Submissions from 2018
Plastome phylogenomics of the early-diverging eudicot family Berberidaceae, Yanxia Sun, Michael J. Moore, Jacob B. Landis, Nan Lin, Li Chen, Tao Deng, Jianwen Zhang, Aiping Meng, Shoujun Zhang, Komiljon Sh. Tojibaev, Hang Sun, and Hengchang Wang
“My Conscience is Free and Clear”: African-Descended Women, Status, and Slave Owning in Mid-Colonial Mexico, Danielle Terrazas Williams
Are subjective ratings of metaphors a red herring? The big two dimensions of metaphoric sentences, Paul Thibodeau, Les Sikos, and Frank H. Durgin
Review: Film, Art, and the Third Culture: A Naturalized Aesthetics of Film, Katherine Thomson-Jones
Robust Effects of Affective Person Learning on Evaluation of Faces, Sara C. Verosky, Jenny Porter, Joel E. Martinez, and Alexander Todorov
Galaxy pairs in the SDSS – XIII. The connection between enhanced star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers, Giulio Violino, Sara L. Ellison, Mark Sargent, Kristen E.K. Coppin, Jillian M. Scudder, Trevor J. Mendel, and Amelie Saintonge
From cacti to carnivores: Improved phylotranscriptomic sampling and hierarchical homology inference provide further insight into the evolution of Caryophyllales, Joseph F. Walker, Ya Yang, Tao Feng, Alfonso Timoneda, Jessica Mikenas, Vera Hutchison, Caroline Edwards, Ning Wang, Sonia Ahluwalia, Julia Olivieri, Nathanael Walker-Hale, Lucas C. Majure, Raúl Puente, Gudrun Kadereit, Maximilian Lauterbach, Urs Eggli, Hilda Flores-Olvera, Helga Ochoterena, Samuel F. Brockington, Michael J. Moore, and Stephen A. Smith
Neoproterozoic glacial ages in a nonsmooth conceptual model, James Walsh
Assessing the Potential Mechanisms of Isomerization Reactions of Isoprene Epoxydiols on Secondary Organic Aerosol, Alex C. Watanabe, Santino J. Stropoli, and Matthew J. Elrod
The Archaeology of Ritual in the Domestic Sphere: Case Studies from Karanis and Pompeii, Andrew T. Wilburn
AdaM and GrahaM Play the Stock Market, Kevin Woods
Improved transcriptome sampling pinpoints 26 ancient and more recent polyploidy events in Caryophyllales, including two allopolyploidy events, Ya Yang, Michael J. Moore, Samuel F. Brockington, Jessica Mikenas, Julia Olivieri, Joseph F. Walker, and Stephen A. Smith
Plastid phylogenomics resolves infrafamilial relationships of the Styracaceae and sheds light on the backbone relationships of the Ericales, Minghui Yan, Peter W. Fritsch, Michael J. Moore, Tao Feng, Aiping Meng, Jing Yang, Tao Deng, Congxiao Zhao, Xiaohong Yao, Hang Sun, and Hengchang Wang
Engaging Contradictions: Sigourney's Sketch of Connecticut, Forty Years Since, Sandy A. Zagarell
Review: Unconventional Politics: Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and U.S. Indian Policy, Sandy A. Zagarell
Sarah Orne Jewett's The Country of the Pointed Firs, Sandy A. Zagarell
Plastome Characteristics of Cannabaceae, Huanlei Zhang, Jianjun Jin, Michael J. Moore, Ting-Shuang Yi, and Dezhu Li
Complete plastome sequence of Erythropalum scandens (Erythropalaceae), an edible and medicinally important liana in China, Zhi-Xin Zhu, Jian-Hua Wang, Ya-Cheng Cai, Kun-Kun Zhao, Michael J. Moore, and Hua-Feng Wang
Submissions from 2017
Egypt’s Coming Revolt Against the Poor, Zeinab Abul-Magd
Militarizing the Nation: The Army, Business, and Revolution in Egypt, Zeinab Abul-Magd
Understanding the Physical Safety, Security, and Privacy Concerns of People with Visual Impairments, Tousif Ahmed, Roberto Hoyle, Patrick Shaffer, Kay Connelly, David Crandall, and Apu Kapadia
Checkpoint, Kazim Ali
Mad Heart Be Brave: Essays on the Poetry of Agha Shahid Ali, Kazim Ali
Spectral theory of extended Harper’s model and a question by Erdős and Szekeres, A. Avila, S. Jitomirskaya, and Chris Marx
Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation: European Industrial Relations Since the 1970s, Lucio Baccaro and Chris Howell
In the Seat of Authority: Debating Temple Spaces and Community Identity in a Vaiṣṇava Sampradāy of Contemporary Gujarat, Emilia Bachrach
Review: Seeing Krishna in America: The Hindu Bhakti Tradition of Vallabhacharya in India and Its Movement to the West, Emilia Bachrach
Asian Americans During The Cold War, Richard Baldoz
Joseph Addison’s Lucretian Imagination, Laura Baudot
Targeting the Treatment: The Strategy behind Lyndon Johnson's Lobbying, Matthew N. Beckmann, Neilan S. Chaturvedi, and Jennifer Rosa Garcia
Counting isospectral manifolds, Mikhail Belolipetsky and Benjamin Linowitz
Developmental Neurobiology, Lynne M. Bianchi
Reduced bioavailable manganese causes striatal urea cycle pathology in Huntington's disease mouse model, Terry Jo Bichell, Michal Wegrzynowicz, K. Grace Tipps, Emma M. Bradley, Michael A. Uhouse, Miles Bryan, Kyle Horning, Nicole Fisher, Karrie Dudek, Timothy Halbesma, Preethi Umashanker, Andrew D. Stubbs, Hunter K. Holt, Gunnar F. Kwakye, Andrew M. Tidball, Roger J. Colbran, Michael Aschner, M. Diana Neely, and Aaron B. Bowman
Ethical gifts?: An analysis of soap-for-information transactions in Malawian survey research worlds, Crystal Biruk
Review: Para-States and Medical Science: Making African Global Health, Crystal Biruk
Gay for Pay in an Economy of Harms: Reflections from an LGBTI-Rights NGO in Malawi, Crystal Biruk and Gift Trapence
Parametric Presburger arithmetic: logic, combinatorics, and quasi-polynomial behavior, Tristram Bogart, John Goodrick, and Kevin Woods
Early age of e-cigarette use onset mediates the association between impulsivity and e-cigarette use frequency in youth, Krysten W. Bold, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Patricia Simon, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, and Suchitra Krisnan-Sarin
Alcohol stimulation and sedation: A critical review of the Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale, Stephen J. Boyd, William R. Corbin, Meghan E. Morean, and Christopher S. Martin
Achievement Effects of Individual Performance Incentives in a Teacher Merit Pay Tournament, Margaret Brehm, Scott A. Imberman, and Michael F. Lovenheim
Capitalization of Charter Schools into Residential Property Values, Margaret Brehm, Scott A. Imberman, and Michael Naretta
Multiple hypotheses explain variation in extra‐pair paternity at different levels in a single bird family, Lyanne Brouwer, Martijn van de Pol, Nataly Hidalgo Aranzamendi, Glen Bain, Daniel T. Baldassarre, Lesley C. Brooker, Michael G. Brooker, Diane Colombelli-Negrel, Erik Enbody, Kurt Gielow, Michelle L. Hall, Allison E. Johnson, Jordan Karubian, Sjouke A. Kingma, Sonia Kleindorfer, Marina Louter, Raoul A. Mulder, Anne Peters, Stephen Pruett-Jones, Keith A. Tarvin, Derrick J. Thrasher, Claire W. Varian-Ramos, Michael S. Webster, and Andrew Cockburn
Memories, Dreams, Shadows: Fantasy and the Reader in Susan Cooper’s The Grey King, Jennifer Bryan
Luteinizing hormone acts at the hippocampus to dampen spatial memory, Veronica L. Burnham, Christopher Sundby, Abigail Laman-Maharg, and Janice Thornton
A Coarse Stratification of the Monster Tower, Alex Castro, Susan Jane Colley, Gary Kennedy, and Corey Shanbrom
Ill Will: A Novel, Dan Chaon
α-Synuclein Enhances Cadmium Uptake and Neurotoxicity via Oxidative Stress and Caspase Activated Cell Death Mechanisms in a Dopaminergic Cell Model of Parkinson’s Disease, Weelic Chong, Jessica Jimenez, Matthew McIIvin, Mak A. Saito, and Gunnar F. Kwakye
Crossing Listening Thresholds, Julia Christensen
The First 100+ Days, Julia Christensen
"Logistical Violence, Logistical Vulnerabilities": Review of The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade, Charmaine Chua
Teaching Systems Thinking to 4th and 5th Graders Using Environmental Dashboard Display Technology, Shane Clark, John E. Petersen, Cynthia M. Frantz, Deborah Roose, Joel Ginn, and Daniel Rosenberg Daneri
Visualizing Basketball’s Past: The Historical Imagination of ESPN’s Basketball Documentaries, Santiago Colas
What is Mathematics and Why Won’t It Go Away? Philosophy of Mathematics in a First-Year Seminar, Susan Jane Colley
The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures, Michael D. Coogan and Cynthia Chapman
Perverse Satisfaction of Gravity, Ann Cooper Albright
The Politics of Perception, Ann Cooper Albright
Feuchtwanger's Jud Süß and the Ambiguities of Jewish Political Power, Gabriel S. Cooper
The Medium is the Knapsack. Johann Gottfried Seume's Travelogue Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802, Gabriel S. Cooper
Kinetics of the Aqueous Phase Reactions of Atmospherically Relevant Monoterpene Epoxides, Diego A. Cortes and Matthew J. Elrod
Review: Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine, Stephen Crowley
The laboratory opossum, Monodelphis domestica, as an experimental system, Yolanda P. Cruz
Auditory and visual distractors disrupt multisensory temporal acuity in the crossmodal temporal order judgment task, Cassandra L. Dean, Brady A. Eggleston, Kyla David Gibney, Enimielen Aligbe, Marissa Blackwell, and Leslie Kwakye
Confucian Heroes in Popular Asian Dramas in the Age of Capitalism, Hsiu-Chang Deppman
Acute exposure to chlorpyrifos caused NADPH oxidase mediated oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in a striatal cell model of Huntington’s disease, Gifty A. Dominah, Rachael A. McMinimy, Sallay Kallon, and Gunnar F. Kwakye
An Inside View of Congressional Campaigning on the Web, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin
Thinking in Four Dimensions: New Directions in Spatial Analysis of the Middle East, Sarah El-Kazaz
Introduction to Special Section: The Un-Exceptional Middle Eastern City, Sarah El-Kazaz and Kevin Mazur
The Lithographic Image and its Audiences, Farshid Emami
Hamlet, Justin Emeka
King Richard II, Justin Emeka
Beyond the Nation: Spanish Civil War Exile and the Problem of Iberian Cultural History, Sebastiaan Faber
‘Es la hora de la claridad dogmática’: El impacto de la Revolución Rusa en la cultura política española, Sebastiaan Faber
La Guerra Civil como reto didáctico, Sebastiaan Faber
La Guerra Civil Española en Holanda, Sebastiaan Faber
Manuel Artime, filósofo: "El PSOE ha asumido el proyecto de nación de la derecha", Sebastiaan Faber
Pedís unidad y desunís’: Virtud exílica, lealtad y el destierro republicano, Sebastiaan Faber
Redes y refugios: La trayectoria mexicana de un hispanista norteamericano radical, Sebastiaan Faber
Why the Dutch Are Drawn to Right-Wing Populist Geert Wilders, Sebastiaan Faber
Explaining the symmetry breaking observed in the endofullerenes H2@C60, HF@C60, and H2O@C60, Peter M. Felker, Vojtech Vlcek, Isaac Hietanen, Stephen FitzGerald, Daniel Neuhauser, and Zlatko Bačić
Phylogenetic study of the tribe Potentilleae (Rosaceae), with further insight into the disintegration of Sibbaldia, Tao Feng, Michael J. Moore, Min-Hui Yan, Yan-Xia Sun, Hua-Jie Zhang, Ai-Ping Meng, Xiao-Dong Li, Shuguang Jian, Jian-Qiang Li, and Hengchang Wang
Metaphors for the War (or Race) Against Climate Change, Stephen J. Flusberg, Teenie Matlock, and Paul Thibodeau
Review: "When Payment Comes Due": Aleksei Krasovskii's The Collector, Arlene Forman
Engaging and Disrupting Power: The Public Value of Political Ethnography, M. David Forrest
Review: Stunning Males and Powerful Females: Gender and Tradition in East Javanese Dance, Jennifer Fraser
Visual Distractors Disrupt Audiovisual Integration Regardless of Stimulus Complexity, Kyla David Gibney, Enimielen Aligbe, Brady A. Eggleston, Sarah R. Nunes, Willa G. Kerkhoff, Cassandra L. Dean, and Leslie Kwakye
Rapid recovery of nuclear and mitochondrial genes by genome skimming from Northern Hemisphere freshwater crayfish, Frederic Grandjean, Mun Hua Tan, Han Ming Gan, Yin Peng Lee, Tadashi Kawai, Robert J. Distefano, Martin Blaha, Angela J. Roles, and Christopher M. Austin
Inspiring Future Generations of Reformers: Using Mary Church Terrell’s Papers For Teaching and Research, Kenneth M. Grossi
Development and Application of Transcriptome-Derived Microsatellites in Actinidia eriantha (Actinidiaceae), Rui Guo, Jacob B. Landis, Michael J. Moore, Aiping Meng, Shuguang Jian, Xiaohong Yao, and Hengchang Wang
Review: Malady and Genius: Self-Sacrifice in Puerto Rican Literature, Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón
Diagnoses That Matter: My Great-Grandmother's Murder as One Deemed 'Unworthy of Living' and Its Impact on Our Family, Elizabeth C. Hamilton and Leo R. Kalkbrenner
Lose Your Marbles: A Dance Centric Fringe Festival, Holly Handman-Lopez
Tarry the Night (Goodyear Theater), Holly Handman-Lopez
Tarry the Night (Oberlin College), Holly Handman-Lopez
Winter's Tale, Holly Handman-Lopez and Paul Moser
eleven years in, Holly Handman-Lopez and Bobby Wesner
Unintended Side Effects of Conservation: A Case Study of Changing Land Use in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, Yongxian Li, and Ya Tang
Remote-Sensing Supports Economic Inference in Developing Countries, Jacob Hochard and Evan Kresch
Review: Valuing Deaf Worlds in Urban India, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway
Review: Employment Relations Under Coalition Government: The UK Experience, 2010-15, Chris Howell
A conserved KLF-autophagy pathway modulates nematode lifespan and mammalian age-associated vascular dysfunction, Paishiun N. Hsieh, Guangjin Zhou, Yiyuan Yuan, Rongli Zhang, Domenick A. Prosdocimo, Panjamaporn Sangwung, Anna H. Borton, Evgenii Boriushkin, Anne Hamik, Hisashi Fujioka, Ciaran E. Fealy, John P. Kirwan, Maureen A. Peters, Yuan Lu, Xudong Liao, Diana Ramierz-Bergeron, Zhaoyang Feng, and Mukesh K. Jain