Promoting Political Action through Community Based Social Marketing

Presenter Information

Alita Boyse-Peacor, Oberlin College


PANEL: Challenging Predictions, Patterns, and Expectations of Human Social Behavior
Wilder Hall 112

Document Type

Presentation - Open Access

Start Date

5-13-2022 3:00 PM

End Date

5-13-2022 4:30 PM


Political participation is vital for a robust democracy. Voting behavior has been extensively studied and modeled. Political behaviors between elections are important too. I tested whether models of pro-environmental behavior can be applied to political behavior and studied how to increase the political behavior of calling one’s representative. I applied a Community Based Social Marketing approach. I interviewed experts with experience in activism and legislative work, who identified that calling was an effective political action. An online survey (N = 241) explored why voters do or don’t call their representatives and provided a test of pro-environmental behavior models. Participants identified the major barrier to calling one’s representative as believing it to be ineffective. The major benefits were to be part of a movement and that it is an important action. Finally, I ran a field experiment where volunteers called constituents and asked them to call their representative. The control condition received a standard script; the experimental condition received a script that emphasized the effectiveness of calling and being part of a movement. The experiment had a low response rate (N = 54) and no significant difference was found between the control and experimental conditions (X2(2) = .37, p = .83). Although no significant results are found, it may be helpful for organizations encouraging political action to stress the efficacy of the action, provide a social component, stress the importance of the action, and have more personal contact with the constituent. Results on the model aspect of this study forthcoming.


Politics, Psychology, Environmentalism

Project Mentor(s)

Cindy Frantz, Psychology
Patty DeWinstanley, Psychology


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May 13th, 3:00 PM May 13th, 4:30 PM

Promoting Political Action through Community Based Social Marketing

PANEL: Challenging Predictions, Patterns, and Expectations of Human Social Behavior
Wilder Hall 112

Political participation is vital for a robust democracy. Voting behavior has been extensively studied and modeled. Political behaviors between elections are important too. I tested whether models of pro-environmental behavior can be applied to political behavior and studied how to increase the political behavior of calling one’s representative. I applied a Community Based Social Marketing approach. I interviewed experts with experience in activism and legislative work, who identified that calling was an effective political action. An online survey (N = 241) explored why voters do or don’t call their representatives and provided a test of pro-environmental behavior models. Participants identified the major barrier to calling one’s representative as believing it to be ineffective. The major benefits were to be part of a movement and that it is an important action. Finally, I ran a field experiment where volunteers called constituents and asked them to call their representative. The control condition received a standard script; the experimental condition received a script that emphasized the effectiveness of calling and being part of a movement. The experiment had a low response rate (N = 54) and no significant difference was found between the control and experimental conditions (X2(2) = .37, p = .83). Although no significant results are found, it may be helpful for organizations encouraging political action to stress the efficacy of the action, provide a social component, stress the importance of the action, and have more personal contact with the constituent. Results on the model aspect of this study forthcoming.