Submissions from 2011
African American and European American students’ peer groups during early adolescence: Structure, status, and academic achievement, Travis Wilson, Ramin Karimpour, and Philip C. Rodkin
African American and European American children in diverse elementary classrooms: Social integration, social status, and social behavior, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin
Turkish Activist Ecoart Report on the Relief Valve/Subap Exhibit, Nanette Yannuzzi
Landscape With Wolves, David Young
Submissions from 2010
Rebellion In The Time Of Cholera: Failed Empire, Unfinished Nation In Egypt, 1840-1920, Zeinab Abul-Magd
Random Search, 2010, Kazim Ali
Aryl Boronic Acid Inhibition Of Synthetic Melanin Polymerization, Jason M. Belitsky
Past And Future Decisions: A Positive Component Of The Feedback Event-related Potential Predicts Subsequent Choice In A Gambling Task, R. Bhatia, D. Wick, N. Hammack, and Michael D. Loose
Investigation Of The Role Of Bicyclic Peroxy Radicals In The Oxidation Mechanism Of Toluene, Adam W. Birdsall, John F. Andreoni, and Matthew J. Elrod
Globalization, Structural Reform, and Labour Politics in China (article), Marc J. Blecher
Simple-closed-curve sculptures of knots and links, Robert Bosch
Grade School Triangles, Jack S. Calcut
To Psychic Underworld, Dan Chaon
The Space Between – Placing ‘Culture’ in Artistic Exchange, Bonnie Cheng
Kinetics of the hydrolysis of atmospherically relevant isoprene-derived hydroxy epoxides, Neil C. Cole-Filipiak, Alison E. O'Connor, and Matthew J. Elrod
Virginia Brown 1940-2009, Marcia Colish
Falling on screen, Ann Cooper Albright
Beauty and the Supercomputer: Julie Taymor Gambles on Spiderman, Roger Copeland
With Friends Like Those: Reflections on Barack Obama's First Year In Office, Roger Copeland
A Reevaluation Of The Assignment Of The Vibrational Fundamentals And The Rotational Analysis Of Bands In The High-resolution Infrared Spectra Of Trans- And Cis-1,3,5-hexatriene, Norman C. Craig, Matthew C. Leyden, Michael C. Moore, Amie K. Patchen, Titus van den Heuvel, Thomas A. Blake, Tony Masiello, and Robert L. Sams
Expression Of Oct4, Cdx2 And Yap1 During Blastocyst Formation In The Marsupial, Monodelphis Domestica, Yolanda P. Cruz, Jeremy T. Morrison, and Niels S. Bantilan
Shading The Truth: The Patterning Of Adolescents' Decisions To Avoid Issues, Disclose, Or Lie To Parents, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, and M. Loreto Martinez
Hospitable To Others: Indian American Motel Owners Create Boundaries And Belonging In The Heartland, Pawan H. Dhingra
Hospitable To Others: Indian American Motel Owners Create Boundaries And Belonging In The Heartland, Pawan H. Dhingra
Issue Engagement On Congressional Candidate Web Sites, 2002-2006, James N. Druckman, Cari Lynn Hennessy, Martin Kifer, and Michael Parkin
Timeless Strategy Meets New Medium: Going Negative On Congressional Campaign Web Sites, 2002-2006, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin
portal adds a new way in: Open access in a Project MUSE context, Ray English
Negrín was Right: An Interview with Gabriel Jackson, Sebastiaan Faber
Pedro Almodovar, Sebastiaan Faber
The War Before the Lights Went Out: An Interview with Helen Graham, Sebastiaan Faber
Mystery Photo: Gift to Obama Puts ALBA in the Spotlight, Sebastiaan Faber and James D. Fernandez
¿De quién es el poder de contar? A propósito de las polémicas públicas sobre memoria histórica, Sebastiaan Faber, Pablo Sánchez León, and Jesus Izquierdo Martín
Quantum dynamics of adsorbed normal- and para-H2, HD, and D2 in the microporous framework MOF-74 analyzed using infrared spectroscopy, Stephen FitzGerald, Jesse B. Hopkins, Brian Burkholder, Michael Friedman, and Jesse L.C. Rowsell
Children's Memory For The Duration Of A Paediatric Consultation, William J. Friedman, Ann-Christin Cederborg, Elin Hultman, Olov Anghagen, and Karin Falth Magnusson
Aging And The Speed Of Time, William J. Friedman and Steve M.J. Janssen
Do People Remember The Temporal Proximity Of Unrelated Events?, William J. Friedman and Steve M.J. Janssen
Everyday Thinking About Bodily Sensations, Todd Ganson and Dorit Ganson
Evaluation Criteria for Implementation of a Sustainable Sanitation and Wastewater Treatment System at Jiuzhaigou National Park, Sichuan Province, China, Linda S. Gaulke, Xiao Weiyang, Andrew Scanlon, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, and Thomas M. Hinckley
Design of a Virtual Computer Lab Environment for hands-on Information Security Exercises, Nathaniel Gephart and Benjamin A. Kuperman
Assembling The Tree Of The Monocotyledons: Plastome Sequence Phylogeny And Evolution Of Poales, Thomas J. Givnish, Mercedes Ames, Joel R. McNeal, Michael R. McKain, P. Roxanne Steele, Claude W. dePamphilis, Sean W. Graham, J. Chris Pires, Dennis W. Stevenson, Wendy B. Zomlefer, Barbara G. Briggs, Melvin R. Duvall, Michael J. Moore, Michael J. Heaney, Douglas E. Soltis, Pamela S. Soltis, Kevin Thiele, and James H. Lebens-Mack
A Difficult Balance: Richard Wilbur, DeSales Harrison
Millennial Ephemera: Arthur Sze, DeSales Harrison
Skylab; or The Outpost, John Harwood
Tongan Chiefly Language: The Formation Of An Honorific Speech Register, Jason D. Haugen and Susan U. Philips
Monsoon control of effective discharge, Yunnan and Tibet, Amanda C. Henck Schmidt, David R. Montgomery, Katharine W. Huntington, and Chuan Liang
Predicting Long-term Firefighter Performance From Cognitive And Physical Ability Measures, Norman D. Henderson
The International Pulsar Timing Array Project: Using Pulsars As A Gravitational Wave Detector, G. Hobbs, Anne M. Archibald, Zaven Arzoumanian, D. Backer, M. Bailes, N.D.R. Bhat, M. Burgay, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, D.J. Champion, I. Cognard, W. Coles, James M. Cordes, Paul B. Demorest, G. Desvignes, Robert D. Ferdman, L. Finn, P. Freire, Marjorie E. Gonzalez, Jason W.T. Hessels, A. Hotan, G. Janssen, Fredrick A. Jenet, A. Jessner, C. Jordan, Victoria M. Kaspi, M. Kramer, V. Kondratiev, T. Joseph W. Lazio, K. Lazaridis, K. J. Lee, Y. Levin, Andrea N. Lommen, Duncan R. Lorimer, Ryan S. Lynch, A. Lyne, R. Manchester, Maura A. McLaughlin, David J. Nice, S. Oslowski, M. Pilia, A. Possenti, M. Purver, Scott M. Ransom, J. Reynolds, S. Sanidas, J. Sarkissian, A. Sesana, R. Shannon, Xavier Siemens, Ingrid H. Stairs, B. Stappers, Daniel R. Stinebring, G. Theureau, R. van Haasteren, W. van Straten, J.P.W. Verbiest, D.R.B. Yardley, and X.P. You
Many Names For Mother: The Ethno-linguistic Politics Of Deafness In Nepal, Erika Hoffmann-Dilloway
Differential effects of Phe19 and Phe20 on fibril formation by amyloidogenic peptide AB16-22 (Ac-KLVFFAE-NH2), Hideyo Inouye, Katherine A. Gleason, Sean M. Decatur, and Daniel A. Kirschner
Report of the 2006 and 2007 Seasons of the Cyrenaica Archaeological Project, Susan Kane
Core-shell magnetic morphology of structurally uniform magnetite nanoparticles, Kathryn L. Krycka, R.A. Booth, C.R. Hogg, Y. Ijiri, Julie A. Borchers, W.C. Chen, S.M. Watson, M. Laver, T.R. Gentile, and Liv R. Dedon
Internal magnetic structure of magnetite nanoparticles at low temperature, Kathryn L. Krycka, Julie A. Borchers, R.A. Booth, C.R. Hogg, Yumi Ijiri, W.C. Chen, S.M. Watson, M. Laver, T.R. Gentile, and S. Harris
Audlib: A Configurable, High-fidelity Application Audit Mechanism, Benjamin A. Kuperman and Eugene H. Spafford
Predicting The Post-fire Establishment And Persistence Of An Invasive Tree Species Across A Complex Landscape, Dane M. Kuppinger, Michael A. Jenkins, and Peter S. White
Recasting Global Feminisms: Toward A Comparative Historical Approach To Women's Activism And Feminist Scholarship, Jayati Lal, Kristin McGuire, Abigail J. Stewart, Magdalena Zaborowska, and Justine M. Pas
Gateway To The Orient Japan And Seattle's Nikkei Community At The Ayp, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee
Reading Rumi in the West, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati
Reading Rumi in the West, Mohammad Jafar Mahallati
Synthesis And Structures Of Pb3O2(CH3COO)2 0.5H2O and Pb2O(HCOO)2: Two Corrosion Products Revisited, Catherine M. Mauck, Titus van den Heuvel, Michaela M. Hull, Matthias Zeller, and Catherine M. Oertel
Does a Fetus Already Have a Future-Like-Ours, Peter McInerney
Infrared Spectra Of CF2=CHD and CF2=CD2: Scaled Quantum-chemical Force Fields And An Equilibrium Structure For 1,1-difluoroethylene, Donald C. McKean, Mark M. Law, Peter Groner, Andrew R. Conrad, Michael J. Tubergen, David Feller, Michael C. Moore, and Norman C. Craig
Infrared Spectra Of 12CF2=12CH2 and 12CF2=13CH2, Quantum-chemical Calculations Of Anharmonicity, And Analyses Of Resonances, Donald C. McKean, Benjamin van der Veken, Wouter Herrebout, Mark M. Law, Michael J. Brenner, Deacon J. Nemchick, and Norman C. Craig
Phylogenetic Analysis Of 83 Plastid Genes Further Resolves The Early Diversification Of Eudicots, Michael J. Moore, Pamela S. Soltis, Charles D. Bell, J. Gordon Burleigh, and Douglas E. Soltis
Charlot Francais: Charlie Chaplin, The First World War, And The Construction Of A National Hero, Libby Murphy
Response: Theorizing The 'First Wave' Globally, Anuradha Needham
Role of kappa-opioid receptors in the effects of salvinorin A and ketamine on attention behavior in rats, Christina L. Nemeth, Tracie A. Paine, Joseph E. Rittiner, Cécile Béguin, F. Ivy Carroll, Bryan L. Roth, Bruce M. Cohen, and William A. Carlezon Jr.
From a ‘Success’ Story to a Highly Indebted Poor Country: Ghana and Neoliberal Reforms, Darko Kwabena Opoku
From Quasi-revolutionaries to Capitalist Entrepreneurs: How the PNDC Changed the Face of Ghanaian Entrepreneurship, Darko Kwabena Opoku
Testing Virginity in Achilles Tatius and Heliodorus, Kirk Ormand
Test Of Recrudescence Hypothesis For Overwintering Of West Nile Virus In Gray Catbirds, Jennifer C. Owen, Frank R. Moore, Amanda J. Williams, M.P. Ward, T.A. Beveroth, Elizabeth A. Miller, L.C. Wilson, V.J. Morley, R.N. Abbey-Lee, B.A. Veeneman, B.M. DeRussy, M.S. McWhorter, and Mary C. Garvin
Cryptic Metasomatism During Exhumation Of Franciscan Eclogite And Hornblendite Revealed By In Situ Delta O-18 Analysis Of Garnets, F. Zeb Page, Eric J. Essene, Noriko T. Kita, and John W. Valley
Ion microprobe analysis of oxygen isotopes in garnets of complex chemistry, F. Zeb Page, Noriko T. Kita, and John W. Valley
Taking Late Night Comedy Seriously: How Candidate Appearances On Late Night Television Can Engage Viewers, Michael Parkin
The Importance of Aid Fragmentation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Tobias Pfutze
The Political Consequences of International Migration on Sending Countries, Tobias Pfutze
Garzon On Trial, Geoffrey Pingree and Sebastiaan Faber
The queer intimacy of global vision: Documentary practice and the AIDS pandemic, Meredith Raimondo
Potentiation Of The Anxiogenic Effects Of Serotonin2c Receptor Agonism In An Animal Model Of Anxiety, A. T. Richards and K. D. Caldwell
"We Don't Change It, We Make It Applicable": Ramlila In Trinidad, Paula Richman
Husbandry Of Monodelphis Domestica In The Study Of Mammalian Embryogenesis, Holly Rousmaniere, Rachel Silverman, Rachel A. White, Mark M. Sasaki, Siobhan D. Wilson, Jeremy T. Morrison, and Yolanda P. Cruz
Reserve Prices In A Dynamic Auction When Bidders Are Capacity-constrained, Viplav Saini
A Finite Calculus Approach To Ehrhart Polynomials, Steven V. Sam and Kevin Woods
The Number Field Sieve For Integers Of Low Weight, Oliver Schirokauer
Conversations About Russian Ballet: Commentaries On The Recent Past, Tim Scholl
Marius Petipa, Tim Scholl
Skiftande tider för rysk danskonst, Tim Scholl
Tales of Two Cities, Tim Scholl
Trois chorégraphes, Tim Scholl
A Multivariate Analysis of the Energy Intensity of Sprawl versus Compact Living in the US for 2003, Md Rumi Shammin, Robert A. Herendeen, Michelle J. Hanson, and Eric J.H. Wilson
Authigenic minerals in macropores and veins in Late Triassic mudstones of the Newark Basin: implications for fluid migration through mudstonen, Bruce M. Simonson, Joseph Smoot, and Jennifer L. Hughes
Discovery Of A Shock-induced Polymorph Of Rutile With Alpha-pbo2 Structure (tio2ii) In Four Neoarchean Spherule Layers From Western Australia And South Africa, Frank C. Smith, J. B. Zullo, Billy P. Glass, and Bruce M. Simonson
14-18. The Rejection Of The War: A History Of Mutinies, Leonard V. Smith
The Neuroprotective Effect Of Decreased Luteinizing Hormone On Astrocytic Pathology In An Alzheimer's Disease Model, T. Soderborg, M. Burke, J. Cohen, and Janice E. Thornton
Advances in the use of next-generation sequence data in plant systematics and evolution, Douglas E. Soltis, J. Gordon Burleigh, W.B. Barbazuk, Michael J. Moore, and Pamela S. Soltis
Assembling The Angiosperm Tree Of Life: Progress And Future Prospects, Douglas E. Soltis, Michael J. Moore, J. Gordon Burleigh, Charles D. Bell, and Pamela S. Soltis
Femtosecond Frequency Comb Measurement Of Absolute Frequencies And Hyperfine Coupling Constants In Cesium Vapor, Jason E. Stalnaker, Vela Mbele, Vladislav Gerginov, T. M. Fortier, S.A. Diddams, L. Hollberg, and Carol E. Tanner
Entropy and Rust, Daniel Styer
Voluntary-threat Approaches To Reduce Ambient Water Pollution, Jordan Suter, Kathleen Segerson, Christian A. Vossler, and Gregory L. Poe
Missing Systems And The Face Value Practice, Martin Thomson-Jones