Submissions from 1946
Breaking the Vicious Circle, J. Milton Yinger
Church Power: Democratic or Authoritarian, J. Milton Yinger
Religion in the Struggle for Power: A Study in the Sociology of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1945
Current Status of Our Knowledge of the Golgi Apparatus in the Animal Cell, Hope Hibbard
A Study of the Golgi Apparatus in Chicken Gizzard Epithelium by Means of the Quartz Microscope, Hope Hibbard and George I. Lavin
The Belief System of Haitian Vodun, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1944
Review: Behind the Battle of France, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Religion and the World Order, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Survival of Western Culture; The Twilight of Civilization, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1943
Review: France and the Levant: From the Bourbon Restoration to the Peace of Kutiah, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Napoleon III, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Traditional Tales from Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Review: History of American Congregationalism; The Broken Cup; Three Generations of Dunkers, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Society Under Analysis: An Introduction to Sociology, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Church in the Social Order. A Study of Anglican Social Theory from Coleridge to Maurice, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Social Message of Jesus, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Waldenses in the New World, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1942
Review: Friedrich von Gentz, Defender of the Old Order, Frederick Binkerd Artz
The 'Golgi apparatus' during development in the stomach of gallus domesticus, Hope Hibbard
Haitian Politics, George Eaton Simpson
Loup Garou and Loa Tales from Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Sexual and Familial Institutions in Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Review: Methodism and the Frontier. Indiana Proving Ground, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1941
1917 and 1941, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Intellectual History of Europe from St. Augustine to Marx: A Guide, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Prince Metternich, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Sociology, Howard Becker and J. Milton Yinger
Haiti's Social Structure, George Eaton Simpson
Folk Tales of Haitian Heroes, George Eaton Simpson and J. B. Cinéas
Review: Catholic Social Theory, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1940
Bonapartism and Dictatorship, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Lady of the Holy Alliance: The Life of Julie de Krüdener, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Haitian Magic, George Eaton Simpson
Haitian Peasant Economy, George Eaton Simpson
Peasant Songs and Dances of Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
The Vodun Service in Northern Haiti, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1939
Review: Chateaubriand, Poet, Statesman, Lover, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Mémoires du Duc de Broglie (Jacques-Victor-Albert, 1821-1901): De l'Académie Française, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Submissions from 1938
L'education technique en France au XVIIIe siecle (1700-1789), Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Electoral Procedure Under Louis Philipe, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Submissions from 1937
Negro Hospitalization, Virginia Alexander and George Eaton Simpson
Bibliographie critize des principaux travaux parus sur l'histoire de 1600 à 1918, année 1934, Frederick Binkerd Artz
European Civilization 1815-1850: Some Unfinished Business, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Les débuts de l'éducation technique en France (1500-1700), Frederick Binkerd Artz
The Hatching of the Squid, Hope Hibbard
A Modification of Willey's Categories for the Classification of Newspaper Content, George Eaton Simpson
Race Relations and the Philadelphia Press, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1936
Review: Preussen und die Julimonarchie, 1830-1834, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The United States and Europe, 1815-1823: A Study in the Background of the Monroe Doctrine, Frederick Binkerd Artz
The Negro in the Philadelphia Press, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1935
Crytology of the white body of Loligo, Hope Hibbard
Studies in tissue culture, Hope Hibbard
The Chicago Crime Commission, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1934
Reaction and Revolution, 1814-1832, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: French Royalist Doctrines Since the Revolution, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Cytology of the nephrostome of Lumbricus, Hope Hibbard
Submissions from 1933
Review: "1830": Études sur les Mouvements Libéraux et Nationaux de 1830, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Les Natchez, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Social and Political Ideas of Some Representative Thinkers of the Age of Reaction and Reconstruction, 1815-1865, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Submissions from 1932
Review: Herder and the Foundation of German Nationalism, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Biological Abstracts and the College, Hope Hibbard
Submissions from 1931
Ercole Consalvi, Frederick Binkerd Artz
France Under the Bourbon Restoration, 1814-1830, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Les débuts des partis modernes en France (1815-1830), Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Chateaubriand: Héros de l'Aventure Romantique, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: L'éveil des Nationalités et le Mouvement Libéral, 1815-1848, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Deux demonstrations de la glande sericige Bobyx mori, Hope Hibbard
Workbook in Sociology, C. H. Schettler and George Eaton Simpson
Negro News in the White Newspapers of Philadelphia, George Eaton Simpson
Submissions from 1930
Review: La Carrière Politique de Chateaubriand, de 1814 à 1830, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Les relations de société entre l'Angleterre et la France sous la restauration (1814-1830), Frederick Binkerd Artz
Submissions from 1929
La crise des assurances en 1830 et les compagnies d'assurances, Frederick Binkerd Artz
The Electoral System in France During the Bourbon Restoration, 1815-30, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Submissions from 1928
Review: L'Aventure Saint-Simonienne et les Femmes, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Contribution a l'etude de l'Ovogenese, de la Fecondation, et de l'Histogenese chez Discoglossus pictus, Hope Hibbard
Contribution à l'étude de l'ovogenèse de la fécondation, et de l'histogenèse chez Discoglossus Pictus Otth, Hope Hibbard
Cytoplasmic constituents in the developing egg of Discoglossus pictus Otth, Hope Hibbard
La fecondation chez Discoglossus pictus Otth., Hope Hibbard
Yolk and fat formation in the egg of Patella vulgata, Hope Hibbard
Nature et evolution des constituants cytoplasmiques de l'ovocyte de deux Teleosteens, M. Parat and Hope Hibbard
Submissions from 1927
Oogenesis in Certain Teleosts with Special Reference to the Chondriome, Vacuome and Yolk Formation, Hope Hibbard
Role des constituants cytoplasmiques dans la vitellogenese d'un Amphibien Discoglossus pictus Otth, Hope Hibbard
La formation des membranes et les changements d'aspects de l'ouef de Discoglossus pictus Otth. Avants la pointe, Hope Hibbard and Paul Wintrebert
Submissions from 1922
Cytoplasmic inclusions in the egg of echinarachnius parma, Hope Hibbard
Submissions from 1919
Cleavage and Mesenchyme Formation in Toxopneustes variegatus, Mary J. Guthrie and Hope Hibbard
Submissions from 1905
Our Smallest Carnivore, Albert A. Wright
Submissions from 1894
The Ventral Armor of Dinichthys, Albert A. Wright
Submissions from 1889
Preliminary List of the Flowering and Fern Plants of Lorain County, Ohio, Albert A. Wright