Submissions from 2006
The privilege of pain: The exile as ethical model in Max Aub, Francisco Ayala, and Edward Said, Sebastiaan Faber
Submissions from 2005
The Anxiety of the Avunculate: Lezama Reads the Fin-De-Siècle, Patrick O'Connor
Submissions from 2004
The trope as trap: Ideology revisited, Sebastiaan Faber
The truth behind "Jusep Torres Campalans": Max Aub's committed postmodernism, Sebastiaan Faber
John Rechy, Patrick O'Connor
Latin American Fiction and the Narratives of the Perverse: Paper Dolls and Spider Women, Patrick O'Connor
Submissions from 2003
Introduction: Creolization and Folklore--Cultural Creativity in Process, Robert Baron and Ana Cara
The Poetics of Creole Talk: Toward an Aesthetic of Argentine Verbal Art, Ana Cara
Between Cernuda's paradise and Bunuel's hell: Mexico through Spanish exiles' eyes, Sebastiaan Faber
Learning from the Latins: Waldo Frank's Progressive Pan-Americanism, Sebastiaan Faber
Submissions from 2002
Contradictions of left-wing hispanismo: The case of Spanish Republicans in exile, Sebastiaan Faber
The beautiful, the good, and the natural: Marti and the ills of modernity, Sebastiaan Faber
Submissions from 2000
"El norte nos devora": La construccion de un espacio hispanico en el exilio anglosajon de Luis Cernuda, Sebastiaan Faber
Submissions from 1988
A Death in Geneva: Jorge Luis Borges, 1899-1986, Ana Cara
Submissions from 1987
Cocoliche: The Art of Assimilation and Dissimulation among Italians and Argentines, Ana Cara
Submissions from 1986
Borges' Milongas: The Chords of Argentine Verbal Art, Ana Cara