
Submissions from 2025


Seeing Tensions in Adulthood, Alicia Smith-Tran, Sunny Hunt, Dakota Wynn, Izze Powell, Charlie Kline, and Jonah Covell

Submissions from 2024


Pushing Back On “Black Don’t Crack”, Alicia Smith-Tran


At Least You're Not Neurotypical': Stigma, Mental Illness Disclosure, and Social Capital Among Privileged College Students, Charis Stanek and Greggor Mattson

Submissions from 2023


Review: A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians, Dykes, and Queers, Greggor Mattson


The Changing Mix of Gay Bar Subtypes after COVID-19 Restrictions in the United States, 2017 to 2023, Greggor Mattson


The impact of lesbian bar ownership on USA lesbian bar geographies: all-gender/straight-integrated LGBTQ places by design, Greggor Mattson


On the Job, Off the Books: Organizing Against Worker Misclassification in the Neoliberal Era, Michael R. Slone, Timothy Black, and Alicia Smith-Tran


"There's the Black Woman Thing, and There's the Age Thing": Professional Black Women on the Downsides of "Black Don't Crack" and Strategies for Confronting Ageism at Work, Alicia Smith-Tran

Submissions from 2022


Anticipated Stigma and Self-Racialization: From Alcohol Flush Reaction to Panethnic Asian Glow, Alexandra Hamada, Han Guel Jung, Karl Orozco, and Greggor Mattson


Review: Pink and Blue: Gender, Culture, and the Health of Children, Alicia Smith-Tran

Review: The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries, Veljko Vujacic

Submissions from 2021


Responding to Wobbly Classrooms through Scaffolded, Peer-Led, Small-Group Presentations of Personal Learning Goals: The Beyond the Book Tool, Greggor Mattson


Assessments of Environmental Injustice among Black Americans, Christie L. Parris, Karen A. Hegtvedt, and Cathryn Johnson

Submissions from 2020

Migration and the Remains of US Empire, Richard Baldoz


Review: The Gay Marriage Generation: How the LGBTQ Movement Transformed American Culture, Greggor Mattson

Shuttered by the Coronavirus, Many Gay Bars – Already Struggling – Are Now on Life Support, Greggor Mattson


Small-City Gay Bars, Big-City Urbanism, Greggor Mattson


Weaponization: Ubiquity and Metaphorical Meaningfulness, Greggor Mattson


State-Level Determinants of Hate Crime Reporting: Examining the Impact of Structural and Social Movement Influences, Heather L. Scheuerman, Christie L. Parris, Alison H. Faupel, and Regina Werum


Dominant Nation Particularism in State-Nations: Russian and Serbian Nationalism in Soviet and Yugoslav Dissolution, Veljko Vujačić

Submissions from 2019


Framing and Feeling Fuel Environmentally Responsible Behaviors of Black Residents in the United States, Karen A. Hegtvedt, Christie L. Parris, and Cathryn Johnson


The Impact of the 2006 Consensus Statement on Medical Discourse on Differences of Sex Development (DSD), Tess Jewell, Rebecca Whelan, Greggor Mattson, Evangeline M. Heiliger, and Michelle M. Ernst


Are Gay Bars Closing? Using Business Listings to Infer Rates of Gay Bar Closure in the United States, 1977-2019, Greggor Mattson

Review: "All Sexual Politics is Local": How Places Make Us: Novel LBQ Identities in Four Small Cities, Greggor Mattson

The Stonewall Riots Didn’t Start the Gay Rights Movement, Greggor Mattson

Introduction to From the Neo-Stalinist State to Post-Soviet Russia, Veljko Vujacic

НАЦИОНАЛИЗМ, МИФ И ГОСУДАРСТВО В РОССИИ И СЕРБИИ: Предпосылки распада СССР и Югославии (Nationalism, Myth and State in Russia and Serbia: Prerequisites for the Collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia), Veljko Vujacic

Nacionalizam, mit i drzava u Rusiji i Srbiji: Dublji uzroci raspada Sovjetskog Saveza i Jugoslavije (Nationalism, Myth and the State in Russia and Serbia: Deepter Causes of the Disintegration of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia), Veljko Vujacic and Borislav R. Radović

Submissions from 2018


Gaydar and the Fallacy of Decontextualized Measurement, Andrew Gelman, Greggor Mattson, and Daniel Simpson

Synthetic Violence: Reflections on the Pulse Nightclub Massacre, Jennicet Gutiérrez, Steven Thrasher, Paulina Helm-Hernandez, Greggor Mattson, Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, Terry Roethlein, and Angela Jones

Submissions from 2017


Asian Americans During The Cold War, Richard Baldoz


When Legitimacy Shapes Environmentally Responsible Behaviors: Considering Exposure to University Sustainability Initiatives, Lesley Watson, Karen A. Hegtvedt, Cathryn Johnson, Christie L. Parris, and Shruthi Subramanyam

Submissions from 2016


Parenting Transgender Children in PFLAG, Taylor L. Field and Greggor Mattson

Submissions from 2015


The 1965 Immigration Act: Its Legacy and Lessons, Richard Baldoz


Decades of Xenophobia Shape US Response to Syrian Refugees, Richard Baldoz and Shelley Sang-Hee Lee


Bar Districts as Subcultural Amenities, Greggor Mattson


Review: Straights: Heterosexuality in Post-closeted Culture, Greggor Mattson

States of Vulnerability: Prostitution Reform as a Symptom of EU Integration, Greggor Mattson


Style and the Value of Gay Nightlife: Homonormative Placemaking in San Francisco, Greggor Mattson


The Cultural Politics of European Prostitution Reform: Governing Loose Women, Greggor Mattson


The Modern Career of the "Oldest Profession" and the Social Embeddedness of Metaphors, Greggor Mattson


How Social Movements Matter: Including Sexual Orientation in State-Level Hate Crime Legislation, Christie L. Parris and Heather L. Scheuerman

Sociology: Security and Insecurities, Lisa Stampnitzky and Greggor Mattson

Nationalism, Myth, and the State in Russia and Serbia, Veljko Vujacic


Living Green: Examining Sustainable Dorms and Identities, Lesley Watson, Cathryn Johnson, Karen A. Hegtvedt, and Christie L. Parris

Submissions from 2014


’Comrade Carlos Bulosan’: State Surveillance and the Cold War Suppression of Filipino Radicals, Richard Baldoz


Nation-State Science: Lappology and Sweden's Ethnoracial Purity, Greggor Mattson

Nationalism and Citizenship in Comparative Perspective, Veljko Vujacic

Submissions from 2013


Review: Remembering Silme Domingo and Gene Viernes: The Legacy, Richard Baldoz


The Bordering of America: Colonialism and Citizenship in the Philippines and Puerto Rico, Richard Baldoz and Cesar Ayala


Gennadiy Zyuganov and the ‘Third Road’, Veljko Vujacic

Sociologija Nacionalizma. Eseji iz teorijske i primenjene sociologije na primerima Rusije i Srbije, [The Sociology of Nationalism. Essays in theoretical and applied sociology with case studies from Russia and Serbia], Veljko Vujacic

Victor Zaslavsky’s Contribution to the Study of Soviet-type Societies, Veljko Vujacic

Submissions from 2012


Review: Imperial Archipelago: Representation and Rule in the Insular Territories Under U.S. Dominion After 1898, Richard Baldoz

Submissions from 2011


The Third Asiatic Invasion: Empire and Migration in Filipino America 1898-1946, Richard Baldoz


Post-9/11 Vacancies: Race, Economics, and South Asian America, Pawan H. Dhingra


Review: Desiring Arabs, Frances S. Hasso


Review: "Sin In The Suburbs: Nevada's Changing Brothel Industry": The State Of Sex: Tourism, Sex And Sin In The New American Heartland, Greggor Mattson

Submissions from 2010


Hospitable To Others: Indian American Motel Owners Create Boundaries And Belonging In The Heartland, Pawan H. Dhingra

Hospitable To Others: Indian American Motel Owners Create Boundaries And Belonging In The Heartland, Pawan H. Dhingra


Review: The Racial Middle: Latinos And Asian Americans Living Beyond The Racial Divide, Pawan H. Dhingra


Review: Deconstructing Sexuality In The Middle East Challenges And Discourses, Frances S. Hasso

Victor Zaslavsky, Veljko Vujacic

Review: "Racial Realities in the Twenty-First Century": Doing Race: 21 Essays for the 21st Century; Black Los Angeles: American Dreams and Racial Realities, Clovis White

Submissions from 2009


Introduction to Journal of Asian American Studies, Special Issue on the Midwest, Pawan H. Dhingra


The Possibility of Community: How Indian American Motel Owners Negotiate Competition and Solidarity with Co-ethnics, Pawan H. Dhingra


Is America Fragmenting, Greggor Mattson and Claude Fischer

Stalinism and Russian Nationalism: A Reconceptualization, Veljko Vujacic

Submissions from 2008

The Racial Vectors of Empire: Classification and Competing Master Narratives in the Colonial Philippines, Richard Baldoz


Committed to Ethnicity, Committed to America: How Second-Generation Indian Americans’ Ethnic Boundaries Further Their Americanisation, Pawan H. Dhingra

Trying to Be Authentic, But Not Too Authentic: Second Generation Hindu Americans in Dallas, TX, Pawan H. Dhingra

"A Fascinating Interracial Experiment Station": Remapping the Orient-Occident Divide in Hawai'i, Shelley Sang-Hee Lee and Richard Baldoz

Submissions from 2007


Managing Multicultural Lives: Asian American Professionals and the Challenge of Multiple Identities, Pawan H. Dhingra

Review: Unruly Immigrants: Rights, Activism, and Transnational South Asian Politics in the United States, Pawan H. Dhingra


Urban Ethnography’s ‘Saloon Problem’ and its Challenge to Public Sociology, Greggor Mattson

Review: "Elites, Narratives, and Nationalist Mobilization in the Former Yugoslavia: A Review Essay", Veljko Vujacic


Stalinism and Russian Nationalism: A Reconceptualization, Veljko Vujacic

Submissions from 2004


Perceptions of the State in Russia and Serbia: The Role of Ideas in the Soviet and Yugoslav Collapse, Veljko Vujacic

Submissions from 2001


Revolution: Refining Its Defining, J. Milton Yinger and Mark N. Katz

Submissions from 2000


Review: Crisis in Sociology: The Need for Darwin, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1999


Who Does What and How Much Do They Do? Gender and Total Work Time, Beth Anne Shelton and Daphne John

Diversity and Consensus: What Part Does Religion Play?, J. Milton Yinger

The Problems and Promises of Religious Diversity, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1997


The Production of Gender Among Black and White Women and Men: The Case of Household Labor, Daphne John and Beth Anne Shelton

Submissions from 1996


Women's Reports of Men's Childcare Participation: An Examination of African-American and White Families, Daphne John


The Division of Household Labor, Beth Anne Shelton and Daphne John


Review: Sporting Gentlemen: Men's Tennis from the Age of Honor to the Cult of the Superstar; History of Colored Base Ball; Fleet Walker's Divided Heart, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1995


Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Perceptions of Fairness, Daphne John, Beth Anne Shelton, and Kristen Luschen


Review: Religion and Social Justice: The Case of Christianity and the Abolition of Slavery in America, J. Milton Yinger


Review: The Illusion of Difference: Realities of Ethnicity in Canada and the United States, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1994

Ethnicity: Source of Strength? Source of Conflict?, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1993


Does Marital Status Make a Difference?: Housework Among Married and Cohabiting Men and Women, Beth Anne Shelton and Daphne John


Review: At Freedom's Edge: Black Mobility and the Southern White Quest for Racial Control, 1861-1915, J. Milton Yinger


Review: The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1991


Review: Mixed Blood: Intermarriage and Ethnic Identity in Twentieth-Century America, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1990


Review: A Hard Road to Glory: The History of the African-American Athlete, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1989


Review: Fifty Years of the Southern Sociological Society: Change and Continuity in a Professional Society, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1988


Review: Black Coal Miners in America: Race, Class and Community Conflict, 1780-1980, J. Milton Yinger


Review: Culture and Human Nature: Theoretical Papers of Melford E. Spiro, J. Milton Yinger

Submissions from 1987

Cultural Anthropology and Its Neighboring Disciplines: The Need for Integration, J. Milton Yinger