Submissions from 2024
Does Putin Want to End the War in Ukraine?, Stephen Crowley
Pass Ukraine Aid, But Make it Conditional on Ending the War, Stephen Crowley
The Rule of Law in Red and Blue: Affective Polarization and Support for Legal Institutions in the United States, Ali S. Masood, Ryan Strickler, and Michael A. Zilis
Submissions from 2023
Your Honor's Misdeeds: The Consequences of Judicial Scandal on Specific and Diffuse Support, Joshua Boston, Benjamin J. Kassow, Ali S. Masood, and David R. Miller
Hierarchical Interactions and Compliance in Comparative Courts, Ali S. Masood and Jennifer Bowie
What's in a Name: How US Supreme Court Justices Shape Law and Policy in the Lower Courts, Ali S. Masood and Benjamin J. Kassow
Submissions from 2022
Class and the Communist Party of China, 1921-1978: Revolution and Social Change, Marc J. Blecher, David S.G. Goodman, Yingjie Guo, Jean-Louis Rocca, and Tony Saich
Class and the Communist Party of China, 1978-2021: Reform and Market Socialism, Marc J. Blecher, David S.G. Goodman, Yingjie Guo, Jean-Louis Rocca, and Beibei Tang
Response to Timothy Frye's Review of Putin's Labor Dilemma: Russian Politics between Stability and Stagnation, Stephen Crowley
Review: Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia, Stephen Crowley
Russian Labour, Economic Hardship and Putin's Fear of Colour Revolutions, Stephen Crowley
Who’s to Blame? Sanctions, Economic Hardship, and Putin’s Fear of Color Revolutions, Stephen Crowley
A Voice but No Power: Organizing for Social Justice in Minneapolis, David M. Forrest
Review: No Longer Outsiders: Black and Latino Interest Group Advocacy on Capitol Hill, Jennifer Garcia
The Empowering Effects of Racial Messaging: The Link between Racial Outreach, Descriptive Representation and Black Political Mobilization, Jennifer Garcia and Christopher Stout
Submissions from 2021
Review: Beneath the China Boom: Labor, Citizenship, and the Making of a Rural Land Market, Marc J. Blecher
Putin's Labor Dilemma: Russian Politics between Stability and Stagnation, Stephen Crowley
Review: Grocery Activism: The Radical History of Food Cooperatives in Minnesota, David M. Forrest
Steven Lubet's American Dilemma, David M. Forrest
Rethinking the Role of the State in Employment Relations for a Neoliberal Era, Chris Howell
Review: Governing Social Protection in the Long Term: Social Policy and Employment Relations in Australia and New Zealand, Chris Howell
Submissions from 2020
Review: "The Working Class ‘Franchise’ in Maoist China": Disenfranchised: The Rise and Fall of Industrial Citizenship in China, Marc J. Blecher
Global Cities versus Rustbelt Realities: The Dilemmas of Urban Development in Russia, Stephen Crowley
The Factory Joins the Square: Putin’s Nightmare Unfolds in Belarus, Stephen Crowley
Campaign Rhetoric and the Incumbency Advantage, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin
"New Right" Leaders Are Co-opting Progressive Languaget to Mislead Voters, David M. Forrest
Review: Comrades in Conflict: Labour, the Trade Unions, and 1969's "In Place of Strife", Chris Howell
Are Latin America’s Militaries Taking on Too Much Power?, Kristina Mani
International Women’s Day Interviews, Kristina Mani
Mit dem Militär gegen das Virus, Kristina Mani
‘The Soldier Is Here to Defend You.’ Latin America’s Militarized Response to COVID-19, Kristina Mani
Using the Military to Quash Protests Can Erode Democracy – As Latin America Well Knows, Kristina Mani
Politics as a Science: A Prolegomenon, Philippe C. Schmitter and Marc J. Blecher
Submissions from 2019
New Democracy, Marc J. Blecher
Review: How China Escaped the Poverty Trap, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Market in State: The Political Economy of Domination in China, Marc J. Blecher
Legitimacy without Mobilization? How Social Justice Organizations Defend their Democratic Credentials, David Forrest
Responding to Racial Resentment: How Racial Resentment Influences Legislative Behavior, Jennifer Garcia and Christopher T. Stout
Labouring Under the New Capitalism, Chris Howell
Neoliberalism, capitalist growth models, and the state: An agenda for industrial relations theory, Chris Howell
Regulation, representation, crise: I'evolution de la conception du syndicalisme en France et en Grande-Bretagne, Chris Howell
The Neo-Liberal State and the Regulation of Class Relations, Chris Howell
Review: Politics with Beauvoir: Freedom in the Encounter, Sonia Kruks
Mohammed VI's Strategies for Moroccan Economic Development, Eve Sandberg and Seth Binder
Our wildest imagination: violence, narrative, and sympathetic identification, Jade Schiff
Review: Connected by Commitment: Oppression and Our Responsibility to Undermine It, Jade Schiff
Submissions from 2018
Introduction: Turbulent Circulation: Building a Critical Engagement with Logistics, Charmaine Chua, Martin Danyluk, and Deborah Cowen
Labor Protests and Their Consequences in Putin’s Russia, Stephen Crowley
Russia’s Truckers and the Path from Economic to Political Protest, Stephen Crowley
Resisting the Opportunity for Change: How Congressional Campaign Insiders Viewed and Used the Web in 2016, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael M. Parkin
Building "Community" and Markets in Contemporary Cairo, Sarah El-Kazaz
Review: Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in Modern Capitalism: French Capitalism in Transition, Chris Howell
The French road to neoliberalism, Chris Howell
Does Politics Need Ethics?, Sonia Kruks
Hannah Arendt, Gender, and Political Judgment, Sonia Kruks
Challenges to African Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century, Darko Kwabena Opoku and Eve Sandberg
The Context for Comedy: Presidential Candidates and Comedy Television, Michael Parkin
Review: Democracy and the Death of Shame: Political Equality and Social Disturbance, Jade Schiff
Welcoming Refugees: Mindful Citizenship and the Political Responsibility of Hospitality, Jade Schiff
Submissions from 2017
Trajectories of Neoliberal Transformation: European Industrial Relations Since the 1970s, Lucio Baccaro and Chris Howell
Targeting the Treatment: The Strategy behind Lyndon Johnson's Lobbying, Matthew N. Beckmann, Neilan S. Chaturvedi, and Jennifer Rosa Garcia
"Logistical Violence, Logistical Vulnerabilities": Review of The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade, Charmaine Chua
Review: Beyond the Euromaidan: Comparative Perspectives on Advancing Reform in Ukraine, Stephen Crowley
An Inside View of Congressional Campaigning on the Web, James N. Druckman, Martin J. Kifer, and Michael Parkin
Thinking in Four Dimensions: New Directions in Spatial Analysis of the Middle East, Sarah El-Kazaz
Introduction to Special Section: The Un-Exceptional Middle Eastern City, Sarah El-Kazaz and Kevin Mazur
Engaging and Disrupting Power: The Public Value of Political Ethnography, M. David Forrest
Toward a Citizen Soldier Paradigm? Assessing Three Decades of Civil-Military Relations in Argentina, Kristina Mani
Review: Political Responsibility: Responding to Predicaments of Power, Jade Schiff
Submissions from 2016
Toward the Comparative Analysis of Transitions from State Socialism: Structure, Agency and Contingency, Marc J. Blecher
Working Class Re-formation and De-formation in the PRC, Marc J. Blecher
Monotowns and the political economy of industrial restructuring in Russia, Stephen Crowley
What Will Putin Do Without America As His Enemy, Stephen Crowley
Is Putin About to Face a 'Colored Revolution'?, Stephen Crowley and Irina Olimpieva
Russian Labor Protest in Challenging Economic Times, Stephen Crowley and Irina Olimpieva
Office Hours: One Academic Life, Harry Hirsch
Review: Living Alterities: Phenomenology, Embodiment, and Race, Sonia Kruks
Review: The Future of Whiteness, Sonia Kruks
The Armed Forces and the Economy in Latin America: Contemporary Trends and Implications for Civil-Military Relations, Kristina Mani
Connecting with the Courts: Online Access to State Judicial Systems, Michael Parkin and Justin Wedeking
The Moroccan Spring and King Mohammed VI's Economic Policy Agenda: Evaluating the First Dozen Years, Eve Sandberg
Can the International Criminal Court Contribute to the Responsibility to Protect?, Benjamin Schiff
Gentlemen and Revolutionaries: Politics and Pedagogy in Strauss and Rancière, Jade Schiff
Submissions from 2015
Review: Insurgency Trap: Labor Politics in Postsocialist China, Marc J. Blecher
Migrants and Mobilization: Sectoral Patterns in China, 2010-2013, Marc J. Blecher and Daniel Zipp
Russia: The Reemergence of Class in the Wake of the First "Classless" Society, Stephen Crowley
A Discussion of Melissa Schwartzberg's Counting the Many: The Origins and Limits of Supermajority Rule, Harry Hirsch
Regulating class in the neoliberal era: the role of the state in the restructuring of work and employment relations, Chris Howell
Review: Varieties of Liberalization and the New Politics of Social Solidarity, Chris Howell
The Changing Relationship Between Labor and the State in Contemporary Capitalism, Chris Howell
Review: Listening for Democracy: Recognition, Representation, Reconciliation, Jade Schiff
Submissions from 2014
Equal in Inequality? How Does Piketty’s ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’ Apply to China?, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Buying Time: The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism, Chris Howell
Review: Trade Unions in Western Europe: Hard Times, Hard Choices, Chris Howell
Women’s ‘Lived Experience’: Feminism and Phenomenology from Simone de Beauvoir to the Present, Sonia Kruks
Talk Show Campaigns: Presidential Candidates on Daytime and Late Night Television, Michael Parkin
The Voting Rights Act and Latino Voter Registration: Symbolic Assistance for English Speaking Latinos, Michael Parkin and Frances Zlotnick
Review: Between Feminism and Islam: Human Rights and Sharia Law in Morocco, Eve Sandberg