Catastrophe Cypher: Hip Hop as Resistance after Hurricane Maria
King Building 127
Document Type
Start Date
4-27-2019 1:00 PM
End Date
4-27-2019 2:20 PM
The purpose of this research project is to analyze the role of Puerto Rican Hip Hop in the wake of Hurricane Maria. This project focuses on how the rapper Vladi portrays the structural, personal and emotional realities of the hurricane and the subsequent disaster on both a lyrical and sonic level. Following the scholarship of Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo on catastrophization, Naomi Klein on the Shock Doctrine and disaster capitalism, and recent calls for understanding contemporary Puerto Rican literature through the lense of “Literature of Disaster”, this project poses a new way of understanding Hip Hop post-Maria - as a “Hip Hop of Disaster”. Through lyrical and production analysis, I will focus on Vladi’s most recent EP “Rápfagas”, analyzing his lyricism and production. I hope to convey how this EP proposes new futures for the role and possibilities of Puerto Rican Hip Hop after Hurricane Maria.
Music, activism, colonialism
Recommended Citation
Irizarry-Lambright, Mobey, "Catastrophe Cypher: Hip Hop as Resistance after Hurricane Maria" (04/27/19). Senior Symposium. 3.
Comparative American Studies; TIMARA
Gina Pérez, Comparative American Studies
Peter Swendsen, TIMARA
Project Mentor(s)
Gina Pérez, Comparative American Studies
April 2019
Catastrophe Cypher: Hip Hop as Resistance after Hurricane Maria
King Building 127
The purpose of this research project is to analyze the role of Puerto Rican Hip Hop in the wake of Hurricane Maria. This project focuses on how the rapper Vladi portrays the structural, personal and emotional realities of the hurricane and the subsequent disaster on both a lyrical and sonic level. Following the scholarship of Antonio Vázquez-Arroyo on catastrophization, Naomi Klein on the Shock Doctrine and disaster capitalism, and recent calls for understanding contemporary Puerto Rican literature through the lense of “Literature of Disaster”, this project poses a new way of understanding Hip Hop post-Maria - as a “Hip Hop of Disaster”. Through lyrical and production analysis, I will focus on Vladi’s most recent EP “Rápfagas”, analyzing his lyricism and production. I hope to convey how this EP proposes new futures for the role and possibilities of Puerto Rican Hip Hop after Hurricane Maria.
Session III, Panel 7 - Artistic | Resistance
Moderator: Gina Pérez, Professor of Comparative American Studies