
Submissions from 2017


Development of a Biological Science Quantitative Reasoning Exam (BioSQuaRE), Liz Stanhope, Laura Zeigler, Tabassum Haque, Laura Le, Marcelo Vinces, Gregory K. Davis, Andrew Zieffler, Peter Brodfuehrer, Marion Preest, Jason M. Belitsky, Charles Umbanhowar Jr., and Paul J. Overvoorde


Review: The Intimacies of Four Continents, Harrod Suarez

The Work of Mothering: Globalization and the Filipino Diaspora, Harrod Suarez

"You Blushed": Queering Surveillance after 9/11 in the Work of Jill Magid and Hasan Elahi, Harrod Suarez


Complete plastome sequencing of both living species of Circaeasteraceae (Ranunculales) reveals unusual rearrangements and the loss of the ndh gene family, Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Nan Lin, Kole F. Adelalu, Aiping Meng, Shuguang Jian, Linsen Yang, Jianqiang Li, and Hengchang Wang

Review: Represión, tolerancia e integración en España y América: Extranjeros, esclavos, indígenas y mestizos durante el siglo XVII, Danielle Terrazas Williams


The metaphor police: A case study of the role of metaphor in explanation, Paul Thibodeau, Latoya Crow, and Stephen J. Flusberg


Lay Theories of Obesity: Causes and Consequences, Paul Thibodeau and Stephen J. Flusberg


Metaphorical Accounting: How Framing the Federal Budget Like a Household's Affects Voting Intentions, Paul Thibodeau and Stephen J. Flusberg


The earth is our home: systemic metaphors to redefine our relationship with nature, Paul Thibodeau, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Matias Berretta

How Linguistic Metaphor Scaffolds Reasoning, Paul Thibodeau, Rose K. Hendricks, and Lera Boroditsky


Narratives for Obesity: Effects of Weight Loss and Attribution on Empathy and Policy Support, Paul Thibodeau, Rachel Uri, Briana Thompson, and Stephen J. Flusberg

Gas Phase Oxidation of Campholenic Aldehyde and Solution Phase Reactivity of its Epoxide Derivative, William C. Thomas, William D. Dresser, Diego A. Cortes, and Matthew J. Elrod

Against Bracketing and Complacency: Metaphysics and the Methodology of the Sciences, Martin Thomson-Jones


Parents' Psychological Process of Caregiver-Recipient Role Reversal From Children's Perspectives, Noriko Toyokawa, Nancy Darling, and Teru Toyokawa


Review: Ovid's Women of the Year: Narratives of Roman Identity in the Fasti, Christopher Trinacty


Tibullus' Comedy: A Note on Tib.1.2.87-98, Christopher Trinacty


A C-13 solid-state NMR investigation of four cocrystals of caffeine and theophylline, Nicolas J. Vigilante and Manish A. Mehta


Finding Core Stability, Deborah Vogel


Widespread paleopolyploidy, gene tree conflict, and recalcitrant relationships among the carnivorous Caryophyllales, Joseph F. Walker, Ya Yang, Michael J. Moore, Jessica Mikenas, Alfonso Timoneda, Samuel F. Brockington, and Stephen A. Smith


Diffusive heat transport in Budyko's energy balance climate model with a dynamic ice line, James Walsh


When Legitimacy Shapes Environmentally Responsible Behaviors: Considering Exposure to University Sustainability Initiatives, Lesley Watson, Karen A. Hegtvedt, Cathryn Johnson, Christie L. Parris, and Shruthi Subramanyam


Bayes and MCMC for Undergraduates, Jeffrey Witmer

To Bayes or Not to Bayes (The Answer is Yes), Jeffrey Witmer


Review: Lords and Towns in Medieval Europe: The European Historic Towns Atlas Project, Ellen Wurtzel


An Efficient Field and Laboratory Workflow for Plant Phylotranscriptomic Projects, Ya Yang, Michael J. Moore, Samuel F. Brockington, Alfonso Timoneda, Tao Feng, Hannah E. Marx, Joseph F. Walker, and Stephen A. Smith


The first complete plastome sequence of the basal asterid family Styracaceae (Ericales) reveals a large inversion, Minghui Yan, Michael J. Moore, Aiping Meng, Xiaohong Yao, and Hengchang Wang

*ArtSit, The Letdown Reflex, Nanette Yannuzzi

Frack-Age, Nanette Yannuzzi

The First 100+ Days, Nanette Yannuzzi


Exploring inhibitors of the periplasmic chaperone SurA using fluorescence anisotropy, Erica J. Zheng, Eric W. Bell, and Lisa Ryno

Submissions from 2016

Peer Instruction in the Oberlin Conservatory Library: Three Models of Engagement, Kathleen A. Abromeit

Egypt’s Adaptable Officers: Business, Nationalism, and Discontent, Zeinab Abul-Magd

The Military, Zeinab Abul-Magd

Businessmen in Arms: How the Military and Other Armed Groups Profit in the MENA Region, Zeinab Abul-Magd and Elke Grawert


Recovering Alice Dunbar-Nelson for the Twenty-First Century (special issue of Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers), Katherine Adams, Caroline Gebhard, and Sandra A. Zagarell


Ornamenting the Unthinkable: Visualizing Survival Under Occupation, Rebecca A. Adelman and Wendy Kozol

Considering Privacy Implications of Assistive Devices for People with Visual Impairments, Tousif Ahmed, Roberto Hoyle, Patrick Shaffer, Kay Connelly, David Crandall, and Apu Kapadia


Dallapiccola's Second Thoughts: the Epilogue to the Concerto per la notte di Natale dell'anno 1956, Brian Alegant

Abahn Sabana David, Kazim Ali

Love’s Fool: On the Poetry of Hoshang Merchant, Kazim Ali

Missal; May; Zephyr, Kazim Ali

Morning Raga, Kazim Ali

Phenomenal Survivals of Death in the Mountains, Kazim Ali

Review: "The World We Together": The Falling Down Dance, Kazim Ali

Sapphic I am: A Rapture, Kazim Ali


The Astronomer’s Son, Kazim Ali


The Malady of Life, Kazim Ali

Uncle Sharif's Life in Music, Kazim Ali


Calcineurin homologous proteins regulate the membrane localization and activity of sodium/proton exchangers in C. elegans, Erik Allman, Qian Wang, Rachel L. Walker, Molly Austen, Maureen A. Peters, and Keith Nehrke

Lady Windermere’s Fan, Heather Anderson Boll


Assignment Games with Conflicts: Robust Price of Anarchy and Convergence Results via Semi-Smoothness, Elliot Anshelevich, John Postl, and Tom Wexler

Removed title, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Sydney J. Chamberlin, Shami Chatterjee, Brian Christy, James M. Cordes, Neil J. Cornish, Kathryn Crowter, and Paul B. Demorest


The NANOGrav Nine-Year Data Set: Limits on the Isotropic Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background, Zaven Arzoumanian, Adam Brazier, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Sydney J. Chamberlin, Shami Chatterjee, Brian Christy, James M. Cordes, Neil J. Cornish, Kathryn Crowter, Paul B. Demorest, X. Deng, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Robert D. Ferdman, Emmanuel Fonseca, Nathan Garver-Daniels, Marjorie Gonzalez, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, Megan L. Jones, Victoria M. Kaspi, Michael Koop, Michael T. Lam, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Lina Levin, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Jing Luo, Ryan S. Lynch, Dustin R. Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Sean T. McWilliams, Chiara Mingarelli, David J. Nice, Nipuni Palliyaguru, Timothy T. Pennucci, Scott M. Ransom, L. Sampson, S. A. Sanidas, A. Sesana, Xavier Siemens, Joseph Simon, Ingrid H. Stairs, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, Joseph Swiggum, S. R. Taylor, Michele Vallisneri, Rutger van Haasteren, Yan Wang, and Weiwei Zhu


Review: Native American Whalemen and the World: Indigenous Encounters and the Contingency of Race, Matthew Bahar


A decision model of timing, Fuat Balci and Patrick Simen


Renewing Alliances in Troubled Times, Magdalena Barrera and Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


Typhoid Fever, Water Quality, and Human Capital Formation, Brian Beach, Joseph Ferrie, Martin Saavedra, and Werner Troesken


Polling Tools, Suzanne Bernsten and Rosalinda H. Linares


Studying up in critical NGO studies today: reflections on critique and the distribution of interpretive labour, Crystal Biruk


Toward the Comparative Analysis of Transitions from State Socialism: Structure, Agency and Contingency, Marc J. Blecher

Working Class Re-formation and De-formation in the PRC, Marc J. Blecher

Lights Out Animations, Robert Bosch


Alcohol Use, Alcohol-Related Outcome Expectancies, and Partner Aggression Among Males Court-Mandated to Batterer Intervention Programs: A Brief Report, Hope Brasfield, Meghan E. Morean, Jeniimarie Febres, Ryan C. Shorey, Todd M. Moore, Heather Zuckosky Zapor, JoAnna Elmquist, Caitlin Wolford-Clevenger, Lindsay Labrecque, and Maribel Plasencia


Bayesian Inference of Recursive Sequences of Group Activities from Tracks, Ernesto Brau, Colin Dawson, Alfredo Carrillo, David Sidi, and Clayton T. Morrison

BLUE DESERT ~Towards Antarctica (Anchorage Museum of Art), Rian Brown-Orso

Fire and Ice: The Films of Rian Brown, Rian Brown-Orso

BLUE DESERT ~ Towards Antarctica (Cleveland Clinic), Rian Brown-Orso and Geoffrey Pingree


“A berd! A berd!”: Chaucer’s Miller and the Poetics of the Pun, Jennifer Bryan

Rational angled hyperbolic polygons, Jack S. Calcut


Double branched covers of theta-curves, Jack S. Calcut and Jules R. Metcalf-Burton

Napoli in Buenos Aires: From Canzonetta to Tango Canción, Ana Cara


Modern Terms and their Ancient Non-Equivalents Patrilineality and Gender in the Historical Study of the Bible, Cynthia Chapman

The House of the Mother: The Social Roles of Maternal Kin in Biblical Hebrew Narrative and Poetry, Cynthia Chapman


Before Protesting at the Republican National Convention, Learn to Protect Your Phone, Julia Christensen


During the RNC, Two Art Projects Amplify the Voices of Ohio’s Citizens, Julia Christensen

The School and ‘The Streets’: Race, Class, Sound, and Space in Step Up and Step Up 2, Brian Su-Jen Chung and Afia Ofori-Mensa

Starting from Scratch: Tips for Building a First-year Outreach Program, Cynthia H. Comer and Julie Weir

Feeling In and Out, Ann Cooper Albright

Resurrecting the Future: Body, Image and Technology in the Work of Loie Fuller, Ann Cooper Albright


Taking the Next Step: Dance Advocacy in Greece, Ann Cooper Albright


Frequency-dependent Dispersion Measures and Implications for Pulsar Timing, James M. Cordes, Ryan M. Shannon, and Daniel R. Stinebring


Role Modeling in an Early Confucian Context, Cheryl Cottine


Microwave spectra for the three C-13(1) isotopologues of propene and new rotational constants for propene and its C-13(1) isotopologues, Norman C. Craig, Peter Groner, Andrew R. Conrad, Ranil Gurusinghe, and Michael J. Tubergen


Monotowns and the political economy of industrial restructuring in Russia, Stephen Crowley


What Will Putin Do Without America As His Enemy, Stephen Crowley


Is Putin About to Face a 'Colored Revolution'?, Stephen Crowley and Irina Olimpieva


Russian Labor Protest in Challenging Economic Times, Stephen Crowley and Irina Olimpieva

Chinese Literature and Film Adaptation, Hsiu-Chuang Deppman

"Hacerse digno de buena muerte": devoción y arrepentimiento femeninos en la Historia de la Villa Imperial de Potosí 1700-1720, Ana María Díaz Burgos

D.T. Suzuki in Transition 1949-53, James C. Dobbins


Single-Source Gravitational Wave Limits From the J1713+0747 24-hr Global Campaign, Timothy Dolch, Justin A. Ellis, Shami Chatterjee, James M. Cordes, Michael T. Lam, C.G. Bassa, B. Bhattacharyya, D.J. Champion, I. Cognard, Kathryn Crowter, Paul B. Demorest, Jason W.T. Hessels, G. Janssen, Fredrick A. Jenet, Glenn Jones, C. Jordan, R. Karuppusamy, M. Keith, V.I. Kondratiev, M. Kramer, P. Lazarus, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Duncan R. Lorimer, Dustin Madison, Maura A. McLaughlin, Nipuni Palliyaguru, D. Perrodin, Scott M. Ransom, J. Roy, R.M. Shannon, R. Smits, Ingrid H. Stairs, B.W. Stappers, Daniel R. Stinebring, Kevin Stovall, J.P.W. Verbiest, and Weiwei Zhu

Detroit '67, Justin Emeka

Stick Fly, Justin Emeka

Accounting for Violence, Counting the Dead: The Civil War and Spain’s Political Present, Sebastiaan Faber

Cómo un anarquista holandés fundó el PCE, tradujo a Ortega y murió como exiliado republicano, parte 2, Sebastiaan Faber

El estado pasado, presente y futuro de la cultura. Charla con Guillem Martínez, Sebastiaan Faber

Image Politics: U.S. Aid to the Spanish Republic and its Refugees, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: "Fighting Fascism": Spain in Our Hearts, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: "Spain's Foreign Fighters: The Lincoln Brigade and the Legacy of the Spanish Civil War": Spain in Our Hearts: Americans in the Spanish Civil War, Sebastiaan Faber