Lost in Translating: Exploring the Poetry of Guido Catalano

Presenter Information

Arianna Valocchi, Oberlin College


Science Center, A254

Document Type


Start Date

4-24-2015 2:45 PM

End Date

4-24-2015 3:45 PM


Can an amateur Italian speaker produce a credible English translation of an Italian poem? Is it possible for a poem to truly “speak” to you in meaningful conversation if you are not a native speaker of its language? Guido Catalano is a living Italian poet whose works have not been translated into English. For this project, I am translating select poems in order to introduce him to the English-speaking world—and, in turn, to explore the limiting expectations of “authenticity” in poetry translation, and the ability of poetic inspiration to overcome linguistic mis-communication.


Session 2, Panel 10 - The Poetics of the Lives of Others
Moderator: Tom Newlin, Chair and Associate Professor of Russian Language, Literature, and Culture


Comparative Literature


Stiliana Milkova, Comparative Literature

Project Mentor(s)

Stiliana Milkova, Comparative Literature

April 2015

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Apr 24th, 2:45 PM Apr 24th, 3:45 PM

Lost in Translating: Exploring the Poetry of Guido Catalano

Science Center, A254

Can an amateur Italian speaker produce a credible English translation of an Italian poem? Is it possible for a poem to truly “speak” to you in meaningful conversation if you are not a native speaker of its language? Guido Catalano is a living Italian poet whose works have not been translated into English. For this project, I am translating select poems in order to introduce him to the English-speaking world—and, in turn, to explore the limiting expectations of “authenticity” in poetry translation, and the ability of poetic inspiration to overcome linguistic mis-communication.