Theses/Dissertations from 2023
We Don't Need No Education: The Impact of Electing a College-Educated Mayor on Educational Outcomes, Hannah Kris
Canceled but not Forgotten: An Examination of the E↵ects of Online Shaming on Music Streaming, Özüm Sabiha Pamukçu
The Unintended Consequences of Ohio's Environmental Remediation Law of the Oil and Gas Industry, Samuel Topper
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Universal Preschool and Maternal Labor Force Participation: Evidence from Florida and Vermont, Hannah Keidan
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Relationship between School Shootings and Gun Acquisition Rates, Sun-il (Sun) Moon
Avoidance Behavior Due to More Stringent Environmental Standards: Evidence From The LEED Certifcation, Spencer Tu
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Stock Connect Programs: A Study of their Impact on Chinese Stock Returns and Global Stock Markets Integration, Jiadi Cheng
Noise Traders in Large-cap and Small-cap Portfolios: Impact of Sentiments on the Mispricing, Eunjun Choo
The ACA's Dependent Coverage Mandate: An Investigation of its Effects on Mortality with Regard to Race, Jack W. Derwin
Determinants of Alumni Giving to a Private U.S. College: Evidence from Oberlin College, Kenneth Kitahata
Determinants of Alumni Giving to a Private U.S. College: Evidence from Oberlin College, Kenneth Kitahata
An Independent Woman in Putin's Russia: Elvira Nabiullina in Political Context, Meredith Della Walker
The Study of Parental Educational Investment in Left-behind Children in China, Zilin (Kelley) Zhong
Events from 2019
Cold Turkey: How the Political Climate Affects Family Interactions, Joshua Ashkinaze
Delegate Voting at the 1787 Constitutional Convention: The Entanglement of Economic Interests and the Great Compromise, Emily Highkin
Can Machine Learning on Economic Data Better Forecast the Unemployment Rate?, Aaron S. Kreiner
Initial Coin Offerings: The Role of Subjective Information in Whitepapers, Jiahang Zhang
Events from 2018
The Effect of Living-Cost Adjusted Minimum Wage on Low Birth Weights: A County-Level Analysis, Louisa Liles
Patterns in Road Maintenance: An Analysis of San Diego Roads, Kendall Caitlin Alexandra Mahavier
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Regulatory Uncertainty and the Natural Gas Industry in the US, Jasper W. Clarkberg
Gustavo Gutiérrez's Liberation Theology: A Hermeneutic of Utopian Hope, Hunter Zepeda
Events from 2016
Contextualizing Affordable Housing Resistance and Exclusion, Yvette Chen
Age of Immigration and Adult Labor Market Outcomes: Childhood Environment in the Country of Origin Matters, Aaron Watson McCartney
Events from 2015
Rainbows and the Rising Sun, Simone Christen
The Effects of Foreign Language Acquisition on Wages for US College Graduates, Christopher Nguyen
The Impact of the State Children's Health Insurance Program on Educational Outcomes in the United States: A Two-Fold Analysis, Olivia Simuoli
Designing the CRISP Document Format: A Secure Declarative Language for the Web, Laura Watiker
Effect of Water Levels and Beach Availability on Waterfront Homes, Benjamin Towson Whitener
Events from 2014
Democracy and the Effects of Drought, Samsun Knight
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Medicaid and Education: The Impact of Medicaid Coverage on Children's Educational Trajectory, Melissa Atlas
Land Reform and Democratization in Rajasthan State, Jason Bent
An Evaluation of Mergers in the U.S. Petroleum Industry, Matthew D. Capozzi
Original Film Score to Méliès' A Trip to the Moon, Andrew Churchill
Payment Schemes and Moral Hazard, James Foust
TARP: Indication of a Potential Target? Evaluating Market to Book Ratios and Their Relationship to TARP, Oscar Garcia
The Effects of Federal Reserve Liquidity Facilities On Inter-Bank Borrowing Rates, Isaac Green
Private Corrections, Public Implications: The Local Economic Effects of Private Prisons, Charlotte Landes
Private Corrections, Public Implications: The Local Economic Realites of Private Prisons, Charlotte Landes
The Disparate Effects of Photo ID Laws on Voter Turnout Across Race and Ethnicity, Thomas La Voy
An Investigation into Crowd Out Phenomenon in Local Churches: Combining Experimental and Survey Methodology, Matthew Moench
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Strategic Competition Over School Inputs and Outputs, Gary Richard Cohen
Heterogeneous Gain Forecasting Using Historic Asset Information, Nicolas Sippl-Swezey
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Impact of a Tuition Fee Policy in Scotland; Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Margot Hanley
When it Pays More to Earn Less, Robyn Leslie
Narrowing the Gap: New Evidence on Earnings Differentials Based on Sexual Orientation, Mikayla Lytton
Can In-Prison Interventions Affect Post-Release Outcomes? Evidence From Correctional Education Programs Based on an Econometric Analysis of Recidivism, Jack Lucas Tilley
Microenterprises Performance under Consulting Services and Clustering: A Study of Egypt and Turkey, Ahmad Zia Wahdat
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Increasing the Efficiency and Efficacy of the War on Drugs: Utilizing the STRIDE Database to Analyze Cocaine Seizures, Benjamin Armand Greenberg Klebanoff
An Analysis of Education Subsidy in the presence of Fertility Decisions, Human Capital Accumulation, and Spillovers, Woan Foong Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Cost Benefit Analysis of Wind Turbine Investment in Oberlin, Ohio, Saul Domingo Flores
The Impact of Colleges on House Prices in Ohio, Graham Mathieu Johnson
The Effect of Teach for America Teachers Outside Their Classrooms, Sarah Prenovitz
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Income Inequality and the Probability of Violent Revolt, Noah Cecil
Premium Risk and Healthcare Policy, Matthew Coffina
On the Relation Between Pay and Performance: Presidents of Liberal Arts Colleges, Imran Lalani
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Small-Scale Biodiesel Production: A Feasibility Study, Isabel Call
Production Cost Structure and Commercial Success in the New Film Industry, Daniel Hatkoff
Does the Type of Legal Representation Affect Sentencing Outcomes?, Lawren Elaine Hill
Post Merger Performances in Japan, Mami Suzuki
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
The Effects of Regulatory Threats and Strategic Bargaining on Firms' Voluntary Participation in Pollution Reduction Programs, Claire M. Jahns
Theses/Dissertations from 2002
Do Exchange Rate Regimes Affect Countries' Economic Growth and Inflation?, Yen Shern Chew
Marital Happiness and Family Economics, Bryan Eldon Engelhardt
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Asset Price Inflation- Theory, History, and an Alternative Model, Christian Fitchett
The US School Breakfast Program: Short- and Long-Term Academic Effects, Chris Rohlfs
Time-Variant Institutions: Implications for European Unemployment, Nathaniel Stankard
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Environmental Clean-Up and Property Price Change, Emily Aronow
An Analysis of the Traveler's Dilemma with Experimental Evidence, Eduard A. Pelz
Perceptions of Income Inequality: An Exploratory Study, Susanna Henighan Potter
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
Household Saving Behavior and the Real Interest Rate: An Empirical Study, Harsha Thirumurthy
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Foreign Direct Investment in Eastern Europe: Applying Traditional Models of FDI to the Transitional Countries of Eastern Europe, Jonathan Austin Kerr
Viability of Traditional Banking Services: Evidence from the Regional Level U.S. Banking Industry, Sofia Xinchen Lou
An Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment and Portfolio Investment Into Developing Countries, Sunaina Kilachand Patel
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
Financial Intermediation and Growth in Developing Countries, Asim Husain
Estimating the Demand Structure of Housing Characteristics: A Nonparametric Approach, Christopher Ngai
Exchange Rates and the Trade Balance in Argentina and Peru: Is There a J-curve?, Steven C. Trost
Theses/Dissertations from 1994
State Anti-Smoking Legislation and the Demand for Cigarettes, Jean McIntire
Theses/Dissertations from 1993
Capital Flight and Exchange Restrictions, Kazi Zhain S. Hasan
Foreign Debt Rescheduling and Private Investment in LDCs, Zeeshan Hasan
Factors Effecting Bangladesh Jute Prices, Naeem Mohaiemen
Testing for Speculative Bubbles in Foreign Exchange Markets, Akila Weerapana
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
Preference Reversal and the Independence Axiom, Dan Adelman
Theses/Dissertations from 1991
Long Horizon Movements in Exchange Rates: Great Expectations, Minsok Pak
Theses/Dissertations from 1990
All Work: An Evaluation of Worker's Attitudes, Worker's Behavior and Productivity in the U.S. Automobile Industry, Todd M.R. Baker
Theses/Dissertations from 1987
Devaluation, Short-Run Supply Response, and the J-Curve, Alexander L. Brown
The Presidential Business Cycle in the U.S.: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination, Ranjit S. Dighe
An Analysis of the Effect of Airline Deregulation upon the Demand for Intercity Bus Service, Daniel G. Greenberg
The Sensitivity of Brazil's Balance of Payments and Foreign Debt to Future Changes in World Economic Conditions: 1987-1991, David Rostov
Theses/Dissertations from 1984
An Empirical Study of Property Tax Capitalization in the Cleveland Area, Kevin Adler
Theses/Dissertations from 1983
Insider Trading Regulations: Effective or Defective?, Paul A. Reeder
Public Insurance, Private Insurance, and the Demand for Hospital Care: Implications for Medicare and Private Contracts, Martin Zelder
Theses/Dissertations from 1982
Sample Selection Bias and the Nature of Unemployment, Joshua David Angrist
Theses/Dissertations from 1981
Where Have All the Civil Engineering Students Gone? A Study of Student Choice of Engineering Department, Dan Bernhardt
Theses/Dissertations from 1961
Sales and Investment: Behavior of Manufacturers 1949-1957, James G. Scoville