Submissions from 2007
Sleep Deprivation Chamber, Caroline Jackson Smith
G.W.F. Hegel, David G. Kamitsuka
Feminist Theology and the Challenge of Difference, Margaret D. Kamitsuka
Recent Developments in Cyrene’s chora south of the Wadi bel Gadir, Susan Kane and Donald White
An information theoretic framework for eukaryotic gradient sensing, Joseph M. Kimmel, Peter J. Thomas, and Richard Salter
More than Great White Men: A Century of Scholarship on American Social History, Gary J. Kornblith and Carol Lasser
’Pivoting the Center’: Diverse Surveys of American History, Gary J. Kornblith and Carol Lasser
The Changing Nature of Housing Markets in Upstate New York, Joseph Laquatra, Rolf Pendall, David L. Kay, Jordan Suter, and Nelson L. Bills
Review: Empire and Decline: Rhetorical Continuities from the Romans to the Modern Era, Ben Lee
The Contradictions of Cosmopolitanism: Consuming the Orient at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition and the International Potlatch Festival, 1909-1934, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
Learning how to learn: Can experiencing the outcomes of differential encoding strategies enhance subsequent encoding?, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Patricia A. deWinstanley, and Benjamin C. Strom
Ethics of War in Persian Literature, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati
¿Es la seguridad un artículo vendible?, Kristina Mani
Latin America’s Hidden War in Iraq, Kristina Mani
Militares Empresarios: un fenómeno de las sociedades en vías de desarrollo, Kristina Mani
Militaries in Business: State-Making and Entrepreneurship in the Developing World, Kristina Mani
Rule of Five Cyclizations in and 5-Hexenyl Radicals and Photocyclizations of 1,5-Hexadienes: Effect of 4-Oxa Substitution, Albert Matlin, Karen F. Brinton, and Belinda Tsao Nivaggioli
Urban Ethnography’s ‘Saloon Problem’ and its Challenge to Public Sociology, Greggor Mattson
Review: Ecosublime: Environmental awe and terror from new world to oddworld, T.S. McMillin
Coyote Nation: Sexuality, Race, and Conquest in Modernizing New Mexico, 1880-1920, Pablo R. Mitchell
Playing the Pivot: Teaching Latina/o History in Good Times and Bad, Pablo R. Mitchell
Review: Law and Order in Buffalo Bill’s Country: Legal Culture and Community on the Great Plains, 1867-1910, Pablo R. Mitchell
On the Uses of Cultural Knowledge, Sheila Miyoshi Jager
Review: Militarized Modernity and Gendered Citizenship in South Korea, Sheila Miyoshi Jager
The Korean War After the Cold War: Commemorating the Armistice Agreement in South Korea, Sheila Miyoshi Jager
The Politics of Identity: History, Nationalism, and the Prospect for Peace in Post-Cold War Asia, Sheila Miyoshi Jager
Introduction: Re-Envisioning Asia, Past and Present, Sheila Miyoshi Jager and Rana Mitter
Ruptured Histories: War, Memory and the Post-Cold War in Asia, Sheila Miyoshi Jager and Rana Mitter
Using plastid genome-scale data to resolve enigmatic relationships among basal angiosperms, Michael J. Moore, Charles D. Bell, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis
Origins and biogeography of gypsophily in the Chihuahuan Desert plant group Tiquilia subg. Eddya (Boraginaceae), Michael J. Moore and Robert K. Jansen
Measure for Measure, Paul Moser
Where Eagles Dare Theater; Dorm Stories, Paul Moser
Review: Epic and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Anuradha Needham
The Crisis of Secularism in India, Anuradha Needham and Rajeswari Sunder Rajan
Review: Painting Desire: Parmigianino’s Antea, Christina Neilson
East of Eden, Pipo Nguyen-duy
Architecture, Ecological Design, and Human Ecology, David Orr
Ecological Design and Education, David Orr
High resolution in an age of High Consequences, David Orr
Hope in a Hotter Time, David Orr
Ian McHarg: Conversations with Students / Dwelling in Nature, David Orr
Introduction, David Orr
One Hundred Days of Climate Action, David Orr
The Carbon Connection, David Orr
The Extinction of Experience, David Orr and Robert Pyle
Prograde and retrograde history of the Junction School eclogite, California, and an evaluation of garnet phengite-clinopyroxene thermobarometry, F. Zeb Page, Lora S. Armstrong, Eric J. Essene, and Samuel B. Mukasa
Zircons from kimberlite: New insights from oxygen isotopes, trace elements, and Ti in zircon thermometry, F. Zeb Page, Bin Fu, Noriko T. Kita, John Fournelle, Michael J. Spicuzza, Daniel J. Schulze, Miguel A.S. Basei, and John W. Valley
High-precision oxygen isotope analysis of picogram samples reveals 2 μm gradients and slow diffusion in zircon, F. Zeb Page, T. Ushikubo, Noriko T. Kita, L. R. Riciputi, and John W. Valley
The Technological Development of Congressional Candidate Websites: How and Why Candidates Use Web Innovations, Michael Parkin, James N. Druckman, and Martin Kifer
Direct kinetics study of the product forming channels of the reaction of isoprene-derived hydroxyperoxy radicals with NO, Amie K. Patchen, Michael J. Pennino, Annastassja C. Kiep, and Matthew J. Elrod
Methodological Gifts in Feminist and Latina/o Studies Anthropology, Gina M. Perez
Review: Latinos in New England, Gina M. Perez
Dormitory residents reduce electricity consumption when exposed to real-time visual feedback and incentives, John E. Petersen, Vladislav Shunturov, Kathryn Janda, Gavin Platt, and Kate Weinberger
A Calcium Wave Mediated by Gap Junctions Coordinates a Rhythmic Behavior in C. Elegans, Maureen A. Peters, Takayuki Teramoto, Kouichi Iwasaki, Jamie Q. White, and Erik M. Jorgensen
History Is What Remains, Geoffrey Pingree
The Documentary Dilemma, Geoffrey Pingree
Pedagogical In Loco Parentis: Reflecting on Power and Parental Authority in the Writing Classroom, Leonard Podis and JoAnne M. Podis
Between Visibility and Vulnerability: Women and HIV/AIDS, Meredith Raimondo, Olena Hankivsky, Marina Morrow, and Colleen Varcoe
A Tamil Modernist’s Account of India’s Past: Ram Raj, Chettiyar Raj, and British Raj, Paula Richman
Ravana in London: The Theatrical Career of a Demon in the South Asian Diaspora, Paula Richman
Observation of the 1S0-3P0 clock transition in 27Al+, T. Rosenband, P.O. Schmidt, D.B. Hume, W.M. Itano, T.M. Fortier, Jason E. Stalnaker, K. Kim, S.A. Diddams, C.J. Koelemeij, and J.C. Bergquist
Re-Conceptionalizing the Evolving Issues of NGO-African State Relations, Eve Sandberg
Testimony: Hearing Before the Committee of the Judiciary One Hundred Tenth Congress First Session March 7, 2007, Eve Sandberg
How Did a Couple of Veteran Classroom Teachers End Up in a Space Like This? Extraordinary Intersections Between Learning, Social Software and Teaching, Barbara Sawhill
Couer de ballet, Tim Scholl
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Russian Culture: 6 entries, Tim Scholl
Review: Balletglamour, Tim Scholl
Review: Pedagogen Vera Volkova, Tim Scholl
Sotheby’s Chiparus and The Ballets Russes (catalog copy), Tim Scholl
The "New" Russian and Soviet Dance in the Twentieth Century, Tim Scholl
Characterization of wind resources in Oberlin, OH for potential commercial wind power, John Scofield, Michael Roth, Jamie Harrow, Maria Stamas, Emma Barker, Ross Myers, and Vic Oeftering
A Cultural History of Animals in the Age of Enlightment, Matthew J. Senior
The Animal Witness, Matthew J. Senior
The Souls of Men and Beasts, 1630-1764, Matthew J. Senior
Distance Coloring, Alexa Sharp
Lost Men and War Criminals: Public Intellectuals at Yasukuni Shrine, Ann Sherif
Population genetics of the invasive shrub multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora Thunb.) in northeastern Ohio, R. Y. Shirk and Roger H. Laushman
Review: Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future, Bruce M. Simonson
Review: Ogallala Blue: Water and Life on the High Plains, Bruce M. Simonson
The ’Culture de guerre’ and French Historiography of the Great War, Leonard V. Smith
The Embattled Self: French Soldiers’ Testimony of the Great War, Leonard V. Smith
Optical-to-Microwave Frequency Comparison with a Fractional Uncertainty of 10-15, Jason E. Stalnaker, S.A. Diddams, T.M. Fortier, K. Kim, L. Hollberg, J.C. Bergquist, W.M. Itano, M.J. Delaney, L. Lorini, and T.P. Heavner
Measurement of excited-state transitions in cold calcium atoms by direct femtosecond frequency-comb spectroscopy, Jason E. Stalnaker, Y. Le Coq, T. M. Fortier, S.A. Diddams, C. W. Oates, and L. Hollberg
How Do Two Moving Clocks Fall Out of Sync? A Tale of Trucks, Threads, and Twins, Daniel Styer
Otolith endorgan input to the Mauthner neuron in the goldfish, Theresa M. Szabo, Catherine McCormick, and Donald S. Faber
Über das Fremdsein – ein Leben lang, Heidi Thomann Tewarson
Homocapsaicin: Nomenclature, indexing, and identification, Robert Q. Thompson
Proceedings of the 2006 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy (Special Issue), Katherine Thomson-Jones
The Literary Origins of the Cinematic Narrator, Katherine Thomson-Jones
Reforestation Programs in Southwest China: Reported Success, Observed Failure, and the Reasons Why, Christine Jane Trac, Stevan Harrell, Thomas M. Hinckley, and Amanda C. Henck Schmidt
Anatomy of Heights High, Anne Trubek
My Yiddishe Bookshelf, Anne Trubek
The Allure of Collecting Hypermodern Literature, Anne Trubek
The Allure of Collecting Hypermodern Literature, Anne Trubek