Submissions from 2011
Cooling Off a Warming Planet: Analyzing the Tradeoffs in Policies for Climate Change, Md Rumi Shammin, John E. Petersen, and Jordan Suter
Volatile And Semivolatile Compounds In Gray Catbird Uropygial Secretions Vary With Age And Between Breeding And Wintering Grounds, Clara L. Shaw, Jordan E. Rutter, Amy L. Austin, Mary C. Garvin, and Rebecca J. Whelan
Review: The Other Women's Lib: Gender And Body In Japanese Women's Fiction, Ann Sherif
Preventing combinatorial explosion in a localist neural network architecture using temporal synchrony, Patrick Simen
A model of interval timing by neural integration, Patrick Simen, Fuat Balci, Laura deSouza, Philip Holmes, and Jonathan D. Cohen
Interval timing by long-range temporal integration, Patrick Simen, Fuat Balci, Laura deSouza, Philip Holmes, and Jonathan D. Cohen
Iron Ore Deposits Associated With Precambrian Iron Formations, Bruce M. Simonson
Review: Water in the Universe, Bruce M. Simonson
Review: The Legacy of the French Revolutionary Wars: The Nation-in-Arms in French Republican Memory, Leonard V. Smith
The Wilsonian Challenge to International Law, Leonard V. Smith
Oxygen isotope variations of garnets and clinopyroxenes in a layered diamondiferous calcsilicate rock from Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan: a window into the geochemical nature of deeply subducted UHPM rocks, N. V. Sobolev, Hans-Peter Schertl, John W. Valley, F. Zeb Page, Noriko T. Kita, Michael J. Spicuzza, R. D. Neuser, and A. M. Logvinova
Reconsidering Anti-Semitism and White Slavery in Contemporary Historical Fiction about Argentina, Claire Solomon
Angiosperm Phylogeny: 17 Genes, 640 Taxa, Douglas E. Soltis, Stephen A. Smith, Nico Cellinese, Kenneth J. Wurdack, David C. Tank, Samuel F. Brockington, Nancy F. Refulio-Rodriguez, Jay B. Walker, Michael J. Moore, Barbara S. Carlsward, Charles D. Bell, Maribeth Latvis, Sunny Crawley, Chelsea Black, Diaga Diouf, Zhenxiang Xi, Catherine A. Rushworth, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, Kenneth J. Sytsma, Yin-Long Qiu, Khidir W. Hilu, Charles C. Davis, Michael J. Sanderson, Reed S. Beaman, Richard G. Olmstead, Walter S. Judd, Michael J. Donoghue, and Pamela S. Soltis
‘Find-the-Flaw’ Problems, Daniel Styer
Relativity for the Questioning Mind, Daniel Styer
Review: The Quantum Story: A History in 40 Moments, Daniel Styer
The Errors of Feynman and Hibbs, Daniel Styer
Neutron Scattering And Spectroscopic Studies Of Hydrogen Adsorption In Cr3(BTC)2-a Metal-organic Framework With Exposed Cr2+ Sites, Kenji Sumida, Jae-Hyuk Her, Mircea Dinca, Leslie J. Murray, Jennifer M. Schloss, Christopher J. Pierce, Benjamin Thompson, Stephen FitzGerald, Craig M. Brown, and Jeffrey R. Long
Applications Of Argentation Solid Phase Extraction To The Capsaicinoids: Purification Of Commercial Standards And Isolation Of Homodihydrocapsaicin (8-methyl) From 'bhut Jolokia', Robert Q. Thompson and Kathleen Loa
Review: A Philosophy Of Cinematic Art, Katherine Thomson-Jones
Review: Scientific Representation: Paradoxes of Perspective, Martin Thomson-Jones
Structuralism about Scientific Representation, Martin Thomson-Jones
Finding The Event Structure Of Neuronal Spike Trains, J. Vincent Toups, Jean-Marc Fellous, Peter J. Thomas, Terrence J. Sejnowski, and Paul H. Tiesinga
Review: The Arts In Nazi Germany: Continuity, Conformity, Change, James A. Van Dyke
Agamemnon, Thomas Van Nortwick
Argos, Thomas Van Nortwick
Hector, Thomas Van Nortwick
Patroklos, Thomas Van Nortwick
Priam, Thomas Van Nortwick
Trial-by-trial adaptation of decision making performance: a model-based EEG analysis, Marieke K. Van Vugt and Patrick Simen
Refusing to Hear: Press Coverage of the Chilean Miners, Steven S. Volk
Review: "Chile and the Traps of Memory": Nostalgia for the Light (film), Steven S. Volk
A Calcineurin Homologous Protein Is Required For Sodium-proton Exchange Events In The C. Elegans Intestine, Jamie Wagner, Erik Allman, Ashley Taylor, Kiri Ulmschneider, Timothy Kovanda, Bryne Ulmschneider, Keith Nehrke, and Maureen A. Peters
Alpha and beta diversity of encrusting foraminifera that recruit to long-term experiments along a carbonate platform-to-slope gradient: Paleoecological and paleoenvironmental implications, Sally E. Walker, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Suzanne Richardson-White, Carlton E. Brett, and Eric N. Powell
Review: I Used to Live Here Once, Sylvia Watanabe
From Globalized Pig Breeds To Capitalist Pigs: A Study In Animal Cultures And Evolutionary History, Sam White
Middle East Environmental History: Ideas from an Emerging Field, Sam White
Review: "Ottomans In Early Modern Global History": Empire Of Difference: Comparative Perspective, Sam White
Review: Plows, Plagues, And Petroleum: How Humans Took Control Of Climate, Sam White
The Climate of Rebellion in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire, Sam White
African American and European American students’ peer groups during early adolescence: Structure, status, and academic achievement, Travis Wilson, Ramin Karimpour, and Philip C. Rodkin
African American and European American children in diverse elementary classrooms: Social integration, social status, and social behavior, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin
Peer Relations of Latina/o Children in Midwest U.S. Elementary Schools, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin
Flora, The Red Menace, Matthew Wright
Hamlet, Matthew Wright
Jerry Springer, The Opera, Matthew Wright
The Little Prince, Matthew Wright
Farmed: Argonomy and Agriculture, Nanette Yannuzzi
How to Explain a Contemporary Art Audience to a Robotic Hare, Nanette Yannuzzi
Monster Drawing Rally, Nanette Yannuzzi
Turkish Activist Ecoart Report on the Relief Valve/Subap Exhibit, Nanette Yannuzzi
Video Night; Itaca #3; Station923, Nanette Yannuzzi
L’ironie religieuse dans l’œuvre de Camus, Humour, ironie et derision chez Camus, Ali Yedes
Landscape With Wolves, David Young
Submissions from 2010
Al-Tarajim: Ansaq ma‘rifiyy madha tukhbir ‘Aisha?” (Women’s Biographies: Contesting Paradigms…What does ‘Aisha Tell?), Zeinab Abul-Magd
Rebellion In The Time Of Cholera: Failed Empire, Unfinished Nation In Egypt, 1840-1920, Zeinab Abul-Magd
Random Search, 2010, Kazim Ali
Aryl Boronic Acid Inhibition Of Synthetic Melanin Polymerization, Jason M. Belitsky
Past And Future Decisions: A Positive Component Of The Feedback Event-related Potential Predicts Subsequent Choice In A Gambling Task, R. Bhatia, D. Wick, N. Hammack, and Michael D. Loose
Development of the Inner Ear, Lynne M. Bianchi
Investigation Of The Role Of Bicyclic Peroxy Radicals In The Oxidation Mechanism Of Toluene, Adam W. Birdsall, John F. Andreoni, and Matthew J. Elrod
China Against the Tides, Marc J. Blecher
Globalization, Structural Reform, and Labour Politics in China (article), Marc J. Blecher
Globalization, Structural Reform, and Labour Politics in China (chapter), Marc J. Blecher
Review: States' Gains, Labor's Losses: China, France, And Mexico Choose Global Liaisons, 1980-2000, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Workers' Democracy in China's Transition from State Socialism, Marc J. Blecher
Simple-closed-curve sculptures of knots and links, Robert Bosch
Grade School Triangles, Jack S. Calcut
3-dimensional reconstruction of a Hellenistic terracotta plaque, Sam Carrier, Masana Amamiya, and Susan Kane
To Psychic Underworld, Dan Chaon
The Space Between – Placing ‘Culture’ in Artistic Exchange, Bonnie Cheng
Homeowners Associations and Their Impact on the Local Public Budget, Ron Cheung
Surplus Rising (Banvard Gallery), Julia Christensen
The Futures Cycle, Julia Christensen
Your Town, Inc. (Richmond Center for the Visual Arts), Julia Christensen
The Unsung Torsos: An Opera in Thirteen Parts, Julia Christensen and Sarah Paul
Kinetics of the hydrolysis of atmospherically relevant isoprene-derived hydroxy epoxides, Neil C. Cole-Filipiak, Alison E. O'Connor, and Matthew J. Elrod
In the Tradition: Original Ancestors (For Bettye and Wendell), Johnny Coleman
The Best Location: Still Searching, Johnny Coleman, Dianne McIntyre, and Bernard Matambo
Virginia Brown 1940-2009, Marcia Colish
Review: Pythagoras’ Revenge: A Mathematical Mystery; The Housekeeper and the Professor, Susan Jane Colley
Encounters With Contact: Dancing Contact Improvisation In College, Ann Cooper Albright
Falling on screen, Ann Cooper Albright
Modern Gestures: Abraham Walkowitz Draws Isadora Duncan Dancing, Ann Cooper Albright
The Tanagra Effect: Wrapping the Modern Body in the Folds of Ancient Greece, Ann Cooper Albright
Tracing the Past: Writing History Through the Body, Ann Cooper Albright
Beauty and the Supercomputer: Julie Taymor Gambles on Spiderman, Roger Copeland
The Death of the Choreographer, Roger Copeland
With Friends Like Those: Reflections on Barack Obama's First Year In Office, Roger Copeland
A Reevaluation Of The Assignment Of The Vibrational Fundamentals And The Rotational Analysis Of Bands In The High-resolution Infrared Spectra Of Trans- And Cis-1,3,5-hexatriene, Norman C. Craig, Matthew C. Leyden, Michael C. Moore, Amie K. Patchen, Titus van den Heuvel, Thomas A. Blake, Tony Masiello, and Robert L. Sams
Review: State, Labor, And The Transition To A Market Economy: Egypt, Poland, Mexico And The Czech Republic, Stephen Crowley
Trade Unions, Stephen Crowley
The Two Cultures Approach to Curricular Innovation, Yolanda P. Cruz
Expression Of Oct4, Cdx2 And Yap1 During Blastocyst Formation In The Marsupial, Monodelphis Domestica, Yolanda P. Cruz, Jeremy T. Morrison, and Niels S. Bantilan
Shading The Truth: The Patterning Of Adolescents' Decisions To Avoid Issues, Disclose, Or Lie To Parents, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, and M. Loreto Martinez
Trust, but verify: Knowledge, disclosure and trust in parent-adolescent relationships, Nancy Darling and Bonnie Dowdy
Adapted for the Screen: The Cultural Politics of Modern Chinese Fiction and Film, Hsiu-Chuang Deppman
The Problem of Genesis in the Texts of Joyce, Jed Deppman
Hospitable To Others: Indian American Motel Owners Create Boundaries And Belonging In The Heartland, Pawan H. Dhingra
Hospitable To Others: Indian American Motel Owners Create Boundaries And Belonging In The Heartland, Pawan H. Dhingra