
Submissions from 2014


Debate; Preguntas del público, Sebastiaan Faber

Dieciocho tesis sobre la obra de Isaac Rosa, Sebastiaan Faber

Fighting the New Fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s New Political Force, Sebastiaan Faber

Interview for El món on volíem viure, Sebastiaan Faber

Interview with Helen Graham, Sebastiaan Faber

La rebelión de los pesimistas. ¿Cómo defender las humanidades?, Sebastiaan Faber

Mind-Boggling Lies: Paul Preston on Santiago Carrillo, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Biografía de un hombre masa. ¿Qué le debe España a José Ortega y Gasset?, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Campo francés; Poeta en la arena; El paraíso incendiado, España 1936-1939; La almohada de arena; Versos del maquis, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: La traición de los intelectuales, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Los (anti)intelectuales de la derecha en España: de Giménez Caballero a Jiménez Losantos, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Los poetas apócrifos de Max Aub, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Max Aub und die spanische Literatur zwischen Avantgarde und Exil, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: The War and Its Shadow: Spain’s Civil War in Europe’s Long Twentieth Century, Sebastiaan Faber

The Spaniards who Helped Liberate Paris, Sebastiaan Faber

The Spanish Civil War in AP European History: Teaching the ALBA Curriculum, Sebastiaan Faber


Latin American Icons: Fame Across Borders, Dianna C. Niebylski and Patrick O'Connor


Fictions of the Bad Life: The Naturalist Prostitute and Her Avatars in Latin American Literature, 1880–2010, Claire Solomon

Submissions from 2013

Case Studies of Openness in the Language Classroom, Ana Beaven, Anna Comas-Quinn, and Barbara Sawhill


Fighting Words, Disarming Music: Jorge Luis Borges’ “Milonga del muerto”, Ana Cara


Review: Borges and Mathematics, Ana Cara

Interview for “A War of Values”, Sebastiaan Faber


La rebelión de los pesimistas. ¿Cómo defender las humanidades?, Sebastiaan Faber

Los exiliados españoles y las instituciones mexicanas: Entre la autonomía y la cooptación, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Cities in Ruins: The Politics of Modern Poetics, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Radical Justice: Spain and the Southern Cone beyond Market and State, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: The Faith and the Fury: Popular Anticlerical Violence and Iconoclasm in Spain, 1931-1936, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: The Struggle for Madrid: The Central Epic of the Spanish Conflict 1936-1937, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: The victorious counterrevolution: the nationalist effort in the Spanish Civil War, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Todo lo que era sólido, Sebastiaan Faber

The Man Who Can’t Say No: Paul Preston Is Working Harder Than Ever, Sebastiaan Faber


The Spanish Bloodlands: Ángel Viñas, Warrior Historian, Sebastiaan Faber


Communicating Out in the Open: The WordPress Class Blogs Plug-In Suite and Language Learning, Barbara Sawhill

Making the Grade (Or Not): Thoughts on Self-Design, Self-Assessment, and Self-Grading, Barbara Sawhill

Submissions from 2012


Buñuel’s Impure Modernism (1929-1950), Sebastiaan Faber


Raising the Specter of ‘Argentinization’: The Temptation of Spanish Exceptionalism, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Sacred Realism: Religion and the Imagination in Modern Spanish Narrative, Sebastiaan Faber

¿Usted, qué sabe?’: History, Memory, and the Voice of the Witness, Sebastiaan Faber

Submissions from 2011


Creolization as Cultural Creativity, Robert Baron and Ana Cara

Creole Talk: The Poetics and Politics of Argentine Verbal Art, Ana Cara

La literatura como acto afiliativo. La nueva novela de la Guerra Civil (2000-2007). Contornos de la narrativa española actual (2000-2010). Un diálogo entre creadores y críticos, Sebastiaan Faber

Le crime atroce’ d’être antifasciste. L’aide des États-Unis d’Amérique aux républicains espagnols. L’Hôpital Varsovie: Exil, médecine et résistance (1944-1950), Sebastiaan Faber

Luis Buñuel, Chameleon: Revelations of the Surrealist’s Elusive ‘Red Decade.’ An interview with Román Gubern, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Al servicio de la República. Diplomáticos y guerra civil, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Juan Negrín: Spanish Republican War Leader, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Los años rojos de Buñuel and Queering Buñuel: Sexual Dissidence and Psychoanalysis in his Mexican and Spanish Cinema, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Luis Bunuel's Red Years, Sebastiaan Faber


Review: Queering Bunuel: Sexual Dissidence And Psychoanalysis In His Mexican And Spanish Cinema, Sebastiaan Faber

Tropes of Displacement, Displacement as Trope: Spaniards in Mexico and Latinos in the USA, Sebastiaan Faber

¿Ante quién responde el historiador en una democracia?, Sebastiaan Faber, Francois Godicheau, Jesus Izquierdo Martin, and Pablo Sanchez Leon

Lo llaman historia y no lo es, Sebastiaan Faber, Francois Godicheau, Jesus Izquierdo Martin, and Pablo Sanchez Leon


El poder de contar y el paraíso perdido. Polémicas mediáticas y construcción colectiva de la memoria en España., Sebastiaan Faber and Pablo Sánchez León


Reconsidering Anti-Semitism and White Slavery in Contemporary Historical Fiction about Argentina, Claire Solomon

Submissions from 2010

Documenting Displacement: Capa, Taro, Chim, and the Visual Birth of the Modern Refugee, Sebastiaan Faber

L’atroç crim’ d’ésser antifeixista. L’ajuda des dels Estats Units d’Amèrica als refugiats republicans. Exili, medicina i filantropia. L’Hospital Varsòvia de Tolosa de Llenguadoc (1944-1950), Sebastiaan Faber

Negrín was Right: An Interview with Gabriel Jackson, Sebastiaan Faber


Pedro Almodovar, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Max Aub. Field of Honour, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Pedro Almodóvar, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: “¿Quién pelea contra el invierno? El revisionismo de Jordi Gracia, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Written in Red: The Communist Memoir in Spain, Sebastiaan Faber


The War Before the Lights Went Out: An Interview with Helen Graham, Sebastiaan Faber

Mystery Photo: Gift to Obama Puts ALBA in the Spotlight, Sebastiaan Faber and James D. Fernandez

¿De quién es el poder de contar? A propósito de las polémicas públicas sobre memoria histórica, Sebastiaan Faber, Pablo Sánchez León, and Jesus Izquierdo Martín


Review: Cervantes In Modernity, Vicente Perez de Leon

Submissions from 2009


Entangled Tangos: Passionate Displays, Intimate Dialogues, Ana Cara


Review: Stars and Keys, Folktales and Creolization in the Indian Ocean, Ana Cara

Asequible y Apasionante. El Estreno Tardio De El Laberinto Magico En Ingles, Sebastiaan Faber

Contestación a Santos Juliá, Sebastiaan Faber

Contra el olvido. El exilio español en Estados Unidos, Sebastiaan Faber

Gajes del oficio: popularidad, prestigio cultural y performance democrático en la obra de Rosa Montero, Sebastiaan Faber

Ideología. Diccionario de Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos, Sebastiaan Faber

Images of Displacement: The Spanish Civil War and the Birth of the Modern Refugee, Sebastiaan Faber

La irresponsabilidad del novelista. Javier Marías, Tu rostro mañana y el debate sobre la memoria histórica." Javier Marías: Tu rostro mañana, Sebastiaan Faber

L’esilio degli intellettuali spagnoli e tedeschi in Messico: due esperienze a confronto," special issue on “L’Europa in esilio: La migrazione degli intellettuali verso le Americhe tra le due guerre, Sebastiaan Faber

Scenes of Bravery and Determination: Walter Rosenblum’s Homage to the Spanish Republicans, Sebastiaan Faber

Scenes of Bravery and Determination: Walter Rosenblum's Homage to the Spanish Republicans (exhibit), Sebastiaan Faber

Truth in the Making: The Never-Ending Saga of Capa’s Falling Soldier, Sebastiaan Faber

Problemas y paradojas del exilio español en Estados Unidos, Sebastiaan Faber and Cristina Martinez-Carazo


Next Year in Buenos Aires: On the Road with the Traveling Yiddish Theater in the Americas, Claire Solomon


Review: Rethinking Jewish-Latin Americans, Claire Solomon

Submissions from 2008


Anglo-American Hispanists and the Spanish Civil War: Hispanophilia, Commitment, and Discipline, Sebastiaan Faber


Economies of prestige: The place of Iberian studies in the American University, Sebastiaan Faber

Fantasmas hispanistas y otros retos transatlánticos, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Constancia de la Mora in War and Exile: International Voice for the Spanish Republic, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Homenaje a Max Aub, Sebastiaan Faber

The Novel of the Spanish Civil War: From Militancy to Reconciliation, Sebastiaan Faber

Submissions from 2007

Milonga de dos hermanos, Ana Cara and David Young

El estilo como ideología: de la Rebelión de Ortega a los Rituales de Monsiváis.” El arte de la ironía. Carlos Monsiváis ante la crítica, Sebastiaan Faber

El hispanismo anglosajón y la Guerra Civil Española, Sebastiaan Faber

Max Aub: Conciencia del exilio, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: España: ¿laberinto de exilios?, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Fearless Women in the Mexican Revolution and the Spanish Civil War, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: Los cuentos mexicanos de Max Aub, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: The Disinherited: The Exiles Who Created Spanish Culture, Sebastiaan Faber

Review: The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution, and Revenge, Sebastiaan Faber

The Debate about Spain’s Past and the Crisis of Academic Legitimacy: The Case of Santos Juliá, Sebastiaan Faber

The Exile’s Dilemma: Writing the Civil War from Elsewhere, Sebastiaan Faber

The Truth about Spain: American Hispanism, the Spanish Civil War, and the Crisis of Academic Legitimacy, Sebastiaan Faber

How Did a Couple of Veteran Classroom Teachers End Up in a Space Like This? Extraordinary Intersections Between Learning, Social Software and Teaching, Barbara Sawhill