The reliability of gas-phase metallicities immediately adjacent to non-star-forming spaxels in MaNGA


In this work, we use gas phase metallicities calculated from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point (MaNGA) Data Release 17 (DR17) to assess the extent of potential biases in spaxels which are spatially adjacent to spaxels identified as non-star forming (non-SF) on a BPT diagram. We identify a sample of such spaxels with calculable metallicities from the full metallicity catalogue (⁠1.57 million), representing a small fraction (⁠ percent) of the full metallicity sample. 23 percent of all galaxies with at least one spaxel with a calculable metallicity also contain at least one spaxel with a calculated metallicity adjacent to a non-SF spaxel, with a typical galaxy hosting 9 non-SF-adjacent spaxels. From our suite of 6 different metallicity calibrations, we find that only the metallicity calibrations based entirely on the [NII]/Hα ratio are affected, showing systematic offsets to higher metallicities by up to 0.04 dex if they are located adjacent to a non-SF flagged spaxel, relative to a radially matched control sample. The inclusion of additional diagnostic diagrams (based on [OI] and/or [SII]⁠) is insufficient to remove the observed offset in the [NII]/Hα based calibrations. Using a stricter diagnostic line on the BPT diagram removes 94 percent of identified bordering spaxels with metallicities for all metallicity calibrations, and removes the residual offset to higher metallicity values seen in [NII]/Hα calibrations. If science cases demand an exceptionally clean metallicity sample, we recommend either a stricter BPT cut, and/or a non-[NII]/Hα based metallicity calibration.


Oxford Academic

Publication Date


Publication Title

Monthy Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society


Physics and Astronomy

Document Type




Galaxies: abundances, Galaxies: active, Galaxies: statistics




