Submissions from 2009
Borrowed Borrowings: Nahuatl Loan Words in English, Jason D. Haugen
The More Things (Don’t) Change: A Queer Academic Journey, Harry Hirsch
Lifting the curse of dimensionality: a Europeanist's perspective, Chris Howell
Review: British conservatism and trade unionism, 1945-1964, Chris Howell
Review: Changing France: The politics that markets make, Chris Howell
The transformation of French industrial relations: Labor representation and the state in a post-Dirigiste era, Chris Howell
Depth-related and species-related patterns of Holocene reef accretion in the Caribbean and western Atlantic: A critical assessment of existing models, Dennis K. Hubbard
Heinrich von Kleist’s Poetics of Passivity, Steven R. Huff
Fabulation, Caroline Jackson Smith
Lehman v. City of Shaker Heights (1974); Reno v. ACLU (1997); Symbolic Speech, Ron Kahn
The Economics of Community College Labor Markets: A Primer, Hirschel Kasper
Preferences for Riparian Buffers, Rebecca A. Kenwick, Md Rumi Shammin, and William C. Sullivan
Teaching American History: Essays Adapted from the Journal of American History, Gary J. Kornblith and Carol Lasser
Filming the Care Chain: A Review Essay, Wendy Kozol
Life Magazine Photographs, Wendy Kozol
Ambiguity and Certitude in Simone de Beauvoir’s Politics, Sonia Kruks
Moving Beyond Sartre: Constraint and Freedom in Beauvoir’s ‘Moral essays’ and The Mandarins, Sonia Kruks
Review: Freedom and Recognition in the Work of Simone de Beauvoir, Sonia Kruks
Simone de Beauvoir et la phénoménologie de la revanche, Sonia Kruks
Simone de Beauvoir on Rights, Sonia Kruks
Resolving 3D magnetism in nanoparticles using polarization analyzed SANS, Kathryn L. Krycka, R.A. Booth, Julie A. Borchers, W.C. Chen, C. Conlon, T. Gentile, C. Hogg, Yumi Ijiri, M. Laver, and S.S. Majetich
Genesis of metapelitic migmatites in the Adirondack Mts., New York, P. J. Lancaster, Bin Fu, F. Zeb Page, Noriko T. Kita, M. E. Bickford, B. M. Hill, J. M. McLelland, and John W. Valley
Genesis of metapelitic migmatites in the Adirondack Mts., New York, P.J. Lancaster, Bin Fu, F. Zeb Page, Noriko T. Kita, M.E. Bickford, B.M. Hill, J.M. McLelland, and John W. Valley
Review: American’s John of Arc: The Life of Anna Elizabeth Dickinson, Carol Lasser
Review: The Protean Ass, Ben Lee
Microwave spectra of eight isotopic modifications of 1-chloro-1-fluoroethylene, Helen O. Leung, Mark D. Marshall, Andrew L. Vasta, and Norman C. Craig
Pauline Wengeroff, Shulamit Magnus
Review: "Hasidic Women: Boundaries and Empowerment": Mitzvah Girls: Bringing Up the Next Generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn, Shulamit Magnus
Entry: Wenzhou Model, Qiusha Ma
Globalization, International NGOs, and the Development of Chinese NGOs: Opportunity and Challenge, Qiusha Ma
Medicine, Western, 1800-1949, Qiusha Ma
The Nongovernmental Organizations in Contemporary China: Paving the Way to Civil Society?, Qiusha Ma
The Mechanical Properties of Marine and Terrestrial Skeletal Materials With Implications For the Organization of Forager Technologies, Amy V. Margaris
Apparitions; The Great Lalula, Nusha Martynuk
The Great Lalula, Nusha Martynuk
Is America Fragmenting, Greggor Mattson and Claude Fischer
Why is nature beneficial? The role of connectedness to nature, F. Stephan Mayer, Cynthia M. Frantz, E. Bruehlman-Senecal, and Kyffin Dolliver
Apparitions, Carter McAdams
Self-aggregation of a polyalanine octamer promoted by its C-terminal tyrosine and probed by a strongly enhanced vibrational circular dichroism signal, Thomas J. Measey, Kathryn B. Smith, Sean M. Decatur, Liming Zhao, Guoliang Yang, and Reinhard Schwietzer-Stenner
Assessing the potential for diol and hydroxy sulfate ester formation from the reaction of epoxides with tropospheric aerosols, Emily C. Minerath and Matthew J. Elrod
Kinetics of the reactions of isoprene-derived epoxides in model tropospheric aerosol solutions, Emily C. Minerath, Madeline P. Schultz, and Matthew J. Elrod
Review: Death and Dying in New Mexico, Pablo R. Mitchell
Angiosperm phylogenetics, Michael J. Moore
An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III, Michael J. Moore
The Glass Menagerie, Paul Moser
The Seagull, Paul Moser
The Tempest, Paul Moser
Gavroche and the Great War: Soldier Gouaille and the Legend of the Poilu, Libby Murphy
Newspapers, Novels, and the Comic Book War, Libby Murphy
Female American goldfinches use carotenoid-based bill coloration to signal status, Troy G. Murphy, Malcolm F. Rosenthal, Robert Montgomerie, and Keith A. Tarvin
The Place of Difference in Cross Cultural Literacy, Anuradha Needham
Phylogenetic utility of ycf1 in orchids: a plastid gene more variable than matK, Kurt M. Neubig, W. Mark Whitten, Barbara S. Carlsward, Mario A. Blanco, Lorena Endara, Norris H. Williams, and Michael J. Moore
Dream of Two Dark-Complected Dames, Thomas Newlin
Backyard, Pipo Nguyen-duy
East of Eden: Vietnam, Pipo Nguyen-duy
LAND/ART. Art, Nature, Community, Pipo Nguyen-duy
Looking Forward Looking Back, Pipo Nguyen-duy
Photo MIAMI, Pipo Nguyen-duy
Acetic Acid Vapor Corrosion of Lead-Tin Alloys Containing 3.4 and 15% Tin, Catherine M. Oertel, Shefford P. Baker, Annika Niklasson, Lars-Gunnar Johansson, and Jan-Erik Svensson
Political Dilemmas of Indigenous Capitalist Development in Africa: Ghana under the PNDC, Darko Kwabena Opoku
Review: The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, Darko Kwabena Opoku
Electra in Exile, Kirk Ormand
Baggage: the case for climate mitigation, David Orr
Down to the Wire: Confronting Climate Collapse, David Orr
Foreword to Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind, David Orr
Retrospect & Prospect: The Unbearable Lightness of Conservation, David Orr
Shelf-Life, David Orr
Monetary and Fiscal Policies in a Sudden Stop: Is Tighter Brighter?, Alberto Ortiz Bolanos, Pablo Ottonello, Federico Sturzenegger, and Ernesto Talvi
Effects of antipsychotic drugs on MK-801-induced attentional deficits in rats, Tracie A. Paine and William A. Carlezon Jr.
Attention deficits and hyperactivity following inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) within the medial prefrontal cortex of rats, Tracie A. Paine, Rachael L. Neve, and William A. Carlezon Jr.
Campaign Communications in US Congressional Elections, Michael Parkin, James N. Druckman, and Martin Kifer
The Technological Development of Congressional Candidate Websites: How and Why Candidates Use Web Innovations, Michael Parkin, James N. Druckman, and Martin Kifer
Tranformations, John Pearson
Kitchen Hamlet, Jeffrey Pence and Daniel Kramer
JROTC and the New American Militarism, Gina M. Perez
Tools for design and analysis of experiments, John E. Petersen, R. Gardner, and W. Michael Kemp
Enclosed Experimental Ecosystems and Scale: Tools for Understanding and Managing Coastal Ecosystems, John E. Petersen, Victor S. Kennedy, William C. Dennison, and Michael W. Kemp
Review: Does Foreign Aid Really Work?, Tobias Pfutze
Review: Straight to Jesus: Sexual and christian conversion in the ex-gay movement, Meredith Raimondo
Using pluripotency cell markers to identify primordial germ cells in embryos of the laboratory opossum, Monodelphis domestica, Ria A. Richardson and Yolanda P. Cruz
The Arya Samaj and the Aftermath of Indenture in Natal and Trinidad, Paula Richman
The Arya Samaj and the Aftermath of Indenture in Natal and Trinidad, Paula Richman
The Politics and Print Career of C. Rajagopalachari's Tellings of Ramkatha, Paula Richman
Why Did Bhima Wed Hidimbaa, Paula Richman
Moving Beyond ‘The Movement that Changed the World’: Bringing the History of the Cold War into Civil Rights Museum, Renee C. Romano
Review: Property Rites: The Rhinelander Trial, Passing, and the Protection of Whiteness, Renee C. Romano
Estradiol Alleviates Cognitive Deficits Induced By Sub-chronic Phencyclidine Administration In Ovariectomized Rats, Alexander S. Roseman and Janice E. Thornton
Abstraction and extensibility in digital logic simulation software, Richard Salter and John L. Donaldson
Circuit modeling in DLSim 3, Richard Salter, John L. Donaldson, Serguei Egorov, and Kiron Roy
After Brubaker: Citizenship in Modern Germany, Annemarie Sammartino
Review: Confronting the Weakest Link Aiding Political Parties in New Democracies, Eve Sandberg
Designing experimental ecosystem studies, L. Sanford, W. Michael Kemp, John E. Petersen, E. Houde, E. Porter, S. Suttles, C. Stevenson, J. Cornwell, and L. Murray
Universalism Meets Sovereignty at the International Criminal Court, Benjamin Schiff
A Cinderella Story for a Sleeping Princess, Tim Scholl
Dansdiplomati genom kalla kriget, Tim Scholl
Arousing the Ordinary, Sarah Schuster and Nanette Yannuzzi