Submissions from 2007
The Ethics of Trauma Drama, Anne Trubek
The Ethics of Trauma Drama, Anne Trubek
The Oberlin Experiment, Anne Trubek
Abram Hears the Voice of God, Carol Tufts
After Six Years: Two Questions, Carol Tufts
My Father Awaits the Coming of the Messiah, Carol Tufts
Gender, Order, and Femicide. Reading the Popular Culture of Murder in Ciudad Juárez, Steven S. Volk and Marian E. Schlotterbeck
Review: "Elites, Narratives, and Nationalist Mobilization in the Former Yugoslavia: A Review Essay", Veljko Vujacic
Stalinism and Russian Nationalism: A Reconceptualization, Veljko Vujacic
Review: Nonrigidity of hyperbolic surfaces laminations, James Walsh
Review: The period function of classical Li´enard equations, James Walsh
Promiscuity drives sexual selection in a socially monogamous bird, Michael S. Webster, Keith A. Tarvin, Elaina M. Tuttle, and Stephen Pruett-Jones
Cell separation in roots: A common role for pectinmethylesterase?, Fushi Wen, Marta Laskowski, and Martha Hawes
Excavating Magical Practice at Roman Karanis, Andrew T. Wilburn
Technocracy, Harlan Wilson
Technophobia, Harlan Wilson
The probability of choosing primitive sets, Kevin Woods and Sergi Elizalde
Equus, Matthew Wright
Holy Ghosts, Matthew Wright
Multiplexed Detection of Protein-Peptide Interaction and Inhibition Using Capillary Electrophoresis, Peilin Yang, Rebecca J. Whelan, Yingwei Mao, Angel W.-M. Lee, Christin Carter-Su, and Robert T. Kennedy
Burnt Landscape, Nanette Yannuzzi
Via Gut-Performance/Action, Nanette Yannuzzi
La conception de la mort: Camus sous le filtre de Freud, Bataille, Blanchot et Levinas, Ali Yedes
Another simple proof of the theorem of the means, Robert M. Young
Keyword Region, Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 2006
Octatonicism in Luigi Dallapiccola's Twelve-note Music, Brian Alegant and John Levey
AHR Conversation: On Transnational History, C.A. Bayly, Sven Beckert, Matthew Connelly, Isabel Hofmeyr, Wendy Kozol, and Patricia Seed
Ice nucleation in sulfuric acid/organic aerosols: Implications for cirrus cloud formation, Melinda R. Beaver, Matthew J. Elrod, Rebecca M. Garland, and Margaret A. Tolbert
Embryonic inner ear cells use migratory mechanisms to establish cell patterns in vitro, Lynne M. Bianchi, Daniel Huri, and Ian O. White
Review: Patrolling the Revolution: Worker Militias, Citizenship, and the Modern Chinese State, Marc J. Blecher
Sedimentology and geochemistry of extensive very coarse deepwater submarine fan sediments in the Middle Jurassic of Oman, emplaced by giant tsunami triggered by submarine mass flows, M.E. Brookfield, I. Blechschmidt, R. Hannigan, M. Coniglio, Bruce M. Simonson, and G. Wilson
Preferential dissolution of carbonate shells driven by petroleum seep activity in the Gulf of Mexico, Wei-Jun Cai, Feizhou Chen, Eric N. Powell, Sally E. Walker, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, George M. Staff, Yongchen Wang, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, W. Russell Callender, and Carlton E. Brett
Review: Chinese Steles: Pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Use of a Symbolic Form, Bonnie Cheng
Useful Work of a Process, Norman C. Craig
Equilibrium structures for butadiene and ethylene: Compelling evidence for π-electron delocalization in butadiene, Norman C. Craig, Peter Groner, and Donald C. McKean
Analysis of rotational structure in the high-resolution infrared spectrum and assignment of vibrational fundamentals of butadiene-2,3-13C2, Norman C. Craig, Michael C. Moore, Amie K. Patchen, and Robert L. Sams
Early pregnancy factor in marsupials, Yolanda P. Cruz, H. Morton, A.C. Cavanagh, Lynne Selwood, Siobhan D. Wilson, and Mark M. Sasaki
What factors mediate sperm pairing in monodelphis domestica?, Yolanda P. Cruz, Mark M. Sasaki, Atley Chock, Emily Perloff, Edo S. Bedzra, and Jacqueline E. Pokusa
Chilean adolescents' beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority: Individual and age-related differences, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, Brian P. Flaherty, and M. Loreto Martinez
Gender, ethnicity, development, and risk: Mentoring and the consideration of individual differences, Nancy Darling, G. Anne Bogat, Timothy A. Cavell, Susan Elaine Murphy, and Bernadette Sánchez
Predictors of Adolescents’ Disclosure to Parents and Perceived Parental Knowledge: Between- and Within-Person Differences, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, Linda L. Caldwell, and Bonnie Dowdy
Quantum information and accounting information: Their salient features and conceptual applications, Joel S. Demski, Stephen FitzGerald, Yuji Ijiri, Yumi Ijiri, and Haijin Lin
Review: Approaching the Land of Bliss: Religious Praxis in the Cult of Amitābha, James C. Dobbins
Open Access to Federally Funded Research--The Time is Now, Ray English
The next big library legislative issue, Ray English and Molly Raphael
Public access to federally funded research: The Cornyn-Lieberman and CURES bills, Ray English and Peter Suber
The privilege of pain: The exile as ethical model in Max Aub, Francisco Ayala, and Edward Said, Sebastiaan Faber
Small angle neutron scattering study of disordered and crystalline iron nanoparticle assemblies, D. F. Farrell, Yumi Ijiri, C. V. Kelly, Julie A. Borchers, James J. Rhyne, Y. Ding, and S. A. Majetich
Review: Edge of Empire: Lives, Culture and Conquest in the East, 1750-1820, Michael H. Fisher
Review: The English Gentleman Merchant at Work: Madras and the City of London, 1660-1740, Michael H. Fisher
Cryogenic apparatus for diffuse reflection infrared spectroscopy with high-pressure capabilities, Stephen FitzGerald, Hugh O.H. Churchill, Phillip M. Korngut, Christie B. Simmons, and Yorgos E. Strangas
Low-temperature infrared spectroscopy of H2 in crystalline C60, Stephen FitzGerald, Hugh O.H. Churchill, Phillip M. Korngut, Christie B. Simmons, and Yorgos E. Strangas
I AM Being Fair: The Bias Blind Spot as a Stumbling Block to Seeing Both Sides, Cynthia M. Frantz
The mental representation of countries, William J. Friedman and Patricia A. deWinstanley
Sucking Salt: Caribbean Women Writers, Migration, and Survival, Meredith Gadsby
Acid-catalyzed reactions of hexanal on sulfuric acid particles: Identification of reaction products, Rebecca M. Garland, Matthew J. Elrod, Kristi Kincaid, Melinda R. Beaver, Jose L. Jimenez, and Margaret A. Tolbert
Blood Parasites Of Nearctic–Neotropical Migrant Passerine Birds During Spring Trans-Gulf Migration: Impact On Host Body Condition, Mary C. Garvin, Christopher C. Szell, and Frank R. Moore
Daily banding in corals: Implications for paleoclimatic reconstruction and skeletonization, Ivan P. Gill, J. A.D. Dickson, and Dennis K. Hubbard
Why Do Two Objects at Different Temperatures Come to a Common Intermediate Temperature When Put in Contact? Entropy Is Maximized, Eric A. Gislason and Norman C. Craig
Of Miracles and Pedestals: Helen Keller in German Culture, Elizabeth C. Hamilton
Scintillation and Pulsar Timing: Low-level Timing Noise from the Kolmogorov Halo, Daniel A. Hemberger and Daniel R. Stinebring
Evolution and intelligent design in British industrial relations, Chris Howell
Review: Prolonged labour: The slow birth of New Labour Britian, Chris Howell
Review: The irony of state intervention: American industrial relations policy in comparative perspective, 1914–1939, Chris Howell
Using impact spherule layers to correlate sedimentary successions: a case study of the Neoarchean Jeerinah layer (Western Australia), Sarah Jones-Zimberlin, Bruce M. Simonson, David Kreiss-Tomkins, and Daniel Garson
Diagenetic alteration of impact spherules in the Neoarchean Monteville layer, South Africa, Issaku Kohl, Bruce M. Simonson, and Melissa Berke
Beyond Best Practices: Taking Seriously the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Gary J. Kornblith and Carol Lasser
‘Spaces of Freedom’: Materiality, Mediation and Direct Political Participation in the Work of Arendt and Sartre, Sonia Kruks
Model of the TIR1 Pathway for Auxin-Mediated Gene Expression, Marta Laskowski
Expression Profiling of Auxin-treated Arabidopsis Roots: Toward a Molecular Analysis of Lateral Root Emergence, Marta Laskowski, Steven Biller, Ken Stanley, Tymoteusz Kajstura, and Reeta Prusty
s-trans-1,3-Butadiene and Isotopomers: Vibrational Spectra, Scaled Quantum-Chemical Force Fields, Fermi Resonances, and C−H Bond Properties, Donald C. McKean, Norman C. Craig, and Yurii N. Panchenko
Review: Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture and Sex in the Ancient World from A to Z, Kirk Ormand
Shipwrecked Identities: Navigating Race on Nicaragua's Mosquito Coast, Baron Pineda
Multiple Scintillation Arcs In Six Pulsars, Margaret L. Putney and Daniel R. Stinebring
Collaboration: Paradigm of the Digital Cultural Content Environment, Anne Cuyler Salsich
Survey of Aedes triseriatus (Diptera: Culicidae) for Lacrosse Encephalitis Virus and West Nile Virus in Lorain County, Ohio, Lydia C. Scheidler, Meagan M. Dunphy-Daly, Bradley J. White, David R. Andrew, Nicole Z. Mans, and Mary C. Garvin
The Pulpit and the Confessional: Sacred Speech and Collective Fervor in Counter-Reformation France, Matthew J. Senior
Scintillation Arcs: Probing Turbulence and Structure in the ISM, Daniel R. Stinebring
Achilles at Work, Thomas Van Nortwick
West Nile Virus in Mosquitoes of Northern Ohio, 2003, Bradley J. White, David R. Andrew, Nicole Z. Mans, Ojimadu A. Ohajuruka, and Mary C. Garvin
Submissions from 2005
So, Why Sol-Mi?, Peggy D. Bennett
Immortalized Mouse Inner Ear Cell Lines Demonstrate a Role for Chemokines in Promoting the Growth of Developing Statoacoustic Ganglion Neurons, Lynne M. Bianchi, Zeeba Daruwalla, Therese M. Roth, Naweah P. Attia, Nicholas W. Lukacs, Ayo-Lynn Richards, Ian O. White, Susan J. Allen, and Kate F. Barald
Pointillism via Linear Programming, Robert Bosch and Adrianne Herman
Exploring adolescent self-defining leisure activities and identity experiences across three countries, J. Douglas Coatsworth, Erin Hiley Sharp, Lori-Ann Palen, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, and Elena Marta
Teaching About Records, Ethics, and Accountability: Three Cases, Richard J. Cox, Barbara Meister, David L. Reynolds, and Anne Cuyler Salsich
Let's Drive 'Driving Force' Out of Chemistry, Norman C. Craig
Vibrational spectroscopy of 3,4-difluorocyclobutenes: cis-d0, trans-d0 and trans-d4 species, Norman C. Craig, Thomas W. Brickey, Peter T. Lingenfelter, A. Sonan Osmani, Osman Rathore, and Ann Pearson
Revelationary Biology: A Review of The Second Tree: Stem Cells, Clones, Chimeras, and Quests for Immortality, Yolanda P. Cruz
Participation in Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Adjustment: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Findings, Nancy Darling
History in the Poetry of próspero saíz: A Reading of "document", Jed Deppman
Trying to Think with Emily Dickinson, Jed Deppman
Botany: A record-breaking pollen catapult, Joan Edwards, Dwight Whitaker, Sarah Klionsky, and Marta Laskowski
Review: An introduction to chemical kinetics, Matthew J. Elrod
The system of scholarly communication: Shaping the future, Ray English
Migration to Britain from South Asia, 1600s-1850s, Michael H. Fisher
Review: Penumbral Visions: Making Polities in Early Modern South India, Michael H. Fisher
Kinetics of H2 desorption from crystalline C60, Stephen FitzGerald, Rym Hannachi, D. Sethna, Marie Rinkoski, K. K. Sieber, and David S. Sholl
There is no “I” in nature: The influence of self-awareness on connectedness to nature, Cynthia M. Frantz, F. Stephan Mayer, Chelsey Norton, and Mindi Rock