Understanding Lateral Root Formation: Genetic Control of Lateral Root Spacing and Emergence

Presenter Information

Ari Schwartz, Oberlin College


Science Center, A154

Document Type


Start Date

4-25-2014 2:45 PM

End Date

4-25-2014 3:45 PM


Root system architecture varies in ways that maximizes success in different environments. This project examines the mechanisms that dictate where lateral roots form and the implications for plant growth efficiency. I predicted that lateral roots would form closer together in roots that have higher concentrations of the plant hormone auxin. I then performed multivariate experiments to determine if lateral root patterning changes in mutants that affect the level of auxin. The result shows that the spacing of lateral roots can be controlled by factors that regulate auxin accumulation.


Session II, Panel 6 - Experiments in Root Formation, Damselfly Parasites, and Intestinal Fortitude
Moderator: Marta Laskowski, Professor of Biology




Jane Bennett, Biology

Project Mentor(s)

Marta Laskowski, Biology

April 2014

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 25th, 2:45 PM Apr 25th, 3:45 PM

Understanding Lateral Root Formation: Genetic Control of Lateral Root Spacing and Emergence

Science Center, A154

Root system architecture varies in ways that maximizes success in different environments. This project examines the mechanisms that dictate where lateral roots form and the implications for plant growth efficiency. I predicted that lateral roots would form closer together in roots that have higher concentrations of the plant hormone auxin. I then performed multivariate experiments to determine if lateral root patterning changes in mutants that affect the level of auxin. The result shows that the spacing of lateral roots can be controlled by factors that regulate auxin accumulation.