Characterization of TubZ Filament Assembly in Bacteria and its Role in Toxin Inheritance

Presenter Information

Nia Lloyd, Oberlin College


PANEL: Aging and Evolution in Plant, Animal, and Bacterial Molecules
Adam Joseph Lewis Center Hallock Auditorium

Document Type

Presentation - Oberlin Community Only

Start Date

5-13-2022 3:00 PM

End Date

5-13-2022 4:30 PM


Biology, Microbiology, Bacterial toxins

Project Mentor(s)

Laura Romberg, Biology


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May 13th, 3:00 PM May 13th, 4:30 PM

Characterization of TubZ Filament Assembly in Bacteria and its Role in Toxin Inheritance

PANEL: Aging and Evolution in Plant, Animal, and Bacterial Molecules
Adam Joseph Lewis Center Hallock Auditorium