Submissions from 1958
Review: Psychiatric Aspects of School Desegregation, J. Milton Yinger
The Influence of Anthropology on Sociological Theories of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Can Segregation Survive in an Industrial Society?, J. Milton Yinger and George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1957
Review: The New World of Henri Saint-Simon, Frederick Binkerd Artz
The Integration of Americans of Indian Descent, Edward P. Dozier, George Eaton Simpson, and J. Milton Yinger
A Comparative Study of Acculturation in Morant Bay and West Kingston, Jamaica, George Eaton Simpson
The Nine Night Ceremony in Jamaica, George Eaton Simpson
Discussion of M.G. Smith, The African Heritage in the Caribbean, George Eaton Simpson and Peter B. Hammond
American Indians and American Life, George Eaton Simpson and J. Milton Yinger
Religion, Society, and the Individual: An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Functions of Social Conflict, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Social Thought of the World Council of Churches, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Tokugawa Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Understanding Minority Groups, J. Milton Yinger
Some Consequences of the Scientific Study of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1956
Music and Art in Oberlin, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: La Restauration, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Jamaican Revivalist Cults, George Eaton Simpson
Negroes, American, George Eaton Simpson
The Races of Mankind, George Eaton Simpson
Review: Indians of the Northwest Coast, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Religion in Crisis and Custom: A Sociological and Psychological Study; Protestant--Catholic--Jew: An Essay in American Religious Sociology, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Society: Collective Behavior, News and Opinion, Sociology and Modern Society, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Fears Men Live By, J. Milton Yinger
The Integration of Americans of Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Oriental Descent, J. Milton Yinger and George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1955
Review: "Old Syntax in New Languages": The Classical Heritage and Its Beneficiaries, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Socialist Thought: Marxism and Anarchism, 1850-1890, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Culture Change and Reintegration Found in the Cults of West Kingston, Jamaica, George Eaton Simpson
Political Cultism in West Kingston, Jamaica, George Eaton Simpson
The Ras Tafari Movement in Jamaica: A Study of Race and Class Conflict, George Eaton Simpson
Review: Freedom to Work, J. Milton Yinger
Review: "The Role of American Jews": The Jews in America: A History, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1954
Review: "H.R. Emperor No. 1": Charlemagne, From the Hammer to the Cross, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Socialist Thought: The Forerunners, 1789-1850, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Begging in Kingston and Montego Bay, George Eaton Simpson
Magical Practices in Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Peasant Children's Games in Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
The Changing Patterns of Race Relations, George Eaton Simpson and J. Milton Yinger
Review: Negro Segregation in the Methodist Church, J. Milton Yinger
The Gradual Approach: Cincinnati, Ohio, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1953
Review: Social Romanticism in France, 1830-1848: With a Selective Critical Bibliography, Frederick Binkerd Artz
The Mind of the Middle Ages, AD 200-1500: An Historical Survey, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Racial and Cultural Minorities: An Analysis of Prejudice and Discrimination, George Eaton Simpson and J. Milton Yinger
Recent Developments in Race Relations in the United States, George Eaton Simpson and J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1952
Discussion of Price Mars' Paper on Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1951
Review: "Following Napoleon's Collapse": The Age of Elegance, 1812-1822, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Ideas and Men: The Story of Western Thought, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: La monarchie parlementaire, 1815-1848, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Acculturation in Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Present Status of the Sociology of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1950
Review: Le Comte Ferdinand de Bertier, 1782-1864: Et L'énigme de la Congrégation, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Men in Crisis: The Revolutions of 1848, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Anti-Semitism; The Sociology of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Political Responsibilities of College Students, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1949
Civil Liberties in Crisis, J. Milton Yinger
Does Religion Make a Difference?, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1948
Review: La vie quotidienne en France de 1870 à 1900, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars: The Concert of Europe--An Experiment, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Two Vodun-Related Ceremonies, George Eaton Simpson
The Systematic Sociology of Leopold von Wiese: The Origins and Structure of Interhuman Relations; The Sociology of Religion of Ernst Troeltsch, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1947
Review: Secretary of Europe, The Life of Friedrich Gentz, Enemy of Napoleon, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity, 1812-1822, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Socialist Tradition: From Moses to Lenin, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Student Orientation to the Contemporary World, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1946
L'Enseignement Technique En France Pendant l'Époque Révolutionnaire (1789-1815), Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Government Assistance in Eighteenth-Century France, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Four Vodun Ceremonies, George Eaton Simpson
Breaking the Vicious Circle, J. Milton Yinger
Church Power: Democratic or Authoritarian, J. Milton Yinger
Religion in the Struggle for Power: A Study in the Sociology of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1945
Current Status of Our Knowledge of the Golgi Apparatus in the Animal Cell, Hope Hibbard
A Study of the Golgi Apparatus in Chicken Gizzard Epithelium by Means of the Quartz Microscope, Hope Hibbard and George I. Lavin
The Belief System of Haitian Vodun, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1944
Review: Behind the Battle of France, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Religion and the World Order, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Survival of Western Culture; The Twilight of Civilization, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1943
Review: France and the Levant: From the Bourbon Restoration to the Peace of Kutiah, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Napoleon III, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Traditional Tales from Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Review: History of American Congregationalism; The Broken Cup; Three Generations of Dunkers, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Society Under Analysis: An Introduction to Sociology, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Church in the Social Order. A Study of Anglican Social Theory from Coleridge to Maurice, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Social Message of Jesus, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Waldenses in the New World, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1942
Review: Friedrich von Gentz, Defender of the Old Order, Frederick Binkerd Artz
The 'Golgi apparatus' during development in the stomach of gallus domesticus, Hope Hibbard
Haitian Politics, George Eaton Simpson
Loup Garou and Loa Tales from Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Sexual and Familial Institutions in Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Review: Methodism and the Frontier. Indiana Proving Ground, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1941
1917 and 1941, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Intellectual History of Europe from St. Augustine to Marx: A Guide, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Prince Metternich, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Sociology, Howard Becker and J. Milton Yinger
Haiti's Social Structure, George Eaton Simpson
Folk Tales of Haitian Heroes, George Eaton Simpson and J. B. Cinéas
Review: Catholic Social Theory, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1940
Bonapartism and Dictatorship, Frederick Binkerd Artz