
Submissions from 2001


Direct kinetics study of the temperature dependence of the CH2O branching channel for the CH3O2 + HO2 reaction, Matthew J. Elrod, Dana L. Ranschaert, and Nicholas J. Schneider


Persian Professor in Britain: Mirza Muhammad Ibrahim at the East India Company's College, 1826-44, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Climates and Constitutions: Health, Race, Environment and British Imperialism in India, 1600-1850, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Mapping Subaltern Studies and the Postcolonial, Michael H. Fisher


Far-infrared properties of resonant modes and tunnelling states in rare-earth-doped calcium fluoride, Stephen FitzGerald, A. J. Sievers, and J. A. Campbell


Two-level systems in fluorite mixed crystals - a far-infrared study, Stephen FitzGerald, A. J. Sievers, and J. A. Campbell


Memory processes underlying humans' chronological sense of the past, William J. Friedman


The Development of an Intuitive Understanding of Entropy, William J. Friedman


Review: "Seasons of Exile and Rebirth": Seasons of Dust, Meredith Gadsby

The Explanationist Defense of Scientific Realism, Dorit Ganson


Appetitive Desire in Later Plato, Todd Ganson


Review: Aristotle on the Sense-Organs, Todd Ganson


The sedimentary record of extraterrestrial impacts in deep-shelf environments: Evidence from the early Precambrian, Scott W. Hassler and Bruce M. Simonson

Review: Unions, employers, and central banks: Macroeconomic coordination and institutional change in social market economies, Chris Howell


The end of the relationship between social democratic parties and trade unions?, Chris Howell


Brn3a is a transcriptional regulator of soma size, target field innervation and axon pathfinding of inner ear sensory neurons, Eric J. Huang, Wei Liu, Bernd Fritzsch, Lynne M. Bianchi, Louis F. Reichardt, and Mengqing Xiang


The role of framework in modern reefs and its application to ancient systems, Dennis K. Hubbard, Ivan P. Gill, and Randolph B. Burke


Review: "Venturing into the Civil War, Virtually: A Review": The Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War, Gary J. Kornblith


Scratching the Surface: Critique and Ambiguity in Postwar Popular Culture, Wendy Kozol


Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics, Sonia Kruks


A Tale of Two Josephines: Class, Gender and Self-sovereignty in Gilded Age, Carol Lasser


Review: Roman homosexuality and Roman sexualities, Kirk Ormand


The effect of burial on shell preservation and epibiont cover in Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas Shelf and slope environments after two years: an experimental approach, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Eric N. Powell, George M. Staff, W. Russell Callender, Carlton E. Brett, and Sally E. Walker


Review: The Gorsky Problem, Tim Scholl


Identification of subtypes of muscarinic receptors that regulate Ca2+ and K+ channel activity in sympathetic neurons, Mark S. Shapiro, Jesus Gomeza, Susan E. Hamilton, Bertil Hille, Michael D. Loose, Neil M. Nathanson, John P. Roche, and Jürgen Wess


The state of water in hydrating tricalcium silicate and Portland cement pastes as measured by quasi-elastic neutron scattering, Jeffrey J. Thomas, Stephen FitzGerald, Daniel A. Neumann, and Richard A. Livingston


Unified Electroanalytical Chemistry: Application of the Concept of Electrochemical Equilibrium, Robert Q. Thompson and Norman C. Craig


Like a Woman: Hector and the Boundaries of Masculinity, Thomas Van Nortwick


Crisis on coral reefs linked to climate change, Gerard M. Wellington, Peter W. Glynn, Alan E. Strong, A. Navarrete, Evie Wieters, and Dennis K. Hubbard


Revolution: Refining Its Defining, J. Milton Yinger and Mark N. Katz

Submissions from 2000


Review: Chinese Urban Life under Reform: The Changing Social Contract, Marc J. Blecher


Structure and agency, intellectual "nationalism," and method: Tang Tsou's contributions to China studies and social science, Marc J. Blecher


Cass Gilbert and Julia Finch: Falling in Love in the 1880s, Geoffrey T. Blodgett


Ethno-Cultural Realities in Presidential Patronage: Grover Cleveland's Choices, Geoffrey T. Blodgett

Political Reform, Geoffrey T. Blodgett


Detection of field-dependent antiferromagnetic domains in exchange-biased Fe[sub 3]O[sub 4]/NiO superlattices, Julie A. Borchers, Yumi Ijiri, D. M. Lind, P. G. Ivanov, R. W. Erwin, Aron Qasba, S. H. Lee, K. V. O’Donovan, and D. C. Dender


Role of voltage-dependent calcium channel long-term potentiation (LTP) and NMDA LTP in spatial memory, Albert Borroni, H. Fichtenholtz, B. L. Woodside, and T. J. Teyler


Maximum density stable patterns in variants of Conway's game of Life, Robert Bosch


Product identification and kinetics of reactions of HCl with HNO3/H2SO4/H2O solutions, Christopher D. Cappa, Sarah E. Kuipers, Jeanine M. Roberts, Abigail S. Gilbert, and Matthew J. Elrod

EphB2 guides axons at the midline and is necessary for normal vestibular function, Chad A. Cowan, Nobuhiko Yokoyama, Lynne M. Bianchi, Mark Henkemeyer, and Bernd Fritzsch


Synthesis and Vibrational Spectrosc Opy of 1,1,2,2-Tetrafluoroethane and its 13C2 and d2 Isotopomers, Norman C. Craig, Jessica I. Chuang, Christiana C. Nwofor, and Catherine M. Oertel


Create change: Shaping the future of scholarly journal publishing, Ray English and Larry Hardesty


"El norte nos devora": La construccion de un espacio hispanico en el exilio anglosajon de Luis Cernuda, Sebastiaan Faber


Representing 'his' women: Mirza Abu Talib Khan's 1801 'Vindication of the liberties of Asiatic women', Michael H. Fisher


Review: Forming an Identity: A Social History of the Jats, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Pakistan: A Modern History, Michael H. Fisher


Review: The Delhi Sultanate: A Political and Military History, Michael H. Fisher


The Development of Children's Knowledge of the Times of Future Events, William J. Friedman

Time in Psychology, William J. Friedman


Review: The Weak Body of a Useless Woman: Matsuo Taseko and the Meiji Restoration, Suzanne Gay

Bedforms produced by impact-generated tsunami, ~2.6Ga Hamersley basin, Western Australia, Scott W. Hassler, H. F. Robey, and Bruce M. Simonson


Constructing British industrial relations, Chris Howell


From new Labour to no Labour?, Chris Howell


Review: State making and labor movements: France and the United States, 1876–1914, Chris Howell


Review: Critical Approaches to Goethe's Classical Dramas: Iphigenie, Torquato Tasso, and Die natürliche Tochter, Steven R. Huff


Noel de Fribois and a lost work by Jean Fouquet, Erik Inglis


Introduction and synoptic map, Roderic Knight


The bana, epic fiddle of Central India, Roderic Knight


Sequence and expression of the kettin gene in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans, Bernhard Kolmerer, Jonathan Clayton, Vladimir Benes, Taylor Allen, Charles Ferguson, Kevin Leonard, Ursula Weber, Marika Knekt, Wilhelm Ansorge, Siegfried Labeit, and Belinda Bullard


Review: Madcaps, Screwballs, and Con Women: The Female Trickster in American Culture, Wendy Kozol


Review: The Great Silent Army of Abolitionism: Ordinary Women in the Antislavery Movement; Mary Ann Shadd Cary: The Black Press and Protest in the Nineteenth Century, Carol Lasser


Review: The Religious World of Antislavery Women: Spirituality in the Lives of Five Abolitionist Lecturers, Carol Lasser


Application of neutron scattering to Portland cement, Richard A. Livingston, Daniel A. Neumann, A.J. Allen, Stephen FitzGerald, and R. Berliner


Complete Structure of Gauche 1,1,2, 2-Tetrafluoroethane Determined by Microwave Spectroscopy, Belén Maté, Angela Hight Walker, Richard D. Suenram, and Norman C. Craig


Analysis of BDNF production in the aging gerbil cochlea, Amy M. Medd and Lynne M. Bianchi


Review: Tangled memories: The Vietnam War, the AIDS epidemic, and the politics of remembering, Meredith Raimondo


Kinetics of the C2H5O2 + NOx reactions: Temperature dependence of the overall rate constant and the C2H5ONO2 branching channel of C2H5O2 + NO, Dana L. Ranschaert, Nicholas J. Schneider, and Matthew J. Elrod


Discovery of a layer of probable impact melt spherules in the Late Archaean Jeerinah Formation, Fortescue Group, Western Australia, Bruce M. Simonson, D. Davies, and Scott W. Hassler


Have distal impact ejecta changed through geologic time?, Bruce M. Simonson and Paul Harnik


Geochemical evidence for an impact origin for a Late Archean spherule layer, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa, Bruce M. Simonson, Christian Koeberl, Iain McDonald, and Wolf Uwe Reimold


Insight into entropy, Daniel Styer


Difference between Blocking and Néel Temperatures in the Exchange Biased Fe3O4/CoO System, P. J. van der Zaag, Yumi Ijiri, Julie A. Borchers, L. F. Feiner, R. M. Wolf, J. M. Gaines, R. W. Erwin, and M. A. Verheijen


Prague Symphony, Thomas Van Nortwick


Review: Crisis in Sociology: The Need for Darwin, J. Milton Yinger


Review: Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers: A Biobibliographical Critical Sourcebook, Sandra A. Zagarell


Review: "Past Imperfect": Challenging Boundaries: Gender and Periodization, Sandra A. Zagarell

Submissions from 1999

Counting Treasures: The Enumeration and Analysis of Musical Collections, Brian Alegant


When Even Becomes Odd: A Partitional Approach to Inversion, Brian Alegant

Metaphorically teaching: The use of metaphors in preparing teachers, Peggy D. Bennett


Comparison of Ephrin-A ligand and EphA receptor distribution in the developing inner ear, Lynne M. Bianchi and H. Liu


Selective and transient expression of a native chondroitin sulfate epitope in Deiters’ cells, pillar cells, and the developing tectorial membrane, Lynne M. Bianchi, H. Liu, E. L. Krug, and A. A. Capehart


Tang Tsou, Marc J. Blecher


The politically engaged society, the state, policy, comparison Gordon White's contributions to China studies, Marc J. Blecher

Cass Gilbert, Geoffrey T. Blodgett

Lawrence Gronlund, Geoffrey T. Blodgett

Nathan Matthews, Geoffrey T. Blodgett

Patrick Maguire, Geoffrey T. Blodgett

Tennessee Celeste Caflin, Geoffrey T. Blodgett

Warfare Between Science and Religion, Geoffrey T. Blodgett


Integer Programming and Conway's Game of Life, Robert Bosch


Rotational dynamics of n-H2 in porous Vycor glass, D. W. Brown, P. E. Sokol, and Stephen FitzGerald

Charles Martin Hall, Norman C. Craig

Review: Molecular Thermodynamics, Norman C. Craig


The Joys and Trials of Doing Research with Undergraduates, Norman C. Craig


Vibrational Spectroscopy of the Three Isomers of 1,4-Difluorobutadiene, Norman C. Craig, Christopher F. Neese, Tuan N. Nguyen, Catherine M. Oertel, Laura Pedraza, and Anne M. Chaka

Greenhouse warming potentials from the infrared spectroscopy of atmospheric gases, Matthew J. Elrod


Review: Empire of Free Trade: The East India Company and the Making of the Colonial Marketplace, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Indian Muslim Perceptions of the West during the Eighteenth Century, Michael H. Fisher


Review: Mughal India and Central Asia, Michael H. Fisher


Inelastic neutron scattering study of the hydration of tricalcium silicate, Stephen FitzGerald, Daniel A. Neumann, Jack J. Rush, R. J. Kirkpatrick, X. Cong, and Richard A. Livingston