
Submissions from 2010


Review: The Racial Middle: Latinos And Asian Americans Living Beyond The Racial Divide, Pawan H. Dhingra


Review: Hokkeji And The Reemergence Of Female Monastic Orders In Premodern Japan, James C. Dobbins


Issue Engagement On Congressional Candidate Web Sites, 2002-2006, James N. Druckman, Cari Lynn Hennessy, Martin Kifer, and Michael Parkin


Timeless Strategy Meets New Medium: Going Negative On Congressional Campaign Web Sites, 2002-2006, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin

portal adds a new way in: Open access in a Project MUSE context, Ray English

Documenting Displacement: Capa, Taro, Chim, and the Visual Birth of the Modern Refugee, Sebastiaan Faber

L’atroç crim’ d’ésser antifeixista. L’ajuda des dels Estats Units d’Amèrica als refugiats republicans. Exili, medicina i filantropia. L’Hospital Varsòvia de Tolosa de Llenguadoc (1944-1950), Sebastiaan Faber

Negrín was Right: An Interview with Gabriel Jackson, Sebastiaan Faber


Pedro Almodovar, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Max Aub. Field of Honour, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Pedro Almodóvar, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: “¿Quién pelea contra el invierno? El revisionismo de Jordi Gracia, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Written in Red: The Communist Memoir in Spain, Sebastiaan Faber


The War Before the Lights Went Out: An Interview with Helen Graham, Sebastiaan Faber

Mystery Photo: Gift to Obama Puts ALBA in the Spotlight, Sebastiaan Faber and James D. Fernandez

¿De quién es el poder de contar? A propósito de las polémicas públicas sobre memoria histórica, Sebastiaan Faber, Pablo Sánchez León, and Jesus Izquierdo Martín

Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, Richard P. Feynman, Albert R. Hibbs, and Daniel Styer

Review: Exploring the West: Three Travel Narratives, Munshi Itesamuddin, Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, Lutfullah Khan, Michael H. Fisher


The Inordinately Strange Life of Dyce Sombre: Victorian Anglo Indian M.P. and Chancery 'Lunatic', Michael H. Fisher


Quantum dynamics of adsorbed normal- and para-H2, HD, and D2 in the microporous framework MOF-74 analyzed using infrared spectroscopy, Stephen FitzGerald, Jesse B. Hopkins, Brian Burkholder, Michael Friedman, and Jesse L.C. Rowsell

Povestvovatel’naja nit’ “Vol’chego l’na. Bella Ulanovskaja, Odinakoe pis’mo, Arlene Forman


Review: Vsevold Pudovkin: Selected Essays, Arlene Forman


Children's Memory For The Duration Of A Paediatric Consultation, William J. Friedman, Ann-Christin Cederborg, Elin Hultman, Olov Anghagen, and Karin Falth Magnusson


Aging And The Speed Of Time, William J. Friedman and Steve M.J. Janssen


Do People Remember The Temporal Proximity Of Unrelated Events?, William J. Friedman and Steve M.J. Janssen


Everyday Thinking About Bodily Sensations, Todd Ganson and Dorit Ganson


Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of a Sustainable Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment System at Jiuzhaigou National Park, Sichuan Province, China, Linda S. Gaulke, Xiao Weiyang, Andrew Scanlon, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, and Thomas M. Hinckley


Design of a Virtual Computer Lab Environment for hands-on Information Security Exercises, Nathaniel Gephart and Benjamin A. Kuperman


Assembling The Tree Of The Monocotyledons: Plastome Sequence Phylogeny And Evolution Of Poales, Thomas J. Givnish, Mercedes Ames, Joel R. McNeal, Michael R. McKain, P. Roxanne Steele, Claude W. dePamphilis, Sean W. Graham, J. Chris Pires, Dennis W. Stevenson, Wendy B. Zomlefer, Barbara G. Briggs, Melvin R. Duvall, Michael J. Moore, Michael J. Heaney, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Kevin Thiele, and James H. Lebens-Mack


Review: "Specific Objects": The Disappearance of Objects: New York Art and the Rise of the Postmodern City, Sarah Hamill

A Difficult Balance: Richard Wilbur, DeSales Harrison

Millennial Ephemera: Arthur Sze, DeSales Harrison

Review: KAYWA and Kooaba Digital Encryption Technologies, John Harwood

Skylab; or The Outpost, John Harwood


Review: Deconstructing Sexuality In The Middle East Challenges And Discourses, Frances S. Hasso


Review: Distributed Reduplication, Jason D. Haugen

Tongan Chiefly Language: The Formation Of An Honorific Speech Register, Jason D. Haugen and Susan U. Philips


Monsoon control of effective discharge, Yunnan and Tibet, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, David R. Montgomery, Katharine W. Huntington, and Chuan Liang


Predicting Long-term Firefighter Performance From Cognitive And Physical Ability Measures, Norman D. Henderson


The International Pulsar Timing Array Project: Using Pulsars As A Gravitational Wave Detector, G. Hobbs, Anne M. Archibald, Zaven Arzoumanian, D. Backer, M. Bailes, N.D.R. Bhat, M. Burgay, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, D.J. Champion, I. Cognard, W. Coles, James M. Cordes, Paul B. Demorest, G. Desvignes, Robert D. Ferdman, L. Finn, P. Freire, Marjorie E. Gonzalez, Jason W.T. Hessels, A. Hotan, G. Janssen, Fredrick A. Jenet, A. Jessner, C. Jordan, Victoria M. Kaspi, M. Kramer, V. Kondratiev, T. Joseph W. Lazio, K. Lazaridis, K. J. Lee, Y. Levin, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Ryan S. Lynch, A. Lyne, R. Manchester, Maura A. McLaughlin, David J. Nice, S. Oslowski, M. Pilia, A. Possenti, M. Purver, Scott M. Ransom, J. Reynolds, S. Sanidas, J. Sarkissian, A. Sesana, R. Shannon, Xavier Siemens, Ingrid H. Stairs, B. Stappers, Daniel R. Stinebring, G. Theureau, R. van Haasteren, W. van Straten, J.P.W. Verbiest, D.R.B. Yardley, and X.P. You


Many Names For Mother: The Ethno-linguistic Politics Of Deafness In Nepal, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway


Review: Journeys To Empire: Enlightenment, Imperialism, And The British Encounter With Tibet, 1774-1904, Laurie Hovell McMillin


Review: Globalization And Varieties Of Capitalism - New Labour, Economic Policy And The Abject State, Chris Howell

Reef Drilling, Dennis K. Hubbard


Differential effects of Phe19 and Phe20 on fibril formation by amyloidogenic peptide AB16-22 (Ac-KLVFFAE-NH2), Hideyo Inouye, Katherine A. Gleason, Sean M. Decatur, and Daniel A. Kirschner

The Price of A Cow, Caroline Jackson Smith

Out of One Glass, Caroline Jackson Smith and Margaret Lynch


Review: Simple, Not Easy: Reflections On Community, Social Responsibility And Tolerance, Eboni A. Johnson


Review: The Denzel Principle: And Other Reasons Black Women Can't Find Good Black Men, Eboni A. Johnson

The NIH Public Access Policy: Advocating for open access to federally funded research, Heather Joseph and Ray English

Chief Justice Warren Burger; Justice Sandra Day O’Connor; Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Ron Kahn

Introduction to Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity, Margaret D. Kamitsuka

Sex in Heaven? Eschatological Eros and the Resurrection of the Body, Margaret D. Kamitsuka


The Embrace of Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity, Margaret D. Kamitsuka

Report of the 2006 and 2007 Seasons of the Cyrenaica Archaeological Project, Susan Kane

The Use of Parian and Pentelic Marble in the Greco-Roman City of Cyrene, Susan Kane


Review: Lynching And Spectacle: Witnessing Racial Violence In America, 1890-1940., Clayton R. Koppes


Review: Why America Fights: Patriotism And War Propaganda From The Philippines To Iraq, Clayton R. Koppes

Class and Politics to 1877, Gary J. Kornblith


Slavery and Sectional Strife in the Early American Republic, 1776-1821, Gary J. Kornblith

More than Great White Men: A Century of Scholarship on American Social History, Gary J. Kornblith and Carol Lasser


Review: Merleau-Ponty And Modern Politics After Anti-humanism, Sonia Kruks


Review: The Philosophy Of Simone De Beauvoir: Ambiguity, Conversion, Resistance, Sonia Kruks

Simone de Beauvoir: Engaging Discrepant Materialisms, Sonia Kruks


Core-shell magnetic morphology of structurally uniform magnetite nanoparticles, Kathryn L. Krycka, R.A. Booth, C.R. Hogg, Y. Ijiri, Julie A. Borchers, W.C. Chen, S.M. Watson, M. Laver, T.R. Gentile, and Liv R. Dedon


Internal magnetic structure of magnetite nanoparticles at low temperature, Kathryn L. Krycka, Julie A. Borchers, R.A. Booth, C.R. Hogg, Yumi Ijiri, W.C. Chen, S.M. Watson, M. Laver, T.R. Gentile, and S. Harris


Audlib: A Configurable, High-fidelity Application Audit Mechanism, Benjamin A. Kuperman and Eugene H. Spafford


Predicting The Post-fire Establishment And Persistence Of An Invasive Tree Species Across A Complex Landscape, Dane M. Kuppinger, Michael A. Jenkins, and Peter S. White


Recasting Global Feminisms: Toward A Comparative Historical Approach To Women's Activism And Feminist Scholarship, Jayati Lal, Kristin McGuire, Abigail J. Stewart, Magdalena Zaborowska, and Justine M. Pas

Antebellum American Women: Private, Public, Partisan, Carol Lasser and Stacey Robertson


Review: Petronii Arbitri Satyricon 100-115. Edizione critica e commento. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde Bd. 281, Ben Lee


Review: Latein: Geschichte einer Weltsprache, Ben Lee and Branden Kosch


Claiming the Oriental Gateway: Prewar Seattle and Japanese America, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


Gateway To The Orient Japan And Seattle's Nikkei Community At The Ayp, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


English at Oberlin: 1880-1960, Robert Longsworth

Good Bad Jews: Converts, Conversion, and Boundary Redrawing in Modern Russian Jewry: Notes Toward a New Category, Shulamit Magnus

How Does a Woman Write? Or, Pauline Wengeroff’s Room of Her Own, Shulamit Magnus


Memoirs of a Grandmother: Scenes from the Cultural History of the Jews of Russia in the Nineteenth Century, Volume One, Shulamit Magnus

Reading Rumi in the West, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati

Reading Rumi in the West, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati

Military Entrepreneurship in Latin America: A Brief Overview, Kristina Mani


Review: The Chumash World At European Contact: Power, Trade, And Feasting Among Complex Hunter-gatherers, Amy V. Margaris

A Deck of Cards: A suite in seven movements, Nusha Martynuk

Apparitions; A Deck of Cards: A Suite in Seven Movements, Nusha Martynuk

Video manipulated live in performance, Nusha Martynuk


Synthesis And Structures Of Pb3O2(CH3COO)2 0.5H2O and Pb2O(HCOO)2: Two Corrosion Products Revisited, Catherine M. Mauck, Titus van den Heuvel, Michaela M. Hull, Matthias Zeller, and Catherine M. Oertel

Apparitions (videography), Carter McAdams


Review: Mendelssohn And Victorian England, Charles Edward McGuire


Does a Fetus Already Have a Future-Like-Ours, Peter McInerney


Infrared Spectra Of CF2=CHD and CF2=CD2: Scaled Quantum-chemical Force Fields And An Equilibrium Structure For 1,1-difluoroethylene, Donald C. McKean, Mark M. Law, Peter Groner, Andrew R. Conrad, Michael J. Tubergen, David Feller, Michael C. Moore, and Norman C. Craig


Infrared Spectra Of 12CF2=12CH2 and 12CF2=13CH2, Quantum-chemical Calculations Of Anharmonicity, And Analyses Of Resonances, Donald C. McKean, Benjamin van der Veken, Wouter Herrebout, Mark M. Law, Michael J. Brenner, Deacon J. Nemchick, and Norman C. Craig

Beauty Meets Beast: Emerson’s English Traits, T.S. McMillin

Making Sex Matter: A History of Latina/o Sexualities, 1898-1965, Pablo R. Mitchell

Making the ‘International City’ Home: Puerto Ricans in Mid-Twentieth Century Lorain, Ohio, Pablo R. Mitchell


Review: Bordertown: The Odyssey Of An American Place, Pablo R. Mitchell


Phylogenetic Analysis Of 83 Plastid Genes Further Resolves The Early Diversification Of Eudicots, Michael J. Moore, Pamela S. Soltis, Charles D. Bell, J. Gordon Burleigh, and Douglas E. Soltis

Betrayal, Paul Moser

Much Ado About Nothing, Paul Moser

Our Town, Paul Moser


Charlot Francais: Charlie Chaplin, The First World War, And The Construction Of A National Hero, Libby Murphy