
Submissions from 2014

Letter to Zephyr the West Wind from the Boy Hyacinth, Kazim Ali

Messy Drunk; Sent Mail, Kazim Ali

Mosaic (His Prayer), Kazim Ali


On the Poetry of Lal Ded, Kazim Ali

September 14, Kazim Ali

September; Hello My Name Is _______, Kazim Ali


Sky Ward; Square; Centralia, Kazim Ali

The Dress-Maker of Galilee, Kazim Ali


The Dress-Maker of Galilee; The Labors of Psyche, Kazim Ali

Tower of Babel; Plunder; The Astronomber; Atlas, Kazim Ali

Urdu; Phenomenal Survivals of Death in the Mountains, Kazim Ali

Wind Instrument, Kazim Ali

Yoga and the Cessation of the Self, Kazim Ali


Effects of Structural Differences on the NMR Chemical Shifts in Isostructural Dipeptides, Benjamin D. Altheimer and Manish A. Mehta


Millisecond Pulsar Scintillation Studies with LOFAR: Initial Results, Anne M. Archibald, Vladislav I. Kondratiev, Jason W.T. Hessels, and Daniel R. Stinebring


Gravitational Waves From Individual Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Circular Orbits: Limits from the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Sydney J. Chamberlin, Shami Chatterjee, James M. Cordes, Paul B. Demorest, X. Deng, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Nathan Garver-Daniels, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, Victoria M. Kaspi, Michael Koop, Michael T. Lam, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Jing Luo, Ryan S. Lynch, Dustin Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Sean T. McWilliams, David J. Nice, Nipuni Palliyaguru, Timothy T. Pennucci, Scott M. Ransom, A. Sesana, Xavier Siemens, Ingrid H. Stairs, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, Joseph K. Swiggum, Michele Vallisneri, Rutger van Haasteren, Yan Wang, and Weiwei Zhu


The 5-choice serial reaction time task: a task of attention and impulse control for rodents, Samuel K. Asinof and Tracie A. Paine


People of the Dawn, People of the Door: Indian Pirates and the Violent Theft of an Atlantic World, Matthew Bahar

Audio-visual Integration Varies with Realism of Stimulus Presentation in More Realistic Virtual Environments: Towards a Naturalistic Model of Multisensory Integration, Hudson Bailey, Aidan B. Mullaney, Kyla David Gibney, and Leslie Kwakye


Decision processes in temporal discrimination, Fuat Balci and Patrick Simen


’Comrade Carlos Bulosan’: State Surveillance and the Cold War Suppression of Filipino Radicals, Richard Baldoz


Natural Final Causality and Providence in Aquinas, Corey Barnes


Ordered to the Good: Final Causality and Analogical Predication in Thomas Aquinas, Corey Barnes


Thomas Aquinas's Chalcedonian Christology and Its Influence on Later Scholastics, Corey Barnes

Catechol-based coatings inspired by melanin as colorimetric metal-ion sensors, Jason M. Belitsky


Colorimetric metal ion binding of catechol-based coatings inspired by melanin and molecular imprinting, Jason M. Belitsky, Diane S. Lye, Haley R. Gittleman, Thomas A. Gorlin, Arthur N. Gorham, Christine A. Moore, Matthew B. Chaves, and Micah Z. Ellowitz


Mechanistic study of secondary organic aerosol components formed from nucleophilic addition reactions of methacrylic acid epoxide, Adam W. Birdsall, C. R. Miner, Liora E. Mael, and Matthew J. Elrod

Aid for Gays: The Moral and the Material in 'African Homophobia’, Crystal Biruk


Ebola and emergency anthropology: The view from the ‘global health slot’, Crystal Biruk


Equal in Inequality? How Does Piketty’s ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ Apply to China?, Marc J. Blecher


Computing Severi degrees with long-edge graphs, Florian Block, Susan Jane Colley, and Gary Kennedy


Designing Game of Life mosaics with integer programming, Robert Bosch and Julia Olivieri

Game-of-Life Mosaics, Robert Bosch and Julia Olivieri


Integer Programming, Robert Bosch and Michael Trick


Toward a conceptualization of retrohippocampal contributions to learning and memory, David J. Bucci and Siobhan Robinson


Connected sum at infinity and 4-manifolds, Jack S. Calcut and Patrick V. Haggerty


Borromean rays and hyperplanes, Jack S. Calcut, Jules R. Metcalf-Burton, Taylor J. Richard, and Liam T. Solus

Exchange Across Media in Northern Wei China, Bonnie Cheng


Do Homeowners Associations Mitigate or Aggravate Negative Spillovers from Neighboring Homeowner Distress?, Ron Cheung, Chris Cunningham, and Rachel Meltzer


Why and Where Do Homeowners Associations Form?, Ron Cheung and Rachel Meltzer

Big Box Reuse, Julia Christensen


Burnouts, Julia Christensen

Burnouts (21C Museum Hotel), Julia Christensen

Burnouts (Center for Ongoing Research and Projects), Julia Christensen

The Chuck Close Tapes, Julia Christensen

Underground No More: a symposium of the Underground Railroad (featured speaker), Johnny Coleman


Measuring the Transition to Sustainability: From Simple Diagnosis to Data-driven Interventions, Thomas B. Cook, Md Rumi Shammin, Cynthia M. Frantz, and John E. Petersen

Charles M. Hall's patent for refining aluminum metal by electrolysis, Norman C. Craig


Analysis of the rotational structure in the high-resolution infrared spectra of trans-hexatriene-2-d1 and -3-d1, Norman C. Craig, Yihui Chen, Herman van Besien, and Thomas A. Blake


Weak Acidity of Vinyl CH Bonds Enhanced by Halogen Substitution, Norman C. Craig and Albert Matlin


Análisis Psicométrico de la Escala Parental Breve (EPB): Invarianza Demográfica y Longitudinal en Adolescentes Chilenos (Psychometric Analysis of the Escala Parental Breve (EPB): Demographic Invariance in Chilean Adolescents), Patricio Cumsille, Maria Loreto Martínez, Viviana Rodríguez, and Nancy Darling


Abelian surfaces with prescribed groups, Chantal David, Derek Garton, Zachary Scherr, Arul Shankar, Ethan Smith, and Lola Thompson


Reading Docufiction: Jia Zhangke’s 24 City, Hsiu-Chuang Deppman

Overloading the Cue: The Cost of Expertise is Domain-Relevant Memory Intrusions, Patricia A. deWinstanley, S. Cox, H. Golay, and T. Greenberg


Review: Freedom From Violence and Lies: Essays on Russian Poetry and Music by Simon Karlinsky, Polina Dimova


Review: The Invention of Religion in Japan, James C. Dobbins


Another look at the root of the angiosperms reveals a familiar tale, Bryan T. Drew, Brad R. Ruhfel, Stephen A. Smith, Michael J. Moore, Barbara G. Briggs, Matthew A. Gitzendanner, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis


Helical ∞ 1[Pb2O] Chains in Polymorphs of Pb2O(C6H5COO)2, Clay C. Easterday, Liv R. Dedon, Matthias Zeller, and Catherine M. Oertel

Actos afiliativos y postmemoria: Asuntos pendientes, Sebastiaan Faber

¡A portarse mejor! El Pleasantville español de Antonio Muñoz Molina, Sebastiaan Faber

Armas híbridas. La evolución del ensayo y el nuevo intelectual español de izquierdas, Sebastiaan Faber

Carta desde Crimea. Respuesta a Andrés Trapiello, Sebastiaan Faber


Debate; Preguntas del público, Sebastiaan Faber

Dieciocho tesis sobre la obra de Isaac Rosa, Sebastiaan Faber

Fighting the New Fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s New Political Force, Sebastiaan Faber

Interview for El món on volíem viure, Sebastiaan Faber

Interview with Helen Graham, Sebastiaan Faber

La rebelión de los pesimistas. ¿Cómo defender las humanidades?, Sebastiaan Faber

Mind-Boggling Lies: Paul Preston on Santiago Carrillo, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Biografía de un hombre masa. ¿Qué le debe España a José Ortega y Gasset?, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Campo francés; Poeta en la arena; El paraíso incendiado, España 1936-1939; La almohada de arena; Versos del maquis, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: La traición de los intelectuales, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Los (anti)intelectuales de la derecha en España: de Giménez Caballero a Jiménez Losantos, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Los poetas apócrifos de Max Aub, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Max Aub und die spanische Literatur zwischen Avantgarde und Exil, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: The War and Its Shadow: Spain’s Civil War in Europe’s Long Twentieth Century, Sebastiaan Faber

The Spaniards who Helped Liberate Paris, Sebastiaan Faber

The Spanish Civil War in AP European History: Teaching the ALBA Curriculum, Sebastiaan Faber


MUC16 (CA125): tumor biomarker to cancer therapy, a work in progress, Mildred Felder, Arvinder Kapur, Jesus Gonzalez-Bosquet, Sachi Horibata, Joseph Heintz, Ralph M. Albrecht, Lucas Fass, Justanjot Kaur, Kevin Hu, Hadi Shojaei, Rebecca J. Whelan, and Manish S. Patankar

Contrasting Indian and British Concepts of Race and Authority in the East India Company Armies, Michael H. Fisher


Indian Ghat Sarangs as Maritime Labour Recruiting Intermediaries During the Age of Sail, Michael H. Fisher


Infrared overtone spectroscopy of adsorbed hydrogen in MOF-5, Stephen FitzGerald, Jocienne N. Nelson, Elizabeth Gilmour, and Jesse L.C. Rowsell

Tapping into Core Social Motives to Drive Sustainability Transformation, Cynthia M. Frantz

The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer

The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer


Review: Performance, Popular Culture, and Piety in Muslim Southeast Asia, Jennifer Fraser


Ehs-1 is required for the expulsion step of the Caenorhabditis elegans defecation motor program, Nelson Freeburg and Maureen A. Peters


Burge's Defense of Perceptual Content, Todd Ganson, Ben Bronner, and Alex Kerr


A comparative study of drift diffusion and linear ballistic accumulator models in a reward maximization perceptual choice task, Stephanie Goldfarb, Naomi E. Leonard, Patrick Simen, Carlos H. Caicedo-Nunez, and Philip Holmes


Ancient Life in the Information Age, Aaron D. Goldman

Astrobiology: an overview, Aaron D. Goldman

Programmed Genome Processing in Ciliates, Aaron D. Goldman, Elizabeth M. Stein, John R. Bracht, and Laura F. Landweber


Picturing Autonomy: David Smith’s Photography and the Sculptural Group, Sarah Hamill


Review: "The Sculptural Object circa 1960": Eccentric Objects: Rethinking Sculpture in 1960s America; Robert Morris: Object Scupture, 1960-1965, Sarah Hamill


Review: Von Oberlin nach Ostberlin. Als Amerikaner unterwegs in der DDR-Literaturszene, Elizabeth C. Hamilton

As You Like It, Holly Handman-Lopez

Pericles, Holly Handman-Lopez

Rich Pieces, Holly Handman-Lopez, Kim Nofsinger, and Megan Beseth

eleven years in, Holly Handman-Lopez and Bobby Wesner

Horizon Keep, DeSales Harrison