The Sound & the Surplus: Speculation as a Radical Mode of Resistance


King Building 127

Document Type


Start Date

4-27-2019 1:00 PM

End Date

4-27-2019 2:20 PM


Speculation is a futurist practice of looking outwards in which the subject turns to other realities in the face of a crushing here-and-now. It is from this premise, which draws from José Esteban Muñoz’s Cruising Utopia (2009) and Fred Moten’s In the Break (2003), that I set out to understand how experiential, literary, and artistic speculation acts as a rejection of the capitalist and colonial structures of this world. Through a conversation with the aforementioned theorists, as well as other queer, posthumanist, and radical black thinkers, this project will analyze three different instances of speculation. First, a queer nightclub in New York which enacts a glitch between temporalities; next, a Dominican sci fi novel by Rita Indiana that shows how remixing queers time and narrative structure; and finally, a video art piece where artist Mickalene Thomas subverts the imperial male gaze, cutting into normative power and creating a break from which speculation can arise. Through these artistic forms of speculation, which by no means exhaust speculative potential, I argue that the act of imagining other worlds by subjects historically excluded from the category of the Human is a radical refusal of the established order, and an embrace of the spaces between so as to find happiness and self-determination.


Speculation; Utopia; Party; Dance; Queer; Posthumanism; Anticolonial; Afrofuturism; Black radicalism


Session III, Panel 7 - Artistic | Resistance
Moderator: Gina Pérez, Professor of Comparative American Studies


Comparative Literature


Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón, Hispanic Studies

Project Mentor(s)

Sergio Gutiérrez Negrón, Hispanic Studies

April 2019

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Apr 27th, 1:00 PM Apr 27th, 2:20 PM

The Sound & the Surplus: Speculation as a Radical Mode of Resistance

King Building 127

Speculation is a futurist practice of looking outwards in which the subject turns to other realities in the face of a crushing here-and-now. It is from this premise, which draws from José Esteban Muñoz’s Cruising Utopia (2009) and Fred Moten’s In the Break (2003), that I set out to understand how experiential, literary, and artistic speculation acts as a rejection of the capitalist and colonial structures of this world. Through a conversation with the aforementioned theorists, as well as other queer, posthumanist, and radical black thinkers, this project will analyze three different instances of speculation. First, a queer nightclub in New York which enacts a glitch between temporalities; next, a Dominican sci fi novel by Rita Indiana that shows how remixing queers time and narrative structure; and finally, a video art piece where artist Mickalene Thomas subverts the imperial male gaze, cutting into normative power and creating a break from which speculation can arise. Through these artistic forms of speculation, which by no means exhaust speculative potential, I argue that the act of imagining other worlds by subjects historically excluded from the category of the Human is a radical refusal of the established order, and an embrace of the spaces between so as to find happiness and self-determination.