
Submissions from 2013


Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Atmospherically Relevant Aqueous Phase Reactions of α-Pinene Oxide, Dylan B. Bleier and Matthew J. Elrod


Figurative mosaics from flexible Truchet tiles, Robert Bosch and Urchin Colley

From path-segment tiles to loops and labyrinths, Robert Bosch, Sarah Fries, Maneka Puligandla, and Karen Ressler

Into the Scrum, Rian Brown-Orso

The Promise, Rian Brown-Orso

Of Elephants and the Academic Self, Jennifer Bryan

Orbit spaces of gradient vector fields, Jack S. Calcut and Robert E. Gompf


Connected sum at infinity and Cantrell-Stallings hyperplane unknotting, Jack S. Calcut, Henry C. King, and Laurent C. Siebenmann

STAT2: Building Models for a World of Data, Ann R. Cannon, George W. Cobb, Bradely A. Hartlaub, Julie M. Legler, Robin H. Lock, Thomas L. Moore, Allan J. Rossman, and Jeffrey Witmer


Fighting Words, Disarming Music: Jorge Luis Borges’ “Milonga del muerto”, Ana Cara


Review: Borges and Mathematics, Ana Cara

Collected Studies on the Roman Novel / Ensayos sobre la novela romana, Marcos Carmignani, Luca Graverini, and Ben Lee

That’s Him, That’s the Guy, Dan Chaon


Homeowners Associations and the Demand for Local Land Use Regulation, Ron Cheung and Rachel Meltzer

Determination of trace level cadmium in SRM 3280 multivitamin/multielement tablets via isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, Steven J. Christopher and Robert Q. Thompson


Algebra, Analysis, and Eating Corn, Susan Jane Colley

Review: The Manga Guide to Linear Algebra and Math Girls, Susan Jane Colley


Engaging Bodies: The Politics and Poetics of Corporeality, Ann Cooper Albright


Falling, Ann Cooper Albright

Feeling In and Out: Contact Improvisation and the Politics of Empathy, Ann Cooper Albright

On the Ground in Greece, Ann Cooper Albright


Microwave Spectra of the Deuterium Isotopologues of cis-Hexatriene and a Semiexperimental Equilibrium Structure, Norman C. Craig, Yihui Chen, Hannah A. Fuson, Hengfeng Tian, Herman van Besien, Andrew R. Conrad, Michael J. Tubergen, Heinz Dieter Rudolph, and Jean Demaison


Analysis of the rotational structure in the high-resolution infrared spectra of cis,cis- and trans,trans-1,4-difluorobutadiene-1-d1 and trans,trans-1,4-difluorobutadiene-1,4-d2, Norman C. Craig, Yihui Chen, Yuhua Lu, Christopher F. Neese, Deacon J. Nemchick, and Thomas A. Blake


Review: Coping with Social Change: Life Strategies of Workers in Poland's New Capitalism, Stephen Crowley


Experimentally observed soft-tissue preservation near a marine brine seep, Bradley Deline and Karla Parsons-Hubbard


Limits on the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, Paul B. Demorest, Robert D. Ferdman, and Daniel R. Stinebring


Astonished Thinking: Dickinson and Heidegger, Jed Deppman

Joyce – Event – Derrida – Event – Joyce, Jed Deppman

‘Say some philosopher:’ Emily Dickinson as Thinker, Jed Deppman


Emily Dickinson and Philosophy, Jed Deppman, Marianne Noble, and Gary Stonum


Cue-induced conditioned activity does not incubate but is mediated by the basolateral amygdala, Geoffrey W. Diehl, Jonathan M. Wachtel, and Tracie A. Paine


U.S. Congressional Campaign Communications in an Internet Age, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin

Interview for “A War of Values”, Sebastiaan Faber


La rebelión de los pesimistas. ¿Cómo defender las humanidades?, Sebastiaan Faber

Los exiliados españoles y las instituciones mexicanas: Entre la autonomía y la cooptación, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Cities in Ruins: The Politics of Modern Poetics, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Radical Justice: Spain and the Southern Cone beyond Market and State, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: The Faith and the Fury: Popular Anticlerical Violence and Iconoclasm in Spain, 1931-1936, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: The Struggle for Madrid: The Central Epic of the Spanish Conflict 1936-1937, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: The victorious counterrevolution: the nationalist effort in the Spanish Civil War, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Todo lo que era sólido, Sebastiaan Faber

The Man Who Can’t Say No: Paul Preston Is Working Harder Than Ever, Sebastiaan Faber


The Spanish Bloodlands: Ángel Viñas, Warrior Historian, Sebastiaan Faber

Being Indian in Britain during 1857, Michael H. Fisher

‘Counterflows’ to Colonialism: Indians in Britain in the 18th and 19th Centuries, Michael H. Fisher


Early Asian Travelers to the West: Indians in Britain, c.1600-c.1850, Michael H. Fisher


Migration: A World History, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Race, Religion, and Law in Colonial India: Trials of an Interracial Family, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Writing the Mughal World: Studies on Culture and Politics, Michael H. Fisher


Writing Lives of Indians in Early Nineteenth Century India and Britain, Michael H. Fisher

Sauntering Along the Border: Thoreau, Nabhan, and Food Politics, Janet Fiskio


Highly Selective Quantum Sieving of D2 from H2 by a Metal–Organic Framework As Determined by Gas Manometry and Infrared Spectroscopy, Stephen FitzGerald, Christopher J. Pierce, Jesse L.C. Rowsell, Eric D. Bloch, and Jarad A. Mason


Review: "Walking (and Skiing and Dancing) in a Winter Wonderland": My Boyfriend's an Angel, Arlene Forman


Review: Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia, Jennifer Fraser


The Art of Grieving: West Sumatra's Worst Earthquake in Music Videos, Jennifer Fraser


Are Color Experiences Representational?, Todd Ganson


Visual Prominence and Representationalism, Todd Ganson and Ben Bronner


Review: War and State Building in Medieval Japan, Suzanne Gay


Does the gray squirrel’s (Sciurus carolinensis) response to heterospecific alarm calls depend on familiarity or acoustic similarity?, Cynthia M. Getschow, Pearl Rivers, Samantha Sterman, David C. Lumpkin, and Keith A. Tarvin


Criteria for Spontaneous Processes Derived from the Global Point of View, Eric A. Gislason and Norman C. Craig


Distal Impact Ejecta Layers: A Record of Large Impacts in Sedimentary Deposits, Billy P. Glass and Bruce M. Simonson


Ni-rich spinels and platinum group element nuggets condensed from a Late Archaean impact vapour cloud, Steven Goderis, Bruce M. Simonson, Iain McDonald, Scott W. Hassler, Andrei Izmer, Joke Belza, Herman Terryn, Frank Vanhaecke, and Philippe Claeys

Choreographing Partnering: Tools for a Creative Process, Holly Handman-Lopez

Strut, Clink, Splat, Holly Handman-Lopez

Transforming Words, Holly Handman-Lopez, Esther Dischereit, Todd Hammes, and Chana Dischereit

The Memory I Am, The Memory I Follow, DeSales Harrison

Corporate Abstraction, John Harwood

How Useful? The Stakes of Architectural History, Theory and Criticism at MIT, 1945-1976, John Harwood

The Rational, International Occult: Konrad Wachsmann and the Experimental Digitization of Architecture, John Harwood

Uto-Aztecan languages, Jason D. Haugen


Head-marking inflection and the architecture of grammatical theory: Evidence from reduplication and compounding in Hiaki (Yaqui), Jason D. Haugen and Heidi Harley


Roots and the derivation, Jason D. Haugen and Daniel Siddiqi

Influence of human pressure on forest resources and productivity at stand and tree scales: The case study of Yunnan pine in SW China, Thomas M. Hinckley, Philip M. Chi, R. Keala Hagmann, Stevan Harrell, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Lauren S. Urgenson, and Zong-yong Yeng


Influence of human pressure on forest resources and productivity at stand and tree scales: The case study of Yunnan pine in SW China, Thomas M. Hinckley, Philip M. Chi, R. Keala Hagmann, Stevan Harrell, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Lauren S. Urgenson, and Zong-yong Yeng


(Don’t) Write My Lips: Interpretations of the Relationship Between German Sign Language and German Across Scales of SignWriting Practice, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Notes from JLA’s Outgoing Book Review Editor, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway


Phyllotaxis and Rhizotaxis in Arabidopsis Are Modified by Three PLETHORA Transcription Factors, Hugo Hofhuis, Marta Laskowski, Yujuan Du, Kalika Prasad, Stephen Grigg, Violaine Pinon, and Ben Scheres

Terror, Laurie Hovell McMillin


Words, Worlds, and Time: Nine Days on the Grand Canyon, Laurie Hovell McMillin

Fordism, Chris Howell

Review: The Political Construction of Business Interests: Coordination, Growth and Equality, Chris Howell


Holocene reef building on eastern St. Croix, US Virgin Islands: Lang Bank Revisited, Dennis K. Hubbard, Ivan P. Gill, and Randolph B. Burke


Review: Venedig als urbanes Kunstwerk. Goethes Perspektiven auf Kultur und Öffentlichkeit der Dogenrepublik im Epochenumbruch, Steven R. Huff


‘For now hath time made me his numbering clock’: Shakespeare’s Jacquemarts, Wendy Beth Hyman


Inverted Linear Halbach Array for Separation of Magnetic Nanoparticles, Yumi Ijiri, Chetan Poudel, P. Stephen Williams, Lee R. Moore, Toru Orita, and Maciej Zborowski

Review: Illuminated Crusader Histories for Philip the Good of Burgundy, Erik Inglis

Review: Luxury Bound: Illustrated Manuscript Production and Noble and Princely Book Ownership in the Burgundian Netherlands (1400-1550), Erik Inglis


’The Worthless Stories of Pilgrims’? The Art Historical Imagination of Fifteenth-Century Travelers to Jerusalem, Erik Inglis and Elise Christmon


Application of laser ablation-ICP-mass spectrometry for 2-dimensional mapping of element distributions in a Late Archean impact spherule layer, Andrei Izmer, Steven Goderis, Bruce M. Simonson, Iain McDonald, Scott W. Hassler, Philippe Claeys, and Frank Vanhaecke


Catalyzing Educational Transformation: The PULSE Project, Nitya Jacob, Melanie Lee-Brown, Taylor Allen, Sharon Gusky, and Thomas Jack


Rate Constants and Products of the OH Reaction with Isoprene-Derived Epoxides, Michael I. Jacobs, Adam I. Darer, and Matthew J. Elrod

Music Reviews in (21), Nicholas Jones


The Commerce Clause and Executive Power: Exploring Nascent Individual Rights, Ron Kahn

Hans W. Frei, David G. Kamitsuka


Lessons Learned from Libya, Susan Kane


Timescale Invariance in the Pacemaker-Accumulator Family of Timing Models, Peter Killeen, Francois Rivest, Fuat Balci, Patrick Simen, and Elliot A. Ludvig


Review: Better Left Unsaid: Victorian Novels, Hays Code Films, and the Benefits of Censorship, Clayton R. Koppes


Review: Hitler and Hollywood, Clayton R. Koppes


Solving for X: Kennan, Containment, and the Color Line, Clayton R. Koppes


Anharmonic Vibrational Analysis of the Gas-Phase Infrared Spectrum of 1,1-Difluoroethylene Using the Operator Van Vleck Canonical Perturbation Theory, Sergey V. Krasnoshchekov, Norman C. Craig, and Nikolay F. Stepanov