
Submissions from 2011


Paraburdoo Spherule Layer (Hamersley Basin, Western Australia): Distal Ejecta From A Fourth Large Impact Near The Archean-proterozoic Boundary, Scott W. Hassler, Bruce M. Simonson, Dawn Y. Sumner, and Louis Bodin


Review: Desiring Arabs, Frances S. Hasso

19th Century Missionary Linguistic Documentation of Ojibwe (Red Lake & Leech Lake, MN), Jason D. Haugen


Reduplication in Distributed Morphology, Jason D. Haugen


Base-dependence in reduplication, Jason D. Haugen and Cathy Hicks Kennard


Wood taphonomy in a tropical marine carbonate environment: Experimental results from Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas, Elizabeth A. Heise, Anne L. Raymond, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Sally E. Walker, George M. Staff, E. A. Powell, Carlton E. Brett, and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox


Spatial controls on erosion in the Three Rivers Region, southeastern Tibet and southwestern China, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Katharine W. Huntington, John O. Stone, David R. Montgomery, and Bernard Hallet


The Question Of Communist Land Degradation: New Evidence From Local Erosion And Basin-wide Sediment Yield In Southwest China And Southeast Tibet, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, David R. Montgomery, Katharine W. Huntington, and Chuan Liang

Classical And Virtual Pseudodiagram Theory And New Bounds On Unknotting Numbers And Genus, A. Henrich, N. MacNaughton, Sivaram K. Narayan, O. Pechenik, and J. Townsend


Association and Exclusion: The Paradox of Liberal Democracy, Harry Hirsch


Theorizing the First Amendment: From Roger Williams to Larry Flynt, Harry Hirsch

Lending A Hand: Competence Through Cooperation In Nepal's Deaf Associations, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway


Ordering Burgers, Reordering Relations: Gestural Interactions Between Hearing and d/Deaf Nepalis, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway


Writing The Smile: Language Ideologies In, And Through, Sign Language Scripts, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Review: Jobs with Equality, Chris Howell


Rethinking Institutions And Institutional Change In European Industrial Relations, Chris Howell and Rebecca Kolins

Eastern Caribbean Coral Reefs, Dennis K. Hubbard


Thermodynamics And Kinetics Of The Hydrolysis Of Atmospherically Relevant Organonitrates And Organosulfates, K. S. Hu, Adam I. Darer, and Matthew J. Elrod

Mathematical experiments of long silver pipes: the early modern figure of the mechanical bird, Wendy Beth Hyman

The Automaton in English Renaissance Literature, Wendy Beth Hyman


Jean Fouquet and the Invention of France: Art and Nation after the Hundred Years War, Erik Inglis

Review: "History in French Manuscripts": Imagining the Past in France: History in Manuscript Painting, 1250-1500, Erik Inglis

Ruined, Caroline Jackson Smith and Lynn Nottage

Review: Mignarda; Pacifica Quartet; Case Early Music Faculty; Apollo's Fire; Cleveland Orchestra; Boston Early Music Festival; Les Delices, Nicholas Jones

Review: Weyward Macbeth: Intersections of Race and Performance, Nicholas Jones

G.W.F. Hegel, David G. Kamitsuka


Feminist Scholarship and Its Relevance for Political Engagement: The Test Case of Abortion, Margaret D. Kamitsuka

Review: Trauma And Grace: Theology In A Ruptured World, Margaret D. Kamitsuka

Architectural Terracottas from the “Sanctuary of the Dolphins” on Monte Pallano,Abruzzo, Susan Kane, Michael Crawford, and Silvano Agostini

Operations Research in the Visual Arts, C. S. Kaplan and Robert Bosch


Seen Missing: The Case Of Kitch's Last Meal, Brett Kashmere

Complicities of Witnessing in Joe Sacco’s Palestine, Wendy Kozol


Looking Elsewhere, Wendy Kozol

Review: From One Prison (Jacobsen 1994) and Sin in Silence (Klaus 2009), Wendy Kozol


Experimental taphonomy of a decapod crustacean: Long-term data and their implications, Richard A. Krause, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, and Sally E. Walker


Bodily Beauty, Socialist Evolution, and William Morris’s News from Nowhere, Jessica Kuskey

Immediatism, Economy and Individual Conversion: Women, Gender and the Sentimentalization of Transatlantic Anti-Slavery Appeals, Carol Lasser


Review: Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway To America, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee

Learning From the Consequences of Retrieval: Another Test Effect, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Benjamin C. Storm, and Patricia A. deWinstanley


Brief Report: "I Can't Talk About It:" Sexuality And Self-silencing As Interactive Predictors Of Depressive Symptoms In Adolescent Dating Couples, Katherine C. Little, Deborah P. Welsh, Nancy Darling, and Rachel M. Holmes

Melanin-based Coatings For Environmental Applications, Diane S. Lye, Christine A. Moore, Micah Z. Ellowitz, and Jason M. Belitsky

Biography and the Image of a Medieval Historian: The Tārīkh-i Jahāngushā of Atā-Malik Juvaynī., Mohammad Jafar Mahallati


Beyond the Pay: Current Illicit Activities of the Armed Forces in Central America, Kristina Mani


Democratization and Military Transformation in Argentina and Chile: Rethinking Rivalry, Kristina Mani


Innovating from the War Economy: Formal, Informal and Illicit Economic Activities of the Military in Colombia, Kristina Mani


Militares Empresarios: Approaches To Studying The Military As An Economic Actor, Kristina Mani


Military Entrepreneurs: Patterns In Latin America, Kristina Mani


Collecting For A College Museum: Exchange Practices and the Life History of a 19th-Century Arctic Collection, Amy V. Margaris and Linda T. Grimm

Apparitions, 'best selections' tour, Nusha Martynuk

Events for Now and Later, Nusha Martynuk


Review: "Sin In The Suburbs: Nevada's Changing Brothel Industry": The State Of Sex: Tourism, Sex And Sin In The New American Heartland, Greggor Mattson

Apparitions, 'best selections' tour, Carter McAdams


Laser Ablation Mapping Of Siderophile Elements In The Late Archaean Reivilo Impact Spherule Layer, South Africa (abstract), Iain McDonald, Bruce M. Simonson, Christian Koeberl, and Wolf Uwe Reimold


Hebbian learning in linear-nonlinear networks with tuning curves leads to near-optimal, multi-alternative decision making, Tyler McMillen, Patrick Simen, and Sam Behseta


Review: Ecocritical Explorations In Literary And Cultural Studies: Fences, Boundaries, And Fields, T.S. McMillin


The Meaning of Rivers: Flow & Reflection in American Literature, T.S. McMillin


Paradigm Shift in Reference Services at the Oberlin College Library: A Case Study, Megan S. Mitchell, Cynthia H. Comer, Jennifer M. Starkey, and Eboni A. Francis


Review: Border Dilemmas: Racial and National Uncertainties in New Mexico, 1848-1912, Pablo R. Mitchell


Review: The Sexuality Of Migration: Border Crossings And Mexican Immigrant Men, Pablo R. Mitchell


Western History Forum: Social And Cultural History, Pablo R. Mitchell


Cycles of History: China, North Korea and the End of the Korean War, Sheila Miyoshi Jager


Phylogenetic Analysis Of The Plastid Inverted Repeat For 244 Species: Insights Into Deeper-level Angiosperm Relationships From A Long, Slowly Evolving Sequence Region, Michael J. Moore, Nasr Hassan, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, Riva A. Bruenn, Matthew Croley, Alexia Vandeventer, James W. Horn, Amit Dhingra, Samuel F. Brockington, Maribeth Latvis, Jeremy Ramdial, Roosle Alexandre, Ana Piedrahita, Zhenxiang Xi, Charles C. Davis, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis


Baguettes, Berets And Burning Cars: The 2005 Riots And The Question Of Race In Contemporary France, John P. Murphy


Review: Riddles Of Belonging: India In Translation And Other Tales Of Possession, Anuradha Needham


Review: Early Modern Russian Letters: Texts And Contexts, Thomas Newlin

Delicious Field: Ohio Photographers at Work, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Images from the Dancing Bear Collection, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Imagined Earth, Pipo Nguyen-duy


Review: Crossing Empire's Edge: Foreign Ministry Police And Japanese Expansionism In Northeast Asia, Emer O'Dwyer


National Security and Sustainability, David Orr


Test Of Recrudescence Hypothesis For Overwintering Of Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus In Gray Catbirds, Jennifer C. Owen, Frank R. Moore, Amanda J. Williams, Lillian Stark, Elizabeth A. Miller, V. J. Morley, Alexander R. Krohn, and Mary C. Garvin


Schizophrenia- Like Attentional Deficits Following Blockade Of Prefrontal Cortex Gaba(a) Receptors, Tracie A. Paine, Lauren E. Slipp, and William A. Carlezon Jr.


English Proficiency and Latino Political Participation in US Elections, Michael Parkin and Frances Zlotnick


Taphonomic field experiments and the role of the Shelf and Slope Experimental Taphonomy Initiative, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Carlton E. Brett, and Sally E. Walker

New Materials And New Methods: Innovative Strategies For Integrating New Material Into Syllabi, Nipam Patel, Yolanda P. Cruz, Michael Barresi, Laurie Iten, and Scott F. Gilbert

4 Large Wall Pieces, John Pearson

Drawings, Constructions, John Pearson

Drawings, Prints, Constructions, John Pearson

Head Turn, Head Turn, Kiss, Explosion, Jeffrey Pence

The Amerikans (web series), Jeffrey Pence and Mika Johnson

Castaway Part II, Jeffrey Pence and Benjamin Neufeld

Early Adopter, John E. Petersen

A 'Strange Potpourri': Revisiting Sandino’s Legacy in the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua, Baron Pineda


BLUE DESERT ~ Towards Antarctica (Myers School of Art), Geoffrey Pingree and Rian Brown-Orso

Fitzgerald's 'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz' and Hawthorne's 'Rappaccini's Daughter', Leonard Podis


The Relationship Of Bionts And Taphonomic Processes In Molluscan Taphofacies Formation On The Continental Shelf And Slope: Eight-year Trends: Gulf Of Mexico And Bahamas, Eric N. Powell, Carlton E. Brett, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, W. Russell Callender, George M. Staff, Sally E. Walker, Anne L. Raymond, and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox

The Relationship Of Bionts And Taphonomic Processes In Molluscan Taphofacies Formation On The Continental Shelf And Slope: Eight-year Trends: Gulf Of Mexico And Bahamas, Eric N. Powell, Carlton E. Brett, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, W. Russell Callender, George M. Staff, Sally E. Walker, Anne L. Raymond, and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox


Taphonomic degradation of molluscan remains during thirteen years on the continental shelf and slope of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, Eric N. Powell, George M. Staff, W. Russell Callender, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Carlton E. Brett, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Sally E. Walker, and Anne L. Raymond

The influence of molluscan taxon on taphofacies development over a broad range of environments of preservation: The SSETI experience, Eric N. Powell, George M. Staff, W. Russell Callender, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Carlton E. Brett, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Sally E. Walker, and Anne L. Raymond


The influence of molluscan taxon on taphofacies development over a broad range of environments of preservation: The SSETI experience, Eric N. Powell, George M. Staff, W. Russell Callender, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Carlton E. Brett, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Sally E. Walker, and Anne L. Raymond

Silence in Muthal Naidoo's "Flight from the Mahabharath": Disrupting the Power of Categories in a South African Play, Paula Richman


Review: Stormy Weather: Middle-class African American Marriages Between The Two World Wars, Renee C. Romano


Evaluating the International Criminal Court, Benjamin Schiff

George Balanchine, Tim Scholl

Lev Ivanov, Tim Scholl

Marius Petipa, Tim Scholl

Presence of Absence: Diaghilev's Ballets Russes in the Soviet Union, Tim Scholl

Review: Mamontov's Private Opera: The Search for Modernism in Russian Theater, Tim Scholl


Sergei Diaghilev's Sleeping Princess, Tim Scholl

Review: Vaux and Versailles: The Appropriations, Erasures, and Accidents That made Modern France, Matthew J. Senior