Submissions from 1992
Review: More Than Common Powers of Perception: The Diary of Elizabeth Rogers Mason Cabot., Carol Lasser
Multidimensional hydrogen tunneling dynamics in the ground vibrational state of the ammonia dimer, Jennifer G. Loeser, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, R.C. Cohen, Matthew J. Elrod, David W. Steyert, Richard J. Saykally, R.E. Bumgarner, and G.A. Blake
A Yardstick for International Comparisons: An Application to National Agricultural Research Expenditures, Philip G. Pardey, Johannes Roseboom, and Barbara J. Craig
Review: A century of Russian ballet, Tim Scholl
Geological evidence for a strewn field of impact spherules in the early Precambrian Hamersley Basin of Western Australia, Bruce M. Simonson
Submissions from 1991
A Model for the Pitch Structure of Webern's Op. 23 No. 1, "Das dunkle Herz", Brian Alegant
Microwave Spectrum and Structure of 3,3,4,4-Tetrafluorocyclobutene, Anne M. Andrews, Susan L. Maruca, Kurt W. Hillig, Robert L. Kuczkowski, and Norman C. Craig
Children's Pattern Perception, Accuracy, and Preference in Three Response Modes, Peggy D. Bennett
Developmental regulation of a neurite-promoting factor influencing statoacoustic neurons, Lynne M. Bianchi and Christopher S. Cohan
Development State, Entrepreneurial State: The Political Economy of Socialist Reform in Xinju Municipality and Guanghan County, Marc J. Blecher
Review: The Spiral Road: Change in a Chinese Village through the Eyes of a Communist Party Leader, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Understanding Peasant China: Case Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Marc J. Blecher
Creating a Home at Spiegel Grove, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Memorial Minute for Robert Elgy Neil, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Oberlin Football Celebrates Long History, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Political Parties and Elections in the United States: 16 entries, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Professor Geiser: Politically Incorrect, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Frederick Law Olmsted: The Passion of a Public Artist, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Silent City On a Hill: Landscapes of Memory and Boston's Mount Auburn Cemetery, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: The City Beautiful Movement (Creating the North American Landscape), Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: The Party of Reform: Democrats in the Progressive Era, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
A higher-order contract formula for plane curves, Susan Jane Colley and Gary Kennedy
Triple and quadruple contact of plane curves, Susan Jane Colley and Gary Kennedy
Vibrational Spectra and Assignments for 1-Fluoro- and 1-Chlorocyclobutenes: Revised Assignment for Cyclobutene, Norman C. Craig, Steven S. Borick, Thomas R. Tucker, and Zhuang Xiao Yong
Vibrational Spectra and Assignment for trans-3, 4-Dichlorocyclobutene. Revised Assignment for the cis/Isomer, Norman C. Craig, Susan E. Hawley, and Catherine Perry
Evaluation of anionic histological dyes as co-injectable cell markers in pre-implantation mouse embryos, Yolanda P. Cruz, Sharon A. Sutherland, and James D. Sutherland
The importance of "temporal pattern" in traumatic impulse noise exposures, R. Danielson, D. Henderson, M. A. Gratton, Lynne M. Bianchi, and R. Salvi
An investigation of three-body effects in intermolecular forces II: Far-infrared vibration—rotation—tunneling laser spectroscopy of Ar2HCl, Matthew J. Elrod, David W. Steyert, and Richard J. Saykally
Tunable far infrared laser spectroscopy of a ternary van der Waals cluster Ar2HCl: A sensitive probe of three-body forces, Matthew J. Elrod, David W. Steyert, and Richard J. Saykally
Review: India and Indonesia during the Acien Regime, Michael H. Fisher
Algorithms and Images: Computer Graphics as an Introduction to Science, Robert Geitz
Review: Les Syndicats Européens à l' épreuve, Chris Howell
The fetishism of small difference: French socialism enters the nineties, Chris Howell
Review: German Classical Drama: Theatre, Humanity and Nation, Steven R. Huff
Review: Richard Wagners Meistersinger: Eine Fuhrung durch das Werk, Steven R. Huff
Teaching Problems of Periodization: Three Approaches, Steven R. Huff
The Holunder Motif in Kleist's Das Kathchen von Heilbronn and Its Nineteenth-Century Context, Steven R. Huff
Music Out of Africa: Mande Jaliya in Paris, Roderic Knight
Review: Jean-Paul Sartre: Hated Conscience of His Century, Vol. 1: Protestant or Protester?, Sonia Kruks
Comparative genetic structure of two co-occurring tree species, Maclura pomifera (Moraceae) and Gleditsia triacanthos (Leguminosae), Andrew Schnabel, Roger H. Laushman, and J. L. Hamrick
Remembering Patroclus, Thomas Van Nortwick
Somewhere I Have Never Travelled: The Second Self and the Hero's Journey in Ancient Epic, Thomas Van Nortwick
Participatory and Action Research Methods, Ben Wisner, David Stea, and Sonia Kruks
Review: Mixed Blood: Intermarriage and Ethnic Identity in Twentieth-Century America, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1990
Review: State and Peasant in Contemporary China: The Political Economy of Village Government., Marc J. Blecher
Oberlin Starts the Civil War, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Stanny - The Gilded Life of Stanford White, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Spectroscopy of 1, 4, 4-Trifluorocyclobutene, Norman C. Craig, Hidong Kim, Primo Lorencak, Scott P. Sibley, and Robert L. Kuczkowski
Mosaicism in the mouse trophectoderm, Yolanda P. Cruz
Polymorphic Precocious Larvae in the Polyembryonic Parasitoid Copidosomopsis tanytmema (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), Yolanda P. Cruz, R. C. Oelhaf, and E. L. Jockusch
Review: Shinran: An Introduction to His Thought, James C. Dobbins
The Biography of Shinran: Apotheosis of a Japanese Buddhist Visionary, James C. Dobbins
Far-infrared investigation of the generalized Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation using ZnS-diamond, Stephen FitzGerald, T. W. Noh, A. J. Sievers, L. A. Xue, and Y. Tzou
About Time: Inventing the Fourth Dimension, William J. Friedman
Friedrich Hartwich's "Globus Fortunae" (1617): A Dramatization of the "Amadis", Steven R. Huff
Review: Die zerbrochenen Bilder: Gestorte Ordnungen im Werk Heinrich von Kleists, Steven R. Huff
The artisanal response to capitalist transformation, Gary J. Kornblith and Carol Lasser
Review: The Oppositional Imagination: Feminism, Critique, and Political Theory, Sonia Kruks
Gender, Ideology, and Class in the Early Republic, Carol Lasser
Petrography and diagenesis of cherts from Lake Magadi, Kenya, Kathryn A. Schubel and Bruce M. Simonson
Aeneas: The Wrong Man in the Right Place, Thomas Van Nortwick
Review: A Hard Road to Glory: The History of the African-American Athlete, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1989
Review: Policy Implementation in Post-Mao China, Marc J. Blecher
State administration and economic reform: Old dog snubs master, but learns new tricks, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Jefferson and Monticello: The Biography of a Builder, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Rainbows End: Irish-Americans and the Dilemmas of Urban Machine Politics, 1840-1985, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Vibrational spectra and assignments of tetrafluorooxirane-16O and -18O, Norman C. Craig
Miniware for Galvanic Cell Experiments, Norman C. Craig, Martin N. Ackermann, and William B. Renfrow
A Reassignment of the Vibrational Fundamentals of Sulfuryl Chloride Fluoride, Norman C. Craig and Kenichi Futamura
Shin Buddhism, the Nembutsu Experience, and Faith, James C. Dobbins
Review: Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780-1870, Michael H. Fisher
Deposition and alteration of volcaniclastic strata in two large, early Proterozoic iron-formations in Canada, Scott W. Hassler and Bruce M. Simonson
Review: Fruhe Formen der deutschen Novelle im 18. Jahrhundert, Steven R. Huff
Review: Inventions of reading: Rhetoric and the literary imagination, Steven R. Huff
Review: Ironische Metaphysik: Die Erzahlungen Heinrich von Kleists, Steven R. Huff
Review: Music and Mozart in the life of Goethe, Steven R. Huff
First discovery of ferruginous chert arenites in the early Precambrian Hamersley Group of Western Australia, Bruce M. Simonson and A. D.T. Goode
Review: Fifty Years of the Southern Sociological Society: Change and Continuity in a Professional Society, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1988
The Perils and Profits of Praise, Peggy D. Bennett
Review: The Christian Home in Victorian America, 1840-1900, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Architectural Psychology of the Gilded Age, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Zipper in the Rainbow: A Faculty Viewpoint, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
A Death in Geneva: Jorge Luis Borges, 1899-1986, Ana Cara
Coincidence Formulas for Line Complexes, Susan Jane Colley
Chemistry in Japan, Norman C. Craig
Entropy Analyses of Four Familiar Processes, Norman C. Craig
Infrared Spectrum of Gaseous Carbonyl Fluoride-18O, Norman C. Craig
A Computer-Simulated Experiment on Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibrium, Norman C. Craig, Brian J. Brown, Willilam S. Chamness, and Elaine B. Mulvey
Vibrational spectra of trans-2,3-difluorooxirane and its 18O and 2H isotopic modifications, Norman C. Craig and C. W. Gillies
Review: Kurozumikyō and the New Religions of Japan., James C. Dobbins
Review: No Abode: The Record of Ippen, James C. Dobbins
The Early German Libretto: Some Reconsiderations Based on Harsdorffer's 'Seelewig', Steven R. Huff
Cementing the mechanic interest: Origins of the Providence Association of Mechanics and Manufacturers, Gary J. Kornblith
"Let Us Be Sisters Forever": The Sororal Model of Nineteenth-Century Female Friendship, Carol Lasser
Review: “Just a Housewife”: The Rise and Fall of Domesticity in America, Carol Lasser
The Even Partitions in Twelve-tone Music, Robert D. Morris and Brian Alegant
The Double Life of Oedipus, Thomas Van Nortwick