Black September and Jordanian Nationhood

Presenter Information

Sarah Cole, Oberlin College


Science Center, A255

Document Type


Start Date

4-25-2014 4:00 PM

End Date

4-25-2014 5:15 PM


The Jordanian Civil War, colloquially known as Black September, placed Jordan at the forefront of international affairs, for it emerged as a battleground for Cold War tensions and Arab-Israeli hostilities. My research analyzes the Jordanian nation that emerged and its unique position as a refuge to multiple identities, held together by the monarchy, foreign investments, and a domestic desire for a stable state.


Session III, Panel 15 - Sovereignty and Civility: Reflections on Conflict and Identity in Ireland, Jordan, and Chile
Moderator: Kristina Mani, Associate Professor of Politics




Zeinab Abul-Magd, History

Project Mentor(s)

Leonard Smith, History

April 2014

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Apr 25th, 4:00 PM Apr 25th, 5:15 PM

Black September and Jordanian Nationhood

Science Center, A255

The Jordanian Civil War, colloquially known as Black September, placed Jordan at the forefront of international affairs, for it emerged as a battleground for Cold War tensions and Arab-Israeli hostilities. My research analyzes the Jordanian nation that emerged and its unique position as a refuge to multiple identities, held together by the monarchy, foreign investments, and a domestic desire for a stable state.