Submissions from 1966
Review: The Anti-Slavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Education Program, Present and Future: The Social Sciences, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Gentle Reformers: Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Baptismal, ‘Mourning,’ and ‘Building’ Ceremonies of the Shouters in Trinidad, George Eaton Simpson
Review: Urban Desegregation: Negro Pioneers and the White Neighbors, George Eaton Simpson
The Vodun Cult in Haiti: A Re-Evaluation, George Eaton Simpson
Review: Church and State in Social Welfare, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Religion and Society in Tension, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Hidden Society, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Significant Americans: A Study of Sexual Behavior Among the Affluent, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Woman in America, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1965
Infrared and Raman Spectra of CF2N2. Evidence for a Diazirine Structure, Christopher W. Bjork, Norman C. Craig, Ronald A. Mitsch, and John Overend
Josiah Quincy, Brahmin Democrat, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Change and Continuity in Twentieth-Century America, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Dawning World of Claude Bowers, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Infrared and Raman Spectra of Cis- and Trans-1,2-Dichloro-1,2-Difluoroethylene, Norman C. Craig and David A. Evans
NMR and Double Resonance Spectra of the Deuterodifluoroethylenes, Yoko Kanazawa, John D. Baldeschwieler, and Norman C. Craig
Selected Yoruba Rituals: 1964, George Eaton Simpson
Shango in Trinidad, George Eaton Simpson
Minority Group in American Society, J. Milton Yinger
Review: At the Edge of Harlem: Portrait of a Middle Class Negro Family, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Social Change and Prejudice, Including Dynamics of Prejudice, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Strangers Next Door. Ethnic Relations in American Communities, J. Milton Yinger
Sociological Guidelines for Research in Intergroup Relations Education, J. Milton Yinger
Toward a Field Theory of Behavior: Personality and Social Structure, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1964
Review: Progressivism in Ohio, 1897-1917, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: The Americans: A New History of the People of the United States, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: The Presidential Election of 1896, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Vibrational assignments and normal coordinate calculation for the 1,2-difluoroethylenes, Norman C. Craig, R. O. Kagel, D. L. Powell, and John Overend
Vibrational Assignment for Cis- and Trans-1,2-Dichloro-1-Fluoroethylenes: FC1C[UNK]CC1H and FC1C[UNK]CC1D, Norman C. Craig, Grace Y. Lo, Charles D. Needham, and John Overend
An Extreme Temperature Raman Cell, Norman C. Craig and John Overend
The Acculturative Process in Trinidadian Shango, George Eaton Simpson
Anti-Semitism: A Case Study In Prejudice And Discrimination, J. Milton Yinger
On Anomie, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Beyond the Melting Pot, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Personality and Social Systems, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Race: The History of an Idea in America, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Negro Church in America, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1963
From the Renaissance to Romanticism: Trends in Style in Art, Literature and Music, 1300-1830, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Gilded Age: A Reappraisal, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Desegregation in American Society: The Record of a Generation of Change, J. Milton Yinger
Religion and Social Change: Functions and Dysfunctions of Sects and Cults Among the Disprivileged, J. Milton Yinger
Religion and Social Change: Problems of Integration and Pluralism Among the Privileged, J. Milton Yinger
Research Implications of a Field View of Personality, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Religion and Economic Action, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Social Controversy, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Urban Negro in the South, J. Milton Yinger
Social Science in the Spage Age, J. Milton Yinger
Sociology Looks at Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1962
A Re-Examination of William Graham Sumner on Law and Social Change, Harry V. Ball, George Eaton Simpson, and Kiyoshi Ikeda
Law and Social Change: Sumner Reconsidered, Harry V. Ball, George Eaton Simpson, and Kiyoshi Ikeda
Recent Developments in American History, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Outlawing the Spoils: A History of the Civil Service Reform Movement, 1865-1883, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Richard Henry Dana, Jr., 1815-1882, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
The Mind of the Boston Mugwump, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Employment Policy Problems in a Multiracial Society, George Eaton Simpson
Folk Medicine in Trinidad, George Eaton Simpson
Social Stratification in the Caribbean, George Eaton Simpson
The Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean Area, George Eaton Simpson
The Ras Tafari Movement in Jamaica in Its Millennial Aspect, George Eaton Simpson
The Shango Cult in Nigeria and in Trinidad, George Eaton Simpson
Discrimination; Ethnocentrism; Integration; Intermarriage; Minorities; Negro, J. Milton Yinger
Integration and Pluralism Viewed from Hawaii, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Austrian Catholics and the First Republic: Democracy, Capitalism, and the Social Order, 1918-1934, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Education and Attitude Change: The Effect of Schooling on Prejudice against Minority Groups, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Sources of Religious Sentiment, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1961
Bibliography of French History, 1815 to 1848, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. X: The Zenith of European Power, 1830-1870, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Thermodynamics of Cis-Trans Isomerizations. The 1,2-Difluoroethylenes, Norman C. Craig and Eric A. Entemann
Cult music of Trinidad, George Eaton Simpson
Comment on "Five Dilemmas in the Institutionalization of Religion", J. Milton Yinger
Review: London's Newcomers: The West Indian Migrants, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Black Muslims in America, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Religion of Java, J. Milton Yinger
Social Forces Involved in Group Identification or Withdrawal, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1960
Review: L'Alsace au début du XIXe siècle: essais d'histoire politique, économique et religieuse (1815-1830), Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Metternich et Son Temps, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Acculturative Process in Jamaican Revivalism, George Eaton Simpson
Contraculture and Subculture, J. Milton Yinger
Religion in Urban Society, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Authority and Power in the Free Church Tradition: A Social Case Study of the American Baptist Convention, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Freudian Ethic: An Analysis of the Subversion of American Character, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1959
18 short book notices (Phi Beta Kappa, Key Reporter 1959-1960), Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: The Cult of Authority: The Political Philosophy of the Saint-Simonians. A Chapter in the History of Totalitarianism, Frederick Binkerd Artz
Review: Politics, Reform and Expansion, 1890-1900, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Darwin and "Social Darwinism", George Eaton Simpson
The Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relations, George Eaton Simpson and J. Milton Yinger
Review: Magic and Religion: Their Psychological Nature, Origin and Function, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Minorities in the New World, J. Milton Yinger
The Changing Family in a Changing Society, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1958
Kinetics of Ester Hydrolysis by Horse Liver Esterase. II, Norman C. Craig and G. B. Kistiakowsky
Etude Comparée du Syncrétisme Religieux a Haïti et a Jamaïque, George Eaton Simpson
Recent Political Developments in Race Relations, George Eaton Simpson
Areas for Research in the Sociology of Religion, J. Milton Yinger
Desegregation and Changes in American Society, J. Milton Yinger
Review: American Freedom and Catholic Power; Democracy and Catholicism in America, J. Milton Yinger
Review: American Protestantism and Social Issues, 1919-1939, J. Milton Yinger
Review: A Natural Science of Society, J. Milton Yinger
Review: His First Million Years; Prehistoric Religion--A Study in Prehistoric Archaeology, J. Milton Yinger
Review: Pratique Religieuse et Classes Sociales dans une Paroisse Urbaine Saint-Pothin à Lyon, J. Milton Yinger