Education, Citizenship, and Participation: Defining Variables for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Presenter Information

Sonia Roubini


Science Center, A154

Document Type


Start Date

4-27-2012 2:45 PM

End Date

4-27-2012 3:45 PM


This presentation argues that the involvement of external actors in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the conflict mediation and post-conflict reconstruction processes was flawed and diminished the prospect for the growth of Bosnia’s political institutions. Second, I suggest that lessons learned from this case study can inform a better model for international intervention in conflict mediation and post-conflict reconstruction. Finally, I review new variables for future consideration in post-conflict models that depend upon the involvement of external actors.


Session II, Panel 1: The Echoes of Violence: Trauma, Testimony, and Identity in the Aftermath of War
Moderator: Steven Volk, Professor of History and Latin American Studies




Ben Schiff, Politics

Project Mentor(s)

Eve Sandberg, Politics

April 2012

This document is currently not available here.


Apr 27th, 2:45 PM Apr 27th, 3:45 PM

Education, Citizenship, and Participation: Defining Variables for Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Science Center, A154

This presentation argues that the involvement of external actors in Bosnia-Herzegovina during the conflict mediation and post-conflict reconstruction processes was flawed and diminished the prospect for the growth of Bosnia’s political institutions. Second, I suggest that lessons learned from this case study can inform a better model for international intervention in conflict mediation and post-conflict reconstruction. Finally, I review new variables for future consideration in post-conflict models that depend upon the involvement of external actors.