Don Quixote in Western Classical Music

Presenter Information

Julia Connor, Oberlin College


Science Center, K209

Document Type


Start Date

4-25-2014 1:30 PM

End Date

4-25-2014 2:30 PM


Since its early 17th-century publication, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha has captivated composers of music throughout the West. In this project, I explore why the novel has for so long served as a source of inspiration to composers. I look at the way in which Don Quijote was interpreted in various European countries and how this influenced music composed there. Finally, I look at the broader impact that Don Quijote had on Western concert music.


Session I, Panel 5 - Measure for Measure: Meditations on Metamorphoses, Don Quixote, and “The Long Watch”
Moderator: Patrick O’Connor, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Hispanic Studies

Full text thesis available here.


Violin Performance; Hispanic Studies


Milan Vitek, Violin
Patrick O'Connor, Hispanic Studies

Project Mentor(s)

Patrick O'Connor, Hispanic Studies

April 2014

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 25th, 1:30 PM Apr 25th, 2:30 PM

Don Quixote in Western Classical Music

Science Center, K209

Since its early 17th-century publication, El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha has captivated composers of music throughout the West. In this project, I explore why the novel has for so long served as a source of inspiration to composers. I look at the way in which Don Quijote was interpreted in various European countries and how this influenced music composed there. Finally, I look at the broader impact that Don Quijote had on Western concert music.