
Submissions from 2025


Backward Glances: Registers of the Past in Stifter's Die Mappe meines Urgroßvaters, Jessica Resvick

Submissions from 2024


Stop Being a Fatphobe: Bringing a Larger Conversation to Critical Information Literacy, Kathleen Abromeit and Grace Elliott


Flagging Problematic Language in Subject Headings, Ben Daigle, Timothy Keller, and Sarah Schaff


Show Them Who You Are: Code-switching and Code-meshing in the Academy, Eboni Johnson


The Role of A♭ in the Funeral March from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3, “Eroica”, Jan Miyake

From Beautiful Rabbi to Queer Kohenet: Gender and Judaism in and beyond Transparent, Shari Rabin

Thy Soul Be Accepted': A Jewish Gravestone in Eighteenth-century Charleston, Shari Rabin


Engaging Students in Anti-Racist Information Literacy Through Critical Assessment, Elizabeth Sullivan, Liz Lang, Annie Dempsey, Shannon Simpson, Alonso Avila, Brandi Hart, and Lisa Morrison

Submissions from 2023

Amnesia, Chaos, Trauma: Kleist's Memory Games, Steven Huff


“But Now": The Temporality of Archaic Greek Invective, Kirk Ormand

C.H. Sisson in Exile, or, Versions and Perversions of Ovid’s Tristia, Christopher Trinacty

Submissions from 2022


Buddhism and Medicine in Premodern Japan, Andrew Macomber

Ion: Into the Queer Ionisphere, Kirk Ormand

Perversion in Antiquity? Foucault, Seneca, and Psychiatric Reasoning, Kirk Ormand

Submissions from 2021


Dating by Cosmogenic Nuclides, Paul R. Bierman, Adrian M. Bender, Andrew J. Christ, Lee B. Corbett, Christopher T. Halsted, Eric W. Portenga, and Amanda C. Henck Schmidt

The Visual Politics of R. Crumb's Bulgaria: A Sketchbook Report, Stiliana Milkova


Gender and Sexuality, Kirk Ormand

Submissions from 2020

Providence and Causality in the Summa Halensis, Corey Barnes


Domino Steganography, Robert Bosch and Aaron Kreiner


Asexuality, KJ Cerankowski

Being Alone Together: The 'Disturbance of Violent Relatedness' in La Tristeza Complice, Pitié and Tauberbach, Ann Cooper Albright

Dance Advocacy in Greece, Ann Cooper Albright

Dedans et Dehors: le Contact Improvisation et la politique de l’empathie, Ann Cooper Albright

Taking the Next Step: Dance Advocacy in Greece, Ann Cooper Albright


NOVA: A Novel Tool for Collaborative Agent-Based and Dynamic Systems Modeling, Nancy Darling, Richard M. Salter, and Ian Burns

Juana María Álvarez, Eighteenth-Century New Granada (Colombia), Ana María Díaz Burgos

Extracurricular Activities in Russian Language and Culture Programs: Challenges and Perspectives, Alla Epsteyn and Maia Solovieva

‘Uno de los capítulos más oscuros de la historia reciente’: La cultura de la memoria y la imagen del franquismo en los documentales de TV3, Sebastiaan Faber

Still Eating Salt: Teaching Toni Cade Bambara for the Sake of #BlackWomensWellness and Political Transformation, Meredith Gadsby

Great Expectations: Belief and the Case for Pragmatic Encroachment, Dorit Ganson

Aristotle on Perception as Representation, Todd Ganson


Feeling what we write, writing what we feel: Written sign language literacy and intersomaticity in a German classroom, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway


Whale Hunting in Indigenous Arctic Cultures, H.P. Huntington, Chie Sakakibara, G. Noongwook, N. Kanayurak, V. Skhauge, E. Zdor, S. Inutiq, and B. Lyberth


Gypsum and Plant Species: A Marvel of Cuatro Ciénegas and the Chihuahuan Desert, Helga Ochoterena, Hilda Flores-Olvera, Carlos Gómez-Hinostrosa, and Michael J. Moore

Atalanta and Sappho: Women in and out of time, Kirk Ormand


Pitch, Tone, and Note, Bryan J. Parkhurst


Beasts of Flesh and Steel: The Post-Industrial Bestiaries of Apollinaire, Dufy, and Sutherland, Matthew Senior


Cold War Literature in East Asia, Ann Sherif

Diary and Narrative: French Soldiers in World War I, Leonard V. Smith


Dominant Nation Particularism in State-Nations: Russian and Serbian Nationalism in Soviet and Yugoslav Dissolution, Veljko Vujačić


Ritual Specialists and the Curse Tablets from Amathous, Cyprus, Andrew T. Wilburn

Submissions from 2019

Small (but Mighty) Outreach Ideas: Four One-Shot Programs from the Oberlin Conservatory Library, Kathleen A. Abromeit

Allenby wa Thawrat 1919...Qira’a fi Daw’al-Arshif al-Britani (Lord Allenby and the 1919 Revolution: A Study in the light of the British Archives), Zeinab Abul-Magd


From Muse to Insoumuse: Delphine Seyrig, Vidéaste, Grace An


New Democracy, Marc J. Blecher

The Underground Silk Road: Pictorial Affinities in 5th century Chinese Cave Temples and Tombs, Bonnie Cheng

Life Practices, Ann Cooper Albright

Matching Methods to Theory: Using Dynamic Systems Models to Understand Nested Systems of Adolescent Development, Nancy Darling and Ian Burns

Passages and Malls in Translation: Commerical Architecture in Pahlavi Iran, Farshid Emami

Evidentialism and Pragmatic Constraints on Outright Belief, Dorit Ganson

Evaluating proposals for long-distance genetic relationships: Uto-Aztecan vs. Plateau-Penutian, Jason D. Haugen

Deaf Language, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Reading Smiles, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway

Karle/Ekvira: Many Places Over Time, and at Once, Laurie Hovell McMillin

Labouring Under the New Capitalism, Chris Howell

Regulation, representation, crise: I'evolution de la conception du syndicalisme en France et en Grande-Bretagne, Chris Howell

The Neo-Liberal State and the Regulation of Class Relations, Chris Howell

Notions of Class and Culture in Housing Projects in Tehran, 1945–1960, Jaleh Jalili and Farshid Emami

Cool Goals, Rhonda S. Jamison and Travis Wilson

Elizabeth Keckly's Union War, Tamika Nunley

I Know What Liberty Is': Elizabeth Keckly's Union War, Tamika Nunley


Ecological Systems Thinking, David Orr, Valentina Niccolucci, and Simone Bastianoni


Mesocosms: Enclosed Experimental Ecosystems in Ocean Science, John E. Petersen and W. M. Kemp

Psychotic Humans, Psychotic Animals: The Zoo and the Mental Hospital, 1656-1794, Matthew J. Senior

Realism about Missing Systems, Martin Thomson-Jones


Building Ritual Agency: Foundations, Floors, Doors, and Walls, Andrew T. Wilburn


Figurines, Images and Representations Used in Ritual Practices, Andrew T. Wilburn

Submissions from 2018

Peer Instruction in the Oberlin Conservatory Library: Three Models of Engagement, Kathleen A. Abromeit

Lower Bounds for Heights in Relative Galois Extensions, Shabnam Akhtari, Kevser Aktas, Kirsti D. Biggs, Alia Hamieh, Kathleen Petersen, and Lola Thompson

Antibody based therapy for ovarian cancer, Yousef Alharbi, Manish S. Patankar, and Rebecca J. Whelan


Religious Reading and Everyday Lives, Emilia Bachrach

Theology in the Middle Voice: Thomas Aquinas and Immanuel Kant on Natural Ends, Corey Barnes

¿Qué tienen en común Jorge Luis Borges y Bob Dylan? Sobre el elevado arte de la poesía popular, Ana Cara

A Camel's Pace: A Cautionary Global, Bonnie Cheng

Passport to Academic Success: An Engaging, Active-Learning Library Orientation for New Students, Cynthia H. Comer

Habilidades Estrategias, Ann Cooper Albright

Touching History, Ann Cooper Albright


Post Scriptum: Illusio and the Reproduction of the Corps--Notes from an Ambivalent Gatekeeper, Sebastiaan Faber

The Rise and Fall of the Creative Capitals: Female Directors on Post-Soviet Urban Space, Arlene Forman and Anzhelika Arktyukh

Synthetic Violence: Reflections on the Pulse Nightclub Massacre, Jennicet Gutiérrez, Steven Thrasher, Paulina Helm-Hernandez, Greggor Mattson, Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, Terry Roethlein, and Angela Jones


Cruel Dispositions: Queer Literature, the Contemporary Puerto Rican Literary Field and Luis Negron's Mundo Cruel (2010), Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

Escena en un restaurante de comida rapida, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

Scene in a Fast-food Restaurant, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

Vestir santos, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón

Does Politics Need Ethics?, Sonia Kruks

Hannah Arendt, Gender, and Political Judgment, Sonia Kruks


Archean Asteroid Impacts on Earth: Stratigraphic and Isotopic Age Correlations and Environmental Consequences, Alexandra E. Krull-Davatzes, Steven Goderis, and Bruce M. Simonson

After the Watershed: Korean Movement and Migration Since 1965, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee

Selected Resources, Rosalinda H. Linares

Between the Disciplines and Beyond the Institution: Emerson’s Environmental Relevance, T.S. McMillin

"By Stealth" or Dispute: Freewomen and the Contestation of American Citizenship, Tamika Nunley

The Context for Comedy: Presidential Candidates and Comedy Television, Michael Parkin

Hamilton: A New American Civic Myth?, Renee C. Romano


Archipelagoes and Oceania in Asian Pacific American Literary Studies, Harrod Suarez

The Archaeology of Ritual in the Domestic Sphere: Case Studies from Karanis and Pompeii, Andrew T. Wilburn

Engaging Contradictions: Sigourney's Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since, Sandy A. Zagarell

Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs, Sandy A. Zagarell

Submissions from 2017

What is Mathematics and Why Won’t It Go Away? Philosophy of Mathematics in a First-Year Seminar, Susan Jane Colley

Perverse Satisfaction of Gravity, Ann Cooper Albright

The Politics of Perception, Ann Cooper Albright