Submissions from 2010
Short-chain carboxylic acids from gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) uropygial secretions vary with testosterone levels and photoperiod, Rebecca J. Whelan, Tera C. Levin, and Mary C. Garvin
Rethinking Disease In Ottoman History, Sam White
Re-Mapping Karanis: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Site Analysis, Andrew T. Wilburn
Beautiful Thing, Matthew Wright
I Love A Piano, Matthew Wright
Macbeth, Matthew Wright
Much Ado About Nothing, Matthew Wright
Emanations, Nanette Yannuzzi
Homage: Ritual in Transfigured Time, Nanette Yannuzzi
Relief Valve/Subap, Nanette Yannuzzi and Arzu Ozkal
Low Luteinizing Hormone Enhances Spatial Memory And Has Protective Effects On Memory Loss In Rats, Shira G. Ziegler and Janice E. Thornton
Submissions from 2009
Yawmiyyat abla fi aryaf America (Diaries of a professor in rural America), Zeinab Abul-Magd
blue my promise a swan: to alice coltrane, Kazim Ali
Bright Felon: Autobiography and Cities, Kazim Ali
Persephone as a Boy, 2009, Kazim Ali
Ramzan Notes, Mid-Afternoon, Day 16, Kazim Ali
“Sleep Door” (2008) and “Rhinebeck” (2009), Kazim Ali
The Disappearance of Seth, Kazim Ali
A Par-asian Cinematic Imaginary in Olivier Assayas’s Irma Vep, Grace An
New Isotopic and EPR Data for 22 Sculptures from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, Libya, D. Attanasio, Susan Kane, and N. Herz
Primary atmospheric oxidation mechanism for toluene, Cristian O. Baltaretu, Eben I. Lichtman, Amelia B. Hadler, and Matthew J. Elrod
Reply to Comment on ‘Primary Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanism for Toluene’, Cristian O. Baltaretu, Eben I. Lichtman, Amelia B. Hadler, and Matthew J. Elrod
High-Resolution Solid-State NMR Structure of Alanyl-Prolyl-Glycine, Alexander B. Barnes, Loren B. Andreas, Matthias Huber, Ramesh Ramachandran, Patrick C.A. van der Wel, Mikhail Veshtort, Robert G. Griffin, and Manish A. Mehta
Thomas Aquinas on the Body and Bodily Passions, Corey Barnes
Thomas Aquinas on the Body and Bodily Passions, Corey Barnes
A Voyage of Undiscovery: Deciphering Horace Walpole’s Hieroglyphic Tales, Laura Baudot
What Not to Avoid in Swift’s “The Lady’s Dressing Room”, Laura Baudot
Review: Molecular Recognition and Polymers: Control of Polymer Structure and Self-Assembly, Jason M. Belitsky
Solvation and Hydrogen Bonding in Alanine- and Glycine-Containing Dipeptides Probed Using Solutionand Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy, Manasi P. Bhate, Jaie C. Woodard, and Manish A. Mehta
China in 2008: Meeting Olympian challenges, Marc J. Blecher
Jordan as a Jordan Curve, Robert Bosch
Knothole sculptures, Robert Bosch
Map-Colored Mosaics, Robert Bosch and A. Pike
Map-Colored Mosaics, Robert Bosch and A. Pike
Stalking the everted telencephalon: Comparisons of forebrain organization in basal ray-finned fishes and teleosts, M.R. Braford
Partner-specific adaptation in dialogue, Susan E. Brennan and Joy E. Hanna
Phylogeny of the Caryophyllales sensu lato: Revisiting hypotheses on pollination biology and perianth differentiation in the core Caryophyllales, Samuel F. Brockington, Roosle Alexandre, Jeremy Ramdial, Michael J. Moore, Sunny Crawley, Amit Dhingra, Khidir W. Hilu, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis
ORIGINS, Rian Brown-Orso
Discreteness and Homogeneity of the Topological Fundamental Group, Jack S. Calcut
Gaussian Integers and Arctangent Identities for Pi, Jack S. Calcut
Entangled Tangos: Passionate Displays, Intimate Dialogues, Ana Cara
Review: Stars and Keys, Folktales and Creolization in the Indian Ocean, Ana Cara
Await Your Reply: A Novel, Dan Chaon
The House of the Mother and the Brokering of Marriage in the Bible: Economic Reciprocity Among Natal Siblings, Cynthia Chapman
Review: Donors of Longmen, Bonnie Cheng
Generative Conversations, Julia Christensen
Worlds Away: New Suburban Landscapes (Yale Architecture Gallery), Julia Christensen
Each In Their Own Voice: African-American Artists in Cleveland, 1970-2005, Johnny Coleman
Nine Masters, Johnny Coleman
Review: Pythagorean Crimes, Susan Jane Colley
Disability and Dance, Ann Cooper Albright
Space and Subjectivity, Ann Cooper Albright
Training Bodies to Matter, Ann Cooper Albright
Why I still believe in beautiful books… Notes on publishing and the recession, Ann Cooper Albright
Building Bridges, Roger Copeland
Don't Call the Post-Mod Squad: (Reflections on Mapplethorpe and the Law), Roger Copeland
Protégé and Mentor: The Year of Living Collaboratively, Roger Copeland
High-resolution infrared spectra of the two nonpolar isomers of 1,4-difluorobutadiene, Norman C. Craig, Michael C. Moore, Christopher F. Neese, David C. Oertel, Laura Pendraza, and Tony Masiello
Using the gray opossum, Monodelphis domestica, in developmental biology investigations, Yolanda P. Cruz
Coral growth rates from the Holocene Cañada Honda fossil reef, Southwestern Dominican Republic: Comparisons with modern counterparts in high sedimentation settings, David N. Cuevas, Clark E. Sherman, Wilson Ramírez, and Dennis K. Hubbard
Heterogeneity and change in the patterning of adolescents’ perceptions of the legitimacy of parental authority: A latent transition model, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, Brian P. Flaherty, and M. Loreto Martinez
Seeing the partner: A video recall study of emotional behavior in same- and mixed-sex late adolescent romantic couples, Nancy Darling and Sara A. Clark
Individual and Issue-Specific Differences in Parental Knowledge and Adolescent Disclosure in Chile, the Philippines, and the United States, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, Liane Peña-Alampay, and J. Douglas Coatsworth
Mediated equilibria in load balancing games, Joshua R. Davis, David Liben-Nowell, Alexa Sharp, and Tom Wexler
Equilibria and efficiency loss in games on networks, Joshua R. Davis, David Liben-Nowell, Alexa Sharp, Tom Wexler, Zachary Goldman, Jacob Hilty, Elizabeth N. Koch, and Emma Zhou
Different modes of binding of mono-, di-, and trihalohenated phenols to the hemoglobin dehaloperozidase from Amphrite ornata, Michael F. Davis, Hanna Gracz, Franck A.P. Vendeix, Vesna de Serrano, Aswin Somasundaram, Sean M. Decatur, and Stefan Franzen
Conformation And Dynamics Of Amyloid Aggregates Via Isotope-edited Infrared Spectroscopy, Sean M. Decatur
Quantum information and accounting information: Exploring conceptual applications of topology, Joel S. Demski, Stephen FitzGerald, Yuji Ijiri, Yumi Ijiri, and Haijin Lin
Cinema of Disillusionment: Chen Guofu, Cai Mingliang, and Taiwan’s Second New Wave, Hsiu-Chuang Deppman
Review: A Companion to James Joyce, Jed Deppman
Introduction to Journal of Asian American Studies, Special Issue on the Midwest, Pawan H. Dhingra
The Possibility of Community: How Indian American Motel Owners Negotiate Competition and Solidarity with Co-ethnics, Pawan H. Dhingra
Illustrating CPU design concepts using DLSim 3, John L. Donaldson, Richard Salter, Akshat Singhal, Joseph Kramer-Miller, and Serguei Egorov
Asequible y Apasionante. El Estreno Tardio De El Laberinto Magico En Ingles, Sebastiaan Faber
Contestación a Santos Juliá, Sebastiaan Faber
Contra el olvido. El exilio español en Estados Unidos, Sebastiaan Faber
Gajes del oficio: popularidad, prestigio cultural y performance democrático en la obra de Rosa Montero, Sebastiaan Faber
Ideología. Diccionario de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, Sebastiaan Faber
Images of Displacement: The Spanish Civil War and the Birth of the Modern Refugee, Sebastiaan Faber
La irresponsabilidad del novelista. Javier Marías, Tu rostro mañana y el debate sobre la memoria histórica." Javier Marías: Tu rostro mañana, Sebastiaan Faber
Scenes of Bravery and Determination: Walter Rosenblum’s Homage to the Spanish Republicans, Sebastiaan Faber
Scenes of Bravery and Determination: Walter Rosenblum's Homage to the Spanish Republicans (exhibit), Sebastiaan Faber
Truth in the Making: The Never-Ending Saga of Capa’s Falling Soldier, Sebastiaan Faber
Problemas y paradojas del exilio español en Estados Unidos, Sebastiaan Faber and Cristina Martinez-Carazo
High level ab initio energies and structures for the rotamers of 1,3-butadiene, David Feller and Norman C. Craig
Review: Thinking Through Nature: Philosophy for an Endangered World (summit), Janet Fiskio
Review: Bringing the Biosphere Home, Cynthia M. Frantz
The Emergency of Climate Change: Why Are We Failing to Take Action?, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer
Review: How to Cook a Tapir: A Memoir of Belize, Meredith Gadsby
Review: Legba’s Crossing: Narratology in the African Atlantic, Meredith Gadsby
The Rational/Non-Rational Distinction in Plato's Republic, Todd Ganson
The Lamp-Oil Merchants of Iwashimizu Shrine: Transregional Trade in Medieval Japan, Suzanne Gay
‘Doing the Minje Mama’: The Evolution of an African/Afro-Creole Ritual in the British Slave Colony of Berbice, Gordon Gill
‘The World is Flat:’ Photography and the Matter of Sculpture, Sarah Hamill
Review: Buckminster Fuller: Starting with the Universe (exhibition and catalog), John Harwood
This Will — This, John Harwood, Jesse LeCavalier, and Guillaume Mojon