
Submissions from 2016


Extended Metaphors are the Home Runs of Persuasion: Don’t Fumble the Phrase, Paul Thibodeau

The "Moist" Conundrum, Paul Thibodeau


Situating a Measure of Systems Thinking in a Landscape of Psychological Constructs, Paul Thibodeau, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Mirella L. Stroink


The Mind is an Ecosystem: Systematic Metaphors Promote Systems Thinking, Paul Thibodeau, Anna Winneg, Cynthia M. Frantz, and Stephen J. Flusberg


Achievement Goals During Middle Childhood: Individual Differences in Motivation and Social Adjustment, Travis Wilson, Chanjin Zheng, Katherine A. Lemoine, Caroline P. Martin, and Yue Tang

Submissions from 2015


Adolescents’ and Young Adults’ Perceptions of Electronic Cigarettes for Smoking Cessation: A Focus Group Study, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Grace Kong, Meghan E. Morean, Christian M. Connell, Patricia Simon, Sandra M. Bulmer, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin


Parental and individual predictors of trajectories of depressive symptoms in Chilean adolescents, Patricio Cumsille, Maria Loreto Martínez, Viviana Rodríguez, and Nancy Darling

Bronfenbrenner and the Ecology of Human Development, Nancy Darling


An Examination of Gender Differences in the American Fisheries Society Peer-Review Process, Grace Handley, Cynthia M. Frantz, Patrick M. Kocovsky, Dennis R. DeVries, Steven J. Cooke, and Julie Claussen


Too Cool for School? The Relationship Between Coolness and Academic Reputation in Early Adolescence, Rhonda S. Jamison, Travis Wilson, and Allison M. Ryan


FKBP5 variation is associated with the acute and chronic effects of nicotine, K. P. Jensen, A. I. Herman, Meghan E. Morean, H. R. Kranzler, J. Gelernter, and Mehmet Sofuoglu


Reasons for E-cigarette initiation and discontinuation among adolescents and young adults, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Amanda Palmer, Meghan E. Morean, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin


Informing the regulation of e-cigarettes to restrict youth access, Grace Kong, Dana A. Cavallo, Meghan E. Morean, Deepa R. Camenga, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin


E-cigarette Use Among High School and Middle School Adolescents in Connecticut, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Meghan E. Morean, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, and Grace Kong


N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor Antagonism has Differential Effects on Alcohol Craving and Drinking in Heavy Drinkers, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Stephanie S. O'Malley, Nicholas Franco, Dana A. Cavallo, Meghan E. Morean, Julia Shi, Brian Pittman, and John H. Krystal


Family enmeshment, adolescent emotional dysregulation, and the moderating role of gender., Katherine Little Kivisto, Deborah P. Welsh, Nancy Darling, and Christi L. Culpepper


Positive Drinking Consequences Are Associated With Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Problems Among Veterans Seeking Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder, Meghan E. Morean and Judith L. Cooney


Differences in Subjective Response to Alcohol by Gender, Family History, Heavy Episodic Drinking, and Cigarette Use: Refining and Broadening the Scope of Measurement, Meghan E. Morean, William R. Corbin, and Teresa A. Treat


Evaluating the accuracy of alcohol expectancies relative to subjective response to alcohol, Meghan E. Morean, William R. Corbin, and Teresa A. Treat


Contingency management improves smoking cessation treatment outcomes among highly impulsive adolescent smokers relative to cognitive behavioral therapy, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Kathleen M. Carroll, Brian Pittman, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin


High School Students' Use of Electronic Cigarettes to Vaporize Cannabis, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin


The Yale Craving Scale: Development and psychometric properties, Alana M. Rojewski, Meghan E. Morean, Benjamin A. Toll, Sherry A. McKee, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, Barry G. Green, Linda M. Bartoshuk, and Stephanie S. O’Malley


Measuring Effects of Metaphor in a Dynamic Opinion Landscape, Paul Thibodeau and Lera Boroditsky


The Depression Schema: How Labels, Features, and Causal Explanations Affect Lay Conceptions of Depression, Paul Thibodeau, Mira J. Fein, Elizabeth S. Goodbody, and Stephen J. Flusberg


The Wished-For Always Wins Until the Winner Was Inevitable All Along: Motivated Reasoning and Belief Bias Regulate Emotion During Elections, Paul Thibodeau, Matthew M. Peebles, Daniel J. Grodner, and Frank H. Durgin


The relationship between narrative classification of obesity and support for public policy interventions, Paul Thibodeau, Victoria L. Perko, and Stephen J. Flusberg

Submissions from 2014


Análisis Psicométrico de la Escala Parental Breve (EPB): Invarianza Demográfica y Longitudinal en Adolescentes Chilenos (Psychometric Analysis of the Escala Parental Breve (EPB): Demographic Invariance in Chilean Adolescents), Patricio Cumsille, Maria Loreto Martínez, Viviana Rodríguez, and Nancy Darling

Overloading the Cue: The Cost of Expertise is Domain-Relevant Memory Intrusions, Patricia A. deWinstanley, S. Cox, H. Golay, and T. Greenberg

The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer

The importance of connection to nature in assessing environmental education programs, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer


Predictors of Middle School Students’ Interest in Participating in an Incentive-Based Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Program, Meghan E. Morean, Deepa R. Camenga, Grace Kong, Dana A. Cavallo, Ty S. Schepis, and Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin


Psychometrically Improved, Abbreviated Versions of Three Classic Measures of Impulsivity and Self-Control, Meghan E. Morean, Kelly S. DeMartini, Robert F. Leeman, Godfrey D. Pearlson, Alan Anticevic, John H. Krystal, Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin, and Stephanie S. O’Malley


First Drink to First Drunk: Age of Onset and Delay to Intoxication Are Associated with Adolescent Alcohol Use and Binge Drinking, Meghan E. Morean, Grace Kong, Deepa R. Camenga, Dana A. Cavallo, Christian Connell, and Suchitra Krishnan‐Sarin


Rejection sensitivity and adolescents’ perceptions of romantic interactions, Jerika C. Norona, Joseph F. Salvatore, Deborah P. Welsh, and Nancy Darling


What's in a name? Distinguishing between routine disclosure and self-disclosure, Lauree C. Tilton-Weaver, Sheila K. Marshall, and Nancy Darling


The company they keep and avoid: Social goal orientation as a predictor of children’s ethnic segregation, Travis Wilson, Philip C. Rodkin, and Allison M. Ryan

Submissions from 2013


Social goals, social behavior, and social status in middle childhood., Philip C. Rodkin, Allison M. Ryan, Rhonda S. Jamison, and Travis Wilson


An Emergent Approach to Analogical Inference, Paul Thibodeau, Stephen J. Flusberg, Jeremy J. Glick, and Daniel A. Sternberg


Children’s cross-ethnic relations in contemporary elementary schools: Concurrent and prospective associations between ethnic segregation and social status, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin

Submissions from 2011


Talking in another person’s shoes: Incremental perspective-taking in language processing, Sarah Brown-Schmidt and Joy E. Hanna

Review: Parental Monitoring of Adolescents: Current Perspectives for Researchers and Practitioners, Nancy Darling


Children's Memory For The Times Of Events From The Past Years, William J. Friedman, Elaine Reese, and Xin Dai

Learning From the Consequences of Retrieval: Another Test Effect, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Benjamin C. Storm, and Patricia A. deWinstanley


Brief Report: "I Can't Talk About It:" Sexuality And Self-silencing As Interactive Predictors Of Depressive Symptoms In Adolescent Dating Couples, Katherine C. Little, Deborah P. Welsh, Nancy Darling, and Rachel M. Holmes


African American and European American students’ peer groups during early adolescence: Structure, status, and academic achievement, Travis Wilson, Ramin Karimpour, and Philip C. Rodkin


African American and European American children in diverse elementary classrooms: Social integration, social status, and social behavior, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin

Peer Relations of Latina/o Children in Midwest U.S. Elementary Schools, Travis Wilson and Philip C. Rodkin

Submissions from 2010

3-dimensional reconstruction of a Hellenistic terracotta plaque, Sam Carrier, Masana Amamiya, and Susan Kane


Shading The Truth: The Patterning Of Adolescents' Decisions To Avoid Issues, Disclose, Or Lie To Parents, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, and M. Loreto Martinez

Trust, but verify: Knowledge, disclosure and trust in parent-adolescent relationships, Nancy Darling and Bonnie Dowdy


Children's Memory For The Duration Of A Paediatric Consultation, William J. Friedman, Ann-Christin Cederborg, Elin Hultman, Olov Anghagen, and Karin Falth Magnusson


Aging And The Speed Of Time, William J. Friedman and Steve M.J. Janssen


Do People Remember The Temporal Proximity Of Unrelated Events?, William J. Friedman and Steve M.J. Janssen


Predicting Long-term Firefighter Performance From Cognitive And Physical Ability Measures, Norman D. Henderson

Submissions from 2009


Partner-specific adaptation in dialogue, Susan E. Brennan and Joy E. Hanna


Heterogeneity and change in the patterning of adolescents’ perceptions of the legitimacy of parental authority: A latent transition model, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, Brian P. Flaherty, and M. Loreto Martinez


Seeing the partner: A video recall study of emotional behavior in same- and mixed-sex late adolescent romantic couples, Nancy Darling and Sara A. Clark


Individual and Issue-Specific Differences in Parental Knowledge and Adolescent Disclosure in Chile, the Philippines, and the United States, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, Liane Peña-Alampay, and J. Douglas Coatsworth


Review: Bringing the Biosphere Home, Cynthia M. Frantz


The Emergency of Climate Change: Why Are We Failing to Take Action?, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer


Why is nature beneficial? The role of connectedness to nature, F. Stephan Mayer, Cynthia M. Frantz, E. Bruehlman-Senecal, and Kyffin Dolliver

Submissions from 2008


Putting conflict in context, Nancy Darling


Within-family conflict behaviors as predictors of conflict in adolescent romantic relations, Nancy Darling, Catherine L. Cohan, Andrew R. Burns, and Louisa Thompson


Individual differences in adolescents' beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority and their own obligation to obey: A longitudinal investigation, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, and Maria Loreto Martínez

Developmental Perspectives on the Psychology of Time, William J. Friedman


Framing the question of survival: Psychological insights and limitations, F. Stephan Mayer and Cynthia M. Frantz

Submissions from 2007


Ecological systems theory: The person in the center of the circles, Nancy Darling


Adolescents as active agents in the socialization process: Legitimacy of parental authority and obligation to obey as predictors of obedience, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, and Maria Loreto Martínez


The Emergency of Climate Change: Why Are We Failing to Take Action?, Cynthia M. Frantz and F. Stephan Mayer


Comment on “potential role for adult neurogenesis in the encoding of time in new memories”, William J. Friedman


The Development of Temporal Metamemory, William J. Friedman

The meaning of “time” in episodic memory and mental time travel, William J. Friedman


The role of reminding in long-term memory for temporal order, William J. Friedman


Speakers' eye gaze disambiguates referring expressions early during face-to-face conversation, Joy E. Hanna and Susan E. Brennan


Gender differences in the self-defining activities and identity experiences of adolescents and emerging adults, Erin Hiley Sharp, J. Douglas Coatsworth, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, and Sonia Ranieri


Learning how to learn: Can experiencing the outcomes of differential encoding strategies enhance subsequent encoding?, Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Patricia A. deWinstanley, and Benjamin C. Strom

Submissions from 2006


Chilean adolescents' beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority: Individual and age-related differences, Patricio Cumsille, Nancy Darling, Brian P. Flaherty, and M. Loreto Martinez


Gender, ethnicity, development, and risk: Mentoring and the consideration of individual differences, Nancy Darling, G. Anne Bogat, Timothy A. Cavell, Susan Elaine Murphy, and Bernadette Sánchez


Predictors of Adolescents’ Disclosure to Parents and Perceived Parental Knowledge: Between- and Within-Person Differences, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, Linda L. Caldwell, and Bonnie Dowdy


I AM Being Fair: The Bias Blind Spot as a Stumbling Block to Seeing Both Sides, Cynthia M. Frantz


The mental representation of countries, William J. Friedman and Patricia A. deWinstanley

Submissions from 2005


Exploring adolescent self-defining leisure activities and identity experiences across three countries, J. Douglas Coatsworth, Erin Hiley Sharp, Lori-Ann Palen, Nancy Darling, Patricio Cumsille, and Elena Marta


Participation in Extracurricular Activities and Adolescent Adjustment: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Findings, Nancy Darling


There is no “I” in nature: The influence of self-awareness on connectedness to nature, Cynthia M. Frantz, F. Stephan Mayer, Chelsey Norton, and Mindi Rock


Arrows of Time in Infancy: The Representation of Temporal–Causal Invariances, William J. Friedman


Developmental and cognitive perspectives on humans’ sense of the times of past and future events, William J. Friedman


Development of Temporal-Reconstructive Abilities, William J. Friedman and Thomas D. Lyon


Kissing is good: A developmental investigation of sexuality in adolescent romantic couples, Deborah P. Welsh, Peter T. Haugen, Laura Widman, Nancy Darling, and Catherine M. Grello

Submissions from 2004


The effects of aging on location-based and distance-based processes in memory for time, Christine Bastin, Martial Van der Linden, Anne-Pascale Michel, and William J. Friedman


ERP old/new effects at different retention intervals in recency discrimination tasks, Tim Curran and William J. Friedman


Processing strategies and the generation effect: Implications for making a better reader, Patricia A. deWinstanley and Elizabeth Ligon Bjork


A Threat in the Computer: The Race Implicit Association Test as a Stereotype Threat Experience, Cynthia M. Frantz, Amy J. Cuddy, Molly Burnett, Heidi Ray, and Allen Hart


Time in autobiographical memory, William J. Friedman


The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals’ feeling in community with nature, F. Stephan Mayer and Cynthia M. Frantz

Submissions from 2003


Differentiating location- and distance-based processes in memory for time: An ERP study, Tim Curran and William J. Friedman


Arrows of Time in Early Childhood, William J. Friedman

Infants' perception of arrows of time, William J. Friedman


The Development of a Differentiated Sense of the Past and the Future, William J. Friedman

Submissions from 2002


Successful Lecturing: Presenting Information in Ways That Engage Effective Processing, Patricia A. deWinstanley and Robert A. Bjork

Submissions from 2001


Memory processes underlying humans' chronological sense of the past, William J. Friedman