Author ORCID Identifier

Degree Year


Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Computer Science


John L. Donaldson


Machine learning, NLP, Deep learning


Since the first bidirectional deep learn- ing model for natural language understanding, BERT, emerged in 2018, researchers have started to study and use pretrained bidirectional autoencoding or autoregressive models to solve language problems. In this project, I conducted research to fully understand BERT and XLNet and applied their pretrained models to two language tasks: reading comprehension (RACE) and part-of-speech tagging (The Penn Treebank). After experimenting with those released models, I implemented my own version of ELECTRA, a pretrained text encoder as a discriminator instead of a generator to improve compute-efficiency, with BERT as its underlying architecture. To reduce the number of parameters, I replaced BERT with ALBERT in ELEC- TRA and named the new model, ALE (A Lite ELECTRA). I compared the performance of BERT, ELECTRA, and ALE on GLUE benchmark dev set after pretraining them with the same datasets for the same amount of training FLOPs.
