) In Four Neoarchean Spherule Layers From Western Australia And South Africa, Frank C. Smith, J. B. Zullo, Billy P. Glass, and Bruce M. Simonson

14-18. The Rejection Of The War: A History Of Mutinies, Leonard V. Smith


Review: Biribi: Les bagnes coloniaux de l'armee francaise, Leonard V. Smith

The Neuroprotective Effect Of Decreased Luteinizing Hormone On Astrocytic Pathology In An Alzheimer's Disease Model, T. Soderborg, M. Burke, J. Cohen, and Janice E. Thornton


Advances in the use of next-generation sequence data in plant systematics and evolution, Douglas E. Soltis, J. Gordon Burleigh, W.B. Barbazuk, Michael J. Moore, and Pamela S. Soltis


Assembling The Angiosperm Tree Of Life: Progress And Future Prospects, Douglas E. Soltis, Michael J. Moore, J. Gordon Burleigh, Charles D. Bell, and Pamela S. Soltis


Femtosecond Frequency Comb Measurement Of Absolute Frequencies And Hyperfine Coupling Constants In Cesium Vapor, Jason E. Stalnaker, Vela Mbele, Vladislav Gerginov, T. M. Fortier, S.A. Diddams, L. Hollberg, and Carol E. Tanner


Entropy and Rust, Daniel Styer


Letter to the Editor: Entropy And Rust, Daniel Styer


Voluntary-threat Approaches To Reduce Ambient Water Pollution, Jordan Suter, Kathleen Segerson, Christian A. Vossler, and Gregory L. Poe


Missing Systems And The Face Value Practice, Martin Thomson-Jones

Structure And Polymorphism In M(ethylenediamine)3MoS4 (M = Mn, Co, Ni), Hengfeng Tian, Hadley A. Iliff, Lee J. Moore, and Catherine M. Oertel

A Museum of One’s Own, Anne Trubek


A Skeptic’s Guide to Writers’ Houses, Anne Trubek

Handwriting is History, Anne Trubek

Read My Book? Tour My House, Anne Trubek

Read My Book? Tour My House, Anne Trubek


Parity violation in atomic ytterbium: Experimental sensitivity and systematics, Konstantin Tsigutkin, D. Dounas-Frazer, A. Family, Jason E. Stalnaker, Valeriy V. Yashchuk, and D. Budker

Atom Spies, New York City, 1951-53, Carol Tufts

Blue Numbers, Carol Tufts

Brighton Beach, New York 1949, Carol Tufts

Cassandra, Carol Tufts

Midwest Melancholy, Carol Tufts


Social-ecological Resilience of a Nuosu Community-linked Watershed, Southwest Sichuan, China, Lauren S. Urgenson, R. Keala Hagmann, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Stevan Harrell, Thomas M. Hinckley, Sara Jo Shepler, Barbara L. Grub, and Philip M. Chi

Social-ecological Resilience of a Nuosu Community-linked Watershed, Southwest Sichuan, China, Lauren S. Urgenson, R. Keala Hagmann, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Stevan Harrell, Thomas M. Hinckley, Sara Jo Shepler, Barbara L. Grub, and Philip M. Chi

Review: Blinky Palermo: Abstraction Of An Era, James A. Van Dyke

Penelope, Thomas Van Nortwick


The Chilean Earthquake of 2010: Three Perspectives on One Disaster, Steven S. Volk

Gender, Order, and Femicide: Reading the Popular Culture of Murder in Ciudad Juárez, Steven S. Volk and Marian E. Schlotterbeck

Gender, Order, and Femicide: Reading the Popular Culture of Murder in Ciudad Juárez (Chicano Studies Reader), Steven S. Volk and Marian E. Schlotterbeck

Victor Zaslavsky, Veljko Vujacic

Fractals in the 3-body problem via symplectic integration, James Walsh and Daniel A. Hemberger

Expression Pattern Of E-cad, Ocln And Zo-1 In Cleavage-stage Monodelphis Domestica Embryos, Vicki N. Wang and Yolanda P. Cruz


Synthesis and structural characterization of the peptide epitope of the ovarian cancer biomarker CA125 (MUC16), Rebecca J. Whelan, Zach T. Berman, Lee J. Moore, and Kathleen E. Knudson