Submissions from 2009
Review: American’s John of Arc: The Life of Anna Elizabeth Dickinson, Carol Lasser
Review: The Protean Ass, Ben Lee
Review: "Hasidic Women: Boundaries and Empowerment": Mitzvah Girls: Bringing Up the Next Generation of Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn, Shulamit Magnus
Review: Death and Dying in New Mexico, Pablo R. Mitchell
Review: The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, Darko Kwabena Opoku
Review: Does Foreign Aid Really Work?, Tobias Pfutze
Review: Straight to Jesus: Sexual and christian conversion in the ex-gay movement, Meredith Raimondo
Review: Property Rites: The Rhinelander Trial, Passing, and the Protection of Whiteness, Renee C. Romano
Review: Confronting the Weakest Link Aiding Political Parties in New Democracies, Eve Sandberg
Review: Early Life on Earth: A Practical Guide, Bruce M. Simonson
Review: Planetary Crusts: Their Composition, Origin and Evolution, Bruce M. Simonson
Review: Unmasking Europa: The Search for Life on Jupiter's Ocean Moon, Bruce M. Simonson
Review: Rethinking Jewish-Latin Americans, Claire Solomon
Review: Scott’s Shadow: The Novel in Romantic Edinburgh, Natasha Tessone
Review: Autonomous dynamical systems with periodic coefficients, James Walsh
Review: Random attractors for wave equations on unbounded domains, James Walsh
Submissions from 2008
Review: Alain Resnais, Grace An
Review: City of Laughter: Sex and Satire in Eighteenth-Century London, Laura Baudot
Review: Some Assembly Required: Work, Community and Politics in China's Rural Enterprises, Marc J. Blecher
Review: Editing Emily Dickinson: The Production of an Author, Jed Deppman
Review: Lots of Fun at Finnegans Wake: Unravelling Universals, Jed Deppman
Review: Jøkei and Buddhist Devotion in Early Medieval Japan, James C. Dobbins
Review: Constancia de la Mora in War and Exile: International Voice for the Spanish Republic, Sebastiaan Faber
Review: Homenaje a Max Aub, Sebastiaan Faber