Submissions from 1996
Women's Reports of Men's Childcare Participation: An Examination of African-American and White Families, Daphne John
The Justification of Religious Belief in the Pluralistic Public Realm: Another Look at Postliberal Apologetics, David G. Kamitsuka
Review: Progressive Women in Conservative Times: Racial Justice, Peace, and Feminism, 1945 to the 1960s, Wendy Kozol
Electrophoretic Evidence for Tetrasomic Inheritance in the Dioecious Tree Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneid, Roger H. Laushman, Andrew Schnabel, and J. L. Hamrick
Editorial introduction, Rianne Mahone and Chris Howell
Consuming Text, Transubstantiation and Ingestion in the Interpretation of Emerson, T.S. McMillin
Review: The wedding in ancient Athens, Kirk Ormand
Silent by convention? Sophocles' Tekmessa, Kirk Ormand
Temperature and pressure dependence of the rate constant for the HO2 + NO reaction, John V. Seeley, Roger F. Meads, Matthew J. Elrod, and Mario J. Molina
The Division of Household Labor, Beth Anne Shelton and Daphne John
Far-infrared absorption by glass-like features in fluorite mixed crystals, A. J. Sievers, Stephen FitzGerald, and J. A. Campbell
Was the deposition of large Precambrian iron formations linked to major marine transgressions?, Bruce M. Simonson and Scott W. Hassler
Glass-like properties observed in low-frequency Raman scattering of mixed fluorite crystals, J. Tu, Stephen FitzGerald, J. A. Campbell, and A. J. Sievers
Eurydice is Dead, Thomas Van Nortwick
What is Classical Scholarship For?, Thomas Van Nortwick
Who Do I Think I Am?, Thomas Van Nortwick
Review: Sporting Gentlemen: Men's Tennis from the Age of Honor to the Cult of the Superstar; History of Colored Base Ball; Fleet Walker's Divided Heart, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1995
Review: Dream of a Red Factory: The Legacy of High Stalinism, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Politics, Economics and Society in Contemporary China, Marc J. Blecher
Oberlin Fever: Improving Each Other for Sixteen Decards, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Grand March of Oberlin Campus Plans, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
World War Two in Retrospect: History and Memory, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Neuronal deficits, not involving motor neurons, in mice lacking BDNF and/or NT4, J.C. Conover, J.T. Erickson, D.M. Katz, Lynne M. Bianchi, W.T. Poueymirou, J. McClain, L. Pan, M. Helgren, N.Y. Ip, and P. Boland
Vibrational Spectra and Assignments for 3,3,4,4-Tetrafluorocyclobutene-d0, -d1, and -d2, Norman C. Craig, Steven S. Borick, C. Patrick Collier, Julie S. Humm, Hidong Kim, and Lac V. Lee
A generation effect can be found during naturalistic learning, Patricia A. deWinstanley
HCl vapour pressures and reaction probabilities for ClONO2+ HCl on liquid H2SO4–HNO3–HCl–H2O solutions, Matthew J. Elrod, R. E. Koch, J. E. Kim, and Mario J. Molina
Determination of the intermolecular potential energy surface for (HCl)2 from vibration—rotation—tunneling spectroscopy, Matthew J. Elrod and Richard J. Saykally
Vibration—rotation—tunneling dynamics calculations for the four-dimensional (HCl)2 system: A test of approximate models, Matthew J. Elrod and Richard J. Saykally
Review: Communications and Power: Propaganda and the Press in the Indian Nationalist Struggle, 1920-1947, Michael H. Fisher
Children's Comparisons of the Recency of Two Events from the Past Year, William J. Friedman, Amanda G. Gardner, and Naomi R.E. Zubin
Corals, paleotemperature records, and the aragonite-calcite transformation, Ivan P. Gill, Jennifer J. Olson, and Dennis K. Hubbard
Review: The politics of French trade unionism, Chris Howell
Trade unions and the state: A critique of British industrial relations, Chris Howell
Turning to the state: Thatcherism and the crisis of British trade unionism, Chris Howell
Review: Heinrich von Kleist. The dramas and stories, Steven R. Huff
Review: Music and German literature: Their relationship since the Middle Ages, Steven R. Huff
Carbonate Pb-Pb ages of the Wittenoom Formation and Carawine Dolomite, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia (with implications for their correlation with the Transvaal Dolomite of South Africa), Bor-ming Jahn and Bruce M. Simonson
Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Perceptions of Fairness, Daphne John, Beth Anne Shelton, and Kristen Luschen
Fracturing Domesticity: Media, Nationalism, and the Question of Feminist Influence, Wendy Kozol
Estrogen modulation of two subpopulations of β-endorphin neurons in ovariectomized guinea pigs distinguished by peripherally injected fluorogold, Michael D. Loose, Joan C. Niu, Thao T. Nguyen, and Janice E. Thornton
Review: The children of Athena, Kirk Ormand
Review: Creating life: The aesthetic utopia of Russian modernism, Tim Scholl
Achilles in Oberlin: The Hero Story as Metaphor, Thomas Van Nortwick
Review: Religion and Social Justice: The Case of Christianity and the Abolition of Slavery in America, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Illusion of Difference: Realities of Ethnicity in Canada and the United States, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Reinventing Cotton Mather in the American Renaissance: Magnalia Christi Americana in Hawthorne, Stowe, and Stoddard., Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 1994
The political economy of cropping in Maoist and Dengist China: Hebei Province and Shulu County, 1949-90, Marc J. Blecher
Grover Cleveland, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
A partial updating algorithm for linear programs with many more variables than constraints, Robert Bosch and Kurt M. Anstreicher
Calculus in the Brewery, Susan Jane Colley
The enumeration of simultaneous higher-order contactgs between plane curves, Susan Jane Colley and Gary Kennedy
Heterogeneity and intertemporal trade: finding support for international credit contracts, Barbara J. Craig
Vibrational Spectra and Assignments for trans-3, 4-Difluorocyclobutene, Norman C. Craig, Susan E. Hawley, Lac V. Lee, and Ann Pearson
Far infrared vibration-rotation-tunneling spectroscopy and internal dynamics of methane—water: A prototypical hydrophobic system, L. Dore, R. C. Cohen, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, K. L. Busarow, Matthew J. Elrod, Jennifer G. Loeser, and Richard J. Saykally
Many-body effects in intermolecular forces, Matthew J. Elrod and Richard J. Saykally
Non-additive intermolecular forces from the spectroscopy of van der Waals trimers: far-infrared spectra and calculations on Ar2-DCl, Matthew J. Elrod, Richard J. Saykally, Adam R. Cooper, and Jeremy M. Hutson
The East India Company's 'suppression of the native dak', Michael H. Fisher
The Politics of the British Annexation of India, 1757-1857, Michael H. Fisher
Two-level systems and excited-state transitions in fluorite mixed crystals and silica glass, Stephen FitzGerald, J. A. Campbell, and A. J. Sievers
Far-infrared properties of C60 and C70 compacts, Stephen FitzGerald and A. J. Sievers
Concepts in the Classroom, Programming in the Lab, Robert Geitz
Review: Social institutions and economic performance, Chris Howell
Review: Self/Power/Other: Political Theory and Dialogical Ethics, Sonia Kruks
Far-infrared vibration–rotation–tunnelling spectroscopy of the water trimer, Kun Liu, Matthew J. Elrod, Jennifer G. Loeser, J. D. Cruzan, N. Pugliano, M. G. Brown, J. A. Rzepiela, and Richard J. Saykally
Dynamics of structural rearrangements in the water trimer, Kun Liu, Jennifer G. Loeser, Matthew J. Elrod, Bryan C. Host, J. A. Rzepiela, N. Pugliano, and Richard J. Saykally
Lucan's Auctor Vix Fidelis, Kirk Ormand
The places of AIDS, Meredith Raimondo
Limb and lower-body duplications induced by retinoic acid in mice., J.C. Rutledge, A.G. Shourbaji, L.A. Hughes, J.E. Polifka, Yolanda P. Cruz, J.B. Bishop, and W.M. Generoso
In the Grip of Minos: Confessional Discourse in Dante, Corneille, and Racine, Matthew J. Senior
Effects of estrogen on the number of neurons expressing β-endorphin in the medial basal hypothalamus of the female guinea pig, Janice E. Thornton, Michael D. Loose, Martin J. Kelly, and Oline K. Rönnekleiv
Ethnicity: Source of Strength? Source of Conflict?, J. Milton Yinger
Review: "The Conscience of Her Age": Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life, Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 1993
Effects of the neurotrophins and CNTF on developing statoacoustic neurons: Comparison with an otocyst-derived factor, Lynne M. Bianchi and Christopher S. Cohan
Introduction to Country Boy: Growing Up in Northern Ohio in the 1820s, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Peter's at Risk, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: American Genre Painting: The Politics of Everyday Life, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Dipole moment analysis of excited van der Waals vibrational states of ArH35Cl, A.L. Cooksy, Matthew J. Elrod, Richard J. Saykally, and W. Klemperer
Laboratory Exercises in Developmental Biology, Yolanda P. Cruz
Uterine histology of the dasyurid marsupial, Antechinus Stuartii: relationship with differentiation of the embryo, Yolanda P. Cruz and Lynne Selwood
Mouse blastocyst immunosurgery with commercial antiserum to mouse erythrocytes, Yolanda P. Cruz, Robin S. Treichel, E. Harsay, and K. D. Chi
Review: Rennyo: The Second Founder of Shin Buddhism, James C. Dobbins
Far-infrared vibration-rotation-tunnelling spectroscopy of ArDCl: A critical test of the H6(4, 3, 0) potential surface, Matthew J. Elrod, Bryan C. Host, David W. Steyert, and Richard J. Saykally
An investigation of three-body effects in intermolecular forces III: Far infrared laser vibration—rotation—tunneling spectroscopy of the lowest internal rotor states of Ar2HCl, Matthew J. Elrod, Jennifer G. Loeser, and Richard J. Saykally
Review: Contesting Power: Resistance and Everyday Social Relations in South Asia, Michael H. Fisher
The Office of Akhbār Nawīs: The Transition from Mughal to British Forms, Michael H. Fisher
Comment on "Lattice phonon modes in solid C60 studied by far-infrared spectroscopy", Stephen FitzGerald and A. J. Sievers
Review: Community and Commerce in Late Medieval Japan: The Corporate Villages of Tokuchin-ho., Suzanne Gay
Review: Labor parties in postindustrial societies, Chris Howell
Review: La CGT: Crises et Alternatives; Le Syndicalisme en France, Chris Howell
Review: The New Politics of British Trade Unionism: Union Power and the Thatcher Legacy, Chris Howell
Review: Goethes "Versohnungsbilder": Eine geschichtsphilosophische Untersuchung zu Goethes spaten Werken, Steven R. Huff
Population genetics of hydrophilous angiosperms, Roger H. Laushman
More wedding imagery: "Trachiniae" 1053 ff., Kirk Ormand
Review: Early memoirs, Tim Scholl
“Quand même je dormirais": Philosophy and Secondary Revision in Descartes, Matthew J. Senior
Does Marital Status Make a Difference?: Housework Among Married and Cohabiting Men and Women, Beth Anne Shelton and Daphne John
Carbonate sedimentology of the early Precambrian Hamersley Group of Western Australia, Bruce M. Simonson, Kathryn A. Schubel, and Scott W. Hassler
Far-infrared laser vibration—rotation—tunneling spectroscopy of the propane—water complex: Torsional dynamics of the hydrogen bond, David W. Steyert, Matthew J. Elrod, and Richard J. Saykally