Submissions from 1995
Review: Reinventing Cotton Mather in the American Renaissance: Magnalia Christi Americana in Hawthorne, Stowe, and Stoddard., Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 1994
Review: Social institutions and economic performance, Chris Howell
Review: Self/Power/Other: Political Theory and Dialogical Ethics, Sonia Kruks
Review: "The Conscience of Her Age": Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life, Sandra A. Zagarell
Submissions from 1993
Review: American Genre Painting: The Politics of Everyday Life, Geoffrey T. Blodgett
Review: Rennyo: The Second Founder of Shin Buddhism, James C. Dobbins
Review: Contesting Power: Resistance and Everyday Social Relations in South Asia, Michael H. Fisher
Review: Community and Commerce in Late Medieval Japan: The Corporate Villages of Tokuchin-ho., Suzanne Gay
Review: Labor parties in postindustrial societies, Chris Howell
Review: La CGT: Crises et Alternatives; Le Syndicalisme en France, Chris Howell
Review: The New Politics of British Trade Unionism: Union Power and the Thatcher Legacy, Chris Howell
Review: Goethes "Versohnungsbilder": Eine geschichtsphilosophische Untersuchung zu Goethes spaten Werken, Steven R. Huff
Review: Early memoirs, Tim Scholl
Review: At Freedom's Edge: Black Mobility and the Southern White Quest for Racial Control, 1861-1915, J. Milton Yinger
Review: The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class, J. Milton Yinger
Submissions from 1992
Review: The Dawn of Chinese Pure Land Buddhist Doctrine: Ching-ying Hui-yüan's Commentary of the Visualization Sutra, James C. Dobbins
Review: Brothers Against the Raj: A Biography of Indian Nationalists Sarat and Subhas Chandra Bose, Michael H. Fisher
Review: The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia, Michael H. Fisher
Review: Equality politics and gender, Chris Howell
Review: More Than Common Powers of Perception: The Diary of Elizabeth Rogers Mason Cabot., Carol Lasser
Review: A century of Russian ballet, Tim Scholl