
Submissions from 2016


Connecting with the Courts: Online Access to State Judicial Systems, Michael Parkin and Justin Wedeking

Omena, Jeffrey Pence


Environmental Dashboards: Fostering Pro-environmental and Pro-community Thought and Action Through Feedback, John E. Petersen, Daniel Rosenberg Daneri, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Md Rumi Shammin

ALL IT TAKES (Chagrin Documentary Film Festival), Geoffrey Pingree

ALL IT TAKES (Lorain County Town Hall Meeting), Geoffrey Pingree

BLUE DESERT ~ Towards Antarctica (Anchorage Museum of Art), Geoffrey Pingree and Rian Brown-Orso

BLUE DESERT ~ Towards Antarctica (Cleveland Clinic), Geoffrey Pingree and Rian Brown-Orso


On integers n for which X-n-1 has a divisor of every degree, Carl Pomerance, Lola Thompson, and Andreas Weingartner


Accurate determination of ferric iron in garnets, Ryan J. Quinn, John W. Valley, F. Zeb Page, and John Fournelle


Reducing Therapist Contact in Parenting Programs: Evaluation of Internet-Based Treatments for Child Conduct Problems, Sarah M. Rabbitt, Erin Carrubba, Bernadette Lecza, Emily McWhinney, Jennifer Pope, and Alan E. Kazdin

but a drop, Alysia Ramos

Concluding Performance, Alysia Ramos

Interplay, Alysia Ramos

Terra Incognita, Alysia Ramos

Time Certainties Peace (Ohio Dance Festival), Alysia Ramos

Time Certainties Peace (Warner Center), Alysia Ramos and Mustapha Braimah

Review: Jean-Michel Basquiat: Now's the Time, Matthew Rarey


Library Instruction and Information Literacy 2015, Latisha Reynolds, Samantha McClellan, Susan Finley, George Martinez, and Rosalinda H. Linares

Review: Gender and Climate Change: Impact, Society, Policy, Alison S. Ricker

Reading, Writing, and Peer Review: Engaging With Chemical Literature in a 200-Level Analytical Chemistry Course, Alison S. Ricker and Rebecca J. Whelan


Introduction to Shared Spaces and Knowledge Transactions in the Italian Renaissance City (special issue of I Tatti Studies), Cossar Roison, Vivo Filippo, and Christina Neilson


Field measurements of genotype by environment interaction for fitness caused by spontaneous mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana, Angela J. Roles, Matthew T. Rutter, Ian Dworkin, Charles B. Fenster, and Jeffrey K. Conner

Interview with The Takeaway, Renee C. Romano


Review: Emmett Till: The Murder That Shocked the World and Propelled the Civil Rights Movement, Renee C. Romano

Review: In Defense of Uncle Tom: Why Blacks Must Police Racial Loyalty, Renee C. Romano


Review: "The Pain of Passing": A Chosen Exile: A History of Racial Passing in American Life, Renee C. Romano

Review: What Can and Can't Be Said: Race, Uplift, and Monument Building in the Contemporary South, Renee C. Romano


Review: Early Inuit Studies: Themes and Transitions, 1850s-1980s, Chie Sakakibara


Review: Native American Whalemen and the World: Indigenous Encounters and the Contingency of Race, Chie Sakakibara

Alternative Modernities: Imperial Germany Through the Lens of Russia, Annemarie Sammartino


Co-op City, Annemarie Sammartino


Mass Housing, Late Modernism, and the Forging of Community in New York City and East Berlin, 1965–1989, Annemarie Sammartino


Review: Purging the Empire: Mass Expulsions in Germany, 1871-1914, Annemarie Sammartino

Statistics for the Life Sciences, 5th ed., Myra L. Samuels, Jeffrey Witmer, and Andrew Schaffner

The Moroccan Spring and King Mohammed VI's Economic Policy Agenda: Evaluating the First Dozen Years, Eve Sandberg


Root patterning: it takes two to tangle, Ben Scheres and Marta Laskowski


Can the International Criminal Court Contribute to the Responsibility to Protect?, Benjamin Schiff


Gentlemen and Revolutionaries: Politics and Pedagogy in Strauss and Rancière, Jade Schiff


Review: The Courtiers’ Anatomists’: Animals and Humans in Louis XIV’s Paris, Matthew J. Senior


Review: The Wisdom of Animals: Creatureliness in Early Modern French Spirituality, Matthew J. Senior

Black Love & Progress, Adenike Sharpley

From Guinea to Brooklyn: The Journey of My Happy Feet, Adenike Sharpley

Performance by Dance Diaspora (Big Parade), Adenike Sharpley

Performance by Dance Diaspora (Black Parents Appreciation event), Adenike Sharpley

Performance by Dance Diaspora (Lorain Community Summit), Adenike Sharpley

Performance by Dance Diaspora (The Black Women in Business event), Adenike Sharpley

Performance by Ilu Aiye/Dance Diaspora (Multifaith Baccalaureate Service), Adenike Sharpley

For Dignity, Justice, and Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Literature, Ann Sherif


Why does time seem to fly when we're having fun?, Patrick Simen and Matthew Matell


Scale (In)Variance in a Unified Diffusion Model of Decision Making and Timing, Patrick Simen, Ksenia Vlasov, and Samantha Papadakis


Review: Landscapes and Landforms of South Africa, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: Enterprising Women: Gender, Race, and Power in the Revolutionary Atlantic, Danielle C. Skeehan


Texts and Textiles: Commercial Poetics and Material Economies in the Early Atlantic, Danielle C. Skeehan


Shock-metamorphosed rutile grains containing the high-pressure polymorph TiO2-II in four Neoarchean spherule layers, Frank C. Smith, Billy P. Glass, Bruce M. Simonson, Joseph P. Smith, Alexandra E. Krull-Davatzes, and Karl S. Booksh


Recent Efforts Toward Collaborative Preservation of Recorded Sound, Jeremy Smith


Drawing Borders in the Middle East after the Great War: Political Geography and ‘Subject Peoples’, Leonard V. Smith


France, the Great War, and the "Return to Experience", Leonard V. Smith


It's Spring Again, Abraham Socher

Kaddish, Mourning and the Concept of Eternity, Abraham Socher


Marmorshers!, Abraham Socher


The Saint in the Drawing Room, Abraham Socher

Reading Chekhov’s Short Fiction: the Invisible Language of Culture, Maia Solovieva


Explicit moments of decision times for single- and double-threshold drift-diffusion processes, V. Srivastava, Philip Holmes, and Patrick Simen


Review: RefME, Jennifer M. Starkey and Rosalinda H. Linares


Phylogenomic and structural analyses of 18 complete plastomes across nearly all families of early-diverging eudicots, including an angiosperm-wide analysis of IR gene content evolution, Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Shoujun Zhang, Pamela S. Soltis, Douglas E. Soltis, Tingting Zhao, Aiping Meng, Xiaodong Li, Jianqiang Li, and Hengchang Wang


Dynamic Status Signal Reflects Outcome of Social Interactions, but Not Energetic Stress, Keith A. Tarvin, L. Jin Wong, David C. Lumpkin, Gabrielle M. Schroeder, Dominic D'Andrea, Sophie Meade, Pearl Rivers, and Troy G. Murphy

Review: London and the Making of Provincial Literature: Aesthetics and the Transatlantic Book Trade, 1800-1850, Natasha Tessone


A Moist Crevice for Word Aversion: In Semantics Not Sounds, Paul Thibodeau


Extended Metaphors are the Home Runs of Persuasion: Don’t Fumble the Phrase, Paul Thibodeau

The "Moist" Conundrum, Paul Thibodeau


Situating a Measure of Systems Thinking in a Landscape of Psychological Constructs, Paul Thibodeau, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Mirella L. Stroink


The Mind is an Ecosystem: Systematic Metaphors Promote Systems Thinking, Paul Thibodeau, Anna Winneg, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Stephen J. Flusberg

Forensic Chemistry and Its Flip Side, Robert Q. Thompson

Instrumental Investigations: A Laboratory Manual of Forensic Analytical Chemistry, Robert Q. Thompson

Art and the Information Society, Katherine Thomson-Jones


Current Controversies in Philosophy of Film, Katherine Thomson-Jones


How to Teach Philosophy of Film, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Movie Appreciation and the Digital Medium, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Proceedings of the 41st Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy: Metaphysics, Martin Thomson-Jones

Models and Simulations 6, Martin Thomson-Jones and Adam Toon


The Role of Students in the Co-creation of Transformational Knowledge and Sustainability Experiments: Experiences from Sweden, Japan and the USA, Gregory Trencher, Daniel Rosenberg Daneri, Kes McCormick, Toru Terada, John E. Petersen, Masaru Yarime, and Bernadett Kiss


Catastrophe in Dialogue: Aeneid 2 and Seneca’s Agamemnon, Christopher Trinacty

Imago Res Mortua Est: Senecan Intertextuality, Christopher Trinacty


Intertextual translation in Ovid, Seneca, and Ted Hughes, Christopher Trinacty


Review: Brill's Companion to Roman Tragedy, Christopher Trinacty


Review: Lucius Annaeus Seneca: Letters on Ethics to Lucilius, Christopher Trinacty


Review: Seneca: Oedipus. Companions to Greek and Roman Tragedy, Christopher Trinacty

Review: Seneca Philosophus, Christopher Trinacty


Review: The Senecan Aesthetic: A Performance History, Christopher Trinacty


Review: Translation As Muse: Poetic Translation in Catullus's Rome, Christopher Trinacty


The Death of Hippolytus: Reception and Representation in Seneca, Racine, and Kane, Christopher Trinacty


Tragic Translatio: Epistle 107 and Senecan Tragedy, Christopher Trinacty


The International Pulsar Timing Array: First data release, J.P. Verbiest, L. Lentati, G. Hobbs, Rutger van Haasteren, Paul B. Demorest, G.H. Janssen, J.-B. Wang, G. Desvignes, R.N. Caballero, M.J. Keith, D.J. Champion, Zaven Arzoumanian, S. Babak, C.G. Bassa, and Daniel R. Stinebring

Special Collections at Oberlin College Libraries: A Dynamic, Hands-on Approach, Edward Vermue


Understanding Functional Turnout, Deborah Vogel

Review: Radovan Karadzic: Architect of the Bosnian Genocide, Veljko Vujacic


Periodic orbits for a discontinuous vector field arising from a conceptual model of glacial cycles, James Walsh, Esther Widiasih, Jonathan Hahn, and Richard McGehee


Achievement Goals During Middle Childhood: Individual Differences in Motivation and Social Adjustment, Travis Wilson, Chanjin Zheng, Katherine A. Lemoine, Caroline P. Martin, and Yue Tang


Concept maps in introductory statistics, Jeffrey Witmer

FRESH, Leah Aki Wood