
Submissions from 2013


Review: Identities and Freedom: Feminist Theory Between Power and Connection, Sonia Kruks


Lateral root initiation is a probabilistic event whose frequency is set by fluctuating levels of auxin response, Marta Laskowski


Review: Beyond Slavery: Overcoming Its Religious and Sexual Legacies, Carol Lasser


Review: Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte: An American Aristocrat in the Early Republic, Carol Lasser


A New History of Asian America, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


Review: Subverting Exclusion: Transpacific Encounters with Race, Caste, and Borders, 1885-1924, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


How the Iranian Civilization and Shi‘ism should help the Making of Iran’s Foreign Policy, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati


Peacekeeping Contributor Profile: Chile, Kristina Mani


Grassroots Organizations in China: Definitions, Categories, and Significance in the Emergence of Civil Society, Qiusha Ma

改变中国:洛克菲勒基金会在华一百年 (Change of China (100 Years History of Rockefeller Foundation in China)), Qiusha Ma

Alutiiq Fish Camp Excavated at Cliff Point, Amy V. Margaris


Mikt’sqaq Angayuk Finds: (Overview), Amy V. Margaris

It's About Time, Nusha Martynuk

The Dark Nine, Nusha Martynuk

Water Ways, Nusha Martynuk


Sequential loss of genetic variation in flea beetle Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) following introduction into China, Rui-Yan Ma, Xiao-Yun Jia, Wen-Zhong Liu, Roger H. Laushman, Long-Long Zhao, Dong Jia, and Ren Wang.


Computational Study of the Cyclization of 5-Hexenyl, 3-Oxa-5-hexenyl and 4-Oxa-5-hexenyl Radicals, Albert Matlin and Matthew C. Leyden


The Discipline of Abandonment: Emersonian Properties of Transdisciplinarity & the Nature of Method, T.S. McMillin


Context Effects in a Negatively Framed Social Dilemma Experiment, Kent D. Messer, Jordan Suter, and Jubo Yan


Engagement and skill development in biology students through analysis of art, Liliana Milkova, Colette Crossman, Stephanie Wiles, and Taylor Allen


Mothers, Daughters, Dolls: On Disgust in Elena Ferrante's La figlia oscura, Stiliana Milkova

The Black Apostle to White Evangelicals, Albert G. Miller


Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea, Sheila Miyoshi Jager


Expression patterns of Oct4, Cdx2, Tead4, and Yap1 proteins during blastocyst formation in embryos of the marsupial, Monodelphis domestica Wagner, Jeremy T. Morrison, Niels S. Bantilan, Vicki N. Wang, K. M. Nellett, and Yolanda P. Cruz

Light Up The Sky, Paul Moser

Lucia Mad, Paul Moser

Twelfth Night, Paul Moser


Catalog of 174 Binary Black Hole Simulations for Gravitational Wave Astronomy, Abdul H. Mroué, Mark A. Scheel, Béla Szilágyi, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Michael Boyle, Daniel A. Hemberger, Lawrence E. Kidder, Geoffrey Lovelace, Serguei Ossokine, Nicholas W. Taylor, Anil Zenginoglu, Luisa T. Buchman, Tony Chu, Evan Foley, Matthew Giesler, Robert Owen, and Saul A. Teukolsky

La Comédie Humaine: Chronicles of Nineteenth Century France, Libby Murphy


New Indian Cinema in Post-Independence India: The Cultural Work of Shyam Benegal’s Films London, Anuradha Needham

Performing Wom[e]n' and the Gendered National Imagination: An Exploration of Shyam Benegal's Sardari Begum, Anuradha Needham

Statist Realism And Its Discontents: Another Optics for Shyam Benegal’s Ankur, Anuradha Needham


The Thermodynamics of Desire in Turgenev's Notes of a Hunter, Thomas Newlin

Mantetsu Democracy, Emer O’Dwyer

Medea's Erotic Text in Jason and the Argonauts (1963), Kirk Ormand


Review: L’homosexulité feminine dans l’antiquité grecque et romaine, Kirk Ormand

Uncertain Geographies of Desire in the Catalogue of Women: Atalanta, Kirk Ormand

Ecological Design, David Orr

Foreward to Small Stories, Big Changes: Agents of Change on the Frontlines of Sustainability, David Orr

Foreward to Teaching Sustainability: Perspectives from the Humanities and Social Sciences, David Orr

Governance in the Long Emergency, David Orr


Leucocyte response to Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis Encephalitis virus in a wild passerine bird, Jennifer C. Owen, E.A. Cornelius, D.A. Arsnoe, and Mary C. Garvin


Medial prefrontal cortex lesions impair decision-making on a rodent gambling task: Reversal by D1 receptor antagonist administration, Tracie A. Paine, Samuel K. Asinof, Geoffrey W. Diehl, Anna Frackman, and Joseph Leffler

Amerika: A Notebook in Three Parts, Jeffrey Pence


The Amerikans (web series): Walter, #12; Love & Venom, #13; Who Lives There, #14, Jeffrey Pence


Specificity of Control: The Case of Mexico’s Ejido Reform, Tobias Pfutze and Paul Castañeda Dower


Peer Instruction in Computer Science at Small Liberal Arts Colleges, Leo Porter, Saturnino Garcia, John Glick, Andrew Matusiewicz, and Cynthia Taylor


On geometric trilateral-free (n_3) configurations, Michael Raney


Social goals, social behavior, and social status in middle childhood., Philip C. Rodkin, Allison M. Ryan, Rhonda S. Jamison, and Travis Wilson


Hidden No More, Renee C. Romano


Review: Deluxe Jim Crow: Civil Rights and American Health Policy, 1935-1954, Renee C. Romano


Beyond small and nurturing: Tapping the potential of liberal arts teacher education, Deborah Roose

Ideology and the Recasting of Bourgeois Europe, Annemarie Sammartino


Review: The Transatlantic Collapse of Urban Renewal: Urbanism from New York to Berlin, Annemarie Sammartino


Review: Trams or Tailfins? Public and Private Prosperity in Postwar West Germany and the United States, Annemarie Sammartino


Communicating Out in the Open: The WordPress Class Blogs Plug-In Suite and Language Learning, Barbara Sawhill

Making the Grade (Or Not): Thoughts on Self-Design, Self-Assessment, and Self-Grading, Barbara Sawhill

Diplomacy and the International Criminal Court, Benjamin Schiff

The ICC and R2P: Problems of Individual Culpability and State Responsibility, Benjamin Schiff

Power and Responsibility, Jade Schiff

A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations, Conrad Schirokauer, Miranda Brown, David Lurie, and Suzanne Gay

La riscrittura della storia. Fokine, Diaghilev e il nuovo balleto russo, Tim Scholl


Anticorrelation between low δ13C of eclogitic diamonds and high δ18O of their coesite and garnet inclusions requires a subduction origin, Daniel J. Schulze, Ben Harte, F. Zeb Page, John W. Valley, Dominic M. DeR. Channer, and A. Lynton Jaques


Efficacy of LEED-certification in reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission for New York City office buildings, John Scofield


Distribution of squarefree values of sequences associated with elliptic curves, Akhtari Shabnam, David Chantal, Hahn Heekyoung, and Lola Thompson


Review: Experimental Arts in Postwar Japan: Moments of Encounter, Engagement, and Imagined Return, Ann Sherif


Review: The Demimonde in Japanese Literature: Sexuality and the Literary Karyūkai, Ann Sherif

Sôzô jô no sensô: bunka ni totte reisen to wa nani ka (An imaginary war: What is the Cold War to Culture?), Ann Sherif

Faculty Picks: 5 Best Books on Water Resource Management, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: How to Build a Habitable Planet: the Story of Earth from the Big Bang to Humankind, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: Impact Cratering: Processes and Products, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: Lunar Domes: Properties and Formation Processes, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: Working on Mars: Voyages of Scientific Discovery with the Mars Exploration Rovers, Bruce M. Simonson


Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata), Kimberly G. Smith, Keith A. Tarvin, and Glen E. Woolfenden


Review: Réne Cassin et les droits de l’homme: Le projet d’une génération, Leonard V. Smith


Effects of the interstellar medium on detection of low-frequency gravitational waves, Daniel R. Stinebring


A Targeted Enrichment Strategy for Massively Parallel Sequencing of Angiosperm Plastid Genomes, Gregory W. Stull, Michael J. Moore, Venkata S. Mandala, Norman A. Douglas, Heather-Rose Kates, Xinshuai Qi, Samuel F. Brockington, Pamela S. Soltis, Douglas E. Soltis, and Matthew A. Gitzendanner


Review: Beyond the Nation: Diasporic Filipino Literature and Queer Reading, Harrod Suarez


Review: Straitjacket Sexualities: Unbinding Asian American Manhoods in the Movies, Harrod Suarez


She’s Come Undone, Harrod Suarez


Complete Plastid Genome Sequencing of Trochodendraceae Reveals a Significant Expansion of the Inverted Repeat and Suggests a Paleogene Divergence between the Two Extant Species, Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Aiping Meng, Pamela S. Soltis, Douglas E. Soltis, Jianqiang Li, and Hengchang Wang


Returns to Residential Energy Efficiency and Conservation Measures: A Field Experiment, Jordan Suter and Md Rumi Shammin

The Panic of 1907, Ellis Tallman

A Highly-Extensible Architecture for Networked I/O, Cynthia Taylor and Joe Pasquale


An Emergent Approach to Analogical Inference, Paul Thibodeau, Stephen J. Flusberg, Jeremy J. Glick, and Daniel A. Sternberg

On the divisors of xn − 1, Lola Thompson


Novel separation for the determination of cadmium by isotope dilution ICP-MS in samples containing high concentrations of molybdenum and tin, Robert Q. Thompson and Steven J. Christopher

Imagination in Ethics, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Review: Cinema, Philosophy, Bergman, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Sensing Motion in Movies, Katherine Thomson-Jones


A perspective on the emergence of modern structural geology: Celebrating the feedbacks between historical-based and process-based approaches, Basil Tikoff, Thomas Blenkinsop, Seth C. Kruckenberg, Sven Morgan, Julie Newman, and Steven F. Wojtal

Is the Returning Farmland to Forest Program a Success? Three case studies from Sichuan, Christine Jane Trac, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Stevan Harrell, and Thomas M. Hinckley

Review: Seneco Tragico, Christopher Trinacty

No Borrowed Time, Carol Tufts

Woman Warrior? Aeneas’ Encounters with the Feminine, Thomas Van Nortwick

Turnout 101, Deborah Vogel


How the Air Felt on My Cheeks: Using Avatars to Access History, Steven S. Volk


Experimental evidence on dynamic pollution tax policies, Christian A. Vossler, Jordan Suter, and Gregory L. Poe


Gennadiy Zyuganov and the ‘Third Road’, Veljko Vujacic

Sociologija Nacionalizma. Eseji iz teorijske i primenjene sociologije na primerima Rusije i Srbije, [The Sociology of Nationalism. Essays in theoretical and applied sociology with case studies from Russia and Serbia], Veljko Vujacic