
Submissions from 2008

Old Times, Paul Moser

The English Channel, Paul Moser

Aux Barricades: French Protest Posters from May, 1968, Libby Murphy and Andria Derstine

Aux Barricades: French Protest Posters from May, 1968, Libby Murphy and Andria Derstine


Experimental Taphonomy of Callinectes sapidus and cuticular controls on preservation, Matthew H.E. Mutel, David A. Waugh, Rodney M. Feldmann, and Karla Parsons-Hubbard

Comments on "Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak’s Influence(s): Past, Present, Future", Anuradha Needham


Review: Empire and After: Englishness in Postcolonial Perspective, Anuradha Needham

Parmigianino’s Antea: A Beautiful Artifice, Christina Neilson

Moving Pictures: The Optics of Serfdom on the Russian Estate, Thomas Newlin


Review: Consequences of Consciousness: Turgenev, Dostoevsky, and Tolstoy, Thomas Newlin

Backyard, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Everything Is Not Lost, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Giving Shelter, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Living in Your Imagination, Pipo Nguyen-duy

The Garden, Pipo Nguyen-duy

Wild Wild West, Pipo Nguyen-duy


Focused-Ion Beam and Electron Microscopy Analysis of Corrosion of Lead-Tin Alloys: Applications to Conservation of Organ Pipes, Catherine M. Oertel, Shefford P. Baker, and Annika Niklasson


Controlling Desires: Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome, Kirk Ormand

Review: Loraux La tragedie d'Athenes. La politique entre l'ombre et l'utopie, Kirk Ormand

Ecological Systems Thinking, David Orr

Gratitude, David Orr


Land Use and Climate Change, David Orr


The Psychology of Survival, David Orr

Introduction to Campus Design + Planning: Culture, Context, and the Pursuit of Sustainability, David Orr and Brian Sinclair


Formation of Amyloid Fibrils in Vitro by Human yd-crystallin and its Isolated Domains, Katerina Papanikolopoulou, Ishara Mills-Henry, Shannon L. Thol, Yongting Wang, Abby A.R. Gross, Daniel A. Kirschner, Sean M. Decatur, and Jonathan King


Priming, Michael Parkin and Paul Lavrakas


The taphonomic signature of a brine seep and the potential for Burgess Shale style preservation, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Eric N. Powell, Anne L. Raymond, Sally E. Walker, Carlton E. Brett, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Rebekah N. Shepard, Richard A. Krause, and Bradley Deline

The taphonomic signature of a brine seep and the potential for Burgess Shale style preservation, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, Eric N. Powell, Anne L. Raymond, Sally E. Walker, Carlton E. Brett, Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox, Rebekah N. Shepard, Richard A. Krause, and Bradley Deline

Discipline and Citizenship: Latina/o Youth in Chicago JROTC Programs, Gina M. Perez


Commentary: A Green Curriculum Involves Everyone on the Campus, John E. Petersen

Reverse engineering the lordosis behavior circuit, D. Pfaff, L. Kow, Michael D. Loose, and L. Flanagan-Cato

Review: Indigenous Rights and United Nations Standards: Self-Determination, Culture and Land, Baron Pineda


A Comment on "Pedagogical In Loco Parentis: Reflecting on Power and Parental Authority in the Writing Classroom", Leonard Podis, JoAnne M. Podis, and Tim Taylor


Frequency evaluation of the doubly forbidden 1S0→3P0 transition in bosonic 174Yb, Nicola Poli, Zeb W. Barber, Nathan D. Lemke, C.W. Oates, L.S. Ma, Jason E. Stalnaker, T.M. Fortier, S.A. Diddams, L. Hollberg, and A. Brusch


Molluscan shell condition after eight years on the seafloor – taphonomy in the Gulf of Mexico and Bahamas, Eric N. Powell, Carlton E. Brett, Karla Parsons-Hubbard, W. Russell Callender, George M. Staff, Sally E. Walker, Anne L. Raymond, and Kathryn A. Ashton-Alcox

Generic Definitions: Taxonomies of Identity in AIDS Discourse, Meredith Raimondo

We cry for the orphan: Picturing Amercian global citizenship in the AIDS Pandemic, Meredith Raimondo, Cindy Patton, and Helen Loshny

Holocene coral reef exposure at Cañada Honda, Lago Enriquillo, W. R. Ramirez-Martinez, Dennis K. Hubbard, and Clark E. Sherman

Extraordinary Child: Translations from a Genre of Tamil Devotional Poetry [1997], Paula Richman


Ramayana Stories in Modern South India: An Anthology, Paula Richman

Transformations, Dalit Narrative, and Verbal Art in the Tamil Novels of Bama, Paula Richman

Transformations, Dalit Narrative, and Verbal Art in the Tamil Novels of Bama, Paula Richman


Ways of Celebrating Ram's Birth: Ramayana Week in Durban, South Africa, Paula Richman


How America can look within to achieve energy security and reduce global warming, Burton Richter, David Goldston, George Crabtree, Leon Glicksman, David Goldstein, David Greene, Dan Kammen, Mark Levine, Michael Lubell, Maxine Savitz, Daniel Sperling, Fred Schlachter, John Scofield, and James Dawson


Fitness Effects of Mutation Accumulation in a Natural Outbred Population of Wild Radish (Raphanus Raphanistrum): Comparison of Field and Greenhouse Environments, Angela J. Roles and Jeffrey K. Conner

An analysis of native and non-native woody vegetation and biodiversity in forest plots with different selective logging histories, Christine R. Rollinson and Roger H. Laushman


Frequency ratio of Al+ and Hg+ single-ion optical clocks; metrology at the 17th decimal place, T. Rosenband, D.B. Hume, P.O. Schmidt, C.W. Chou, A. Brusch, L. Lorini, W.H. Oskay, R.E. Drullinger, T.M. Fortier, Jason E. Stalnaker, S.A. Diddams, W.C. Swann, N.R. Newbury, W.M. Itano, D.J. Wineland, and J.C. Bergquist


Field evolution of magnetic correlations in ϵ-Co nanoparticle assemblies, M. Sachan, C. Bonnoit, S.A. Majetich, Yumi Ijiri, and P.O. Mensah-Bonsu

Using DLSim 3: a scalable, extensible, multi-level logic simulator, Richard Salter and John L. Donaldson


Culture, Belonging, and the Law: Naturalization in the Weimar Republic, Annemarie Sammartino


Building the International Criminal Court, Benjamin Schiff

Balanchine in America, a Career in Three Acts, Tim Scholl

Balanchine in America: A Career in Three Acts [Баланчин в Америке: Карьера в трех актах], Tim Scholl

Geology of Vermilion Watershed, Bruce M. Simonson


Review: Our Changing Planet: The View from Space, Bruce M. Simonson


Roy W. Simonson: A Century as a Soil Scientist, Bruce M. Simonson


The GSA Committee on Research Grants, Bruce M. Simonson

’Ce que finir veut dire’: l’excipit dans le roman de la grande guerre des années 30, Leonard V. Smith

Les États-Unis et l’échec d’une seconde mobilisation, Leonard V. Smith


New Waves in Aesthetics, Kathleen Stock and Katherine Thomson-Jones


Entropy and Evolution, Daniel Styer


Do Landowners Respond to Land Retirement Incentives? Evidence from the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, Jordan Suter, Nelson L. Bills, and Gregory L. Poe


Experiments on Damage-Based Ambient Taxes for Nonpoint Source Polluters, Jordan Suter, Christian A. Vossler, Gregory L. Poe, and Kathleen Segerson


Textural constraints on the formation of impact spherules: A case study from the Dales Gorge BIF, Paleoproterozoic Hamersley Group of Western Australia, Dawn Sweeney and Bruce M. Simonson


Errata to Gold shocks, liquidity, and the United States Economy during the National Banking Era, Ellis Tallman and Jon R. Moen

The Bank Panic of 1907, Ellis Tallman and Jon R. Moen


"Homage to the empty armour": Maria Edgeworth’s "Harrington" and the Pathology of National Heritage, Natasha Tessone

Toni Morrison, Heidi Thomann Tewarson


Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dryer lint: an advanced analysis laboratory, Robert Q. Thompson

Review: Forensic Analysis on the Cutting Edge: New Methods for Trace Evidence Analysis, Robert Q. Thompson


Aesthetics and Film, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Formalism, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Introduction to New Waves in Aesthetics, Katherine Thomson-Jones


Review: The Philosophy of Motion Pictures, Katherine Thomson-Jones

Stop Teaching Catcher in the Rye, Anne Trubek


Where Are The Queens of Non-Fiction, Anne Trubek, Carol Tufts

her memory, Carol Tufts

One Year Later, Carol Tufts

Rainbow, Carol Tufts

Teshuvah, Carol Tufts

The Late Summer News, Carol Tufts

The Sirens Sing to Odysseus, Carol Tufts


Imagining Men: Ideals of Masculinity in Ancient Greek Culture, Thomas Van Nortwick


Living in the Moment: A Teacher's Thoughts on Higher Education, Thomas Van Nortwick


Counting with rational generating functions, Sven Verdoolaege and Kevin Woods


Review: Forgotten Continent: The Battle for Latin America’s Soul, Steven S. Volk


Review: Salvador Allende, Steven S. Volk


Review: Cool Brittania?: British Political Drama in the 1990s, David Walker


Interstellar Holography, M. A. Walker, L. Koopmans, Daniel R. Stinebring, and W. van Straten

Review: Convergence of solutions of time-varying linear systems with integrable forcing term, James Walsh

Review: On the determination of the basin of attraction of a periodic orbit in two-dimensional systems, James Walsh

Review: Useless Arithmetic: Why Environmental Scientists Can't Predict the Future, James Walsh


Maximal periods of (Ehrhart) quasi-polynomials, Kevin Woods, Matthias Beck, and Steven V. Sam

An implementation of the Barvinok-Woods integer projection algorithm, Kevin Woods, Matthias Koeppe, and Sven Verdoolaege

Angel of Memory, Matthew Wright

Assassins, Matthew Wright

English Channel, Matthew Wright

My Favorite Year, Matthew Wright

Urinetown, The Musical, Matthew Wright