
Submissions from 2013

Victor Zaslavsky’s Contribution to the Study of Soviet-type Societies, Veljko Vujacic


Modeling climate dynamically, James Walsh and Richard McGehee


Rural Organizations and Adapation to Climate Change and Variability in Rural Kenya, Camille Washington-Ottombre and Bryan C. Pijanowski

A Wall Painting at Karanis used for Architectural Protection: The Curious Case of Harpocrates and Toutou in Granary C65, Andrew T. Wilburn


Materia Magica: The Archaeology of Magic in Roman Egypt, Cyprus and Spain, Andrew T. Wilburn


Children’s cross-ethnic relations in contemporary elementary schools: Concurrent and prospective associations between ethnic segregation and social status, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin


Presburger arithmetic, rational generating functions, and quasi-polynomials, Kevin Woods


Review: Symmetry: A Mathematical Exploration, Kevin Woods


The unreasonable ubiquitousness of quasi-polynomials (extended abstract), Kevin Woods


Multisensory Speech Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Tiffany G. Woynaroski, Leslie Kwakye, Jennifer H. Foss-Feig, Ryan A. Stevenson, Wendy L. Stone, and Mark T. Wallace

Light Up The Sky, Matthew Wright

She Loves Me, Matthew Wright

The Pitmen Painters, Matthew Wright

There is a Happiness That Morning, Matthew Wright

Twelfth Night, Matthew Wright


City Limits and State Formation: Territorial Jurisdiction in Late Medieval and Early Modern Lille, Ellen Wurtzel

enact, Nanette Yannuzzi

The Saga of R. Perry and the Pyura Chilensis, Nanette Yannuzzi


H2 in solid C60: Coupled translation-rotation eigenstates in the octahedral interstitial site from quantum five-dimensional calculations, Shufeng Ye, Minzhong Xu, Stephen FitzGerald, Kirill Tchernyshyov, and Zlatko Bačić

Another quick proof that e < 3, Robert M. Young

Varieties of post-war Realism Prose and Poetry', 'Writing and Place', 'On the Cusp of a New Century', Sandra A. Zagarell

Submissions from 2012


A Crisis of Images: The French, Jihad, and the Plague in Upper Egypt, 1798-1801, Zeinab Abul-Magd


Can the Genuine Progress Indicator better inform sustainable regional progress?—A case study for Northeast Ohio, Kenneth J. Bagstad and Md Rumi Shammin


Review: Imperial Archipelago: Representation and Rule in the Insular Territories Under U.S. Dominion After 1898, Richard Baldoz


Macrophage migration inhibitory factor acts as a neurotrophin in the developing inner ear, Lisa M. Bank, Lynne M. Bianchi, Fumi Ebisu, Dov Lerman-Sinkoff, Elizabeth C. Smiley, Yu-chi Shen, Poornapriya Ramamurthy, Deborah L. Thompson, Therese M. Roth, and Christine R. Beck


An Air of History: Joseph Wright's and Robert Boyle's Air Pump Narratives, Laura Baudot


Small molecule modulators of aggregation in synthetic melanin polymerizations, Jason M. Belitsky, Micah Z. Ellowitz, Diane S. Lye, and Alexander L. Kilbo


Review: Genetics, Embryology, and Development of the Auditory and Vestibular Systems, Lynne M. Bianchi


Review: China's Cotton Industry: Economic Transformation and State Capacity, Marc J. Blecher


Generation of Forsteritic Olivine (Fo99.8) by Subsolidus Oxidation in Basaltic Flows, Madalyn S. Blondes, Mark T. Brandon, Peter W. Reiners, F. Zeb Page, and Noriko T. Kita


Doing Recent History: On Privacy, Copyright, Video Games, Institutional Review Boards, Activist Scholarship, and History That Talks Back, Claire Bond Potter and Renee C. Romano


Gas-Phase Raman Spectra of s-trans- and s-gauche-1,3-Butadiene and Their Deuterated Isotopologues, Praveenkumar Boopalachandran, Norman C. Craig, and Jaan Laane


An Archaean heavy bombardment from a destabilized extension of the asteroid belt, William F. Bottke, David Vokrouhlický, David A. Minton, David Nesvorný, Alessandro Morbidelli, Ramon Brasser, Bruce M. Simonson, and Harold F. Levison


Marine Sclerobiofacies: Encrusting and Endolithic Communities on Shells Through Time and Space, Carlton E. Brett, Trisha Smrecak, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, and Sally E. Walker


On Fundamental Groups of Quotient Spaces, Jack S. Calcut, Robert E. Gompf, and John D. McCarthy

Happy New Ears! In Celebration of 100 Years: The State of Research on John Cage, Deborah Campana

"Oh that you were like a brother to me, one who had nursed at my mother's breasts." Breast Milk as a Kinship-Forging Substance, Cynthia Chapman


Rotational analysis of bands in the high-resolution infrared spectra of cis,cis- and trans,trans-1,4-difluorobutadiene-2-d1, Norman C. Craig, Clay C. Easterday, Deacon J. Nemchick, Drew F.K. Williamson, and Robert L. Sams


Do-It-Yourself Experiments for the Instructional Laboratory, Norman C. Craig and Cortland S. Hill


Analysis of the Rotational Structure in the High-Resolution Infrared Spectrum of trans-Hexatriene-1-13C1: A Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structure for the C6 Backbone of trans-Hexatriene, Norman C. Craig, Hengfeng Tian, and Thomas A. Blake


Ion microprobe analyses of δ18O in early quartz cements from 1.9Ga granular iron formations (GIFs): A pilot study, Lauren C. Cunningham, F. Zeb Page, Bruce M. Simonson, Reinhard Kozdon, and John W. Valley


Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structures for the Equatorial Conformers of N-Methylpiperidone and Tropinone by the Mixed Estimation Method, Jean Demaison, Norman C. Craig, Emilio J. Cocinero, Jens-Uwe Grabow, Alberto Lesarri, and Heinz Dieter Rudolph


Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structure of the Lower Energy Conformer of Glycidol by the Mixed Estimation Method, Jean Demaison, Norman C. Craig, Andrew R. Conrad, Michael J. Tubergen, and Heinz Dieter Rudolph


James Joyce: From Hero to Author of the Bildungsroman, Jed Deppman

Jean Anouilh's Antigone, Jed Deppman


Analyzing Lateral Root Development: How to Move Forward, Ive De Smet, Philip J. White, A. Glyn Bengough, Lionel Dupuy, Boris Parizot, Ilda Casimiro, Renze Heidstra, Marta Laskowski, Marc Lepetit, Frank Hochholdinger, Xavier Draye, Hanma Zhang, Martin R. Broadley, Benjamin Peret, John P. Hammond, Hidehiro Fukaki, Sacha Mooney, Jonathan P. Lynch, Phillipe Nacry, Ulrich Schurr, Laurent Laplaze, Philip Benfey, Tom Beeckman, and Malcolm Bennett


Buñuel’s Impure Modernism (1929-1950), Sebastiaan Faber


Raising the Specter of ‘Argentinization’: The Temptation of Spanish Exceptionalism, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Sacred Realism: Religion and the Imagination in Modern Spanish Narrative, Sebastiaan Faber

¿Usted, qué sabe?’: History, Memory, and the Voice of the Witness, Sebastiaan Faber


Application of pulsed OSL to polymineral fine-grained samples, James K. Feathers, M. Aksel Casson, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, and Makaiko L. Chithambo

Diplomacy in India, 1526-1858, Michael H. Fisher


Finding Lascar ‘Wilful Incendiarism’: British Ship-Burning Panic and Indian Maritime Labour in the Indian Ocean, Michael H. Fisher

Indian Subaltern Autobiographies: Two Asian Officers in the Eighteenth-Century Bengal Army, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Britain and the Islamic World, 1558–1713, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Imperial Landscapes: Britain's Global Visual Culture, 1745-1820, Michael H. Fisher


Review: The Making of the Awadh Culture, Michael H. Fisher

Teaching Persian as an Imperial Language in India and in England During the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries, Michael H. Fisher

The Mughal Empire, Michael H. Fisher


Apocalypse and Ecotopia: Narratives in Global Climate Change Discourse, Janet Fiskio


Unsettling Ecocriticism: Rethinking Agrarianism, Place, and Citizenship, Janet Fiskio


Review: Coins, Trade, and the State: Economic Growth in Early Medieval Japan, Suzanne Gay


Distal Impact Ejecta Layers: Spherules and More, Billy P. Glass and Bruce M. Simonson


Neuronal synaptobrevin promotes longevity in Drosophila photoreceptors, Adam Haberman


Review: Language Classification: History and Method, Jason D. Haugen


A New Model for Training Graduate Students to Conduct Interdisciplinary, Interorganizational, and International Research, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Alicia Robbins, Julie Combs, Adam Freeburg, Robert G. Jesperson, Haldre S. Rogers, Kimberly S. Sheldon, and Elizabeth Wheat


Anthropogenic hillslope terraces and swidden agriculture in Jiuzhaigou National Park, northern Sichuan, China, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, James Taylor, Hongliang Lu, Yongxian Li, Qingxia Yang, Barbara L. Grub, Sara Jo Breslow, Alicia Robbins, Andrea Elliott, and Julie Combs


Which Numbers Are Real?, Michael Henle


Martin Gardner in the Twenty-First Century, Michael Henle and Brian Hopkins

Es ist seit Rahel uns erlaubt, Gedanken zu haben: Essays in Honor of Heidi Thomann Tewarson, Steven R. Huff and Dorothea Kaufmann


Review: Translating Truth: Ambitious Images and Religious Knowledge in Late Medieval France and England, Erik Inglis


Battlefield Souvenirs and the Affective Politics of Recoil, Wendy Kozol


Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity, Sonia Kruks


Polarization-analyzed small-angle neutron scattering. II. Mathematical angular analysis, Kathryn L. Krycka, Julie A. Borchers, Yumi Ijiri, R.A. Booth, and S.A. Majetich


Review: Asian Immigration to the United States, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


Review: Hmong America: Reconstructing Community in Diaspora, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


Live coral cover in the fossil record: an example from Holocene reefs of the Dominican Republic, Halard Lescinsky, B. Titus, and Dennis K. Hubbard


Computing Shapley Value in Supermodular Coalitional Games, David Liben-Nowell, Alexa Sharp, Tom Wexler, and Kevin Woods


Terpenoids from Zingiber officinale (Ginger) Induce Apoptosis in Endometrial Cancer Cells through the Activation of p53, Yang Liu, Rebecca J. Whelan, Bikash R. Pattnaik, Kai Ludwig, Enkateswar Subudhi, Helen Rowland, Nick Claussen, Noah Zucker, Shitanshu Uppal, and David M. Kushner

The Caldwell Collection of Viols: A Life Together in Pursuit of Beauty, Catharina Meints


West of Sex: Making Mexican America, 1900-1930, Pablo R. Mitchell

Trespassing on the 'Trench-Fighter's Story': (Re)-Imagining the Female Combatant of the First World War, Libby Murphy


Review: Leo Tolstoy and the Alibi of Narrative, Thomas Newlin


“Swarm Life” and the Biology of War and Peace, Thomas Newlin

Писать зеленой палочкой: Толстой в поисках естественной истории, Thomas Newlin


Visualizing spacetime curvature via frame-drag vortexes and tidal tendexes. III. Quasinormal pulsations of Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes, David A. Nichols, Aaron Zimmerman, Yanbei Chen, Geoffrey Lovelace, Keith D. Matthews, Robert Owen, Fan Zhang, and Kip S. Thorne


A Companion to Sophocles, Kirk Ormand


Inhibition of GABA synthesis in the prefrontal cortex increases locomotor activity but does not affect attention in the 5-choice serial reaction time task, Tracie A. Paine


The Impact of Multimedia Technology on Candidate Website Visitors, Michael Parkin


The Mysterious Illness of Dyce Sombre, Ronald Pies, Michael H. Fisher, and C. V. Haldipur

The Value of Student Writing as Reading, Leonard Podis and JoAnne M. Podis


Geochemical Controls on Carbonate Shell Taphonomy in Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Shelf and Slope Sediments, Eric N. Powell, Xinping Hu, Wei-Jun Cai, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, and Sally E. Walker

Confronting the Legacies of Violence: Lessons from Kent State and Greensboro, North Carolina, Renee C. Romano

Not Dead Yet: My Identity Crisis as a Historian of the Recent Past, Renee C. Romano


Review: American Oracle: The Civil War in the Civil Rights Era, Renee C. Romano


Review: Parallel Worlds: The Remarkable Gibbs-Hunts and the Enduring (In)significance of Melanin, Renee C. Romano

Introduction: Just Over Our Shoulder: The Perils and Pleasures of Writing the Recent Past, Renee C. Romano and Claire Bond Potter


The Importance of Doing History, Renee C. Romano and Claire Bond Potter


Ornamental bill color rapidly signals changing condition, Malcolm F. Rosenthal, Troy G. Murphy, Nancy Darling, and Keith A. Tarvin


Fitness of Arabidopsis Thaliana Mutation Accumulation Lines Whose Spontaneous Mutations Are Known, Matthew T. Rutter, Angela J. Roles, Jeffrey K. Conner, Ruth G. Shaw, Frank H. Shaw, Korbinian Schneeberger, Stephan Ossowski, Detlef Weigel, and Charles B. Fenster