Moved by the Spirit or the Music? Analyzing Modern Evangelical Worship Music Practices

Presenter Information

Gabriel Moore, Oberlin College


Science Center, K209

Document Type


Start Date

4-24-2015 1:30 PM

End Date

4-24-2015 2:30 PM


Evangelical Christian worship music is employed to facilitate spirituality in congregational services. Do particular musical forms in worship induce specific emotional responses? And if emotions are being induced, how does this affect worshiping practice, and greater decisions made by church and worship leaders? Drawing upon philosophical and biblical understandings of the nature of music itself, I assert that the use of evocative songs during evangelical services greatly influences church members’ perception of the message being disseminated during the service.


Session 1, Panel 5 - The Agency of Interpretation: Reflections on Jesus, Goethe, and Evangelical Christianity
Moderator: Rebecca Leydon, Associate Professor of Music Theory


Biology; Musical Studies


Maureen Peters, Biology
Cynthia Chapman, Religion

Project Mentor(s)

Cynthia Chapman, Religion

April 2015

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 24th, 1:30 PM Apr 24th, 2:30 PM

Moved by the Spirit or the Music? Analyzing Modern Evangelical Worship Music Practices

Science Center, K209

Evangelical Christian worship music is employed to facilitate spirituality in congregational services. Do particular musical forms in worship induce specific emotional responses? And if emotions are being induced, how does this affect worshiping practice, and greater decisions made by church and worship leaders? Drawing upon philosophical and biblical understandings of the nature of music itself, I assert that the use of evocative songs during evangelical services greatly influences church members’ perception of the message being disseminated during the service.