Submissions from 1987
Oberlin and the G.I. Bill: Forty Years Later, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Philip Johnson's Great Depression, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Cocoliche: The Art of Assimilation and Dissimulation among Italians and Argentines, Ana Cara
Enumerating stationary multiple-points, Susan Jane Colley
The Tumbling Box, Susan Jane Colley
Entropy Criterion for Equilibrium, Norman C. Craig
General Definitions of Work and Heat in Thermodynamic Processes, Norman C. Craig
The Chemists' Delta, Norman C. Craig
Effects of Halothane on Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine Liposomes: A Raman Spectroscopic Study, Norman C. Craig, Gail J. Bryant, and Ira W. Levin
An Empirical Potential Function for Cyclopropene and Vibrational Spectra of Cyclopropene-1,3-d2, Norman C. Craig and Julianto Pranata
Vibrational spectra and a potential function for 3-chlorocyclopropene and its various deuterated modifications, Norman C. Craig, Julianto Pranata, Sara Jamie Reinganum, Julian R. Sprague, and Philip S. Stevens
Vibrational spectra of 3-fluorocyclopropene-d0 and -d3, Norman C. Craig, Julianto Pranata, Julian R. Sprague, and Philip S. Stevens
Century of Struggle, Decades of Revision: A Retrospective on Eleanor Flexner's Suffrage History, Carol Lasser
The Domestic Balance of Power: Relations Between Mistress and Maid in Nineteenth-Century New England, Carol Lasser
Early silica cementation and subsequent diagenesis in arenites from four early Proterozoic iron formations of North America, Bruce M. Simonson
Expanding "America": Lydia Sigourney's Sketch of Connecticut, Catharine Sedgwick's Hope Leslie, Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 1986
A responsibility to young voices, Peggy D. Bennett
When "method" becomes authority, Peggy D. Bennett
Lines Having Specified Contact With Projective Varieties, Susan Jane Colley
Charles Martin Hall: The Young Man, His Mentor, and His Metal, Norman C. Craig
Historical Metallugy Notes. Hall and Héroult: the Men and Their Invention, Norman C. Craig and Christian M. Bickert
Vibrational Spectra of Cyclopropenyl Cations (C3H3+, C3D3+, C3H2D+, and C3D2H+) and Force Constants for this Ion System, Norman C. Craig, Julianto Pranata, Sara Jamie Reinganum, Julian R. Sprague, and Philip S. Stevens
From Inspiration to Institution. The Rise of Sectarian Identity in Jodo Shinshu, James C. Dobbins
Microwave spectra, electric dipole moment, and molecular structure of cis-1,2-difluorocyclopropane, H. Justnes, J. Zozom, C. W. Gillies, S. K. Sengupta, and Norman C. Craig
Microwave spectra, electric dipole moment, and molecular structure of trans-1,2-difluorocyclopropane, S. K. Sengupta, H. Justnes, C. W. Gillies, and Norman C. Craig
Travels with Odysseus, Thomas Van Nortwick
Submissions from 1985
Inequality and socialism in rural China: A conceptual note, Marc J. Blecher
The structure and contradictions of productive relations in socialist agrarian 'reform': A framework for analysis and the Chinese case, Marc J. Blecher
Cass Gilbert, Architect: Conservative at Bay, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Stationary points of plane forms, Susan Jane Colley
Vibrational Spectroscopy of Perfluorocyclopropene and Force Constants for Fluorine-Substituted Cyclopropenes, Norman C. Craig
Vibrational Spectra and Force Constants for the Perfluorocyclopropenyl Cation, Norman C. Craig, Gini F. Fleming, and Julianto Pranata
The harp in India today, Roderic Knight
Self-made men: The development of middling-class consciousness in New England, Gary J. Kornblith
The craftsman as industrialist: Jonas Chickering and the transformation of American piano making, Gary J. Kornblith
Deuterium- induced 19F Isotope Shifts in Fluoroethenes, H. Osten, Cynthia J. Jameson, and Norman C. Craig
Sedimentological constraints on the origins of Precambrian iron-formations, Bruce M. Simonson
Sedimentology of cherts in the Early Proterozoic Wishart Formation, Quebec–Newfoundland, Canada, Bruce M. Simonson
Priam, Achilles, and the Resolution of the Illiad, Thomas Van Nortwick
Ethnicity, J. Milton Yinger
Race and Ethnicity in American Society Today, J. Milton Yinger
The Repossession of a Heritage: Elizabeth Stoddard's The Morgesons, Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 1984
Tricks, masks and camouflage: Is imitation passing for music reading?, Peggy D. Bennett
Asa Mahan at Oberlin: The Pitfalls of Perfection, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Force Constants for the Cyclopropenyl Cation, Norman C. Craig, Julianto Pranata, Julian R. Sprague, and Philip S. Stevens
3-Fluorocyclopropene, Norman C. Craig, Kevin L. Sloan, Julian R. Sprague, and Philip S. Stevens
Lotte's Klavier: A resounding symbol in Goethe's Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, Steven R. Huff
The Style of Mandinka Music: A Study in Extracting Theory From Practice, Roderic Knight
Submissions from 1983
Peasant labour for urban industry: Temporary contract labour, urban-rural balance and class relations in a Chinese county, Marc J. Blecher
President King and Cass Gilbert: The Grand Collaboration, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Political Leadership of Grover Cleveland, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Penelope as Double Agent: "Odyssey" 21.1-60, Thomas Van Nortwick
Ethnicity and Social Change: The Interaction of Structural, Cultural, and Personality Factors, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1982
An Apology For the 1950s, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Completion of Finney Chapel, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Yankee Leadership in a Divided City: Boston, 1860-1910, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Kleist and expectant virgins: The meaning of the "O" in "Die Marquise von O...", Steven R. Huff
Manding/Fula relations: As reflected in the Manding song repertoire, Roderic Knight
The responsibility system in agriculture: Its implementation in Xiyang and Dazhai, Tang Tsou, Marc J. Blecher, and Mitch Meisner
The Moral Majority Viewed Sociologically, J. Milton Yinger and Stephen J. Cutler
Submissions from 1981
Economic Growth and Equality in Rural China: Xiyang County as Development Experience and Model, Marc J. Blecher and Mitch Meisner
Vector-Valued Functions as Families of Scalar-Valued Functions, Robert Geitz
Early Proterozoic microfossils and penecontemporaneous quartz cementation in the Sokoman Iron Formation, Canada, Andrew H. Knoll and Bruce M. Simonson
Toward a Theory of Assimilation and Dissimilation, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1980
The Mugwump Reputation, 1870 to the Present, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Vibrational Spectra and a Potential Function for the Monofluorocyclopropenyl-d0 and -d2 Cations, Norman C. Craig, Ronnie K.-Y. Lai, Lawrence G. Matus, J. Houston Miller, and Stephen L. Palfrey
Vibrational Spectra and a Potential Function for the Difluorocyclopropenyl-d0 and -d1 Cations, Norman C. Craig, Ronnie K.-Y. Lai, Kevin W. Penfield, and Ira W. Levin
Aeneas, Turnus, and Achilles, Thomas Van Nortwick
"Apollonos Apate": Associative Imagery in the Homeric "Hymn to Hermes" 227-292, Thomas Van Nortwick
Salvation and Witches in a "Secular" Age, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1979
Vibrational Spectra of Cis-Dimethyldiazene-d0,-1, 1, 1-d3, and-d6, Martin N. Ackermann, Norman C. Craig, Ralph R. Isberg, David M. Lauter, and Edward P. Tacy
Consensual Politics in Rural Chinese Communities: The Mass Line in Theory and Practice, Marc J. Blecher
He Held His Ground: Memorial Minute for Robert K. Carr, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Raman Spectrum of Difluorodiazirine, Norman C. Craig and Mark A. Kliewer
Cis-Methyldiazene, Norman C. Craig, Mark A. Kliewer, and Nancy C. Shih
Calibrating Raman Spectrometers with Plasma Lines from the Argon Ion Laser, Norman C. Craig and Ira W. Levin
Vibrational assignment and potential function for t r a n s‐diazene (diimide): Predictions for c i s‐diazene, Norman C. Craig and Ira W. Levin
Organization, Growth, and Equality in Xiyang County: A Survey of Fourteen Brigades in Seven Communes (Part I), Tang Tsou, Marc J. Blecher, and Mitch Meisner
Organization, Growth, and Equality in Xiyang County: A Survey of Fourteen Brigades in Seven Communes (Part II), Tang Tsou, Marc J. Blecher, and Mitch Meisner
Penelope and Nausicaa, Thomas Van Nortwick
Submissions from 1978
Oberlin College Architecture: A Historican's Assessment, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Vibrational spectra for t r a n s‐dimethyldi azene‐1,1,1‐d 3 (azomethane). Potential functions for t r a n s‐dimethyldi azene and t r a n s‐methyldiaz ene, Norman C. Craig, Martin N. Ackermann, and Richard A. MacPhail
Vibrational Assignments and a Potential Function for 3,3-Difluorocyclopropene-d0, -d1, and -d2, Norman C. Craig, Richard A. MacPhail, and David A. Spiegel
The Integration of Americans of Indian Descent, J. Milton Yinger and George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1977
Cis-Dimethyldiazene, Martin N. Ackermann, Norman C. Craig, Ralph R. Isberg, David M. Lauter, Richard A. MacPhail, and William G. Young
Bond Length Changes Resulting from Halogen Substitution on Three-Membered Rings, Carol A. Deakyne, Leland C. Allen, and Norman C. Craig
Enjambement in Greek Hexameter Poetry, Dee Lesser Clayman and Thomas Van Nortwick
A Comparative Study of the Substructures of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Presidential Address: Countercultures and Social Change, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1976
Finney's Oberlin, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Frederick Law Olmsted: Landscape Architecture as Conservative Reform, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Student Opinion at Oberlin, 1936-1976: A Report for the Bicentennial, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Bicentenial and the American Revolution, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Microwave spectrum, structure, and dipole moment of 3,3‐difluorocyclopropene, K. R. Ramaprasad, Victor W. Laurie, and Norman C. Craig
Black Pentecostalism in the United States, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1975
Infrared and Raman Spectra of 1H-trifluorocyclopropene-d0 and -d1, Norman C. Craig, Judith Kemeny Alpern, and Kathleen M. Parkin
Vibrational Spectra and Assignments for Cis- and Trans-1,2-Difluorocyclopropane and Three Deuterium Substituted Modifications of Each Isomer, Norman C. Craig, T.N. Hu Chao, Enrique Cuellar-Ferreira, Dan E. Hendriksen, and Jeffery W. Koepke
The Jali, Professional Musician of West Africa, Roderic Knight
College Entrance Programs of Compensatory Education: Experience in the U.S.A., Frank Laycock, J. Milton Yinger, and Kiyoshi Ikeda
Submissions from 1974
A New Look at the American Gilded Age, Geoffrey T. Blodgett