La memoria histórica en España y Chile: La Influencia de los documentales de Montserrat Armengou / Ricard Belis y Patricio Guzmán

Presenter Information

Aubrey Dueweke


Science Center, A155

Document Type


Start Date

4-27-2012 1:30 PM

End Date

4-27-2012 2:30 PM


The people of Spain and Chile have dealt with the painful histories of their military dictatorships in distinct ways. In this project, I analyze two documentary films from each country about their dictatorial pasts in order to explore the concept of historical memory and how the processes of healing and understanding differ in Spain and Chile. For decades, a lack of openness regarding the Franco Regime persisted in Spain, whereas the people of Chile are much more forward with their demands for truth and justice. The documentaries of Armengou/Belis and Patricio Guzmán are important catalysts to dialogue and the creation of a shared version of the past.


Session I, Panel 2: Hablar el pasado: La ‘negociación’ de las Guerras Civiles en la ficción y la me moria histórica (To Speak the Past: The “Working Through” of Civil Wars in Fiction and Historical Memory—this panel is presented in Spanish)
Moderator: Sebastiaan Faber, Professor of Hispanic Studies


Hispanic Studies; Psychology


Sebastiaan Faber, Hispanic Studies
Stephan Mayer, Psychology

Project Mentor(s)

Sebastiaan Faber, Hispanic Studies

April 2012

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Apr 27th, 1:30 PM Apr 27th, 2:30 PM

La memoria histórica en España y Chile: La Influencia de los documentales de Montserrat Armengou / Ricard Belis y Patricio Guzmán

Science Center, A155

The people of Spain and Chile have dealt with the painful histories of their military dictatorships in distinct ways. In this project, I analyze two documentary films from each country about their dictatorial pasts in order to explore the concept of historical memory and how the processes of healing and understanding differ in Spain and Chile. For decades, a lack of openness regarding the Franco Regime persisted in Spain, whereas the people of Chile are much more forward with their demands for truth and justice. The documentaries of Armengou/Belis and Patricio Guzmán are important catalysts to dialogue and the creation of a shared version of the past.